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Chapter 1029, Torture

At six o'clock in the evening, get ready for dinner.

Zhang Yong lazily came to the dining hall and found that it was empty.

A group of spirited young men had finished their meal long ago.

The rest are from the communications department, and they need to eat in batches.

I didn’t see Li Jingzhi, but I saw Jiang Yiying.

Zhang Yong brought the food and sat opposite Jiang Yiying.

Jiang Yiying has a family. There is no chance of any scandal with him. You can rest assured.

The other party has been obsessed with deciphering secret messages.

"Commissioner, last time you mentioned the Enigma machine..."

"What's the matter?"

"The signal has always been nearby. Reports are sent every day. But I can never figure out where it is."

"Maybe at sea?"

Zhang Yong did not mention the German submarine, but he did reveal a little.

In fact, he did not approve of Jiang Yiying studying the Enigma machine because the two were not at the same level. Her knowledge reserve was insufficient.

The Enigma machine requires a perverted genius like Turing to gradually figure out the tail.

Even so, the performance of the Turing computer was very poor at the beginning. The information that was often deciphered was completely incorrect.

Because there is no actual comparison, we can only rely on fantasy.

Later, it seems that the Enigma machine was found from the sunk German submarine. With physical reference, the deciphering efficiency was gradually improved.

Turing had a very great research team, almost all mathematical geniuses.

In the field of code breaking, mathematics is the foundation.

But Jiang Yiying didn't.

It is impossible for the Fuxing Society Secret Service to provide such conditions.

If you were to capture all the mathematical geniuses in China, you probably wouldn't be able to get even two slaps in the face. This was the current situation at that time.

To talk about how many great masters there were in the Republic of China, they were all based on peers and gossip.

They are all liberal arts subjects. There is no objective data to measure them. If you ask them to study mathematics, physics and chemistry, they will be immediately put back to their original shape.

The focus is still on cracking the Japanese invaders' code.

Compared with the Germans' codes, the Japanese invaders' codes were much simpler.

The difficulty can almost be said to be the difference between 100 and 10. Jiang Yiying may have a chance to do it.

"German warship?"

"You should stop focusing on this matter. Focus on the Japanese."


"The focus is on the Japanese espionage telegrams. Other exchanges between high-level Japanese invaders can be ignored for the time being."


Jiang Yiying agreed. But she was not convinced in her heart.

Zhang Yong completely understood her thoughts. Who doesn’t want to eat a fat man in one bite? The problem is, it can’t be done.

Nowadays, the Japanese invaders' secret codes are quite advanced.

High-level telegram exchanges are all encrypted layer by layer. It is difficult to crack. It is a waste of time.

On the contrary, those hidden spies who communicate with their superiors via telegrams are not that advanced. After all, advanced means complexity. It means the need for better equipment. But ordinary spies do not have such conditions. They are not professional either.

of telecommunications talents.

"Today, the telegrams from the Japanese invaders were very dense. Throughout Jinling, various radio waves suddenly intermingled, and many clear signals became blurred."

"Something happened to the British warship. It's certain."

"It is said that both the Gendarmerie Headquarters and the Police Headquarters were mobilized. Many people were arrested."


Zhang Yong was noncommittal.

Caught a lot of people? It’s normal. You can make money easily.

Every time something goes wrong, in addition to dealing with superiors, I also think about how to maximize profits.

In the name of investigation, the person was detained. I knew it had nothing to do with you, but I asked you to pay a ransom. If you don't pay the ransom, you will stay in the cell.

Anyway, there are so many shit basins, there is always one suitable for you.

At this time, most people are willing to spend money to eliminate disasters. Give money quickly and then come out to avoid risking their lives.

If in the end, a few people are arrested to take the blame, then it's over.

Especially those wealthy households with no background, small businessmen, etc. are all targets early on.

However, these have nothing to do with Zhang Yong.

That is someone else's way of making money, and anyone who interferes will be targeted.

While talking, Ling Yan arrived.

Ling Yan sat down and said bluntly, "Commissioner, when will the director be back?"

"You ask me? How do I know?" Zhang Yong tilted his head.

"But, I have accumulated a lot of documents, which need to be signed by the Director!"

"Or, send yourself to the northwest?"

"How about, Commissioner, can you sign it for me? You can also sign it!"


Zhang Yong did not refuse.

I know there are benefits in this. Ling Yan has selfish motives.

