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Chapter 1069, It’s not a drill! It’s not a drill! It’s not a drill!

somebody is coming?

Cheng Zhigao covered his lower abdomen vigorously.

His wound is bleeding.

The people around him tried to help him down. However, he refused.

He simply felt that he could no longer be a coward in front of Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong had actually seen it a long time ago but said nothing.

Since the opponent can hold on until now, it means that the bullet did not hit the vital point. Otherwise, he would have passed out long ago.



Raise the telescope and observe.

People came from the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. It's on the west side of the map.

Two red dots.

Nine white dots.

All are armed.

There is also a gold mark.

It seems that they should make a lot of money this time out.

He must have done something unscrupulous. He robbed and killed. He might even have killed his whole family. He was full of evil.

Mudd, these eleven people are dead.

Even Amaterasu can't save them!

Even if we give him 100,000 yuan, we cannot forgive him. We must kill them all.

The target is getting closer.

It turned out to be a awning boat. It was slightly larger.

It quickly went down the river from the upstream and soon reached the simple pier on the shore.

Look clearly. They are all young and strong guys. They all have guns.

The awning boat docked. Two traitors jumped ashore and pulled the rope, trying to tie the awning boat tightly.

Zhang Yong waved his hand.



Gunshots were fired.

The two traitors fell headfirst.

It's the sniper rifle of Gangtou and Tongluohan. It kills instantly.


"Da da da……"

Followed by the Thompson submachine gun.

A hail of bullets passed, and everyone on board was instantly killed.



One by one they fell into the river.

Someone tried to hide on the boat. As a result, the bullet penetrated the wooden planks.

"Da da da……"

"Da da da……"

There is a Czech light machine gun firing.

They are from the 103rd Division. They are elites selected by Cheng Zhigao.

The penetrating power of light machine gun bullets is much stronger than that of the Thompson submachine gun. Soon, the map showed that all the red dots and white dots disappeared.

All dead.

Zhang Yong raised his hand to signal to stop shooting.

Sure enough, there were no more living enemies.

Two were shot dead on the shore. Three were shot dead on the boat. All the others fell into the water and floated away.



Qin Lishan led people to rush onto the boat.

Others held the awning boat firmly and tied the ropes.

Zhang Yong boarded the ship.

I found a lot of treasures inside.

It's very messy. There's everything. Gold and silver jewelry, silver notes, oceans...

Some of the gold ingots still have blood stains on them.

A heart sinks.

The Japanese invaders are killing people and stealing goods!

Not only did they rob property, but they also killed the original owner.

These beasts!

Worse than a beast!

Coincidentally, the two red-dot bodies were still on the boat.

Zhang Yong casually grabbed a wooden stick and smashed their heads into pieces.

Mudd. Damn the invaders! Destroy!



All the corpses were thrown into the river to feed the bastards.

No one alive.

Therefore, it is currently unclear where these beasts went to kill people and steal goods.

It shouldn't be too far off to judge. After all, it's a awning boat.

The activity range of a awning boat generally does not exceed a radius of one hundred kilometers. It is not safe if it is too far.

"Special correspondent..."

Cheng Zhigao finally couldn't hold it any longer.

Zhang Yong waved his hand and asked people to carry him away. There is no need to hold on!

"Maybe Yangzhou..."

Du Songyue said suddenly. His brows were furrowed and he was worried.

The appearance of these infiltrated enemies is indistinguishable. They are exactly the same as the Chinese.

In other words, they are actually Chinese, but they have forgotten their ancestors and betrayed them.

It is definitely not easy to find them.

It is estimated that only Zhang Yong can do it.


Zhang Yong's heart continued to sink.

He didn't ask why. Since Du Songyue said this, there should be some basis for it.

It just so happened that Yangzhou was within the range of activities of the awning boats.

Moreover, Yangzhou is very rich.

As long as the Japanese invaders rob one of the eight major merchants in Yangzhou, they can get huge sums of money.

Moreover, the relationship between these eight major merchants and the Japanese invaders had been very bad before. The Japanese invaders went to Yangzhou to plunder, just in time to take revenge.

