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Chapter 1062, Am I the commander?

While talking, the second group of people also arrived.

I also came here on a motorcycle. The road is not easy to travel. There is no other way. Motorcycles have the strongest off-road performance.

There are more people in this wave. A total of fifty.

They were all wearing Mao suits, had bald heads, and were carrying Somi submachine guns.

Chen Shutong's face became even more nervous.

You said it's okay?

I believe you as a ghost!

Something big has definitely happened.

So many people coming! So many guns!

You said it's okay?

With such a battle, even the capture of the garrison commander-in-chief was enough.


"It's really okay. I was just ordered by the commission to inspect. You happen to be here. Just help me be a guide."

"As you command!"

Chen Shutong immediately corrected his attitude.

At the same time, relax a little inside. It seems that Zhang Yong is not here for the navy.

Since you want him to be your guide, it means you are not related to him.

Most of the garrison troops in the fortress had done something, and the news reached the ears of the commissioners, and then Zhang Yong came.

Someone is bound to be unlucky. It just depends on who it is.

"Take me to see the fort!"

"Which battery does the commissioner want to see?"


"Huangshan Fort is the closest."

"Then go to Huangshan Fort."

"Commissioner, please come with me."


Zhang Yong waved his hand and followed Chen Shutong with his team.

Seeing Guo Baokun's hesitation, he waved to him to follow him. You still want to run? Don't even think about it! I probably wouldn't dare to let you run.


climb mountains.

In fact, the mountain is very short. The relative height is probably more than 100 meters.

However, just over 100 meters is enough to overlook the Yangtze River. Deploying cannons on it is enough to control the entire river surface.

I saw a lot of old heavy artillery. I don’t know the model. They were very old.

It was judged to be an old antique before World War I. The great powers disposed of it as rubbish and then bought it back.



The captain of the Huangshan Fort garrison came up to greet him.

Knowing that the inspection was personally sent by the commissioner, the garrison captain did not dare to show any signs of neglect.

Report to Zhang Yong in detail the weapons and equipment of the fort.

"...German 88 gun..."


Zhang Yong suddenly reacted.

What did you say? Did I hear it correctly? No, I must have heard it wrong...

How could it be an anti-everything gun?

88 guns!

Huangshan Fort actually has 88 guns?


"What you are talking about is the 88mm anti-aircraft gun imported from Germany?"


"Is it really imported from Germany?"


"How many doors are there in total?"

"Nine gates."

"Take me to see it."

Zhang Yong cheered up.

Finally heard something new.

If it is really 88 guns...

Soon, a weapon symbol flashed on the edge of the map. Check it out. Sure enough, it was an 88mm anti-aircraft gun.

Okay, okay, okay. We really have anti-everything guns.

Although there are only nine guns, its performance is much better than other artillery pieces.

The biggest features of the 88 gun are its high muzzle velocity, long range, and very strong armor-piercing ability. Throughout World War II, no tank could stop it.

Needless to say, the Japanese's Doudin tank has no use for such a big killer as the 88 gun.

Any 7mm heavy machine gun can penetrate it.

The biggest role of the 88-gun is actually to aim directly at the Japanese warships. If the Japanese warships dare to get close.

It is still very difficult for other 105 and 150mm howitzers to hit Japanese warships. It requires a lot of shells. The lethality of the shells is limited.

Only this kind of 88-gun has the chance to penetrate the Japanese warships. Even frontally.

Keep walking and finally see the real thing.

Completely relieved.

It is indeed an 88 gun. If it is fake, it will be replaced.

It's very new, it feels like it just left the factory. It's been well maintained.

Three 88-mm cannons formed a "C" shape. Then the three "C" shapes formed a larger "C" shape. The muzzles of the guns were pointed diagonally towards the sky.

So, here comes the problem.

All 88 guns are open-air.

There are no fortifications on it, and no special air-raid shelters have been built.

As soon as the Japanese planes arrived, they were all targets.

Although the 88 gun was originally designed for air defense, its air defense performance is really poor.

Without a VT fuze, it's almost a waste of shells.

Moreover, for destroying aircraft, 40mm or 30mm cannons are enough. Even 20mm will do.

The main thing is to have a faster rate of fire, more ammunition, and a dense rain of bullets for air defense.

Even so, the probability of hitting an aircraft is still very low. The air defense effect is very poor. It cannot hit an aircraft at all.

"The bomb shelter hasn't been repaired yet?"


The guard captain mumbled his answer.

Zhang Yong knew it well.

Being repaired often means that work has been stopped.

Once work stops, it's forever. There will be no more work.

Apparently no one paid attention to it.

