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Chapter 1024, Evil always arises when one is brave

Someone came in a hurry.

He's a field agent from the Chicken Goose Lane headquarters. I don't know his name.

He also came on a bicycle. He also rode until the wheels started to smoke.

Sweating all over.

The voices are all hoarse.



Too anxious to speak.

Someone next to him brought him a bowl of cold water.



Drink it all in one go.

After burping several times in a row, I was finally able to speak.

"Commissioner, someone is looking for you."


"A woman named Catherine said she had something urgent to do."


Zhang Yong touched his forehead.

Yeah, I forgot so much. I don’t remember that woman at all.

By the way, what is she here to do?

Oh, the Bible…

Yes. Bible.

Whose Bible? I forgot.

My brain suddenly short-circuited and I couldn't remember too many things. It was blocked.

The brain is originally a single-core and single-threaded brain, but it has to do the work of eight cores and sixteen threads. I worry that sooner or later it will die suddenly.


Try to clear your mind.

Since Catherine is here, let's go see her first.

There seems to be an artillery battalion? Right?

"where is she?"

“Six Nations Hotel.”


Zhang Yong then gathered his men and headed to the Six Nations Hotel.

As for the scene, of course it was left to Chen Gongpeng to handle.

Doesn't he know something about the situation? It just so happens that this matter is left to him to follow up on.

"Me?" Chen Gongpeng felt like he was being fooled.

"Tell all your people." Zhang Yong said bluntly.


"People who don't want peace."




"I am now fully in charge of the work of the Fuxingshe Secret Service. I am also the director of the Strategic Intelligence Office of the Air Force and the deputy director of the Security Department. I also have a bunch of part-time jobs. I also have the Fourth Air Police Regiment. As long as you don't want to be a traitor and are willing to kill the Japanese

Anyone who is a bandit can come to me."


"Worrying about travel expenses? No problem. I'll take care of everything."

Zhang Yong did not hesitate.

At this time, those who were willing to go south from Pingjin were all true anti-Japanese comrades.

They were unwilling to make secret peace with the Japanese invaders.

Next year when the Marco Polo Bridge Incident breaks out and all-out resistance against Japan begins, they will all be the backbone.

Seeing that there were still ten months left, he had to save some strength.

The previous strength was too fragmented, and now it needs to be continuously enriched.

The Fourth Air Police Regiment needs to be strengthened. The Strategic Intelligence Division also needs to be strengthened. Working alone, after all, there is only one person.

I don’t have three heads and six arms, so I can’t cover everything.

For example, when he was in Shanghai, the Japanese invaders in Jinling would be very arrogant.

After he came to Jinling, the Japanese invaders in Shanghai, Hangzhou and other places would reappear.

Pingjin area is a typical example.

I was severely beaten by him before, but now I am extremely arrogant.

I just noticed that Zhang Yong was the only one.

You are too busy to take care of every place.

So, help is needed.

It needs to be a formal organization. It needs subordinates.

Instead of recruiting newbies, it is better to recruit those who have fought bloody battles with the Japanese invaders.

Maybe Zhang Dabiao can be fished out in advance...

Haha. Li Yunlong cried to death.

"Also, our air force needs a lot of pilots."

"What does it have to do with me?"

"There are many college students in Pingjin area."

"You need college students?"

"The Air Force needs it. The Air Force needs a lot of highly educated personnel."

"So, you want to recruit college students?"

"I estimate that the Beiping-Tianjin area will soon fall into the hands of the Japanese invaders. But any passionate young people with bloodshed will not stay there. The Air Force needs them. Very much."

Zhang Yong said seriously.

It's not just talk. It's really needed. Urgently needed.

At present, the technical support of the national air force is almost all foreigners. The lifeline is completely in the hands of foreigners.

Problems with slightly technical content require foreigners to solve them everywhere.

Huaxia's ground staff do the most basic work.

For example, refueling, cleaning up trash, etc. Not even replenishing weapons.

Educational qualifications are not enough.

Insufficient knowledge.

The Air Force really requires very high academic qualifications. It requires a lot of knowledge.

The first one, general English, can intercept most people.

have no choice……


Zhang Yong wanted to work hard to change.

In the future there will be a Southwest Associated University or something.

In fact, some college students can graduate early.

You can join the Air Force.

You can learn skills while working.


The future is a very long time.

At least ten years!

A person's golden ten years.

As long as you are willing to learn, you can definitely learn a lot.

Some of the foreign technicians who will assist China in the future will still be very willing to teach technology. The prerequisite is that you can understand.

With the formation of the World Anti-Fascist Alliance, there are indeed many foreign friends who are willing to help China.

Whether it is the Soviets or the beautiful country, there are quite a lot of enthusiastic people.

Of course, forget about the Great Britain. I despise them.

Make a good reserve of knowledge.

Meet the challenges of the future.

Take out a wad of banknotes.

