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Chapter 1066, Osaka people

City God's Temple.

In the southwest of Jiangyin County.

Belongs to the suburbs.

The fields are a bit desolate and the dirt roads are a bit dilapidated.

"Boss Qian..."


"Actually, you really don't need to hide the banknotes in such a far place. Since your family has a big business, can't you just find a corner and hide it?"

"I told you, I don't know anything about the City God's Temple."

"you are wrong."


"You should say you don't know anything about banknotes."


Boss Qian choked immediately.

It seems like oh! I said the wrong thing in a hurry.

A heart keeps sinking.

The calmer Zhang Yong became, the more Boss Qian's heart collapsed.

How many secrets does the other party know?

"Unless the person you are contacting needs to come to the Chenghuang Temple to withdraw money. You agree to meet here."

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"I'm sorry. I was wrong. Occupational disease. Occupational disease."

Zhang Yong smiled and stopped talking.

very good mood.

The income is considerable.

The future of money is promising.

He likes to make money. He gets excited when he has money.

Close to the City God Temple.

A gold symbol appears at the edge of the map.

Zhang Yong, who was already in good spirits, suddenly seemed to have been given a boost of energy. He quickened his pace.

"Boss Qian! Thank you!"


"You actually have gold hidden here! I'm so happy!"


Boss Qian's heart was twitching.

He suddenly felt that he might as well admit it directly.

Zhang Yong actually knew that there was gold in the City God's Temple. It's simply unbelievable. What kind of monster is he?

Boss Qian is a spy.

He is also a very selfish spy.

He is from Osaka.

Have business talent.

After he came to Jiangyin, he found that the situation here was very ideal.

He quickly made a lot of money by using his spy network. Then, out of the instinct of an Osaka businessman, he hid part of the profits.

Chenghuang Temple, of course no one comes here to date.

In fact, almost no one comes here usually.

The people stationed in Jiangyin are all troops. They generally don't believe in the City God. The level is too low.

Therefore, he safely hid his private money here.

Nothing has ever happened. Very safe.

Until Zhang Yong arrived.

"It's not a betrayal..."

"No outsider knows..."

At one point, Boss Qian overturned his judgment.

Others only know that he is a Japanese spy, but they don't know where his radio station is.

It is even more impossible to know that there is private money in the Chenghuang Temple.

Only he himself knows these two things. But, he really didn’t leak the secret!

How could he tell others about important matters related to his wealth and life? Unless he was talking in his sleep in the middle of the night and someone heard him...


Talking in sleep?

No. This is impossible.

Because he always sleeps alone and doesn't want women.

After finishing things with a woman, I would ask her to leave so as not to talk in my sleep and leak the secret. This has always been very effective.

Therefore, he could not figure out how he leaked the secret.

What a ghost. Is the other party a human or a monster?

Finally we saw the Chenghuang Temple.

I found that the place is quite big, but a bit rundown.

There is a clay sculpture and gold statue of the Chenghuang Temple. It is very big.

If there are no gold marks, it may take some time to dig them all out.

but now……

No more pretending. Just go dig for gold.




A dull sound came.

Zhang Yong subconsciously slowed down and saw an astonishing scene.

The clay statue of the City God actually shattered. Before his eyes, it shattered into a pile of dirt.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became weird.

Zhang Yong:???

Isn't it?

The clay sculpture and gold body burst?

Does it have anything to do with me? Of course not. How can I be so virtuous and capable...

This is not a fantasy script!

It has nothing to do with me...

It has nothing to do with me...

Keep going.

The gold mark is not under the clay sculpture of the City God, but on the side.

In an open space without any markings. It is an area where no one will notice it. It is a perfect blind spot for attention.


After giving the order, the others immediately took action.

Boss Qian no longer had any strength and sat down on the ground again.



This time it's really over.

The personal money he had worked so hard to save was just gone.

Zhang Yong...

What a monster!

You will find out where he hid the money when you come up!

Suddenly, Boss Qian felt a sweetness in his throat. He couldn't control it anymore.


A blood arrow spurted out.

It fell to the ground gorgeously.

Zhang Yong turned a blind eye.

