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Chapter 1033, Killing Yama with One Hundred Thousand Flags

Zhang Yong followed the team.

He doesn't have to worry about the charge into battle. He's responsible for the aftermath.

He had told Lao Cao in advance how many people were inside, where they were, and what weapons they had.

Lao Cao is the best at fighting. He is eager to fight.



Various chaotic gunshots.

Thomson is from Zhang Yong's side, and the shell gun is from the enemy's side.

Several white dots fell down, but there were no less blue dots. This is a good thing. It shows that Lao Cao's combat deployment is effective.

"Put the gun down!"

"Put the gun down!"

I heard someone shouting inside.

Then there was no more gunfire.

Then, all the white spots, no more weapon marks.

Haha. Easier than imagined.

I guess the other party didn't expect that he would take such strong measures.

Hit the door directly and attack with heavy firepower.

If you resist, you will die.

The only regret is that the red dot has disappeared.

Even the only spy was killed. It was impossible to get information from him.

But it doesn't matter. Everyone must die.

It is impossible for everyone on this line to survive. The only luxury they can wish for is to die quickly.

Walk in slowly.

"Lu Keming, count the casualties."

"Reporting to the commissioner, we have no casualties. We killed seven enemies and captured seven alive."

"Are you sure we have no casualties?"



Zhang Yong was relieved.

It is a good thing that there are no casualties. It means that the opponent has little fighting power.

Also, a ruined warlord...

These people now only make trouble, secretly connect with each other, and create momentum.

I saw a little old man being pulled out.

The person with runny nose all over his body was forcibly dragged away while taking Fu Shou ointment.

"Wei Juli?"

Zhang Yong came to the little old man.

As a result, the little old man kept twitching his nose and had no intention of talking at all.


Zhang Yong went up and kicked him.

If you don't learn well and just take Fushou ointment, your whole person will be ruined.

The little old man was kicked to the ground hard.

However, he was still trembling all over and his hands and feet were not under control at all.

"is it him?"

"Yes. He is Wei Juli."

"Tie them up."


"Gag your mouth."


Lu Keming and others took action immediately.

Zhang Yong looked to the side and found nothing unusual, so he went in.

I immediately smelled the Fu Shou ointment.

Frown. Disgust.


Standing at the outer door, looking at the kang bed inside.

There is a mess on it, with all kinds of tools for sucking Fu Shou ointment. It makes me sad to see these junk.

Behind the kang bed, I found some women's underwear.

Some are complete and some are torn into pieces. But it is impossible to determine who the owner is.

"Shangguan Qing."




Zhang Yong turned around angrily.

A fire broke out behind me. The fire grew stronger and stronger.

There was a nauseating smell of smoke in the air.



"Stay away."


Shangguan Qing hurriedly led people to evacuate.

Otherwise, it is equivalent to indirectly smoking.


Zhang Yong made no secret of swearing.

When I came to the little old man again, I found that he had runny nose and tears. He couldn't even open his eyes.

It was all caused by the Fu Shou ointment. He was already terminally ill and there was no hope of help.


A slap in the face.

Finally, Wei Juli seemed to wake up a little after being beaten.

Pull the rag out of your mouth.

"Who are you? How dare you..."

"I'm Zhang Yong. I'm here to investigate the murder of a female student. Don't say you don't know."

"What does it have to do with you? Who do you think you are..."


Got another slap.

Who am I?

I'm your father!

Wait! You said it wrong. I don’t want such a useless son!


Another slap passed by.

This time, Wei Juli was completely woken up.

He suddenly laughed ferociously.

A very weird feeling.

It was obvious that he was about to die, but he could still laugh.

"You are Zhang Yong?"

"Yes. I am Zhang Yong."

"You want to check on us?"


"go to hell!"

Wei Juli suddenly became irritable.

Zhang Yong raised his hand and slapped him again, knocking him unconscious.

Mud, are you arrogant?


Wave your hands.

Everyone took action immediately.

At the same time, Zhang Yong ordered the remaining seven guards to be pulled over.

Bring a table and a chair.

Zhang Yong sat behind the table, took out a shell gun, opened the machine head, and placed it on the table.

He also asked someone to bring an alarm clock and placed it with his back to him.

The expressions of the seven guards all looked uncertain.

"My name is Zhang Yong. I am responsible for investigating the murder of a female student. Let me explain first that there is a body that was transported from near Jinchuan Gate. Don't tell me, you don't know anything."

Zhang Yong said slowly.

His eyes scanned everyone.

"You all have a chance to confess. I'll give you a chance."