Indeed, digging air-raid shelters is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and requires a large amount of steel and concrete. It is not easy to achieve results. Who would be happy?

Chiang Kai-shek himself would not pay attention to it.

Spending so much money to dig holes? Just kidding...

Suddenly my mind moved.

The portable ammunition space has been updated. Check it out and find that there are more 88-gun shells. Exactly one hundred rounds.


There are only one hundred shells. What can they be used for?

Anti-aircraft artillery air defense relies on a large number of artillery shells. Any fire is calculated in thousands or tens of thousands.

One hundred or dozens of artillery shells are just a fireworks display. It's still a small scale.

"How is the ammunition reserve for the 88 gun?"

"Prepare one hundred and eighty rounds of ammunition."

"Every door?"

"No. The nine cannons have a total of 180 rounds of ammunition. An average of 20 rounds per gun."


Zhang Yong looked indifferent.

This result was within his expectation.

It is very common to have artillery but no ammunition. The Germans are also very shrewd in doing business.

Sell ​​you the cannon and make you a fortune. Follow-up cannonballs will make you even more.

Moreover, the German artillery shells can only be produced by them. They are not compatible with those of other powers.

Especially this 88-gun shell, it is definitely unique and has no other branches. The price is absolutely sky-high.


This is what it feels like to be controlled by others.

have no choice……

"Are there any anti-aircraft machine guns?"


"Do you have Sulotong machine cannon?"

"There are thirty."

"There are so many?"

Zhang Yong was a little surprised again. This data is not bad!

The Sulotong 20mm cannon actually has much better air defense performance than the 88 gun. Its relative efficiency is also higher.


"Ammo reserve."

"Three thousand three hundred rounds."


Zhang Yong was depressed again.

Thirty machine guns with three thousand rounds of ammunition.

On average, a machine gun only fires 100 rounds. That only takes a few minutes!

The Sulotong machine gun has a very high rate of fire. It seems to use a 15-round magazine. It may be all fired up in a few seconds.

Seriously, if you change the magazine quickly enough, you can finish it in a minute.

What to do next? Wait to be bombed.


There are guns but no ammunition...

Guns but no ammunition...

For Jiangyin Fortress, it is a dead place.

Shake his head.

Arrive at the highest point of Huangshan Fort.

Raise the telescope and observe the river.

The river is quite narrow and completely controlled by artillery fire.

Theoretically, as long as the cannons are not destroyed and there are enough shells, Japanese warships cannot enter.

The issue is……

The Japanese invaders have planes!

The Japanese navy has an aircraft carrier!

The combat effectiveness of the national air force is still unknown.

But what is certain is that it is definitely no match for the Japanese naval aviation. Air supremacy belongs to the Japanese.

A very sad reality.

In addition, the Japanese invaders could also launch attacks from land and threaten the flanks of Jiangyin Fortress from the south.

The large-caliber heavy artillery faces the Yangtze River and cannot turn its muzzle.

And the troops used to defend against land attacks...


Chen Shutong's voice came.

Zhang Yong brought his thoughts back.

"What do you want to say? Just say it."

"Japanese spy..."

"There are no spies in the fort."

"That's good."

Chen Shutong breathed a sigh of relief.

It's better if there are no spies. Otherwise, there will definitely be another turmoil.


Zhang Yong agreed.

Perhaps, this is the only good news.

Inside the fort, all the personnel in the garrison were free of spies.

Japanese spies are worried about accidents, so they still dare not directly place personnel in the national army. However, they will definitely bribe some people.

It is impossible to tell whether there are traitors among the members of the fort garrison.

Even if not, it is estimated that the information about the fort has been leaked inadvertently.

Who is that, Boss Qian? He is a spy!

If he wants to get intelligence, which fort can't get it?

The focus now——

It’s not about catching spies! It’s about getting equipment.

It is necessary to add a large number of weapons and ammunition to Jiangyin Fortress and build air-raid shelters.

Otherwise, if the war breaks out next year, we will only be passively beaten. The so-called fortress may not be able to withstand for two or three months and will collapse.


Lao Jiang really chose a very challenging task for himself this time.

It happened to be the base vehicle of the system, and it would be deployed here. He did not dare to take it lightly. If the Jiangyin Fortress was occupied and the base vehicle was gone, it would be over.

Therefore, we must find ways to increase the combat effectiveness of Jiangyin Fortress...

Suddenly, his eyes flashed.

I was a little surprised to see an acquaintance.

I don’t know him, but I’ve seen him before. He’s from the Air Force.


Zhang Yong waved to the other party to stop him.

The other party realized that Zhang Yong was calling him and hurriedly ran over.