There are some things that she would not dare to go to Virgo for. But, there is no problem for her to go to him, Zhang Yong.

What Virgo dares to do, Zhang Yong dares to do.

What Virgo dares not to do, Zhang Yong also dares to do.

For example, selling radio stations.

"Bring it here."


Ling Yan immediately went back to get the documents.

Really arrived with a pile of documents. By this time, Jiang Yiying had already left.

Zhang Yong picked up the document and browsed it for a while.

Sure enough, there are articles in it.

They are all making money secretly.

But it doesn't matter. This is what Zhang Yong does.

Otherwise, how can we call him the Great Sage of Balance!

Start, start, start all...

Oh, no, it’s signature, signature, all signatures...

When the sky falls, Zhang Yong carries it!

Five scrapped radio stations? Haha, she is very courageous.

However, the Red Party may be in need. The more the better. I wish I had more.


Ling Yan went away satisfied.

Zhang Yong was also satisfied.

It must be a good thing for everyone to make a fortune together!

Eat and drink enough.

Return to your office.

I haven’t been back for a long time. Fortunately, Li Jingzhi does the daily cleaning.

sit down.

Put your legs on the edge of the table, close your eyes and relax. Your mind is wandering in the world. You are free to wander.

Don't start doing things until you feel comfortable.

"Lin Nansheng."


"Tell me about the situation outside."


Lin Nansheng came in.

Zhang Yong put his legs down and pretended.

"Commissioner, at five o'clock this morning, a kidnapping case occurred in the Qinhuai River. An unknown person kidnapped a woman. There were gunshots and casualties at the scene. But the specific circumstances are unknown."

"Five o'clock in the morning?"


"This time..."

Zhang Yong secretly wondered: This Miss Kong Er, doesn’t sleep at night?

At five o'clock in the morning, both sides of the Qinhuai River must have become quiet. Girls who don't have guests must have gone to bed early. Those who have guests must have finished their work and rested.

You running to the Qinhuai River at this time is really different. No wonder later generations said she was a witch and crazy.

It doesn't matter if you are kidnapped. You should be educated well by a spy so that you don't often come out to harm others in the future. This is the only good thing a spy does.

"anything else?"

"At ten o'clock this morning, there was an explosion at the Bank of Communications headquarters."


"Yes. According to our observation, it is the location of the vault. There was a lot of black smoke coming out of the scene and there was a loud noise. However, the Bank of Communications claimed that it was conducting a fire drill."


Zhang Yong is a little confused.

Wasn't it a robbery of a cash transport truck? Why did it explode?

What on earth are the spies doing?

It's really nerve-wracking.

Each one of them is cunning enough to die.

Fortunately, I didn't squat in the cash transport truck. Otherwise, there would be no results if I was exhausted.

Alas, it is so difficult.

Every enemy is so cunning.

I have pity on myself, I am such a new kid...

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

The phone rang suddenly.

Zhang Yong was a little confused. Whose phone number?

I haven't been back to the office for a long time, who is calling here?

Oh, maybe it was transferred from the switchboard.

Reach out and pick up the phone.

Then I heard Li Jingzhi's voice, "Commissioner, there is an outside call for you. But the caller refuses to reveal his identity. Do you want to answer it?"

"Take it over!" Zhang Yong said casually.

Outside line?

Still so mysterious?

Okay, let’s see what the other person’s background is.


Li Jingzhi started to operate.

Zhang Yong put down the microphone and waved his hand towards Lin Nansheng.

Lin Nansheng stood at attention, saluted, turned around and walked out.

Zhang Yong suddenly remembered something and said again: "Call Huang Chu later."

"Yes." Lin Nansheng agreed and exited the office.

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

Soon, the phone rang.

Zhang Yong picked up the microphone.


"James Zhang..."

"It's you?"

Zhang Yong was a little surprised.

It turns out that this voice is actually Wu Yuanfu (Kazuo Sakata).

That's right. It's this guy.

I haven’t heard from this guy for a long time. I thought he was dead. Unexpectedly, he would actually call me. Moreover, he still called the Jige Alley headquarters.

"The Qinglong Society attacked the underground vault of the Bank of Communications. Go and have a look."

"What did you take away?"

"a lot of."



The phone hung up.

Zhang Yong took the microphone:???

No. If you say one more word, you will die!

Are you still worried about being eavesdropped?

