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Chapter 1074, touched the tail

Chongqing stands at the foot of Loquat Mountain.

There are no tall buildings, all are low-rise bungalows.

There are not even two-story buildings.

After spending a long time in Shanghai's bustling city, I suddenly felt a little emotional when I saw such a backward place.

This is the future capital!

Really bad……


Change the angle...

Now is a good time to start staking your claim!

Hongyadong, Chaotianmen, and Shajiaping are all good places. You can occupy them first and then build a large number of houses.

Of course it's not a tall house, it's a one-story bungalow like this.

Requirements, low cost, lightweight.

Never build tall buildings. Otherwise, you will become a target for Japanese aircraft bombing in the future.

Like what happened in northern Shaanxi, the Japanese invaders dropped a bomb and blew up two adobe houses. They were seriously unable to make ends meet.

However, Zhang Yong cannot come forward in this matter.

Otherwise, the appearance will be too ugly.

Let's ask Li Boqi to do it.

He Zhang Yong provided the money.

Li Boqi was born.

Li Boqi is responsible for finding local people.

Spending a lot of money can also promote employment for local people.

The large amount of legal currency in his personal space finally has a use.

"Where is this?"


"Oh? Zeng Jiayan?"

Zhang Yong's mind moved. This name is so familiar.

In the future, there was an Eighth Route Army office in Chongqing in Zengjiayan. Duke Zhou lived here.

By the way, what number is Zeng Jiayan?


But it doesn't matter. Go in and have a look.

As a result, after walking around for a while, I didn't have much impression. The houses here are also average.

There are two-story buildings, but they are quite old. Many of them are wooden buildings. They look crumbling and are in great need of repairs.

Compared with the small Western-style buildings in Shanghai, the buildings here are really...

"In front is Loquat Mountain."


Zhang Yong raised his telescope.

He is now being carried and enjoying the young master's pleasure.

The two bearers were very happy to receive two oceans each. It can be said to be a win-win situation. Both feet are very powerful.

Habitually check the map to determine danger.


So many yellow spots?

No. Is this the headquarters of the Red Party?

It feels a little weird.

It turns out that at the location of Chongqing Station, in addition to more than twenty white dots, there are actually five yellow dots.

Five yellow dots! The number is a bit exaggerated.

I found a white spot with a mark. Check it out. It's Li Boqi. He's inside.

The five yellow dots were all around him just now.

After a while, four yellow dots came out and dispersed. Only one remained.

Zhang Yong frowned secretly.

What is Li Boqi trying to do? It’s too blatant!

If Dai Li knew about it, he might deal with him secretly. Don't die inexplicably then.

I'm a little curious again. Who is the other yellow dot?

All the other yellow dots have left, but he has not left. He is really calm and acts as if there is no one around!

Come to the door.

Get off the sedan.

The sedan behind followed.

There was no one on the sedan. There were five sacks. They were all French currency.

The bearer brought down the five sacks and put them away.

Zhang Yong gave each person a big ocean as an extra reward. The bearers went away happily.

Report identity.

Soon, the yellow dot appeared.

Zhang Yong looked inside in confusion and found that it was Cao Mengqi who came out.


It turns out to be him!

Hey, the yellow dot turns out to be Lao Cao!


This guy is really eye-catching.

Since turning into a yellow dot, the map cannot mark him.

"Shao Long!"

"Old Cao, why are you..."

"I've been here for many days. I came from Jinling. By boat."


Zhang Yong was thoughtful.

No wonder there has been no news from this guy for many days.

It turned out that I was coming to Chongqing Station.

Didn't even say hello.

However, it's good that Lao Cao is here. If anything happens, he will have help.

Zhang Yong himself flew here. He was alone. He didn't bring anyone with him. If he encountered danger here, it would be very troublesome.

Regarding his own combat effectiveness, Zhang Yong could only say that the thirty-sixth stratagem is the best stratagem.

However, it was different when Lao Cao was here.

With Lao Cao's help, we can definitely counterattack and kill the opponent.

"Is the team leader here?"


"I'll go in and find him."

"You go in by yourself. I'm outside. If you need anything, call me."

"Help me move the money in."


"The sack is full of money. There are more than five million French currency!"

"How many?"

Cao Mengqi thought he heard wrongly.


More than five million!

Ten thousand!

Fiat currency!

Isn’t that more than five million oceans?

This Zhang Shaolong is also very good at making money. He is really amazing.

"Hurry up and move in. This is all for you."


Cao Mengqi hurriedly greeted people.