They were all seized from Xu Qifeng.

It was exactly 30,000 yuan. All of it was handed to Chen Gongpeng.

"If it's not enough, give me more."

"so much……"

Chen Gongpeng was stunned.

This Zhang Yong is really crazy!

The cost is tens of thousands of oceans. The travel expenses don’t seem to be that much...

The key is……

Join the staff!

There is preparation!

This means that you can continue to eat imperial food.

To be honest, many soldiers are already used to life in the military camp and eating royal rations.

Let them leave the army and make a living on their own, but they really can't do it.

The enemy-killing skills they trained were wasted. They picked up the hoe again, alas...

"When people arrive, they will report directly to the Daqiaochang Airport."

"Just say it was arranged by me, Zhang Yong."

Zhang Yong's words are concise and to the point.

Chen Gongpeng nodded.


"that's all."

Zhang Yong said goodbye and then went to Liuguo Hotel.

Chen Gongpeng took the banknote and was silent for a moment. Finally he began to cheer up.


Follow Zhang Yong!

Since others are not willing to kill the Japanese invaders, then follow Zhang Yong and kill them!

In front of Zhang Yong, there was no Japanese invader that he dared not kill.

In other words, there were not only one thousand but also eight hundred spies who died in Zhang Yong's hands.

When it comes to which Chinese killed the most Japanese invaders, Zhang Yong can definitely be ranked in the top ten. Follow him and don't be a coward.

"Tell them, those who are not afraid of death can come! I want them all!"

Zhang Yong shouted loudly in the distance.

Chen Gongpeng waved his hands vigorously. His blood surged involuntarily!

"I will bring you three thousand people!"


Zhang Yong waved his hand behind.

He said he heard it but didn't dare to look back for fear of revealing his secret.


Three thousand people...

Are you serious?

There are so many people that I can’t afford to support myself!

Three hundred people is almost enough...

But it’s okay. There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain.

After the Marco Polo Bridge Incident broke out, the situation across the country will undergo tremendous changes.

When the time comes, Chiang Kai-shek will be better off with more troops.

He himself expanded the army frantically and rarely allowed local warlords to expand part of it.

As for the secret service under his command, it has expanded rapidly.

Boss Dai's military command recruited tens of thousands of youths from the Youth Gang overnight. From the lowest level to the lowest level, there was a mixture of fish and dragons.

In short, as long as you are willing, you can get money and people, and Chiang Kai-shek will approve it!

The only prerequisite is to obey his command.

Even in name only.

Oh, there is an exception. It is the Red Party.

Chiang Kai-shek's restrictions on the Red Party were still very strict.

As for the Air Force...

It seems like it's none of his business? He can't control it.

As the director of the Strategic Intelligence Division and the commander of the Fourth Air Police Regiment, I can recruit thousands of people, no problem, right?

The establishment of the Fourth Air Police Regiment originally numbered more than a thousand people.

If we follow the standard regiment-level configuration of the American army, there will be at least more than two thousand people. Or even more than three thousand people.

That's too far.

Let’s go to the Six Nations Hotel first.

An artillery battalion is still there.

Twelve Italian cannons!

Li Yunlong was in trouble, and he only had an Italian cannon in his hand...

Drive to Liuguo Hotel.

Sure enough, I found Catherine here.

It seems to be in the lobby?

Yes, I guess I was very anxious to wait.

Today is the last day! If it is exceeded, the Elders Council will not acknowledge the debt.

So we parked outside the door.

get off.

Enter the lobby.

Sure enough, I saw Catherine.


She screamed with excitement.

Zhang Yong hurriedly slowed down, fearing that she would pounce on him.

This British woman is a bit of a tiger.

Fortunately not.

In front of the outside world, she is still very reserved.

She quickly came to Zhang Yong and stretched out her hand. Her eyes were full of expectation.

Zhang Yong then took out the Bible and handed it to her.

Catherine hurriedly took it and examined it carefully. Her expression gradually became excited.

That's right. That's it.

It’s the Nightingale family bible!


The Senate demands that it must be found.

For this reason, they will not hesitate to offer heavy rewards. They are even willing to give up arms!

"Artillery Battalion."

"Half a month later, we landed at Wusongkou Pier."


Zhang Yong turned around and left.

This is Jinling. You cannot indulge.

Song Ziyu is right here. You can't make too much noise right under your nose.

Mainly because of her second aunt, he was a little afraid...

"Let's go up and have a good chat..."

"Next time!"

Zhang Yong decisively refused.

Quicken your pace and run away.

Catherine watched from behind and suddenly giggled.

Humph, want to escape from my clutches? Dreaming!

Unless it’s Concubine Xiao Ya…

No. That bitch!

She is now also interested in Zhang Yong.

That bitch is a real toast queen. She has a mine at home and has great advantages.

There are also a group of Fuso female fairies...


She, Catherine, is fearless!

bring it on!