Damn it!

It’s very likely that it really is Yangzhou!

Suddenly an idea struck me. I rummaged through the belongings. Sure enough, I found a lot of salt stamps.

In an instant, my heart sank to the bottom.

Sure enough, it is Yangzhou.

Only big merchants in Yangzhou have salt stamps.

The Japanese spies really attacked Yangzhou. No matter which company it was, it was very sad.

Too sloppy...

No one was left alive and could not be interrogated.

"How about calling Yangzhou and asking?" Du Songyue saw that Zhang Yong was in a bad mood.

"That's fine." Zhang Yong nodded and prepared to make a call.

Suddenly, red dots appeared on the edge of the map. There were also weapon symbols. There were also many white dots.

Preliminary judgment is that it is another ship. There are five red dots and fifteen white dots. A total of twenty.

A white dot is marked. Check it quickly.

It’s actually Qu Ying!


It’s actually Qu Ying!

She was actually on the ship. She was kidnapped.

The spy may have robbed Qu's house and then took her away as a hostage.

Or maybe he thought she was too beautiful, so he brought her back and prepared to sacrifice her to his boss. She fell into the clutches of the devil.

what to do?

How to save people?

How to destroy enemies?

There were five Japanese invaders and fourteen traitors on board!

All of them have guns! Only Qu Ying doesn't. Once the gun goes off, she may die.

in a hurry……

The battle between heaven and man...

Is there any way to save people?

However, the prerequisite is to destroy all enemies.

Although rescuing people is important, destroying the enemy is the prerequisite.

People don’t need to be saved, but the enemy must be eliminated.

This is Zhang Yong's principle of doing things.



I didn't think of a good way.

Then there's no way.

"Another enemy is coming. There are guns to the west."

"Nineteen enemies in total."

Zhang Yong said in a deep voice.

He didn't mention the hostages. It's a pity.

It was impossible for him to let those enemies go just because of Qu Ying's appearance.

The Japanese invaders must die!

Even we ourselves have to pay the price.

Everyone gets ready immediately.

The dark muzzle was aimed at the river to the west.

Zhang Yong raised his telescope. Sure enough, he saw a wooden sailboat going down the river.

It was obviously larger than the previous awning boat. Nineteen people could be seen on the boat. Only Qu Ying could not be seen. She was probably put down on the boat.

400 meters…

300 meters…

200 meters……

Zhang Yong raised his hand.

Behind the scenes, everyone stood ready.

There are ten Czech-style light machine guns with fully loaded magazines.

150 meters…

100 metres……

At this time, the Japanese invaders on the boat seemed to realize that something was wrong. Some people started to raise their guns.


Zhang Yong waved his hand without hesitation.

Qu Ying...

Alas, what a pity...

Reborn in a peaceful world in the next life, leaving war forever...

"Da da da……"

"Da da da……"

Ten Czech light machine guns roared.

A storm of bullets poured towards the wooden sailboat, sweeping all the people on board into the river.



Water splash.

A white spot disappears...



The white dots disappeared too quickly. Zhang Yong had no time to count them.

Suddenly, only a white dot remained.

It’s Quying!

She is still alive!

My whole body felt excited. I quickly raised my hands.

"Stop shooting!"

"Stop shooting!"

He almost roared, hoarse at the top of his lungs.

A Czech light machine gun lost control and was raised by the person next to it.

The bullet shot into the air and disappeared.



Multiple strings of Thompson bullets were also fired into the air.

Zhang Yong felt cold sweat on his back.

Just a little bit...

Fortunately, the white spots are still there.

I hope...

Don't dare to think too much.


"Pull the wooden boat over!"



A few who could swim jumped into the river.

After a difficult trek, we finally managed to get close to the wooden sailboat.

They fixed the wooden sailboat with ropes, and then others worked together to pull the wooden sailboat back to the shore.

Zhang Yong secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The white spots are still there...

The white spots are still there...

He may have been injured. But he missed his vital point.

Not bad. It should still be salvageable.

Alas, it’s really...

Get on board quickly.

But I didn't see Qu Ying. I only saw a sack.

