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Chapter 1117, Fire in the backyard

[The original content was replaced as required. Forgive me.]

A spy hangs in the distance.

The spy's vehicle kept driving towards the suburbs.

After a while, it finally stopped. The spy got out of the car and moved to the side.


Is it going up a mountain?

It seems to be a hill next to it.

Strange, what are the spies doing up the mountain? Sneaking around in the middle of the night...

Suddenly, the map prompted that there was a radio station logo.

Only then did I understand that the Japanese spies wanted to send a report.

He came to the suburbs to send a report.

Climbing to the top of the hill is to receive better signals.

Hey, this is really...

Catch him right!

"He's sending a message."


"I heard the signal being sent."


"You go up now, it's time to catch the current situation."


Cui Longfang immediately led people to rush forward.

Zhang Yong watched slowly from behind.

Catch Japanese spies!

Usually someone else does it.

The map shows that the white dots quickly surrounded the red dots, and the red dots were helpless.


Now it's fun.

The largest grain merchant in the northwest region!

He's actually a spy!

There is plenty of oil and water.

Walk forward slowly.

Just in time, Cui Longfang escorted the Japanese spy down.

The spy struggled desperately.

Zhang Yong reached out and patted the other party's shoulder.

"Don't bother."

The spy's arms were tied behind his back, and his mouth was gagged with rags.

However, he still stretched out his neck tenaciously, as if he wanted to use his head to push Zhang Yong aside.

"May I have your name?"


"May I have your name?"


"May I have your name?"


Zhang Yong repeatedly interrogated him.

The spy didn't answer. His mouth was blocked.

Cui Longfang stretched out his hand to remove the rag from the spy's mouth, but was stopped by Zhang Yong.


I don't need the spy to speak.

I just need the spy's brain to fluctuate violently.

"Kenjiro Ide..."

"Kenjiro Ide..."

A disembodied voice came.

Zhang Yong smiled slightly.

Pat the spy on the face. He looks gentle and approachable.


"Your name is Ide Kenjiro, right?"

"Uh huh..."

The spy immediately reacted violently.

My throat made a vague sound. I was very anxious.

The body trembles involuntarily.


Cui Longfang immediately realized something was wrong.

Zhang Yong, actually knows the name of this Japanese spy? Is it so amazing?

One look at this spy, he looked like he had been exposed.

Anxious. Incompetent and furious.

Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Unbelievable.

He probably never thought that he would be exposed. It was too sudden.

"It's called something bad. It's called a cheap hand."

Zhang Yong shook his head.

The spy suddenly became more excited and struggled desperately.

Obviously, he felt that he had been humiliated by Zhang Yong. A scholar could not be killed but could not be humiliated.

Zhang Yong reached out and took away the rag from the other party's mouth.

The spy suddenly roared angrily.

"Ahhhh, I'm going to kill you!"

"You forgot to mention Baga."

"Baga! I'm going to kill you! Baga..."

"Where are you from?"

"I will not tell you."

"Where are you from?"


"Where are you from?"


The spy was very resistant.

No matter how Zhang Yong interrogated him, he refused to answer and kept cursing.

Cui Longfang really wanted to come forward, so he stabbed the opponent.

He was still so arrogant after being caught.

This Zhang Yong is also strange. Why are you being questioned repeatedly?

Could it be that if you ask a question ten times, the spy will answer it? That is too simple...

"You're from Gifu Prefecture, right?"


The spy responded subconsciously.

Then he looked at Zhang Yong blankly. It felt like he was looking at a monster.

Cui Longfang:……

No way? Zhang Yong even knows this?

Do you know the spy’s name and his hometown? Didn’t he just come to Guanzhong?

Would it be so magical...

No wonder Catching Japanese Spies is so famous...

"Who are you telegraphing to?"


"Who are you telegraphing to?"


The spy was silent.

He bit his lip subconsciously.

Obviously, he thought he had leaked the secret somewhere.

I thought that as long as I covered my mouth tightly, the other party would not be able to get effective information.

However, Zhang Yong kept repeating the problem mechanically.




A disembodied voice came.

Zhang Yong immediately took action.

He reached out and pinched the spy's neck, and said coldly: "You sent a telegram to Buddha?"

The wrists were tightened and the pinch became tighter and tighter. The spy gradually suffocated.

The spy's cheeks are getting redder and redder...

Zhang Yong never let go until the spy's facial features began to deform.


Almost unconscious.

Then he slowly let go.


It appears again!