He put down the phone angrily.

Are the Japanese invaders so crazy?

Actually attacked the underground vault of Bank of Communications?

That's a treasury!

How did the Japanese invaders get in? Blast?


I always feel like something is wrong...

Later I realized that the tone of Wu Yuanfu's speech was wrong.

This guy actually called himself James Zhang, which seemed to be a joke?

It seems that this Japanese spy and traitor is living a very comfortable life. I just don’t know where he is hiding now. Aren’t other Japanese spies madly chasing him?

Suddenly I had a bold idea...

Perhaps, we can let him follow "Big Bear Shozo"?

Otherwise, as a wanderer in Wakayama, if there is no helper, it doesn't look like...

Anyway, it is impossible for Wu Yuanfu to look back.

He has killed so many of his own people, and the Japanese military headquarters will never let him go. So, there is no need to worry about this guy rebelling again...

Also, it seems that Xu Sheng and Tian Qingyuan can be approached as libertines.

Just in time, turn them all into the prodigal's subordinates. It will be easier to do things in the future.

Suddenly I feel so smart...


Huang Chu's voice came from outside.

Zhang Yongcai took his mind back.

"Come in."


"I'll give you a mission. Go to Qinhuai River and secretly investigate what happened last night."


"Here are your funds."

Zhang Yong took out a handful of oceans and glanced at them. There were fifteen of them.

Not bad. My hand strength seems to have increased slightly. I can now grab fifteen oceans in one hand.

It seemed like you could only catch ten before? Maybe even less than that.

The ocean is very slippery. If you don't have enough strength, it will slip away quickly.


"Take it."


Huang Chu came up and held up the entire ocean with both hands.

Zhang Yong waved his hand and motioned for him to go out.

Give him time, give him money, and let him contact the organization.

If anything happens, you can report it in time.

Anyway, the mission is to investigate the Qinhuai River. No one will doubt it.

Pick up the phone and automatically connect to the switchboard.


Li Jingzhi's voice came.

"Help me pick up the training base."


Li Jingzhi quickly transferred the call.

Zhang Yong waited patiently.

He wants to find Yang Shanfu and prepares to bring some people over.

There are too few people at the current Jigouxiang headquarters and it is unsafe. He is used to attacking the small with more.

If we don’t have three, or even four, or five times the enemy’s strength, we feel unsafe. What if we don’t have enough people? Recruitment, of course!


Soon, Yang Shanfu's voice came.

It's evening now, and it's dinner time over there. Before Yang Shanfu has eaten, he is called over to answer the phone.

"Director Yang, it's me, Zhang Yong."

"Ah, it's Mr. Commissioner..."

"You're welcome. Call me Shaolong. I have something to trouble you with."

"Commissioner, you are now in charge of the work of the entire Fuxing Society Secret Service. Your instructions are orders. I will resolutely implement them."

"How many people are you still training there? I'll go over and pick a group now."

"One hundred and thirty-seven people are being trained..."

"so little?"

"Virgo just took part of it before going to the northwest."

"Okay, I'll go over and take a look now."

Zhangye is not picky either.

There were no requirements in the first place.

They all start from the bottom and explore in actual combat.

Later, when the Anti-Japanese War broke out, Boss Dai directly selected people from the Qinggang, which was even more outrageous. All kinds of rubbish were brought in.

Now after all, they have been selected by Yang Shanfu. At least they have certain qualities.

At present, the Fuxing Society Secret Service is more or less like a special department. In the eyes of outsiders, it is still somewhat professional.

But later on, those bastards from the Qing Gang came in swarms, and the military command completely changed.

There is no such thing as a major. All I know is fighting and killing.

Set off.

Go to the training base.

On the road, several red dots also appear on the periphery of the map.

Secretly sighing, there are so many spies who have infiltrated.

It’s completely saturated penetration!

There are spies everywhere.

How will the defense battle of Jinling be fought in the future?

Nothing but chaos, just chaos...

Arrive at the training base.

Yang Shanfu is already waiting here.

Zhang Yong discovered that there were also three yellow dots in the training base.

Sure enough, the underground party cannot be burned out by wildfire, but spring breeze blows again.

Although there are only two or three each time, a single spark can start a prairie fire. They are all seeds. Gradually they will sprout and grow.

Everyone has the possibility to develop a group, which will later become a team.


"Director Yang."