Zhang Yong strode inside.

Find Li Boqi's office according to the map.

It's just an ordinary bungalow. It's made of mud bricks. There are only some stones at the base of the walls. It's waterproof.


"Come in."

Zhang Yong went in. It was very dark inside.

During the day, there are no lights. It is far worse than the previous Shanghai office.

The ground is also full of potholes and has not been leveled. Look up, it has a tiled roof. It's fine on sunny days, but it may leak on rainy days.

Those potholes on the ground are most likely caused by water leaks.

Alas, this was the current situation at that time.

Even the Fuxing Society Secret Service is like this. Other places are just worse.

It is unimaginable what will happen here next year when Jinling falls and a large number of people flock to Chongqing.

What a terrible word!

"What are you doing here?"

"I brought you money."



"How many?"

"French currency. More than five million."


Li Boqi was obviously a little surprised.

However, he soon calmed down and pretended to be nonchalant.

Zhang Yong was very proud in his heart and wanted to laugh out loud.

When it comes to other things, I'm not good at it. But when it comes to making money, I seem to be pretty good.

Especially making money from spies and traitors is definitely my strong point.


Following Zhang Yong's voice, Cao Mengqi led people to move the sacks in.

Five sacks. All bulging.

Zhang Yong opened it.

Everything inside is legal tender.

The only flaw is that the denomination is relatively small.

Many of them are 1 yuan or 2 yuan. Therefore, five sacks are needed to carry them.

However, this kind of small denomination is actually quite good for private use.

"Give it all to us?"


"what are you up to?"

"Whatever you do."

"Chongqing station construction?"

"You can also buy some land outside and build some bungalows. Maybe they can be used next year..."

"Next year? Why?"

The person who answered was Cao Mengqi. He was even more lazy than Zhang Yong.

This guy's skill points are all focused on combat skills. He obviously forgot to point out intelligence.

"Secrets must not be revealed."

Zhang Yong is so talkative, but he doesn’t dare to talk nonsense.

He used to dare to mention it occasionally, but now he definitely doesn't.

He is now the inspector general of the Military and Political Commission and the special commissioner of Chiang Kai-shek, so his words are beginning to have some weight.

If someone deliberately spreads it, it will shake the morale of the military.

Xuan Tiewu is determined to kill him.

Over there, the Japanese invaders were also sharpening their knives and trying every possible means to kill him.

Be careful and cautious.

It must be guarded against.

"when are you going back?"


Zhang Yong answered casually.

He felt that there was actually nothing going on here.

Neither would the Japanese invaders...

Just as he was about to speak, suddenly, a red dot entered the edge of the map.


Red dot? Japanese invaders?

Is it still marked? Who is it? What a coincidence...

Check it out. It's Junjiro Koiso.

After thinking about it, who is this guy? I remembered it after a while. He was from Kuniaki Koiso's side.

Got caught.

This guy was used in exchange for Yan Guangkun last time.

There was no news after that.

Unexpectedly, it actually came to Chongqing.

If you are so restless and refuse to repent even after being caught once, there is nothing you can do about it.

Caught again. Ransom doubled.

The first time was 100,000, the second time was 200,000, the third time was 300,000...

"Old Cao, take someone with me."

"do what?"

"Catch a spy. An acquaintance."


Cao Mengqi suddenly couldn't get what he wanted.

After he came to Chongqing, he actually had nothing to do. He mainly missed Li Boqi.

Now that I heard that there are Japanese spies, I feel energetic again.

"Bring a few more people."

"no problem."

Cao Mengqi agreed wholeheartedly.

Then the whistle was blown to assemble the team. Ten people gathered together.

The current Chongqing Station is still a grass-roots team and has not yet been perfected in all aspects.

But there is definitely no shortage of field personnel. They are all good hands and everyone is equipped with weapons.

"Set off!"


Zhang Yong leads the team.

Quietly approaching the red dot.

Koiso Kuniaki, right? He looks like a big shot at first glance. He has a lot of money.

This guy seems to be the Prime Minister in the future. This means that he definitely has a lot of supporters. He is the most suitable person to rip off.

Close to the target.

The target is just one person. And he has no weapons.

After a while, the target appeared.

There is no disguise. It is Junjiro Koiso's original face.

This guy thinks that everything will be fine if he hides in Chongqing? He thinks that I, Zhang Yong, will not come to Chongqing, right? Haha...

Wave your hand. Go forward directly and hold the target from the side.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"You're welcome and safe."

Zhang Yong greeted the other party with a smile.

