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Chapter 1015, Anxiety

What is Akiyama Shigekui most afraid of?

It's like another 226 incident. There was really blood everywhere.

In one night, three generals of the navy died.

The interior minister was killed, the director of education was killed, the finance minister was killed, and a bunch of elders were killed.

The entire Tokyo is filled with the strong smell of blood.

Similar bloody incidents were all instigated by the Army.

Thinking of the fact that Tetsuyama Nagata was hacked to death in public, one can imagine how cruel the army is.

Akiyama Shigekui belongs to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was not affected by the incident for the time being. However, who can guarantee that if another incident happens, he will be able to stay out of it?

I shudder just thinking about it.

"Do you have evidence?" Akiyama Shigekui couldn't care less about hating the libertine for the time being.

"No." Zhang Yong answered bluntly.

Of course not!

I made it all up.

Deliberately create anxiety.

"Then what's the use of saying it?"

"Father-in-law, I am kindly reminding you to always be prepared for a retreat."

"What do you mean?"

"Those people in the Army are all crazy. Even crazier than me. Do you know when they will do it again? How many subordinates do Araki Sadao and Masaki Jinzaburo have? Will they be willing to fail this time? And Kita Ikki,

How many disciples and grandsons does he have..."

"Shut up! Shut up!"

Akiyama Shigekui broke into a cold sweat and looked around subconsciously.

Fortunately, no one was there. Otherwise, it would be terrible.

These words are illegal. If outsiders hear them, they might be the next target for assassination.

Zhang Yong curled his lips and disagreed.

He just wanted to continue to scare Akiyama Shigekui and make him panic.

In fact, what he said was correct. There were actually never-ending rebellions, large and small, within the Japanese army.

It was just suppressed internally. Information was blocked. It was not leaked.

Some of the documents that were later declassified often contained contradictory statements, and many traces can still be seen.

"In addition, I also know that Prince Yoshihito of Chichibu Palace wants to usurp the throne..."

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

Akiyama Shigekui's expression suddenly changed drastically.

I can’t wait to come up and block Zhang Yong’s mouth immediately!

You bastard, what are you talking about? Do you want to implicate me?

That is the secret history of the royal family, and it is revealed by mouth. Do you think you will live too long?

"Father-in-law, make money!"


"Ignore those disputes and focus on making money. Once things go wrong, immediately use money to clear the way and run to a safe place to hide."

"Asshole! What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Hiroki Hirota is now completely a puppet of the Army. Those lunatics in the Army will cause big trouble sooner or later."

"Are you crazy? Shut up!"

"If I wasn't crazy, what would I tell you?"


"Think carefully about what I said to you. I have no other skills, but I can help you make a lot of money. Then save it in an overseas account. Once things go wrong, I will immediately put on makeup and run away. Then I will enjoy my old age abroad. I will also transfer Kui in advance.

I will settle abroad and leave those lunatics in the Army helpless."

"You just said that the Sixth Division..."

"I didn't say anything. You heard wrong."



Zhang Yong stood up.

You're done pretending, you can get out.

The homework has been assigned. Let Akiyama Shigekui complete it independently.


Akiyama Shigekui is a bit sluggish.



No. Just make it clear. Just make it clear before you leave!

However, Zhang Yong did not look back.

Go out, get in the car, press the accelerator, and leave the consulate.

The heavy sunflowers in autumn mountains are left messy in the wind.

The Sixth Division...

damn it!

He didn't dare to reveal a word.

If you say this kind of thing, you will lose your head at any time.

However, he actually gradually believed Zhang Yong's words.

There is no way, I would rather believe that it exists than that it does not exist. What if it is true?


I hurriedly checked to see where the Sixth Division was stationed.

Oh, I'm currently stationed near Xinjing (Changchun). It belongs to the Kwantung Army's organizational structure. Fortunately, it's a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from Shanghai.

It's okay. As long as you don't get close to Manchuria.

If you want to transfer, you must not go within the Kwantung Army's sphere of influence to avoid being affected.

The Kwantung Army is also an unsafe factor. There are also a group of lunatics there. They think about going north and going to war with the Red Soviet Union all day long. All they can think about is war.

Make money...

Think of the words of the libertine.

There was no resistance at all.

The libertine is right. Be constant in the face of change.