Who is afraid of whom when we rob men?

At most, everyone can stew it in the pot together. No one can eat it alone!

Zhang Yong quickened his pace.

Suddenly, a marked white dot appeared on the edge of the map.


Is that the mysterious man?

He entered from outside the map and was chased by someone behind him.

All have weapons symbols.

But there is no label.

After checking, I found that they were all shell guns.



Vaguely, gunshots were heard.

The distance is very far. Therefore, it is not very clear.

However, after a while, Zhang Yong discovered that the marked white spots disappeared.

Huh? Dead?

Zhang Yong:???

Being killed?

No way? Just die like this?

Who are those guys? Did they also accept the mission?

Change direction immediately and approach the scene of the incident.

The map shows a total of five white dots, all of which are shell guns.


Zhang Yong's face gradually darkened.

It seems that Director Lin is not looking for the same group of people.

In other words, others are looking for more than just Director Lin.

It's possible that the eldest sister of the Song family is planning all of this. She wants to scare the monkeys.

Whoever dares to bring up the treasury bonds case again will be killed by her.

Approach quietly.

Sure enough, I found that all five of them were strangers.

I've never seen it before. I don't know where it came from.

In this case...

Zhang Yong's murderous intention quietly emerged.

He wants to be black and white.

No matter who the other person is, go to hell!



"Da da da……"

"Da da da……"

The Thompson submachine gun opened fire.

In an instant, all five strangers fell into a pool of blood.

Shell gun. Haha. Who is Thomson's opponent? He has no chance to take action.

One round of shooting and it's all done.

The map shows that all five white spots have disappeared.

Zhang Yong raised his hand.

Only then did everyone put away their guns.

Looking around, I found a large group of armed white dots arriving.

All are equipped with rifles.

It's the military police.

Zhang Yong arranged for someone to meet him outside and went up to search for it himself.

That mysterious man probably wanted to help Gong Zhengbang. However, his specific identity is questionable.

Is it purely a sense of justice?

Maybe. But, it doesn't feel like it.

Maybe, this is another thread. If we trace it further, another big ball of thread will be pulled out...

Keep touching the body.

Each of the five strangers actually had a small stack of banknotes on their bodies.

The number is not large. Each person is worth 200 yuan.

Five people are a thousand oceans.

The Kong family is so rich!

Use a thousand oceans to buy five killers.

But now that the man is dead, all the money belongs to Zhang Yong.

"Commissioner, the military police are here."

"Tell them we are on a mission."

"They asked to see the scene."


Zhang Yong waved his hand.

Stand up and wait for the military police to come.

Soon, a military police lieutenant came over with a dozen military policemen.

Zhang Yong didn't take it seriously.

This is someone else's responsibility. Where the responsibility lies, you must see for yourself.

There's nothing he can't do to see anyone.

Seeing the corpse on the ground, the military police lieutenant stopped talking.

"How about asking the director of your Gu Bafeng Valley to come and take a look?" Zhang Yong said in a gentle tone.

"No, excuse me." The military police lieutenant was quite polite.

He just inspected the scene.

If there is any investigation in the future, at least I have been to the scene.

A gunfight broke out here. If he didn't come over to check, how could he be responsible if something happened in the future?

You must know that the security of Jinling is the responsibility of the Military Police Headquarters.

So he said goodbye and left.

Zhang Yong went to find the phone.

Call the attendant's office and ask for Director Lin.

Now that the task has been completed, I must report it as soon as possible.

As for whether he killed it himself...

It's not important. Anyway, the person is dead.

A little emotional...

If the target is a good person, he will be killed like this.

However, the cruel fact is this. The Song family and the Kong family almost cover the sky with one hand.

Oh, almost both words can be removed. It means covering the sky with one hand.

It is impossible to expose their evil deeds by peaceful means. The only way is to pick up the barrel of a gun and fight.

In this regard, the Red Party is working hard to implement it.

Throw away your illusions and prepare to fight. Power comes from the barrel of a gun.

Director Lin answered the phone.

"Director, I am Zhang Yong."

"What's up?"

"The person in the photo has been removed."

"Take care of it."


"well done."

"It's all leaders who have good command."

"Don't mention this again in the future."

"Yes. I don't know anything. The target was also killed by Xiao Xiao."

"very good."

Director Lin hung up the phone.

Zhang Yong held the microphone and stayed for a while. He didn't know what to think.

Maybe I didn't think about anything.

Don't mention anything. Don't know anything.

It can be seen that even Director Lin is very secretive about the treasury bonds case.


Suddenly, evil took hold of him.

Since no one else dares to ask about this matter easily, can I secretly use this matter to do something?

Others are afraid.

But Zhang Yong was not afraid.

The worst case scenario is running away.

The eldest sister of the Song family has made so much money, why don't you spit it out?

His eyes gradually darkened...

What to do?

Is there anything that can make the eldest sister of the Song family vomit some blood?

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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