You vomit your blood and I dig my gold. We have nothing to do with each other.




There was a dull sound.

Sure enough, I dug out a tin box. It was not big. It was about the same as two aluminum lunch boxes.

I brought it out. I felt heavy and happy. There must be gold bars inside!

Sure enough, after opening it, I saw bright yellow gold bars.

They are all big. There are no small ones. There are also gold ingots. There are more than one.

I was immediately elated.

Damn it. I haven’t seen gold in a long time.

In other words, this kind of golden stuff is just to refresh and make him intoxicated.

Don't be afraid of hardship.

Don't be afraid of getting tired.

Gold is the best treasure.

In addition to gold, there are also silver notes. They are well bundled. There are ten thousand bundles.

There are thirteen stacks, which is 130,000.

Hide them all. My mouth is cracking with laughter.

Sure enough, opening new maps is very effective and the income is huge.


There are also new discoveries.

Under the tin box, there is a notebook.

Picked it up, opened it, glanced at it, and found it was a code book. Oh, here it is.

If it were in the past, it would be a very happy thing to find the code book. But now, it is no longer important. There are many code books in Li Jingzhi's place.

If there is a professional team, they should be able to rely on these code books to deduce the combination rules of the Japanese invaders' codes.

Unfortunately not. The Fuxing Society Secret Service does not have a strong enough deciphering team.

It is impossible for Ling Yan and the others to build a large-scale mathematical model. They can only take the wrong approach and see if there are any shortcuts.


Maybe it can be sold to Beautiful Country?

Maybe they need the Japanese code? They also have the ability to build mathematical models.

There are too many mathematical geniuses in MIT and Stanford. The resources that the beautiful country has are not something that China can look up to. Others are just stronger.

Turning around to look at Boss Qian.

Boss Qian sat on the ground, in a daze. He was completely lost.

"None of these are yours?"


Boss Qian denied it numbly.

In fact, he knew very well that he had been exposed.

The other party has probably dug out even his nickname. What we have in front of us is just the tip of the iceberg.

Zhang Yong waved his hand and the others retreated.

"Boss Qian, get up. You can leave in a moment."


"We'll take you for a walk around the streets and let you go back right away. We won't delay your lunch."

"What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. It's just that I, Zhang Yong, caught you and then let you go back. This made your boss happy. He thought you were so awesome. You actually escaped from Zhang Yong's men. I must give you a big award."



Boss Qian was silent.

Zhang Yong is cheating him.

He was keenly aware of the dead situation inside.

It's hopeless.


Dead end.

He was caught by Zhang Yong. His property was gone, his radio station was gone, and his code book was gone. But he was safe and sound. Not even a hair fell out.

How do you think his boss would judge?

No need to think about it.

The results are obvious.

He would be arrested and ordered to commit seppuku.

No one believed that he had not rebelled.

It has never happened since Zhang Yong appeared that someone could escape unscathed after falling into Zhang Yong's hands.

"Zhang Yong, he is truly worthy of his reputation. He is quite vicious."

"Hey, I'm not happy when you talk like this! I'm doing this for your own good!"

"Not bad. It's good for me."

"It's completely a two-way choice. I'm not forcing you."

"I'm very curious. How do you know my details? Why do you know it so clearly?"

"There are no miracles in this world. We must believe in science."


The spy smiled bitterly.

Do you believe in science? So, he was betrayed?

There is no other explanation other than being betrayed.

Betrayed by whom?

Of course Zhang Yong couldn't tell him.

"What do you want?"

"Just treat it like nothing happens."


"I can give you back the radio station and the code book. You continue to be your spy. Continue to send intelligence. Continue to make money."

"what do you want?"

"Of course it's a benefit! I'm not a saint. How can I do a loss-making business?"

"Please be specific."

Boss Qian sat on the ground and didn't want to get up.

One day Zhang Yong didn't speak clearly and clearly. He didn't even want to get up.

Now that we have talked about it for this reason, it would be meaningless if we didn’t explain it thoroughly.

"Where are you from?"


"I'm from Wakayama. I'm right next door to you. After all, we're still neighbors!"


"I am Wakayama's libertine, Daikuma Shozo."