"But, everyone only has one chance. One chance is one minute."

"If you are unwilling to answer within one minute, then go and report to the King of Hell. Do you understand?"

"If everyone else confesses, you won't have a chance."

Zhang Yong picked up the shell gun.

Point to the person on the far left.

"Start with you. One minute."


"Don't worry. Give it a minute. Look at the alarm clock yourself. Think about it before you answer."


The guard broke out in a cold sweat.

The seconds on the alarm clock are ticking.

"I said, I said, I didn't kill the person. The commander himself killed him. He strangled him to death..."

"How did you strangle him to death?"

"He, he was so excited after taking the Fushou ointment. After finishing it, he didn't have enough fun, so he asked the girl to take it too. The girl didn't want to, so he, he..."

"Then what?"

"Corpse, corpse..."

He quietly squinted at the two people next to him. He hesitated to speak.

Zhang Yong's eyes were locked on those two people.

The two people suddenly became nervous and said hurriedly: "We didn't kill anyone, we didn't kill anyone, we were just responsible for transporting the corpses..."

"Where to transfer it?" Zhang Yong asked coldly.

"Jinchuan Gate."

"Who did you notify to transport it away?"


The two looked at each other.

Obviously, the answer to this question involves a secret.

Zhang Yong picked up the shell gun.


Gunshots were fired.

One person died on the spot.

Did not say?

Then go to hell!

You're going to die sooner or later anyway.

The gun was pointed at another person.

"I, I, I said, I said, it's Lu Wanxiang, Lu Wanxiang..."

The other party quickly confessed.

I was afraid that if I were a little slow, the bullet would hit the center of my eyebrow.

"Lu Wanxiang?"


"what for?"

"He He……"


Gunshots were fired.

He fell on his back and died on the spot.

Prefer not to say?

go to hell!



Zhang Yong continuously pulled the trigger.

Kill all the remaining five people.

They are all animals. All must die.

All of them are bullets between the eyebrows.

It's not safe to hit the chest.

What if the heart grows on the other side? It will have to be repaired.

"Bring Wei Juli up."


Soon, Wei Juli was escorted up.

This guy still looks like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

Until I saw the corpse of the guard lying on the ground.

"Zhang Yong, are you crazy?" He suddenly screamed sharply.

"Are you aware of your crime?" Zhang Yong's tone was calm, even with a hint of gentleness.

"The envoy personally promised me..."


Gunshots were fired.

The bullet hit the right knee.

Wei Juli suddenly felt weak and fell to the ground paralyzed.



The gun rang again.

The bullet hit his left knee.


Wei Juli screamed.

The whole person was twisted on the ground, completely unlike a human being.

"Zhang Yong..."


The gun rang again.

The bullet hit Wei Juli's shoulder.

"Zhang Yong..."

"On behalf of those female students, I invite you to be a guest in hell."


Zhang Yong pulled the trigger.


No sound?

Oh, no more bullets.

There are only ten bullets in the magazine. They are all used up.

So I took out the magazine again and replaced it.

"Zhang Yong, if you kill me, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost..."

"Ever heard of a saying?"


"A hundred thousand banners will kill Yama."


"Even if I die, I will still deal with you!"



The gun rang again.

Hit Wei Juli on the left shoulder.



The bullet hit the right chest.


The bullet hit the left chest.


The bullet struck between the eyebrows.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Clear all ammo.

They all hit Wei Juli on the forehead.

Slowly retract the gun.

That's ok. He probably won't survive.

His head was smashed to pieces.



What a waste of my bullets!

However, for such people, there is only death!

Lu Keming came to report.

"Commissioner, the military police are here."

"Let them in!"


Lu Keming turned around and walked out.

Zhang Yong slowly sat down.

Replace the shell gun with a full magazine and still place it on the table.

Soon, a military police captain walked in quickly.

He came to check on the situation.

After all, shots were fired here, and there seemed to be a fierce exchange of fire.


"I'm on official business."

"Can you please understand what's going on?"

"Wei Juli resisted arrest and has been shot dead. All his attendants have also been shot dead."


"Just report it truthfully."


The military police captain agreed and turned to leave.

He is only responsible for verifying the situation and then reporting it. He has no control over other things.


Zhang Yong suddenly shouted.

The military police captain turned around quickly and waited for orders.

"Help us dispose of the body. All the property at the scene will be left to you."


"Just report it truthfully."


The military police captain then turned around.

Zhang Yong stood up, picked up the shell gun, put it away, and waved his hand.

Go search.

He did not dare to accept the property sent by Wu Zijiang.

