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Chapter 1105, approval to take off

The phone hung up.

There was no more sound.

Zhang Yong held the microphone.


Did you hear it wrong?

Is it the lady’s voice?


Forget it, it doesn't matter.

What he just said was not wrong.

In fact, this matter was resolved peacefully in this way.

It is a historical necessity.

It has nothing to do with Zhang Yong.

Put down the phone.

Sit back behind the desk.

Put your legs on the table, close your eyes and relax.

Make money...

Make money...

Make money...

Where to do it? Who to do it to?

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

The phone rang again. Zhang Yong ignored it.

Sure enough, the sky fell. It was indeed equivalent to the emperor in ancient times encountering an accident.

He is just a small person with so many phone calls. You can imagine how busy those big guys will be these days and how many brain cells they will lose.

I hope Jinling’s power supply system can hold on. But we must not have a major power outage at this time.

Staying up all night is the norm. The curfew is expected to be tightened.


They are all unknowns.

Only he, Zhang Yong, knew the result clearly.


Reach out and pick up the phone.

Let's see who is coming to hook up with me again.

It turned out that the call was from Cen Zhaohai.


"What's up?"

"The nearby 167th Division has behaved abnormally..."

"What unusual behavior??"

"There seems to be a bit of a commotion."


Zhang Yong sneered.

The man surnamed He strongly advocated using force to save people. It seems that he also sent Tang Enbo and others to lead the army to threaten Tongguan, which caused the situation to be very tense for a time.

At that time, Chiang Kai-shek's life was really hanging by a thread.

Xiao Liuzi was young and energetic, and he felt that he had been tricked by Chiang Kai-shek into giving up the three eastern provinces. He was full of resentment, which drove him to the edge, and Chiang Kai-shek was really gone.

However, Chiang Kai-shek cannot die. Especially at this time. He really cannot die.

Indeed, many people hate Chiang Kai-shek and want to skin him.

However, the objective reality is that after Chiang Kai-shek dies, China will only become more chaotic. The various princes will fall apart even more.

In name, Chiang Kai-shek is indeed a leader recognized by many parties.

Just like the character of Emperor Xian of Han Dynasty.

Without this common leader, it would be difficult for the various princes to unite to fight against Japan.

If Chiang Kai-shek dies, who will take the lead?

There are simply no alternatives.

There may even be a split within the party, followed by civil war. Then the Japanese invaders will annex China more easily.

Therefore, knowledgeable people tried their best to mediate and hope to resolve the matter peacefully.

"What's the specific situation?"

"Part of it is to fight for pay. Part of it is to break away from the 167th Division."

"Why should we break away from the 167th Division?"

"There are rumors that the 167th Division will be disbanded and everyone will be sent home. They don't want to go home."

"how many people?"

"About a thousand."

"I understand. I'll deal with it. You wait for me over there."


Zhang Yong hung up the phone.

Standing thoughtfully, he then shouted outside:

"Here comes someone."


"Instruct the fourth air police regiment to assemble immediately."


Soon, the fourth air police regiment was assembled.

They haven't been deployed for a long time. Every day is training, training, training...

Frankly speaking, it is really boring. I want to go out and do some activities.

After receiving the order, Yang Buqing and Song Youming arrived quickly.


"Follow me to the 167th Division."


The two agreed.

Zhang Yong came to the troops for a brief inspection.

Not bad. They are all Garand semi-automatic rifles. The firepower is still very fierce.

A dilapidated 167th Division should not be a problem.

"Set off."

"Set off."

The team marched in in a mighty manner.

The headquarters of the 167th Division is very close to the Daqiaochang Airport.

Otherwise, Cen Zhaohai would not know what happened here immediately and report it quickly.

Because if something happens to the 167th Division, it will threaten the security of the airport.

Zhang Yong drove quickly in front.

Suddenly I found a red dot on the edge of the map.

Huh? Are there red dots here too?

Something's wrong...

It’s the wild over here!

A Japanese spy actually infiltrated into the wild?

I haven't gone out for more than a month to carry out raids. How can I grow up as a spy so fast?

Okay, I'll go out and clean up later.

They were all captured and imprisoned at the Dachiaochang Airport, where they were forced to do hard labor every day...

Suddenly slowed down.

But there are many white spots on the edge of the map. There are no labels. There are no weapons and equipment.

They seem to be arranged in a queue. It's quite neat.


Wave your hands to signal others to be more vigilant.

Stop the car and raise your binoculars.

As a result, I saw many people, all topless, standing silently in the cold wind.

It's December now, and the weather in Jinling is already quite cold.

Frowning. What are they doing?

"Lu Keming."


"Go up and ask them what's going on. Be gentle."


Lu Keming led people forward.

Returned soon.