Junjiro Koiso's movements suddenly froze.

He thought he was hallucinating.


Whose voice?

Why is it so familiar? And yet so scary?



Turn back.

Seeing a face that is harmless to humans and animals, I actually feel a little handsome.


He is Zhang Yong!


It’s Zhang Yong!

He rubbed his eyes hastily, hoping that he had seen it wrong.

Yes, I must have read it wrong...

I definitely saw it wrong...

There were rumors before that Zhang Yong was dead.


He is dead……


Therefore, what I saw was Zhang Yong’s ghost!

But why does Zhang Yong’s ghost have a shadow?


Zhang Yong said with a smile: "You read that right, it's me! I just arrived in Chongqing. We are really destined!"

"It's fate..." Junjiro Koiso just wanted to disappear into thin air.


I was caught again...

This is the second time...

what to do?

what to do?

"What? You don't welcome me?" Zhang Yong still smiled.

"What... do you want?" Junjiro Koiso still has a trace of fantasy and wants to make a final struggle.

"Who is Kuniaki Koiso to you?"

"I, I don't know..."

"I'll give you some common sense. Maybe you don't know it yet."


"As long as you hand over 100,000 yuan, I will let you go back. However, this is the second time you have been arrested, so you need 200,000 yuan..."


Junjiro Koiso's face suddenly turned pale.

Two hundred thousand oceans!

Where can he find it?

"Look to Kuniaki Koiso to find a solution."


"Otherwise, I will hang you at Chaotianmen Pier and let it dry slowly. The wind there is very strong, and it will take about ten days..."

"I, I, I really..."

"Lao Cao."

Zhang Yong waved his hand.

Cao Mengqi came up and grabbed the opponent.

"I give!"

"I give!"

Junjiro Koiso shouted immediately.

Now that things have come to a point, he has to agree even if he agrees, and he has to agree even if he doesn't agree.

Otherwise, Zhang Yong would really hang it up to dry.

"now it's right."

"I, I, don't go look for it, look for it, I will find a way to raise money for you myself."

"That's great. Tell me."


Junjiro Koiso's face looked gloomy and uncertain.

Sometimes it's gray, sometimes it's pale.

Obviously, he is fighting between heaven and man. Maybe he needs to betray others.

Zhang Yong was not in a hurry either.

The opportunity has been given to you. If you don't seize it, you don't want to live.

"I'll take you to catch someone..."


"Zeng Xihuang."

"what for?"

"He is the undercover agent we placed here."



"That's no problem. As long as the goods we seize are enough for two hundred thousand oceans, I will let you go."

"You keep your word..."

"Don't worry. I mean what I say. And I'll keep it a secret for you."

"All right……"

Junjiro Koiso gritted his teeth.

Lead the way.

The distance is actually very close, just a few hundred meters.

However, the target was not a Japanese spy. He was bribed by the Japanese invaders. Therefore, the map did not show it.

"Zeng Xihuang?"



Zhang Yong waved his hand and automatically stepped back.

Lao Cao is best at leading a team to arrest people. It is enough for him to be the forward.


Another red dot appears.

It turned out to be another marked red dot.

After checking, I found out that it was Yamaguchi Yosuke, also known as Mouri Usagi.

That killer.

Very capable.

A bit unexpected.

This guy is actually also in Chongqing!

No wonder there is no information about this guy for a long time. I thought he was dead.

Unexpectedly, I went to Chongqing to play.

Good, good, good!

When old friends meet again, it becomes clear!

But hand over the money first!

It can basically be judged that Yamaguchi Yosuke is from Yong Ren's side.

Yong Ren took so much money from the Wakayama prodigal, but I wonder what it was used for?

There was no way to ask before. Now, you can ask Yamaguchi Yosuke.

Suddenly I noticed something was wrong with Junjiro Koiso's face. This guy's little eyes seemed to be moving?


Could it be a trap?

Did this guy deliberately arrange it to lure himself into being fooled?


He stretched out his hand and grabbed Junjiro Koiso.

With a straight face and without saying a word, he cut off his little finger with a knife. Junjiro Koiso screamed in pain.

However, his mouth was covered with a rag and he couldn't scream even if he wanted to.

Zhang Yong stared at him coldly and said word by word, "You know Yosuke Yamaguchi, right?"

Junjiro Koiso's face suddenly turned pale and his breathing stopped.

Zhang Yong knew that he had guessed correctly.

This guy may also be from Yong Ren!

I accidentally touched Yong Ren’s tail!

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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