Boss Qian suddenly stood up.

Zhang Yong shook his hands crazily, his eyes full of surprise.

"turn out to be……"

"Yes. I am the real undercover."


Boss Qian subconsciously screamed. Then he reacted and hurriedly covered his mouth.


Zhang Yong is actually one of his own!

He's actually a swinger from Wakayama! It's amazing!


My wife is amazing.

Boss Qian never imagined that the result would be like this!

No wonder Zhang Yong knew everything. It turned out that he was one of our own! Hey, it was really scary. I thought I was doomed.

Just say, I am from Osaka, how could I die so quickly?

We Osaka people know how to survive best. We will never do anything that is not beneficial.

"This is top secret."


Boss Qian couldn't help but be full of respect.


So good at lurking!

The empire has a lot of talent and the future is bright.

Of course, it doesn’t matter whether it’s bright or not. As long as it doesn’t delay you from making money. I’m from Osaka!

The first priority of Osaka people is to make money!

"Your Mightiness……"

"You have to keep making money."


"Making money is the first priority."


Boss Qian replied excitedly.

Something feels vaguely wrong. Huh? I made money! But you took it all away...

Then he quickly denied himself.

How can this be said to be robbery?

It should be said that I volunteered on my own initiative, yes, on my own initiative...

"Do it well..."

The corners of Zhang Yong's mouth twisted.

I had no choice but to almost burst out laughing. It was so hard to hold it in.

What the hell kind of talent do I have? Is it because I have a halo that lowers my intelligence? Boss Qian’s IQ has seriously dropped?

You actually believe that I am an undercover agent! What an idiot!

In fact, he just said it casually. Mainly because he heard that he was from Osaka.

He just needed someone from Osaka.

A group is the best.

Oh, this "him" is a Wakayama libertine.

We must make full use of the resources of the Osaka people and drag the Osaka people into the water. It is best to involve the Osaka division.

When the Japanese invaders occupy Wuhan in the future and the war enters a stalemate stage, they can use their identity as a prodigal to cause trouble.

Let’s make money together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Make a lot of money.



It's okay. If exposed, exposed.

The exposure was the beginning of the Japanese invaders killing each other.

The identity of the prodigal is to cause chaos within the Japanese invaders. The more chaos, the better.

Killing indiscriminately.

He was responsible for the killings, while the Japanese invaders were responsible for the random killings.

The first people to be killed were a large group of people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then a group of people from the Osaka Division.


It's best to kill people with lots of heads.

Therefore, you can do whatever you want, and there is no need to hide it.

Anyway, it’s not you who dies.

By the way. What about time and space teleportation...

If you really encounter danger, activate the time and space teleportation and easily escape from the encirclement.

Ha ha!


It's just that the side effects are a bit scary.

I don’t dare to try it easily until the last moment. If I become nine thousand years old, I will die...

"Listen to my orders from now on."


"If I contact you as a Wakayama libertine, you must immediately follow the instructions."


Boss Qian is very respectful.

I feel like life is really full of ups and downs. Extreme sorrow brings joy.

"Go ahead."


Boss Qian left in a hurry.

Zhang Yong clenched his fist hard to prevent himself from laughing out loud.

Sure enough, being without desires leads to austerity.

When I didn't even bother to hide my identity as a prodigal, it was actually fine.

In that case, it doesn't matter.

Go back to the county seat.

I received a report that Xu Kang was looking for me.

So I came to the garrison headquarters and found that Xu Kang was not there, but at home.


"Special correspondent..."



Xu Kang suddenly coughed violently.

He touched the corners of his mouth inadvertently and found blood on his hands.


Zhang Yong was also surprised.

Is Xu Kang's condition so serious?

Are you coughing up blood?


This is no show.

I guess I can't pretend either.

He was already ill.

Xu Kang realized something was wrong, so he looked down at his palm.

Seeing the blood on it, his face turned ugly. He hurriedly stretched out his hand to wipe the corners of his mouth, but more blood came out and his face turned pale.

"How about, Commander-in-Chief, you go to Shanghai for treatment for a while?"

"Okay, okay, okay."

Xu Kang immediately agreed.