If there is a god three feet above your head, you will be struck by lightning.

However, he was disrespectful to Wei Juli's property.

Take away the big head and leave the small head to the Military Police Headquarters.




Dig three feet into the ground.

Digging through boxes and cabinets.

The first thing to find were three piles of gold bars.

They all have gold markings. Just click on the picture to find out. There are about fifty kilograms in total.

It is conceivable that these evil warlord leaders have robbed many people of their property and killed many people.

Now that he has fallen, he is still doing many evil things.

A worthy death.

Death is not a pity.

A large amount of banknotes were also found.

There are hundreds of thousands of various kinds.

There are also scattered oceans, maybe three or four thousand.

Take the banknote.

Dayang took away half and left half.



Lu Keming immediately sent the order.

Soon, the team gathered and left.

Go find Lu Wanxiang.

The relevant information has been found.

Lu Wanxiang, once a small warlord leader, served as army commander and led tens of thousands of people.

He was defeated in the Central Plains War, and later joined Chiang Kai-shek and worked as a sinecure.

Since it was a casual job, he definitely didn't have to go to work. Therefore, he opened a North-South grocery store in Jinling. However, there is no information about the specific business.

These days, the normal operation of groceries in the north and south must be very bleak.

However, if it is a shameful act...

The most important thing is that I traveled all over the country and even went to Suzhou...

Came to the vicinity of North and South Grocery Store.

The map shows that there are two white dots and one red dot inside.

Due to the angle, it is impossible to observe who the red dot is. But it is definitely not Lu Wanxiang.

Because Lu Wanxiang was also among the dead a few years ago.

For safety reasons, it is impossible for Japanese spies to do such dangerous things. Most of them are the aides around Lu Wanxiang.

There are only three people, and it is certain that Lu Wanxiang is not here.


It's possible. I'm worried that I will come to my door.

"Keep checking."


"By the way. Find a way to get me a photo of Lu Wanxiang."

"There seems to be someone over there in the Military Senate..."

"You reminded me."

Zhang Yong reacted immediately.

This Lu Wanxiang holds a temporary position in the Military Senate.

In fact, the former Wei Juli seemed to have a temporary position in the Military Senate.

They all just receive a salary and don’t work.

Of course, they don't care about the salary.

The biggest skill of these fallen warlords is to collect money and run away with the money.

Immediately drove to the Military Senate.

Suddenly, a white dot sign appeared in front. It was Gu Bafeng.

This guy happened to be at the checkpoint.

So slow down the car.

Gu Bafeng also found out that Zhang Yong was coming and walked out immediately.

Zhang Yong stopped the car slowly but did not get out of the car.

Long story short. In a hurry.

Gu Bafeng came up in a hurry. He looked around and whispered: "Shaolong, did you kill Wei Juli?"

"Yes." Zhang Yong answered straightforwardly, "He resisted arrest and was shot dead on the spot by me."

"Shaolong, you may have caused trouble."

"What basket?"

"Those people are often in contact with each other. If you kill Wei Juli, others will cause trouble for you."

"What trouble can you cause me?"

"It's hard to say. But, be careful. It's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows."

"Thank you. By the way, about the British warship..."

"Sigh. Not much progress."

"Then you continue your work. I'll go to the Military Senate."

"Shaolong, didn't you go investigate the explosion?"

"What bombing?"

"Over there at the Bank of Communications! The vault was broken into."

"No one told me."

"Look, are you being targeted?"


"You still don't understand?"

"not understand."

"Someone deliberately excluded you."


Zhang Yong was indifferent.

This Gu Bafeng is also cunning and cunning.

To sow discord. To stir up trouble.

He doesn't care.

Anyway, no one told me that I was happy and free.

Kong Fansong didn't say clearly that she was the second lady, so he could just pretend to be deaf and mute and ignore her.

I don't care about an ordinary kidnapping case.

I have other things to do now.

Unless you tell me that Miss Kong Er was kidnapped, I will not be interested.

The same goes for the bombing of the Bank of Communications. Let's wait until someone comes to visit us.

"You are busy."

"All right……"

Gu Bafeng felt a little regretful.

Zhang Yong is actually unmoved by these things?

It's really strange.

It seems that you can really rest assured.

This guy only wants money, not power. He doesn't fight for power.

Zhang Yong didn't even bother to take care of things without money.

Very good. I like people like this. If you want money, you can get it as much as you want. But fighting for power is dangerous.

Turn back.

Call up.

"Uncle, Zhang Yong is still the same as before, he only wants money..."

"Don't worry. I promise. He won't fight for power..."

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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