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Chapter 1043, there is tungsten sand again

Zhang Yong quickly told Lin Wan to get lost.

What about fighting! Women will only slow down the speed of drawing a gun.

A Japanese sniper is somewhat dangerous.

But it's not very dangerous.

Since the target has been exposed in advance, of course there are ways to deal with it.

The only problem is that Lao Cao is not here.

Lao Cao is not made of iron. He can't keep turning. He is resting now.

other people……

"Yu Licheng."


"Follow me with the sniper rifle."


Yu Licheng immediately changed to a sniper rifle.

It's the Springfield M1903.

This is Jinling. The Air Force Department is here. The Springfield M1903 rifle is an organized weapon.

Zhang Yong has a scope in his hand. When he puts it on, it becomes a sniper rifle.

Yu Licheng's marksmanship is good. He has an innate advantage by squinting his eyes.

His squinting eyes are not Yu Zecheng's short-sightedness, but a bit far-sighted. Therefore, his marksmanship is very accurate.

At that time, farsightedness was also an advantage. It was easy to become a sharpshooter.

There were also many farsighted people on the Japanese invaders side. Most of them were extremely accurate with their marksmanship.

Set off.

Approach quietly.

I was very worried that another Japanese sniper would appear and attack from a flank.

Fortunately not.

There is still only one.

Approach from the side and back. Little by little.

Finally, I saw my target.

Aim the gun.

The distance is about 220 meters.

The target is very clear. It should be able to kill it with one shot.

"Are you sure?"


"up to you……"


Gunshots were fired.

Zhang Yong:……

Okay. I am impatient.

Squinted eyes. Quick-tempered. What a perfect match!

Lower your head.

Worried about Japanese counterattack.

Fortunately not.

After five seconds, the red dot disappears.


The Japanese sniper was killed.



"follow me."

Zhang Yong took Yu Licheng to the corpse of the Japanese invader.

Indeed, he was killed with one shot. The bullet entered from the side of the ribs and probably penetrated the heart. Even Amaterasu came and it was useless.

After carefully examining the body, I found that it was not a veteran of the Japanese invaders.

On the contrary, it has a bit of thin skin and tender meat. It seems to be the young master of which family?


Touch the corpse.

Nothing at all.

There were no keepsakes on the deceased.


Just a broken gun and ten bullets.


No one has paid for the dinner just now.

He kicked Lin Wan away too quickly. He didn't ask her to pay the bill. At the same time, he was a little embarrassed.

After all, she and Director Lin never met each other without looking up. It would not be a good idea to blackmail her sister.

"Take it away!"

Zhang Yong picked up the Type 97 sniper rifle.

Strictly speaking, it is not a broken gun. Its biggest advantage is that the muzzle flash is very small.

If you are shooting in the dark, you cannot see the muzzle flash at all. You can only rely on the sound to roughly judge the firing position. The error will be very large.

If it is launched during the day, it will be more secretive. It is very difficult to judge the distance simply by sound.

Leave. Take a few steps. Suddenly turn back.

I'm still a little bit dissatisfied. I always feel that this Japanese invader is a bit special.

Thin skin and tender meat...

White and clean...

After thinking for a while, he cleaned the deceased's face and then took out the camera.



Take pictures continuously.

Then drag the body to a hiding place.

I'll catch a few spies in a while to identify them. Maybe they can be identified.


Zhang Yong took Yu Licheng back to the middle of the team.

Fortunately, there was a photo studio nearby. Even though it was evening, it was already closed. But Zhang Yong didn't care.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Just wake up the boss and ask him to help you take photos.

The boss looked at Zhang Yong nervously and doubtfully. He said cautiously: "The film is new and has not been used up..."

"Show me!" Zhang Yong took out five oceans as reward.

Rich and willful.

If you help me with things, I will never lose you!

New film? It's okay.

If you find the right owner, you can get countless pieces of film back.


The boss agreed and took the film into the darkroom.

Zhang Yong sat down outside and waited for the photos to come out.

After a while, a marked red dot appeared. I checked and found that it was Wen Zhenping.


It's actually him?

Why did he come to Jinling?

By the way, what was this guy's original Japanese name?