"Commissioners, they are all soldiers of the 167th Division. They said that if they were to be demobilized, it would be better to kill them all here."

"Why don't they want to be dismissed?"

"Because they don't have families. They don't know how to do anything except fight."


Zhang Yong was thoughtful.

It turns out that this is the truth. He believes this statement.

The situation at that time was indeed like this. Many people had been serving as soldiers for their entire lives and had lost contact with their families. Or they had no family at all.

Apart from fighting, they really don't have any other skills. Without the army, survival is a problem.

If we really send them away, they will either live on the streets or become bandits.

Many bandits include various fallen veterans.

Such bandits are often difficult to deal with.

A thousand people!

If they are demobilized, there may be more than a thousand bandits.

No need...

It just so happens that I need someone.

Especially those who have a grudge against Minister He. Most suitable.

Now, at this critical moment, what he needs most is someone who can give the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs a hard fight.

good very good.

Get off the car immediately and walk forward.

A strong man from the other side also came forward. He was shirtless.

stand at attention.



"May I have your name?"

"Zhongli Ding."

"What are you doing here?"

"We want to talk to Minister He. We demand fair treatment."

"Minister He will only shoot you."

"We are not convinced."

"Fortunately it was me who came. Otherwise, you would have been shot dead by machine guns."

"Who are you……"

"My name is Zhang Yong. I am the inspector of the Military and Political Commission. I don't listen to ministers. I only listen to the commissioners."

"Your Majesty Commissioner."

"Now, I'll give you a choice. If you are willing to continue to join the army, you can join our Fourth Air Police Regiment. The benefits are more generous than those of the 167th Division. However, I have also made it clear that these are troubled times. Minister He and I will not deal with it. He

I will not accept the minister’s order. A conflict might break out..."

"Sir Commissioner, Minister He wants to dismiss us, but we will not deal with him."

"In that case, come with me!"


"No more military uniforms. Go back to the airport and change into new military uniforms and new weapons."


Zhongli Ding agreed.

Zhang Yong waved his hand and ordered them to pass in front of him.

He looked at each soldier.

Actually not very satisfied.

There are not many strong ones.

It feels like I am not very well nourished.

There is no way, these motley crews have a luxury of having enough to eat. How do you expect them to be strong?

Two meals a day are porridge.

There are no vegetables. You have to think of pickles and radishes yourself.

In their bodies, one can clearly see the epitome of the Republic of China. They were so weak and so thin.

If it were the era of cold weapons, maybe a dozen of them would not be able to defeat one.

In fact, if it were a hand-to-hand fight, a dozen or so national troops in front of them would be no match for the Japanese invaders.

In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese invaders were very fierce in hand-to-hand combat.

Even 101 suffers a secret loss...

I feel that I can’t go through the second round again. Otherwise, all the troops will be wiped out...

"Zhongli Ding."


"Are there any heavy smokers here?"


"Are you sure?"

"Reporting specialist, I'm sure."

"Okay. If so, I'm the only one asking you."

"Report to the Commissioner. We don't even have enough to eat. How can we afford to smoke?"


Zhang Yong nodded.

I'm not too thin, my body is weak, I can accept it.

If you have hooligan habits, you are a veteran, you are greedy for life and you are afraid of death, you can accept it.

Only smoking is unacceptable.

Because the first two problems can be improved. But smoking is difficult to quit. The consequences are endless.

Take the team back to Daqiaochang Airport.

Change clothes.

It feels okay.

A man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle.

After changing into a new military uniform, he looks quite presentable.

Have a meal.

All kinds of gobbled.

Someone ate eight large steamed buns in a row.

So hungry...

However, morale has improved significantly.

Everyone realizes one thing: in the Fourth Air Police Regiment, you can definitely have a full meal.

Not only can you have a full meal, you can even eat well.

Rice, steamed buns, open to eat.

It’s not one meal or two. It’s every meal.

After eating, I started to clear the outstanding wages.

There are many fiat currencies.

The last thing Zhang Yong wants is legal currency.

It just so happened that the last time I purchased an oil well, foreign banks did not accept legal tender.





Pay out of your own pocket to clear back wages.

Just wait until the matter is resolved peacefully before reporting it to the police.

Commander Qian...

He is also being detained now!

It was unlucky to say the least. He had only flown there for three days.

Then things happened. It was really a rush.

Reorganize the team.

It just enriches the structure of the original Fourth Air Police Regiment.

Zhongli Ding was temporarily appointed as the deputy leader. Others also filled the hole.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is...

"From now on, your focus is to protect the two places."

"One is the oil depot."

"One is the ammunition depot."

"No one is allowed to extract ammunition or fuel from inside without my order."

"is that clear?"

Zhang Yong said slowly.

If you want to use aircraft, fuel and ammunition are indispensable.