This cheap spy actually sent a report to Buddha!


Where is it?

How many people does it control remotely?

Suddenly he let go of his hand.

"What's the content of the telegram?"


The spy bit his lips tightly.

He felt that he had encountered the most terrifying thing. Everything was so weird.

The other party actually knows everything.

He even knew that he was sending a message to Buddha!


How can it be?

How could the other person know about Buddha?

However, all of this is true. The other party really knows everything.

Now, the other party even wants to know the contents of the telegram?

He almost wanted to bite off his tongue...

But it's too late.

A piece of hard wood was stuffed into the mouth.

Air leakage.

But I can't bite my tongue.

"Telegram content..."

"Everything goes well. The goods are waiting to be handed over..."

An ethereal voice came.


Is this the content of the telegram?

What went well? What goods are waiting for handover?

"What cargo?"

"What cargo?"

Zhang Yong continued to read the machine and interrogated him repeatedly.

He found that the probability of telepathy is indeed very low. It often takes many times to trigger.

However, it seems to have a guarantee mechanism. If you ask the same question up to five times, you can often get the answer. Unless you are a spy, you can't remember it.

Okay. This function is very good. It means that there is no need for strenuous torture.

The torture in the future is simply to look at the Japanese spies and punish them severely.



Sure enough, an ethereal voice came.

Very good. The goods to be received are money. It really meets my requirements.

"Where to receive?"

"Where to receive?"

Zhang Yong continued to interrogate him repeatedly without stopping at all.

After the fifth time, I finally got the answer. It was at Yongsheng Car and Horse Racing.



The answer will be tomorrow morning.

OK. The closed loop is completed. I got all the information I wanted.

Ask no more.

Turning to look at Cui Longfang.

"Go to Yongsheng Carriage and Horse Racing Shop."



The spy made an indistinct sound.

But it was unbelievable again. The other party actually knew about Yongsheng Car and Horse Racing.

It's fatal.

How did the other party know?

He didn't say anything!


He revealed nothing.

Suddenly, Zhang Yong turned his head and looked at the spy coldly, "You can't figure it out?"

"Woooooooo..." The spy nodded repeatedly.

I really can't figure it out.

I can’t figure it out at all!

"Your Prince Yoshihito of Chichibu Palace told me."


The spy suddenly trembled all over.

I don't know if it's anger or fear.

Chichibu Palace Prince Yoshihito?

How can it be?

"Is it strange? No matter how deep you hide it, Yong Ren can find your information."


"Yong Ren is borrowing my hand to eradicate you."


"If he wants to seek power and usurp the throne, he will eliminate all of you."


"Your Highness Chichibu Palace Yoshihito wants to replace the current emperor, so he has to betray you."


The spy's voice became fainter.

Zhang Yong ignored the other party again.

You are worthless.

What's left is just a dead salted fish.

Of course, your wealth and assets will be quickly divided among everyone.

Of course he, Zhang Yong, will also get a share.



Depart. Go to Yongsheng Carriage and Horse Racing Agency.

I found that the carriage and horse racing station was near the north gate. There were vast open spaces nearby.

The so-called carriage and horse company is actually an ancient transportation company. It has its own mules and horses, and its own carts, which can pull goods.

In an era when cars were not popular, most of the transportation was done by them.

The efficiency is actually very low and the cost is actually very high.

But, it is indispensable.

When we came near the carriage and horse carriage, a red dot appeared.

A weapon symbol appears.

A radio station logo appears.

Good guy, this place turns out to be a spy den!

There is more than one red dot. There are five.

A bunch of spies.

There are also many weapons, enough to equip a platoon.

There are even two Czech-style light machine guns and a grenade launcher that can be fired by hand.

"Commissioner Zhang..."

"There are five spies in the carriage house."


"There are two radio stations."


"There are also two Czech light machine guns and a grenade launcher."

"Machine gun? Grenadier?"


"Son of a bitch……"

Cui Longfang hurriedly reminded everyone to pay attention.

The Japanese spy even has a Czech light machine gun and a grenade launcher. It's really incredible.

What do they want to do?

Start a rebellion.

Create confusion?

If it's the latter, it's really dangerous.

The situation in Xi'an City at this moment is very dangerous. If someone provokes...

Fortunately, Zhang Yong discovered it in time.

In other words, this Zhang Yong is truly magical that cannot be described in words.



There is no perfect battle plan.

At Cui Longfang's place, just go up to A. If you can catch them, catch them. If you can't catch them, kill them all.