I took out the memo notebook and turned to the second page. Oh, it's called Yamaguchi Doshi and Haichang Shipping. The company is headquartered in Shanghai.

I suspect that this guy has something to do with Yamaguchi Tawen, the Japanese admiral. But there is no evidence.

As he rolled his eyes, he happened to think of something that needed to be discussed with the spy alone.

So, he gave the order and quietly acted alone.

Soon, Zhang Yong intercepted Wen Zhenping in the darkness.

Wen Zhenping did not drive and was walking on a small road. As a result, he was blocked by Zhang Yong.

"It's you?"

Wen Zhenping discovered that it was a false alarm.

It turns out to be Zhang Yong!

That's okay. He paid tribute on time.

The other spies who were caught by Zhang Yong would definitely have no good results. But he...

Buying Ping An for 4,000 yuan a month is very worth it.

"come over."


"Come here, I have something to tell you."


Wen Zhenping approached cautiously.

My mind was spinning. I was thinking about how to cry for poverty. If I declined Zhang Yong’s price increase.

It is naturally the best to be able to maintain 4,000 oceans per month. Increase it a little, 5,000 per month, which is barely acceptable. However, 6,000 per month is relatively stressful. However, if Zhang Yong threatens, the hero will not suffer the immediate loss, and he can only

Can I promise...

"Do you know the libertine from Wakayama?"


"The libertine of Wakayama is Wakayama near Osaka. Do you know?"

"Daikuma Shosan?"


"I don't know it. But I've heard of it."

"Okay. From now on, you can go and seek refuge with Big Bear Shozo."


"Because I'm pretending..."


Wen Zhenping couldn't help but break out in Japanese.


Are you pretending to be that?


No wonder the libertine suddenly appeared.

Turns out it wasn't true at all.

But wait!

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I need your cooperation! This is my first time pretending to be someone else, so I'm not very good at it."

Zhang Yong told the truth.

Wen Zhenping was choked immediately.


What you said makes sense!


This is a secret!

You actually told me? Aren't you afraid that I would snitch on you?

Judging from Zhang Yong's appearance, he seemed to be really not afraid.

In fact...

Zhang Yong really doesn't care.

If the other party wants to report it, just report it.

The most he has lost is one disguised identity. It doesn't matter.


Wen Zhenping was about to speak but stopped.

Zhang Yong nodded and signaled the other party to speak directly if he had anything to say. He didn't mind.

"It's not appropriate to be a libertine..."


"You can't pretend to be a libertine when you pretend to be someone else..."


"You owe so much money because of the prodigal, how can you pay it back?"

"How much does he owe?"

"Maybe several million yen. Or even tens of millions."

"Where did all the money go?"

"It's all spent!"

"Where did the money go?"

“In kabuchōs in Kyoto, Osaka and other places, libertines are frequent visitors.”

"It won't cost so much!"

"I don't know the rest. In short, if you pretend to be him, you have to pay back the money first. Especially the Kumano family."

"How much does the libertine owe the Kumano family?"

"Three million yen."


It was Zhang Yong's turn to break into a cold sweat.

Mudd. There is something wrong with those super high-tech female spies! Choose someone like this!

Owe so much money!

I still don’t know where the money went…


Suddenly a terrible idea came to my mind.

It is impossible for a libertine to spend all that money on his own, unless he gives the money to others.

For example, Prince Yoshihito of Chichibu Palace...



It feels like I have discovered a new world!

Take a deep breath.



He needs a good shake.

If the prodigal is just a white glove, Yong Ren is the mastermind behind it...

If it is said that the death of the prodigal was actually planned by Yong Ren, in order to kill the person and cut off all clues, at the same time, the debt was also eliminated.

is that so?

Zhang Yong doesn't know, but he thinks it's very possible.

Tens of millions of yen! It’s not a small amount of money! Even if you live in Kabukicho, you can’t spend it all.

Someone else must have used it.

Moreover, if other people use it, they will definitely do great things.

If it were an ordinary trivial matter, why would it cost millions of yen? It would be enough to build a bunch of warships.

You must know that as long as thirty yen, you can buy the life of a Japanese invader, Lao Bai!

The antique-level Minekaze-class destroyers cost only 2 million yen each!

According to the debt owed by the prodigal, four or five destroyers can be built!