Especially oil. Without oil, the plane can't even hope to fly.

He Yingqin, if you have the ability, go find the oil yourself. Anyway, Zhang Yong ordered the security department to watch the three airports of Jinling, Longhua and Jianqiao.


Zhongli Ding answered loudly.

The mental state of other soldiers is also very good.

Can have a full meal.

Can get paid.

They are already very satisfied.

Although there are currently no weapons.


Zhang Yong is unsatisfactory.

With his ability, he can do this for the time being.

Want to do more? Sorry. It's beyond his capabilities. He is a small person, not a big shot.

Suddenly, I saw Minister Min coming in a hurry. His face was ugly.

Zhang Yong then came forward.

"Minister Min."


"What's up?"

"The Ministry of Military Affairs called and ordered the Air Force to prepare for bombing Tongguan."

"Bombing Tongguan?"

"Yes. Bomb Tongguan to demonstrate oppression."

"Minister He's order?"


Minister Min looked ugly.

Obviously, he also knew that this order was very taboo.

The commission is still in the hands of the Northeastern Army. Then the National Air Force bombs Tongguan. Who knows whether it will cause the Northeastern Army to jump over the wall?

That commission would be dangerous.

However, this is an order. It comes from the Ministry of Military Affairs.

The committee is currently unable to exercise power. The Military and Administrative Committee has become empty. The Military and Administrative Department has become the department with real power.

"Minister Min, you know the consequences of doing this."


Minister Min smiled bitterly.

Of course he knew the consequences of doing so.

To carry out the order is to entrust the throne. Who knows what will happen in the future?

However, if the order is not carried out, the Ministry of Military Affairs is likely to send someone to replace him immediately. Right now, Commander Qian is also being detained, and the others are abroad...

The entire air force is leaderless!

"Come here!" Zhang Yong's face suddenly darkened.

Zhongli Ding hurriedly stepped forward, "Here we come!"

"Detain Minister Min!"


Zhongli Ding immediately led people to take action.

He didn't ask why. He just listened to the commissioner. He would arrest whomever the commissioner said.

Minister Min:???

Zhang Yong winked at Minister Min.

"Go in and be quiet for a few days."

Minister Min understood immediately.

This was Zhang Yong's attempt to avoid difficulties for him and help him find steps.

Now, he was detained by Zhang Yong. The power to command the air force naturally fell into Zhang Yong's hands.

No matter what the situation is in the future, he will have no responsibility.

Zhang Yong shouldered everything.

"I am the inspector. He Yingqin can't control me."

"I only listen to orders."

"He Yingqin can only command other troops. He can't move even one Air Force plane."

Zhang Yong said straightforwardly.

Minister Min nodded, relieved and grateful.


"The matter will be over when the commissioner comes back safely."

"I hope..."

"Don't worry. The committee will come back."


"Cen Zhaohai."


"Take Minister Min away and lock him in the reading room."


Cen Zhaohai agreed and took Minister Min away.

Minister Min was relaxed and happy, and kept his feet on the ground.

Zhang Yong suddenly saw He Yuanzhen, so he stretched out his hand and said, "Go and arrest him too."

"Yes." Zhongli Ding immediately led people to rush forward.

It’s not about who you are.

Arrest whoever the commissioner says to arrest.

The commissioner only listens to the commission. We only listen to the commissioner.


He Yuanzhen still tried to struggle.

As a result, he was knocked unconscious by Zhongli Ding's fist.

Zhang Yong:……

Okay. That’s not bad.

Since everything has fallen out, why are you so polite? Just put him in a solitary room.

"Shangguan Qing."


"Summon the heads of all departments here immediately. No absences are allowed. Violators will be prosecuted under military law."


Shangguan Qing and others hurried to deliver the order.

Soon, the heads of all departments arrived.

More or less, they have all heard some rumors. They all understand that the matter is very taboo.

All eyes were focused on Zhang Yong.

"From now on, I will take over all affairs of the Air Resources Department." Zhang Yong got straight to the point.

No one had any objections.

On the contrary, they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, what they need most is a backbone.

A backbone who can handle things.

"I order that from now on, any aircraft taking off must be approved by me. Anyone who takes off without permission will be shot on the spot."

"I only accept orders from the commission. You only accept my orders. Others will not accept them."

"Neither the Ministry of Military Affairs nor anyone else has the authority to command our air force. Do you understand?"

Zhang Yong said every word with a straight face.

Yes, he was targeting He Yingqin. He was the one he was guarding against.

"Do you understand?"


"Just understand. I don't want any of you to die. You will pass all responsibilities to me! Disband."

Zhang Yong waved his hand.

Everyone dispersed with relief.

There is a backbone. They just need to obey the orders of the backbone.

Zhang Yong returned to the office.

