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Chapter 1019, Slingshot, Millennium Killing


The moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

Cool breeze.

In peaceful times, it would be a wonderful night.

However, in this turbulent era, there are probably not many people who are in the mood to appreciate the moonlight.

At least, Zhang Yong has no interest at all.

You can consider spending money before the sun sets. It would be better if you don’t have to spend money.

Extremely eager to have a young and beautiful rich woman to cheat...

Suddenly he gestured.

But it is close to Hushan Temple.

A red dot appears on the edge of the map.

The red dot is moving.

Sure enough, there really are spies in Hushan Temple.

Ma De, these cunning Japanese invaders took full advantage of the kindness of the Chinese people.

Who would have thought that the cruel and vicious Japanese invaders would actually be lurking in the temple?

Pretending to be a monk?

It's really bad.

Look at the time, it's twelve o'clock in the evening.

It took a lot of time to walk all the way and I was very tired.

It is said that the distance is five miles in a straight line, but in fact it is more than that by walking. It is also all on small roads. It is impossible to drive.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, the spy is still not sleeping?

Approach quietly.

Raise the telescope and observe Hushan Temple.

No abnormalities were found. However, no Japanese spies were seen.

Blocked by buildings.

Determine if the target is taking a walk or enjoying the cool weather?

Keep getting closer.

The map gradually enveloped the entire Hushan Temple.

Weapons signs were found. There were many of them. After checking, I found a pistol and a rifle.

There was even a Czech light machine gun with a loaded magazine. It was near the Japanese spy, only about fifteen meters away.

Fortunately, there is still only one red dot.

In other words, there is only one spy. There is nothing wrong with him.

Doubtful. Is there only one monk in Hushan Temple?

Then it's okay. Just one spy can't change the world.

No special arrangements are required. Bring your team and come directly to your door.

Arrive at the entrance of Hushan Temple.

I found that the door was closed. But the door was rather old.

If it was a violent collision, it would probably be able to be knocked away at once. But this is the last resort.

The spy is behind the temple, about fifty meters away from the mountain gate. There are buildings in the middle blocking it. Once alerted, he will quickly get his gun.

Zhang Yong could not guarantee that he would kill the Japanese spy before he got his weapon.

This would be very dangerous.

Especially that Czech-style light machine gun, which can kill people.

The safest approach is to attract the target to the front and separate him from the weapon.

"anyone there?"

"anyone there?"

Cen Zhaohai imitated a woman’s cry.

This guy knows some tricks. He can imitate women's speech.

Moreover, the blue is better than the blue. She is more feminine than a woman. That delicate voice is extremely charming.

In the middle of the night, moonlight, barren mountains, temples, women...

Others were hiding nearby with guns.

The plan is simple. Once the target opens the door, rush in immediately.

If the target doesn't have a gun, try to capture him alive.

If the target has a gun, shoot him to death.

Zhang Yong is responsible for making judgments.

Five seconds...

Ten seconds...

The red dot slowly walked towards the door.

He walked out like this without holding a weapon, indicating that the target was defenseless.

Zhang Yong gestured to express his intention to capture him alive.

Everyone then put away their weapons.


The spy asked inside.

The sound is pretty ordinary. Nothing special.

However, he did not open the door immediately. It seemed that something was wrong and he needed to be cautious.

Zhang Yong gestured decisively.

Shangguan Qing immediately knocked on the door.


Didn't knock it open.

The spy realized something was wrong.

It walked back quickly.


Keep hitting.



The wooden door was knocked open.

Everyone rushed in.

I found that the target was already running back desperately.

Obviously, it was going back to get weapons. Everyone rushed to chase it, but failed to catch up.

That spy had extremely quick reflexes and ran quickly. It looked like he had received professional training.

Zhang Yong:……

I'm sorry about that.



Give the order decisively.

Lu Keming, who was at the front, immediately raised his gun.



Two shots in a row.

The Japanese spy staggered, staggered.

In the end, he fell to the ground unwillingly and continued to roll over, trying to crawl forward.

But it was no use. He was hit on one side of his calf.

Lu Keming and others caught up with him, held down and tied up the target, just like an eagle catching a chicken.



The Japanese invaders struggled desperately, but it was in vain.

His mouth was also tightly blocked with rags. It was impossible to commit suicide by biting his tongue.

Lu Keming and others had fully learned from their previous experience and did not give the Japanese aggressors a chance to crush their teeth. However, they could not judge whether there was poison in the Japanese aggressors' teeth.

Zhang Yong came forward.

Look carefully at the eyes of the Japanese invaders.




Yes, very tenacious!