After the simple courtesy, Zhang Yong went straight to the point.

Even though it was night, he still wanted to pick someone.

It's better to pick someone at night.

In the future, we may have to live with darkness for a long time.

As the Japanese invaders occupied Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou, conflicts with the Japanese invaders during the day would be a big loss.

Therefore, you must practice night fighting. You must be good at night fighting.

Take the roster. Look at the names first. Those with uncommon words will be kicked out first.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if we encountered words that we couldn't pronounce? Haha. Fortunately, we didn't. They were all common words.

Think about it, in this era of naming, how can ordinary people have uncommon words? They don’t even understand it. They keep picking up the same words.


Zuo Qiuming?


There is Zuo Qiuming.

No way? Someone breaks in again?

It won’t be fun until the whole Yu Zecheng comes out soon.

Squint your eyes...

Look carefully. It is indeed Zuo Qiuming.

Yes, Lin Nansheng and Zuo Qiuming came together. It’s really not a coincidence.

"Director Yang, this Zuo Qiuming..."

"Oh, he's sick. He's going home to recuperate temporarily. He's not training."

"Get ill?"

"Yes. It happened last month. The doctor said that I need to rest for half a year. It may take next year before I can come back again."


Zhang Yong was thoughtful.

Could it be that the system discovered something was wrong and therefore applied a temporary patch?

It seems that the combination of Lin Nansheng and Zuo Qiuming is gone for the time being. Lin Nansheng will still have to fight alone.

By the way, what's the name of Lin Nansheng's girlfriend?

What pig? I don’t remember.

Don't show up. He is extremely disgusted with women who hold him back.

Even the heroine can be killed with one shot.

Close the roster.

"let's start!"


Yang Shanfu then arranged the assessment.

The first level is the basic quality test. This is the basic skill of field service.

Field work is the hardest job there is, bar none.

He can fight, he can hunger, he can run, he can endure. He is a completely incapable of emotion robot.

The second level is fists and kicks.

The third level is shooting.

There is also the fourth level, which is the display of personal strengths.

After some assessment, it was already twelve o'clock in the night. But Zhang Yong had not made a decision.

He turned to look at Yang Shanfu.

"Commissioner, this is your territory, you have your say. I will resolutely implement it."

"Okay. I need each of them to undergo some brutal torture. Including torture, pepper water, tiger bench, etc."


"Sign up voluntarily. I will be responsible for anything that happens."


Yang Shanfu nodded slowly.

In fact, he also wanted to conduct such an assessment. But...

After all, I didn’t dare.

Because such an assessment has serious consequences.

It may cause serious harm to the body. A good person may become disabled.

"Let me tell you!"


Zhang Yong stood on the high platform.

Look at everyone condescendingly.

War is not a child's play.

Very cruel.

Those who do not adapt will be eliminated.

From now on, everyone must consciously accept this point of view.

Otherwise, once it falls into the hands of the enemy, it will be difficult to deal with it.

"Now, I will announce something."

"This matter may cause you panic, uneasiness, and even resistance."

"Everything is done on a voluntary basis."

"You are all agents. You may be arrested. You may be tortured."

"You need to be mentally prepared. What you are facing is the most ferocious enemy. It is inhumane and inferior to animals. You will suffer the most cruel torture."

"What I ask of you is to find ways to delay the time and persist for 24 hours."

"During twenty-four hours, no secret information can be revealed. After twenty-four hours, you can compromise..."

"I object!"

Suddenly, an excited voice came from below.

Then a young man stood up and faced Zhang Yong bravely. He showed no fear at all.

Zhang Yong:???

What does this guy want to do?

Give me a showdown? A thorn in the side of the recruits?

Come on, come on, I'll kill you!

Let me see how you stab your head!

"I object!" the young man continued to shout.

"What do you object to?" Zhang Yong asked slowly.

"I would rather die than surrender! What does it mean to compromise? Why do you have to compromise?"


Zhang Yong was blocked.

Damn it! This little guy! So that’s what he was talking about.

I really hope you would rather die than surrender. But the problem is, not everyone can do it.

To be honest, after a set of torture, out of a hundred people, at most one person will be steadfast and unyielding. Maybe even less than one person. The others have already surrendered.

"Then do you sign up voluntarily?"



Zhang Yong nodded.

as you wish!


True gold is not afraid of fire.

You must never have to give a speech.

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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