Call Shanghai Longhua Airport and ask for Zhang Ping.

The highest-ranking person there is Zhang Ping. He is currently stationed at Longhua Airport.

"Zhang Ping, it's me."


"Zhang Ping, as the inspector of the Military and Political Commission, I am now ordering you that from now on, all aircraft must obtain my approval before they can take off."


"Repeat that."

"Reporting to the Specialist. From now on, all aircraft must be approved by you before they can take off."

"Okay. That's it. If there is any external pressure, you can pass it on to me. I will take full responsibility."


"Okay. That's it. Pass on the order. If you disobey, you will be prosecuted under military law."


Zhang Ping felt relieved.

He is also a little confused now and a little panicked.

No one knows what the situation is over there. If Air Force aircraft need to be used, the consequences could be big or small...

Now, Zhang Yong has come forward to take all the responsibilities. They only need to carry out Zhang Yong's orders.

Zhang Yong called Jianqiao Airport again.

Of course, the same command was repeated. The same answer was given and strictly followed.


Zhang Yong came to the empty raising department.

He rarely comes here because he doesn't need to.

Commander Qian and Minister Min are both here. Nothing happens without him. But now, something happens.

There are no tigers in the mountains. Monkeys are kings.

He is the king now. He must take care of his own land.

I have no control over what He Yingqin does outside. However, it is absolutely impossible for you to use the air force. Don’t even think about it.



All officers stood up.

stand at attention.


Zhang Yong nodded and raised his hand in return.

There is nothing wrong with him. From now on, he will be the boss of the National Air Force.

Do your part.

Except for the commissioner and his wife, it is difficult for anyone to come.

"Power up all airports immediately."


"Inform them that all aircraft must report to the Air Operations Department before taking off. They must obtain my approval before they can take off. Otherwise, they will be severely punished. The responsible person will be executed on the spot."


Everyone looked solemn.

These are extraordinary times. Of course they know the consequences.

Send a report.

Notify all airports.

At the same time, ask them to call back to express receipt.

Zhang Yong was in charge of the Kongtang Department.

Temporarily borrowing Minister Min's office. This will also be beneficial to Minister Min.

The matter was resolved later. Minister Min was coerced by him, so it was fine.


"Permission to take off..."


"Permission to take off..."

Applications keep coming.

They were all civil aviation aircraft. Zhang Yong allowed them to take off.

Too sloppy...

Civil aviation is also included.

It seems that what I need to restrict are only military aircraft?

Forget it. Let’s wait until death.

To avoid any loopholes.


"Madam is here."

Suddenly someone came in a hurry.

Zhang Yong:???

Oh? Madam?

Check the surveillance map. Nothing found.

Oh, you may not have entered the airport yet. Do you want to be greeted? No need.

Just do your part.


Zhang Yong replied calmly and did not get up.

The officer who came to report hesitated to speak. He felt very surprised.

Madam is here, and you won’t go to greet her?

Zhang Yong looked up at him.

"Madam is just passing by. Let's just do our job."


"It will be the same in the future. There is no need to mobilize troops."


"Let's arrange a plane. Whichever plane you usually use, or whatever plane you usually use."


"Go for it!"

Zhang Yong waved his hand.

The officer turned and left.

check the map.

Oh, there are a lot of white spots appearing.

Lots of cars. Lots of guns. Apparently the lady has arrived.


Among the entourage, there is actually a yellow dot.



Close your eyes and rest your mind.

Madam, will you go to the northwest now?

Going to a meeting alone to save your husband?

What a bit of courage!



"Madam is going to Shanghai by plane."



Send people away.

Zhang Yong continued to close his eyes and rest his mind.

Not going to the northwest? What are you going to do in Shanghai?

Are you trying to win over the second sister?

Too lazy to think too much.

These are all things that great figures in history thought about.

He, Zhang Yong, is not qualified to be included in history books yet. Don't worry about it.

Wandering in the sky...

Suddenly another officer arrived. His face turned red. He seemed very excited?



"Commissioner, Madam's plane has requested to take off. Please approve it."


Zhang Yong was stunned.

Does she still need to apply when she takes off?

Do you still want my approval?


"Madam said that since it is your order, she will obey it..."


Zhang Yong was stunned.

Then he realized that Madam did this specially.

What she is most worried about now is that someone is using the air force to intimidate. That would really cost her husband's life.

Since he, Zhang Yong, has taken the lead in controlling the air force, she will of course help him.

Even if she obeys, who else dares to act recklessly?

Great. It's done.

Except for Zhang Yong, no one can touch the Air Force.

No wonder the officer who came to report turned red with excitement. It was an eye-opener for me.

Even his wife must obey Zhang Yong's orders.

He nodded immediately.

The tone is calm.

"Approved for takeoff. Good luck on the journey."

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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