It seems that this rag cannot be taken away.

It is judged that there is probably poison hidden in the other person's teeth. If you remove the rag, you will commit suicide.

Okay, we are all going to die anyway. Then go for it...

"Which of you can make a slingshot?"


"Make a few slingshots for fun."


Everyone looked at each other and didn't know why.

What does Zhang Yong want with a slingshot? It's a child's toy! We are all adults...

Still doing things as ordered.

Find a suitable tree branch, cut it down, and trim it.

No rubber bands? There are them in the temple. I don’t know what the Japanese spies are used for.

In fact, beef tendon will also work. But it requires a lot of strength.

Soon, the first slingshot was ready.

It's only as big as a palm. It's suitable for children aged seven or eight.

The rubber band is very tight. In other words, it is very strong. A child cannot pull it.

Zhang Yong tried it and felt that the force was very strong. It is estimated that the stone is quite lethal.

"Hang it up."


Everyone quickly tied up the spy and hung him up.

Coincidentally, there is a very tall pine tree in the middle of the temple. The branches are also very thick. It is just right to hang it.

Zhang Yong walked five meters away, picked up the slingshot and pulled it back.

Not bad. Not bad.

It feels super powerful.

Bend down and pick up a small stone.


Pull the rubber band hard.

let go.


The stone accurately hit the spy.

Inject it on the calf. It seems to have no effect?

The Japanese spy only struggled symbolically, and then his face was full of confusion. He didn't know what Zhang Yong was going to do.

Zhang Yong bent down, picked up stones, drew his bow, and fired.


The stone hit the Japanese spy in the abdomen.

The spy suddenly grinned. He obviously felt pain.

Zhang Yong continued to immerse himself in picking up small stones.

Draw the bow. Shoot.


Hit the Japanese spy in the crotch.

The spy's cheeks were suddenly severely distorted, and his whole person seemed to be deformed.

I finally understand why Zhang Yong wanted a slingshot.

This is also a torture instrument!


This bastard!

He actually came up with such a vicious method!


The Japanese spy was so angry that he wanted to blow himself up on the spot.

However, Zhang Yong felt nothing and continued to pick up stones, draw the bow, aim and shoot.


Hit the crotch again.

The spy was immediately unable to catch up.

The originally twisted cheeks turned into the color of pig liver on the spot. The whole person seemed to ascend to heaven.


Sour and refreshing...

I became incontinent on the spot...


"Stop struggling." At this time, Zhang Yong spoke, "Anyway, you are planning to commit suicide by taking poison, so such a small pain is nothing."


Zhang Yong turned a deaf ear and continued to pick up small stones.

Draw the bow.




It hit the crotch accurately.

The Japanese invader's body suddenly twisted like a shrimp.

It was a violation of Newton's laws, and the whole person curled up into a ball in the air. People around him were amazed.

It turns out that people can do such actions even in mid-air!

I never thought of it before.

"Stop yelling! What are you yelling at?" Zhang Yong scolded angrily, "Bring out your Bushido spirit! If you can't even stand a small slingshot, how dare you say you are Japanese!"

"Wow wow wow..." The spy became even more distorted.

However, Zhang Yong ignored him.

Really. Still a professional!

Isn’t it just shooting birds with a slingshot? It’s just a child’s trick!

You can't bear this. It's a disgrace to the Japanese Empire! I feel ashamed for you.




Let the Japanese invaders take a break.


Still missed.

The Japanese invaders can take a break again.



The Japanese invaders were twisted into a ball again.

Alas, there is no future!

Can't even stand a slingshot!

I was also planning to arrange the Millennium Killing, but it seems that there is no need for it?



"Prepare a wooden stake under its butt. The top should be pointed."


Shangguan Qing went to prepare.

The spy realized something and screamed at the top of his lungs.

But his mouth was gagged and he was slurred.

Zhang Yong said casually: "Don't panic. It's all a child's game. It's called Millennium Killing. It means attacking someone else's vitals from behind. You're going to die anyway. What are you afraid of?"

The spy whined again.

In fact, there was no poison in his teeth at all.

He did think about biting his tongue and committing suicide.

The problem is, Zhang Yong didn't give him a chance to speak at all!

It started with a mess of punishments.

Others are just whips, pepper spray, tiger stools, soldering irons, etc. Your whole slingshot?

Unfortunately, it was completely unprepared and almost collapsed.

Now what about the Millennium Killing?

Soon, the wooden stake was ready and placed under the spy's butt.

Zhang Yong is responsible for correction.

He was bleeding. Therefore, the punishment must be civilized.

You see, slingshots and thousand-year-old kills are all for children. They have no lethality.