Oh, Qu Ying was in the sack and was thrown at the bottom of the cabin. No blood was seen yet.

Is there really a miracle? The bullet didn't hit her?

Well. God bless...

Come to the sack, take a knife, and cut the rope.

Sure enough, a woman's gentle long hair was revealed inside.

Then I saw the woman’s face…

That's right. It is indeed her, Qu Ying, the second young lady of the Yangzhou Qu family.

This identity is not important. What is important is that she knows Su Youxi.


Su Youxi may still be in Yangzhou.

Su Youxi felt vaguely uneasy. I wonder if something happened?


What an eventful year!

Qu Ying seemed to be in a daze.

Zhang Yong patted her face. There was no response, so he slapped her in the face.


Qu Ying suddenly screamed.

I suddenly woke up completely.

Zhang Yong:……

Sure enough, the Great Awakening Technique is very effective.

Even though her mouth was bleeding, he saved her life after all!

If it were in ancient times, it would be a promise with one's body...

Just accept it reluctantly.

After all, she is a beautiful little girl. I can keep Su Youxi company in the future...

"Captain Zhang..."

"It's me. You're okay. You're saved."

"Captain Zhang..."

"Okay, it's okay."

"Captain Zhang..."

"I am Zhang Yong."


Sure enough, the plot is very cliché.

Zhang Yong pulled Qu Ying out of the sack.

I took a quick look and found that although her clothes were in disarray, they were still in good condition.

She probably hasn't been raped by animals yet. Her innocence is still there.

Not bad. Otherwise, just...

She probably doesn't want to live anymore.

"Captain Zhang..."

Qu Ying hugged Zhang Yong and refused to let go no matter what.

It's like a drowning man grasping at straws to save his life.

Zhang Yong:……

All right.

Give her some comfort.

To be honest, God has blessed her to be alive.

With such a dense rain of bullets, any lower bullet might have sent her to the underworld of the King of Hell.

Lower your head.

Look at her.

This pear blossom with rain is so sad and heartbreaking. It’s really heart-breaking.

So he leaned down and gave her a sweet kiss.

Don't think too much about it, it's purely to save people.

With the power of love...

Sure enough, her cold lips gradually warmed up.

It was like a quail in a storm that was originally frightened, but now it is gradually calming down.

People around him were indifferent.

Or pretend not to see it.

A girl who was severely frightened needed some comfort. Of course she went to Zhang Yong!

You are young and promising, and your future is unlimited. Even if you become a small person, you will have enough food and clothing in the future...

Are you here to find these old guys?

a long time……

Lip parting...

"My father was beaten to death by them..."

"Your father..."

Zhang Yong quietly took out a small memo notebook.

Sorry. I forgot her father's name.

There are so many people and so many things, but he is not smart enough and has limited memory...

As a result, there was no memo notebook.

Forgot to write it down.


This memory.

I'm really sorry for the kiss just now.

With so many people looking at her, this little girl will definitely not be able to get married in the future.

I had no choice but to follow him reluctantly...

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's safe, it's safe..."

Comfort the other person awkwardly.

Until she can stand up and walk around on her own.

At this time, the surrounding related procedures have been almost completed. The wealth has also been counted.

However, Zhang Yong would not touch these belongings.

Since there is a clear owner, it must be returned to the original owner.

Who was their original owner? Of course it was Qu Ying. So they were all put under her name.


"You sit down for a while first."

Zhang Yong left Qu Ying behind and started to deal with business matters.

But the radio operator came.

According to Zhang Yong's requirements, he is an idiot. He has only just learned how to send newspapers.

Find an open place and set up the radio.

Just use the original frequency.

"Send report."


"We killed Zhang Yong. Zhang Yong is dead. Zhang Yong is dead. It's not a drill. It's not a drill. It's not a drill."


The operator looked at Zhang Yong doubtfully.

What's this?

I suspect I heard it wrong...

"You heard it right. Zhang Yong is dead, repeat it twice. It's not a drill, repeat it three times."


The operator then started coding.

Naturally, I am not that skilled at making raw melon and eggs. I have been busy for a while.