As long as you have money, there are many ways out.

He is from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As we all know, people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are very flexible in their thinking.

Once you figure it out, your ideas suddenly become clearer...

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

The phone suddenly rang.

Akiyama Shigekui turned around and found that it was a domestic line.

It should be a call from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

So I calmed down and went to answer the phone. Then I found out it was an acquaintance.

It's a man named Nakamura Isao (Nakasai Kō). When I studied abroad with him, I was an alumnus. I recently took up a post at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

There are also many agencies under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and some people are engaged in secret activities.

Isao Nakamura, Hidemi Ozaki, and Shigeoi Akiyama all know each other.

However, these are all normal interactions. There is no personal relationship.

"Your Excellency Akiyama..." Isao Nakamura used honorifics.

"Nakamura-kun, it's not easy for you to call me from China. If you have anything to do, please tell me briefly." Akiyama Shigekui knew that the other party wanted to ask for her.

"Sir Akiyama, I would like to ask you to issue a passport for me. I want to go abroad."

"Don't you have a passport?"

"I want to go to Moscow."



"do what?"

"Some private matters are not worthy of public comment."

"In this case, I can only tell you with regret. This is beyond my authority."

"Your Excellency Qiu Shan..."

"Perhaps, you can go find Big Bear Shozo in Wakayama. He may have a way."

"That libertine? Is he still alive?"

"Yes. He has come back. He is in Shanghai. You can come to Shanghai to meet him."

"Thank you. I know how to do it."


Akiyama Shigekui hung up the phone.

His expression was a little unnatural.

He wants to collect money.

This passport is risky.

Because the destination is Moscow. It is very sensitive.

Formal channels will definitely not work. No one is willing to take risks unless they are given money.


He thought of his son-in-law...

Bah bah bah!

What kind of son-in-law! He hasn’t even figured out his horoscope yet!

However, using libertines to collect money is indeed a good way to avoid responsibility.

Although the prodigal is crazy, he must know that after negotiating with Nakamura Isao, he will ask Nakamura Isao to hand over the money to another person.

This man has no connection whatsoever with the libertine and Akiyama Shigekui. They are pure strangers.

If anyone traces him in the future, he will not be found at all.

Akiyama Shigekui has long been familiar with these unspoken rules, but rarely uses them.

Now, since we want to make money...


Why do you subconsciously want to make money?

Could it be that you are really influenced by the prodigal? Have you already started to prepare a way out for yourself?


Thinking. Want to be noble.

But he gave up soon. Pull him down. What’s the use of being aloof?

If the army's butcher knife is raised again, no one will be able to escape. No matter how powerful Suzuki Kantaro is, he will still be killed.

The soldiers of the Army Red Deer went crazy and dared to kill even the Emperor.

What's more, there is Yong Ren behind him...

Of course he knew about it.

It can be said that Yong Ren wanted to usurp the throne, which was Sima Zhao's intention, and everyone knew it.

During the February 26 Incident, he quietly lurked near Tokyo. Therefore, Hirohito was very anxious to put down the rebellion. He just didn't give Yongren a chance.

Turbulent clouds and treacherous clouds.

Undercurrent surges.

No one knows what will happen in the future.

It is undoubtedly the best policy to leave a way out for yourself. At least one of you and your daughter can escape.

Slowly put down the phone.

My mood gradually calmed down.

So be it.

Let the libertine help you make some money...

Suddenly I felt that being a prodigal was very suitable for making money!

Even Akiyama Shigekui had thought up her defense after the Dongchuang incident——

My daughter is naturally stupid...

My son-in-law is a libertine...

What's wrong with me getting some money?

Woohoo, you are still not human...

Woohoo, do you still have sympathy...

"A sneeze!"

"A sneeze!"

Zhang Yong sneezed desperately.

I don't know who is cursing me behind my back.

Alas, there are really more and more enemies. They all want their own lives.

Fortunately, I am lucky...

Quietly return to the hiding place of Takeuchi Yunzi.

No abnormalities were found.

No one was following me. No one was ambushing me.

This shows that Tojo Hideki's men have not yet found any trace of Yunko Takeuchi.

It's a good thing.

This female spy is young and beautiful, and he hasn't enjoyed it enough yet!