So, here comes the question...

Why was he able to borrow so much money?

Why is his face so big? Do others trust him so much?

Who endorsed him?

Who is operating behind the scenes?

It is impossible for the prodigal to do it alone.


"I don't have that much money to pay off my debts..." Wen Zhenping muttered to himself.

"Have I ever said that I want you to pay it back?" Zhang Yong cursed angrily, "That was something the prodigal owed before. Does it have anything to do with me?"

"Ah? Are you going to default on your debt?" Wen Zhenping's eyes suddenly widened in disbelief.

"What's the problem?" Zhang Yong disagreed.

It's not what I owe. Of course I won't pay it back.

I now disown all the unequal treaties signed before.

If you ask me about debt collection, then we should carefully figure out where the money, my money, has gone.


Wen Zhenping was completely speechless.


so similar!

No. It’s just the same person!

Both the prodigal and Zhang Yong are masters who only go in and never go out.

He is the only one who takes the money from other people's pockets. If others want to take the money from his pocket, it will be extremely difficult. The account may be closed.

How cruel Zhang Yong is. Naturally how cruel is the libertine he pretends to be.

It's over. I got on the pirate ship and can't get off.


To snitch?


What benefits does snitching have on yourself?

There are many things that I cannot explain clearly. When the time comes, I may be the one who dies the fastest.

Life is so comfortable and nourishing now, and it would be a pity to give it up.

"By the way, prepare a generous gift for Akiyama Aoiko."


"Because she is Big Bear Shozo's fiancée."


Wen Zhenping grimaced.

You pretend to be a libertine to pick up girls, and you still want me to pay?

No, why do I feel that none of the previous libertines were as cruel as you? Are you planning not to pay a penny yourself?

"has a problem?"

"I'm out of money. Really. Really."

"You do fifty push-ups immediately, and I will believe you."


Wen Zhenping had a bitter look on his face.

Finally, I got down on the ground angrily and really started doing push-ups.

Between fifty push-ups and a generous gift, he chose the former. Moreover, he actually finished it exhausted.

Zhang Yong:……

Okay. That’s sloppy.

Forgot. This guy is a spy.

Doing fifty push-ups is a basic skill for them.

Next time, I must pay back five hundred...

"It will be deducted from the monthly payment."

"That's no problem."

Wen Zhenping suddenly felt relaxed and happy. He felt relieved.

Fortunately, there was no chance for Zhang Yong to blackmail him. Otherwise, a generous gift would cost at least several thousand dollars.

"Akiyama Shigekui is my father-in-law, please contact me more..."

"I really……"

"Deducted from the monthly payment..."


Wen Zhenping immediately answered quickly.

As long as he doesn't have to pay any extra money, of course he's fine.

Zhang Yong:……

Next time you make a request, add more attributive words.

This guy was previously required to pay a monthly tribute of four thousand oceans, but now it seems that it is too little.

However, the words have already been spoken, and temporary changes will cause a loss of credibility.

From a long-term perspective, reputation is the most valuable, especially in the industry he is engaged in.

Change the topic.

"By the way, what are you doing in Jinling?"

"Looking for tungsten sand."


"Tungsten sand."

"Who wants tungsten sand?"


"Aren't you from the Army?"

"Yes. So, we have to take the tungsten sand into our own hands."

"And then sell it to the Navy at a high price?"


Wen Zhenping answered straightforwardly.

Zhang Yong then stopped asking.

I've known this for a long time.

If the Navy wants tungsten sand, the Army will definitely make trouble.

Last time, Zeng Guangyuan said to contact Xu Sheng, but I don’t know what the progress there is now...

"Did you find it?"

"We got in touch. The goods have arrived in Jiujiang."



"How come there are goods arriving in Jiujiang?"

"If you come from Gannan, of course you have to go to Jiujiang first, and then go to Jinling!"


Zhang Yong frowned.

Is it a new product? Newly made?

By the way, who is so capable and got another batch of goods from southern Ganxi?


Something seems wrong.

"Whose goods are they? Whose name is it in?"

"It's Hu Zongnan's boat."


"It's in the name of the First Army."


"What quantity?"

"Five hundred tons."


Zhang Yong felt incredible.