Then he started sending the report. His movements were quite clumsy.

That's for sure. Definitely a newbie.

Zhang Yong even suspected that he might have made a mistake in coding. He was too new to it.

But everyone else has come...

Finally, the password was sent.

Just as he was about to speak, suddenly, the world map automatically switched. At the same time, there was a message prompt.

[Discovering the Kaga aircraft carrier]


Kaga number?

Aircraft carrier in the small days?

Why did it come out?

Check the map quickly.

It turned out that the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier of the beautiful country and the Kaga aircraft carrier of the Japanese invaders unexpectedly met less than 300 nautical miles west of Hawaii.

[Kaga number has been marked]

The system prompts the information again. Confirm that it is correct.

It was indeed the Japanese aircraft carrier Kaga. It did meet the USS Enterprise.

Of course, face to face is impossible.

Both sides have reconnaissance aircraft, and it is very likely that the reconnaissance aircraft encountered each other.


Does this count as an encounter?

Oh, of course. Because we know the identity of the other party.

Although it can't be seen with the naked eye, the information shows that the opposite side is the Kaga or Enterprise.

Both sides should be familiar with each other's main battleships.

Except for the hidden and mysterious Yamato Hotel, there was no record of success until it sank.

It seems that the last time Halsey led the Saratoga aircraft carrier to approach the Japanese homeland, it stimulated the Japanese navy to a certain extent. Therefore, they also sent the Kaga aircraft carrier to approach Hawaii as retaliation for the "reciprocity of courtesy".

His eyes rolled.

Bad water comes out.

"Send again. The content is: Kaga has sunk the Enterprise."

"Change the frequency and send again. The content is: Enterprise has sunk Kaga."


what's the situation?

Who sank whom?

Why are the contents of the two telegrams completely opposite?

Zhang Yong: Hehe.

What you want is chaos. The more chaos, the better.

Send it to the Japanese invaders, saying that the Kaga has sunk the Enterprise. Then change the frequency and send it to the beautiful country.

Can the Navy of the United States receive it? No matter what! It has been sent out anyway. Someone will definitely receive it. Naturally, the Navy of the United States will also know about it.


There's no after that.

He was only responsible for sending random telegrams, not for deductions.

It's best to fight ghosts against ghosts.

After thinking about it, I realized that simply sending a telegram is not enough. I need to work harder.

He is also very good at fanning the flames and adding fuel to the fire.

Return to the fortress garrison headquarters immediately.

Pick up the phone.

Call the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai directly. Ask Akiyama Shigeki.

He is a very suitable helper to spread news and create tension. For the sake of his daughter, let him walk on the edge of a knife!

After a while, the call was finally connected. The call was successfully connected to the Japanese Consulate.

Switch to Big Bear Shozo's voice.

"Who are you……"

"Haga! I am Big Bear Shozo from Wakayama! I'm looking for my father-in-law!"

"Please wait a moment."

The other party really didn't dare to neglect.

Turns out he’s a Wakayama prodigal! You can’t afford to offend him.

Soon, Akiyama Shigekui's voice came.


"you shut up!"

"Father-in-law, I just received news that the Kaga sank the USS Enterprise of the Beautiful Country?"


"I also got the information from other people, so I don't know whether it's true or not."

"The Navy's Kaga?"


"The Enterprise of the Beautiful Country?"


"I see."

Akiyama Shigekui hung up the phone with deep thoughts.

The news is so sudden...

Hope it's fake...

If it's true, that's incredible.

This means that the navies of the two countries are fighting.


Things are getting serious.


Zhang Yong hung up the phone.

A proud smile on his lips.



No matter whether they are killed or buried.

Spreading rumors to stir up trouble and stirring up trouble are my strengths!

Ha ha!

Zhang Yong is dead...

The Kaga sinks the Enterprise...

Enterprise sinks Kaga...

Enough confusion!

Ha ha!

When it comes to construction, I can't do it. When it comes to destruction, I'm first-class.

Suddenly someone came to report.

"Special Commissioner, Navy Commander Chen invites you to come over."

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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