Launch an attack.

Soldiers rushed in from all directions from the west.

Zhang Yong was watching the fun from behind. This time, he could actually see it with the naked eye.

"Da da da……"

"Da da da……"

Gunshots were fired. Chaos. Very intense.

A Japanese spy resisted with a gun.

The white spots disappear.

The red dot disappears.

I was paying close attention when suddenly, a yellow dot appeared.


Yellow dot?

Zhang Yong raised his telescope.

I saw a slightly familiar figure in the distance.

After careful identification for a moment, I discovered that it was Qi Jiuding. He was actually here. He came to Xi'an from Shanghai.

It's a pity that I can't meet him yet.

This is Xi'an, not Shanghai. Meeting rashly may bring disaster to the other party.

"Da da da……"

"Da da da……"

The gunshots continued to sound like exploding beans.

Only the last red dot remained. It never disappeared and was eventually covered by a white dot.


A bit unexpected.

Actually captured a Japanese spy alive?


So he came forward.

The captured spy was found unconscious.

There are several bullet holes in his body. It's useless. This spy will die sooner or later.

Sure enough, after two minutes, the red dot disappeared.

This means that the last spy has died.

All dead balls.

Not a single person left alive.


"Discover the radio station!"


"Weapon found!"

The results of the search were quite fruitful.

Five radio stations found.


All new!

There are also a lot of spare parts.

Likewise, the number of weapons seized was also very large.

However, this is not the point.

The key point is that a large amount of legal currency was found in the warehouse of the carriage and horse shop.

"so much……"

"Oh My God……"

Cui Longfang said he was shocked tonight.




He has never seen so many French currencies.

If it were exchanged for an ocean, it would probably fill a room. It would be so spectacular.


Zhang Yong cursed angrily.

The spy is really crazy. He is hoarding so much legal currency here.

You're on the southeast coast, why don't you hoard more? Although I don't like French currency, some people do!

If you transport legal currency to the southeast coast, isn't it better than transporting it to the northwest?

Really, it’s a waste of time and effort, but the gains outweigh the losses.

It's fine now. All the legal currency has been given to the big guys here.


Make wedding clothes for others!

No gold yet!

But if there is any gold, he can swallow it up.

The more I think about it, the more unhappy I become.

It just so happened that all the Japanese spies were beaten to death, and there was no one to vent their anger on.

Ahhhh, I feel more and more unhappy. I really want to hit someone.

Suddenly yawned.


Tired of flying.

At night, they went on a spree to catch Japanese spies.

It’s really a bit overwhelming. The main reason is that the harvest is not exciting enough.

Most of the confiscated French currency belongs to the big boss here. The most I can get is a little bit of water. It’s boring...

I was feeling depressed when I suddenly remembered that there was a living spy.

It was Mr. Mo who was arrested.

The largest grain merchant in the northwest.

Yes, I haven’t ransacked his home yet!

Come to the front of the spy.

The Japanese spy drooped his head, desperate and numb.

"I can give you a chance to live." Zhang Yong said suddenly.

The spy didn't respond.

I definitely won't believe it.

"Tell me who the Buddha is and where he is."

"I have no idea……"

"Who is Buddha? Where is he?"

"I have no idea……"

"Who is Buddha? Where is he?"

Zhang Yong repeats mechanically.

However, this time, the telepathy failed.


I really don’t know if it’s a spy.

If it cannot be sensed, it means that the spy has no memory in this regard.

Madhu. The cunning Buddha.

He's hidden so deeply. Even after catching so many spies, we can't pinpoint who he is.

But, it doesn't matter anymore.

If I can’t find you, then I’ll frame you and put the blame on you.

When you can't stand it anymore, he will naturally surface. Just like Liu Xi.

Pat the spy on the face.

"Do you know why the Buddha didn't tell you who he is?"

"have no idea……"

"Because he was the one who betrayed you."


"Buddha is one of Yong Ren's right-hand assistants. He provided Yong Ren with a large amount of spy information. Yong Ren then sold the information to me."


"Yes. The purchase is not money. It is an exchange of interests. We fully support Yong Ren's usurpation of the throne."


The spy fell silent.

He was confused.

Reality told him that all of this might be true.

Yong Ren......

It's the mastermind behind this.


He is an accomplice.

He was ruthlessly betrayed...


"Commissioner Zhang!"

At this time, Cui Longfang came back.

Full of smiles. Full of joy.

He stretched out his hand.


"Commissioner Zhang, welcome to Northwest!"

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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