It's such a pity for Sayuri Kouko. She only had sex once and then she died. Tojo Hideki's subordinates are all killers who have no love.

Park at a distance.

There is a courtyard here where you can put Stypunk.

The map shows that Takeuchi Yunzi is not there. He is probably hiding somewhere else. This is the real Cunning Rabbit Three Cave.

But Zhang Yong doesn't need it.

Because any empty house is his hiding place.


get off.


Go back to Takeuchi Yunzi's hiding place and then remove your makeup.

He has a problem, that is, he only knows how to remove makeup, but not how to apply makeup. To apply makeup, he needs the help of those female spies.

What should I do if I need to turn into a libertine and the beautiful spy is not around? I don’t know. Let’s just mix it up.

You're a prodigal, he must be fooling around everywhere, appearing and disappearing!

Who knows where he is hiding.

I'm definitely not doing anything good...


Suddenly he groaned.

But I'm not good at removing makeup. My hair was pulled out.

So miserable.

it hurts.

As expected, disguise is really troublesome.

With great difficulty, I finally removed all the disguises from my face.

Then it was cleaned and worked for more than half an hour before it was restored to its original appearance.

Wrap the disguise in a cloth bag and find a place to throw it away. Then, resume Zhang Yong's identity and return to the vicinity of Masnan Road.

There are many small blue dots here. They are all his men.

The leader is Wei Fangquan.


Seeing Zhang Yong's safe return, Wei Fangquan was completely relieved.

I had always been on tenterhooks before. I was afraid something would happen.

However, Zhang Yong has to act alone. He cannot ask. This is discipline.

In fact, Zhang Yong only asked one thing from them: obey orders.

Don't ask what you shouldn't ask.

Don't say what you shouldn't say.

Manage your money well. Manage your mouth well. Manage your hands well. Manage your feet well.

Also take good care of the fifth limb.

He, Zhang Yong, can be dissolute and shameless. But others cannot.

That's right. It's such a double standard. If you want to take my ocean, you have to abide by the rules.

"Where's the phone nearby?"

"This way."

Wei Fangquan hurriedly led the way.

Zhang Yong found the phone and called the Madier Hotel first.

Avro's voice came softly, "Mr. Zhang, there is no message from you for the time being. Do you want to..."

"Do you have McFarland's phone number?" Zhang Yong asked directly.

"Yes. Mr. MacFarlane has left a phone number with us. You can call him at any time."

"Okay, thank you."

Zhang Yong quickly got the phone number.

Hang up the phone. Dial again. Soon, MacFarlane's voice came.


"I'm Zhang Yong. I have something to do with you."

"What's up?"

"Come out and tell me face to face."

"Mediterranean Western Restaurant. I happen to be hungry. Please treat me to a meal."


Zhang Yong readily agreed.

Of course it's no problem to treat you to a meal. The maximum cost is five dollars.

But, after a while, you have to give me at least five hundred dollars. Otherwise, there is a lot of confidential information, I won’t tell you!

Hang up the phone. Give me money. Then go to the Mediterranean restaurant.

I just took out ten dollars and prepared two KFC deluxe lunches... I made a mistake, it was a deluxe meal. No KFC.

Eat one portion first. Wait until you are full. Otherwise, you will feel uncomfortable.

Half an hour later, MacFarlane showed up. He came in. He didn't say anything and just immersed himself in eating.

Zhang Yong remained silent, waiting for the other person to eat enough, thinking about how to create anxiety for the other person, and then took money out of the other person's pocket.

The most fundamental way to make money in those training courses in later generations is to create anxiety.

As long as anxiety arises, you can get rich by selling salt. Zhang Yong even grabbed the salt himself.

Looking back now, it was super childish.

But at that time, I was really anxious.

MacFarlane finally had enough. He called the waiter to clear away the dishes, and then stared at Zhang Yong warily.

The instinct of a veteran spy told him that Zhang Yong wanted to pick his pocket again.

I couldn't help but wake up a lot of energy.

"Is the USS Yorktown heading to the Atlantic Ocean?"


"The USS Yorktown is getting ready to transit the Panama Canal, right?"


MacFarlane knew immediately that something was wrong.

His own pocket is no longer safe. The other party is playing hard to get, and must be asking him to pay for information.

"I have no idea."

"That's a pity. I'll take this meal. Goodbye."