He is not a saint. Of course he is afraid.

I coughed up blood! Who is not scared?

"Then, Commissioner, I leave all the affairs of the fortress to you."


Zhang Yong calmly agreed. He was neither happy nor sad.

Obtaining the right to command is actually a heavy responsibility. There are many things that need to be done.

"Then, Commissioner, I'll take my leave."

"Go with confidence!"


Xu Kang hurriedly sent an order to summon officers above the regiment level.

He explained the situation and said that he was going to Shanghai for treatment. Seeing that the Commander-in-Chief was coughing up blood, naturally no one objected.

Xu Kang left the fortress that day and went to Shanghai for medical treatment.

The command of Jiangyin Fortress was handed over to Zhang Yong easily. No one raised any objection.

Zhang Yong is the special commissioner appointed by commission. Who dares to openly oppose it?

Of course, there are objections behind it.

Zhang Yong didn't care either.

I am reminded of Li Boqi’s words: Do good deeds and don’t ask about your future.

As long as you feel it is right, just work hard. There are so many people who hate themselves, who do you think they are?

Take over command.

Be familiar with the situation.

"Commissioner, Cheng Zhigao, commander of the 103rd Division, wants to see you."


Zhang Yong remained calm.

Sitting in a dignified manner, watching Cheng Zhigao come in.

Cheng Zhigao came alone. He didn't bring a gun. Although he was unruly, he still understood the basic rules.

"Mr. Cheng."

"Commissioner Zhang."

"Mr. Cheng obviously thinks that I am a loser, a flatterer, and a flatterer. So, you decided to come to your door in person and humiliate me?"

"Isn't that right, Mr. Commissioner?"


Zhang Yong nodded.

This Cheng Zhigao can easily talk to death.

If he was facing Chiang Kai-shek, he would probably have been dragged out by this time.

Death crimes can be forgiven, but living crimes cannot be escaped.

Fortunately, Chiang Kai-shek's attention is now focused on the northwest.

Want to kill two birds with one stone.

Deal with Xiao Liuzi. Deal with the Red Party.

As long as these two things are done well, it will be a great achievement.

Unexpectedly, history quickly taught him how to behave. In the end, he was the one who was solved.

When Xiao Liuzi becomes fierce, he is really fierce.


The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

Cheng Zhigao didn't expect that Zhang Yong would actually admit it.

"Please take a seat."

"I'm used to standing."

"As usual, I would like to know about the situation of the 103rd Division."

"Is the Commissioner going to be stationed at Jiangyin Fortress for a long time?"

"No. Three days at most."


"I'm very busy. I can only stay here for three days at most and then I have to leave."

"Then what's the use of telling you?"

"I can get you ammunition..."


Cheng Zhigao's tone suddenly softened.

His eyes also became suspicious, but also a little expectant.


All right.

His weak spots were targeted.

It doesn't matter to him personally. But the 103rd Division is really short of ammunition.

Weapons are poor. Ammunition is scarce.

Don't call it a war. Even basic daily life cannot be maintained.

The soldiers could no longer survive and fled continuously.

They all ran away because they couldn't survive, and there was nothing he could do. There was no way he could be caught as a deserter and shot.

"Eliminate the weak and keep the strong. Keep five thousand people."


Cheng Zhigao immediately objected.

Five thousand people?

Cut off half?

How can that work?

He firmly refused to agree!

Zhang Yong was silent.

Half a sentence is too much if you don't talk about it. It's useless to say more.

He cannot afford to support so many troops, and the Military and Political Committee cannot give priority to allocating funds.

"see a visitor out."


Cheng Zhigao turned around and left angrily.

Zhang Yong rubbed his temples. Sure enough, if you don't become a householder, you don't know how expensive firewood and rice are!

Nine thousand people, just kidding...

If each person is given one ocean, it will cost nine thousand oceans!

How many people are there around him?

Less than a hundred!

At most, it was only two hundred.

The Fourth Air Police Regiment is obviously a regiment with only 400 people.

Make bricks without straw.

No money.

I really can't afford it.

In the past, I thought a million oceans was a lot.

Now, we simply cannot afford to support a teacher!

It's difficult...

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

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