"Who are you……"

"Humble job Tuobaquan."

"I've seen you. You are now..."

"My humble position is in the Air Force Liaison Office at Jiangyin Fortress, where I serve as a major liaison officer."

"Liaison office?"

"Yes. Air Force and Navy joint operations."


Zhang Yong suddenly had a strange feeling.

This Jiangyin Fortress seems to be equipped with sea, land and air. If a war breaks out, it will be a combination of sea, land and air.

On the river, the navy.

On land, Army.

In the sky is the National Air Force.

Similarly, in order to seize the Jiangyin Fortress, the Japanese invaders must have fought together by sea, land and air.

The Japanese navy's warships and carrier-based aircraft will launch attacks from the water and the air at the same time. The Japanese army that conquered the Songhu area will also attack the fortress from the south.

It seems to test the level of the fortress commander!

You must be able to command the three armies of the sea, land and air force at the same time. You must coordinate well. You must know how to cooperate among the three armies...

Can the current Commander-in-Chief of Defense do it?

Does he understand the Air Force?

"Am I the commander?"

"I understand amphibious operations command..."

An absurd idea came into Zhang Yong's mind. Then it became clearer and clearer.

In this era, in China, he really couldn't think of anyone who knew about amphibious warfare. The top brass of the Chinese military had never even seen an aircraft carrier!

When Commander Qian secretly formulated the Songhu battle plan, Zhang Yong discovered that it did not mention air defense at all. Commander Qian felt that the Japanese invaders' airport was far away from Songhu and should not be able to provide aircraft cover. But there was no mention of air defense.

It occurred to me that the Japanese invaders had carrier-based aircraft.

Is it an exaggeration?

No, this is reality.

Commander Qian really doesn’t understand. He doesn’t understand carrier-based aircraft.

Even among the world's major powers, there are still many people who cling to big guns and giant ships and reject carrier-based aircraft.

The Japanese invaders themselves were relatively good at using their aircraft carriers, and their carrier-based aircraft were also very good fighters. However, they themselves were always obsessed with building bigger and stronger battleships.

If the resources for building Yamato-class battleships are used to build aircraft carriers, ten can be built!

There are three Yamato-class battleships: Yamato, Musashi, and Shinano.

Not counting the short-lived Shinano. With the resources of Yamato and Musashi alone, we can build several aircraft carriers!

If you don’t even know about carrier-based aircraft, how can you command joint sea, land and air operations?

No wonder those 88-gun shells had so few shells. Probably the defenders never expected that the Japanese aircraft would come from the sea.

This is the information gap of the times!

"Consultant Chen."


"Do you know about aircraft carriers?"

"I've heard of it. I've seen pictures. But I've never seen the real thing."

"Where's the carrier-based aircraft?"

"I've heard of it. But I've never seen it."


Zhang Yong confirmed his judgment.

Chen Shutong is a staff officer of the Navy. But he has never seen a carrier-based aircraft.

I guess I know nothing about the combat effectiveness of carrier-based aircraft.

No wonder the fort's air defense is so tight. They don't know it at all!

They had no idea that one Japanese aircraft carrier could carry fifty or sixty fighter jets. It had extremely powerful attack power.

The Japanese invaders only needed to dispatch two aircraft carriers and have more than a hundred aircraft to cover them.

Jiangyin Fortress is no match at all...

But wait!

Suddenly, another absurd idea came into Zhang Yong's mind.

The Japanese invaders' two aircraft carriers did have more than 100 fighter jets. However, if the national air force concentrated its main force, it would also have more than 100 main fighter jets.

If the two sides engage in a fierce air battle, the National Air Force may not be completely defeated.

At the very least, it can severely damage the Japanese naval aviation, leaving them severely weakened and unable to fight for a long time.

Those BA65 attack aircraft bought by Italy have very good combat effectiveness. However, they are not recommended for attacking Japanese ships.

If it were Zhang Yong commanding, he would use those attack aircraft to lay ambushes.

Carrier-based aircraft designed to ambush Japanese invaders.

Shooting down one is one.

Every time one is shot down, a Japanese pilot can be eliminated.

The Japanese invaders cannot withstand the consumption.

Their elite military policy cannot last.

The entire war of resistance was a war of attrition, and the battle was about who could survive to the end.

The same is true for air combat. Since you are not your opponent, then slowly spend your time.

An excellent commander is a prerequisite.

If the movement of Japanese aircraft can be predicted in advance, there may not be no chance of ambush.

Ambush in the air and leave immediately after the attack. Never entangle.

The key is--

He, Zhang Yong, must obtain command authority!

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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