This Japanese spy is too weak. He can't bear it. The harder the other party can't bear it, the more energetic he will play.

The set of punishments given by the Secret Service are actually quite boring, bloody and cruel.


The spy twisted his body desperately.

He was clearly aware of the threats he faced behind him.

Thousand years of killing. Where to kill?


Such a big wooden stake. So long. And still sharp.

If it falls from a height...

It didn't even dare to think about the consequences.



The spy continued to make inarticulate sounds.

It wants to beg for mercy.

It can't play such a game. Really.

However, Zhang Yong turned a deaf ear and

There is poison in the spy's mouth, and it is impossible to tear away the rag.



Keep playing slingshot...

Suddenly I saw the Japanese spy nodding his head desperately. His neck seemed to be broken.



No. So fast?

I think I just played it a few times? Ten? Twenty?


I think it might be a ploy by Japanese spies to lure enemies.

He tempted himself to tear the rag in his mouth and then bite the poison to commit suicide. He was determined not to be fooled.

However, if the other party really wants to confess, he must be given a chance.

So, people were prepared to pry the teeth.

First use the hook to hook the upper and lower corners of the spy's mouth to prevent it from closing. Then slowly release the rag.

Loosen it a little, and tighten the hook a little bit. Anyway, spies are not allowed to bite their teeth.

Finally, the rag was pulled out. The spy did not grit his teeth. Instead, he looked at Zhang Yong pitifully.

"Commissioner, there is no poison."

"There's none?"

"Checked. Nothing."


Zhang Yong was suspicious.

Could it be that I made a mistake?

Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe I really made a mistake.

I've been a little frightened lately. I always thought that many spies have poison in their mouths.

Okay, since it doesn't, then it's okay.

The Japanese spy didn't look like he was about to commit suicide by biting his tongue.

So, he waved his hand and let go of it.

Fully relaxed.

Anyway, the spy has little ability to act.

Sure enough, after the spy was released, he lay paralyzed on the ground like mud, without even the strength to stand up.

There was nothing I could do, the pain in my crotch was so severe that I felt like I would never be able to recover for ten to eight years.

Zhang Yong left someone to watch it and then started searching.

Find weapons and equipment first.



Czech light machine gun...

There are also bullets, pull them all out. There are indeed a lot of them.

It can equip more than a dozen people. It shows that this is indeed a stronghold of the Japanese invaders. There should be other Japanese invaders coming and going.

However, map monitoring showed that there were no red dots nearby anymore.

Come back and look at the dying spy.

"Do you understand the rules?"


"Someone told me that you are very rich."

"Under the Buddha's throne..."


"They're all under the Buddha's throne..."


Zhang Yong was very satisfied.

It turned out to be a very cooperative Japanese spy! I didn’t tell you earlier.

Fortunately, I didn't tell you earlier. Otherwise, I wouldn't have had to play with the slingshot. It's a pity. I haven't used it even after a thousand years of killing!

Alas, I have to wait to catch the next one.


There are a total of seven Buddha statues in the temple.

I dug the biggest one first, but didn't find it.

I went digging for other things and found that there is a lot of ocean below.

They were all packed in sacks. They were a bit messy, but there were a lot of them. Each sack weighed hundreds of kilograms.

However, Zhang Yong was not satisfied.

The ocean looks like a lot, but actually the total amount is not that big.

It's like a mountain of RMB one yuan, but it's actually not much.

Find the station...

Find the codebook...

However, Zhang Yong didn't care about this.

He thought of a key figure.

This person made him never forget him, haunted him in dreams, and made him love more than his first love...

"Where is the Buddha?"

"What Buddha?"

"Codename Buddha."

"I have no idea."

"Want to try a thousand-year killing?"

"I really don't know. I've said everything. What's left is missing!"

"Okay, tell me."

"I belong to the Bamboo Agency. My mission is to stay here for a long time. I am responsible for receiving materials and information sent by others, and then forwarding the information."

"Who is your boss?"

"Yasuhiro Okano."


Zhang Yong seemed to have some vague impression.

It's a pity that I can't remember it all at once. I'm too lazy to think about it. Anyway, whoever I catch will be the one.

"Lure him to come."

"I couldn't contact him. He came to me."

"When will he come?"

"I don't know. It's irregular."

"Besides Gang and others, who else comes to see you?"

"There are many. But, I don't know the specific names. They all give secret codes."


Zhang Yong suddenly shut up.

A red dot appeared on the edge of the map. It was moving towards Hushan Temple.

My mind moved.

Are you so lucky? Someone will be here soon?




Full harvest tonight!

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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