MacFarlane had to change his attitude.

The other party is really desperate for money. He wants money as soon as we meet him. He wants money within three sentences.

I'm really impressed.

I have never seen such a weird thing.

But that's okay.

Everyone is happy with anything that can be solved with money.

If you want to exchange other benefits, it will be more troublesome. For example, inspection-free passage and so on.

God knows what this guy will use it for.

In case of transporting tobacco...

"Don't ask me where the information comes from. If you ask me, you will get it by interrogating the Japanese spies." Zhang Yong said bluntly, "There must be deep spies hidden in your Pacific Fleet headquarters. They can keep track of the movements of your warships at all times."

"How much do you want?" McFarland responded bitterly.

"No money." Zhang Yong showed a harmless smile, "This is for free."

"Then what do you want to sell for money?"

"A photo."

"What photo?"

"Five hundred dollars."

"You should show it to me first before talking."


Zhang Yong shook his head.

One photo. Five hundred dollars.

You have to pay to watch. This is a rule. Who decided it? I, Zhang Yong!


MacFarlane is confused.

Zhang Yong closed his eyes and rested his mind.

By the way, the aircraft carrier Yorktown is so slow! It has not yet reached the entrance to the Panama Canal.

Over there, the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier also left Pearl Harbor and sailed west. I don't know where it was going.

"for you!"

In the end, MacFarlane paid.

Knowing that Zhang Yong needs money, he must bring some cash with him in case of emergency.


Zhang Yong happily took the dollars.

They are all with a face value of 20 yuan. A small pile. Twenty-five pieces. Exactly five hundred.

Keep the dollars.

Take out the photo.

Press it with your palms and push it in front of McFarlane.

MacFarlane frowned.

You're so desperate for money, what are you doing in such a mysterious way?

Zhang Yong let go of his hand.

MacFarlane picked up the photo and took a look. His expression became a little unnatural.

The person in the photo is clearly himself.

Although the distance is a bit far, it is very clear.

"This is your photo." Zhang Yong spoke appropriately. "It was found from a Japanese spy. At that time, the Japanese invader was on the Neptune cruise ship. Kenji Doihara was also there. I don't know if there was any relationship between them.


"Doihara is here too?" MacFarlane frowned.

"Yes." Zhang Yong answered calmly.

That's right! Doihara is indeed on a cruise ship.

However, only God knows whether there is any connection between him and the photo.

Anyway, you MacFarlane can make up your own mind!

The more you think about it, the better.

If you think too much, you will become anxious. If you are anxious, you will take the bait.

MacFarlane was indeed anxious.

It's none of my business, just leave it alone. But the person in the photo is MacFarlane!

what does that mean?

It means he was exposed. Someone was watching him.

For a spy, this is a very dangerous signal. He may be killed.

What are the photos used for?

Recognize people.

Who needs a photo to identify someone?

Of course a killer!

He is a professional killer.

They are not intelligence officers. They are only responsible for operations.

Give them a photo and they'll kill the person in the photo. It's that simple. Professional people do professional things.

This is the scariest thing.

Because they are all professional killers.

They have hundreds and thousands of ways to kill someone quietly.


MacFarlane muttered bitterly.

Although he was very experienced, he couldn't bear it at all.

Once marked, the outcome is determined.

"There will be more later."

Zhang Yong’s understatement reminder.

MacFarlane turned the photo over and looked at it, but it showed no expression.

The following information is no longer important.

Since others are targeting him, it means that his identity has been exposed.

The reason why the information is written on the back of the photo is to accurately identify the target and ensure a fatal blow.


He is dangerous!

You may be killed at any time!



Zhang Yong continued to close his eyes and rest his mind.

Within the scope of the surveillance map, there are several red dots moving.

One of them is marked as Lin Xiaoyan. There is no weapon mark. I wonder what she is busy with?

Several other red dots are not marked. They are probably newly infiltrated Japanese spies.

Suddenly I felt something. I opened my eyes.

I saw MacFarlane push over another small wad of dollars.

"five hundred."

"do what?"

"Please do me a favor."

"What's the deal?"

"I'm going to leave Shanghai for a while. During this time, I need you to find someone to play me and attract the Japanese."

"Then what?"

"Kill them all! Kill them all! Kill them all!"

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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