In this case, it was not caused by the Red Party, but within the national army.

After thinking for a moment, I gradually understood.

Actually, it's nothing. It's just that there are people within the national army who want to make a fortune.

Originally, the tungsten sand was supposed to be sold to the Germans. A long-term trade agreement had been signed with the Germans.

Use tungsten sand in exchange for German weapons and equipment. This is international trade.

However, the result of international trade is that money falls into the national treasury. Private individuals do not seem to get much.

However, if you look for opportunities to hide part of the production, secretly transport part of the tungsten sand, and find buyers yourself, you will make a lot of money.

One hundred tons of tungsten sand can earn 20,000 to 30,000 yuan if resold!

Five hundred tons is hundreds of thousands.

Who can not be moved?

Fortunately, frontline troops have this convenience.

Hu Zongnan was the first disciple of the Emperor, the commander of the First Army, and the inspector general...

If tungsten sand is transported out in his name, who dares to intercept and inspect it?

Of course, Hu Zongnan may not have done it himself. However, it is enough that someone used his name.

After the matter is completed, Hu Zongnan only needs to collect the money secretly.

"Anything else?"

"Yes. But, there is no contact with me."


Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

As expected, everyone is a master of making money. If there are benefits, don’t let them go.

Tungsten sand is valuable, so just keep an eye on it and find a way to get it out. You Hu Zongnan does a little bit, and I, Tang Enbo, will do a little bit too.

There are also those other big guys. No one wants to be left behind.


Everyone has done this kind of thing, so naturally no one will report it to Chiang Kai-shek.

Lao Jiang will be kept in the dark from beginning to end.

Mader, they are all masters.

He, Zhang Yong, had not received any news before.


Can’t keep up with the times!

But it doesn't matter. He already knows it now.

When the tungsten sand reaches Jinling or Shanghai, he will definitely have a hand in it. How can I, Zhang Yong, be spared from something that is beneficial?


Send Wen Zhenping away.

I returned to the photo studio and found that the photos were not finished yet.

These days, no matter how fast the speed is, it takes two hours or even longer.

Suddenly, someone came in a hurry.

He is an agent from the Chicken Goose Lane headquarters.

"Reporting Specialist, Wusongkou Pier, please call back as soon as possible."


Zhang Yong took back his thoughts.

Wusongkou Pier? What happened? Something happened?

Find the phone immediately.

Call back to Wusongkou Pier. The person who answers the phone is Yuan Zheng.


"What happened?"

"A boat came to the pier. There were hundreds of people on it. It said it was coming from South Manchuria."


"Yes. Many of them look like prisoners. They are also guarded by police and have guns."

"Hold them!"

"I don't have enough people..."

"I'll call to arrange for additional staff."


"that's all!"

Zhang Yong immediately hung up the phone.

There were hundreds of criminals on the ship from South Manchuria?

They are not criminals, they are anti-Japanese elements. Those policemen are from the puppet Manchukuo.

They actually landed at Wusongkou Pier.

The speed is a bit fast.

Before Zhang Yong was ready, people came.

Now that you're here, don't leave!

Leave them all behind!

Quickly call back to the 026 logistics base. The person who answered the phone happened to be Shi Bingdao.

"My boss..."

"How many people are there in the base?"

"About two hundred..."

"Leave thirty people to look after the house. The others will immediately reinforce Wusongkou Wharf."

"What happened?"

"A ship came. It was full of anti-Japanese elements. There were also some policemen from the Puppet Manchukuo State. They had guns."


"Go to the dock to help. Detain all the puppet Manchukuo policemen. If they resist, they will be shot on the spot."


"I'll fly back right away to deal with it."


"that's all."

Zhang Yong quickly hung up the phone.

I don't care about the photos anymore.

Can't wait.

He wanted to rush back to Dajiaochang Air Force Base immediately and then take off directly.

The matters at Wusongkou Pier need to be handled by him personally. If it is left to others, something will happen.

"Yu Licheng."


"I'll leave the matter here to you. Remember to get the photo."


"I'll be back as soon as possible."


"I am leaving."

Zhang Yong set off in a hurry.

Anxiously, we headed to the Dajunchang Air Force Base.



The plane cannot take off!

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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