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Chapter 1136, Mutiny

Finished the phone call.

Zhang Yong slowly put down the microphone.

Hu Zongnan's words were a bit confusing. He didn't fully understand them.

Maybe it’s because you can’t say too much details on the phone. So, Hu Zongnan finally mentioned that someone else would be sent to contact him.

Talk face to face.

What to talk about?

not understand.

Turn back and look at the elephant wall.


"There is something..."

Zhang Yong was about to speak but stopped.

He really didn't understand. He needs to be clarified.


He motioned to Lu Xiangbi and him to go outside and talk.

The two walked outside.

"Just now, Chief Hu said on the phone that he had arrested thousands of gangsters..."

"several thousand?"

"Yes. Thousands. No accurate data."

"You said you want to hand the person over to the commissioner?"


Zhang Yong nodded.

This is where he was confused.

What do you want me to do with the gangsters captured by Hu Zongnan?

I'm an inspector. Not a shelter.

What do you want to do by cramming thousands of people here at once? Do you want me to take care of the food?

Please, I am responsible for my own profits and losses and pay for it myself!


"Say what you have to say. If I'm trustworthy."

"What Chief Hu arrested may not be gangsters, but ordinary people, refugees and so on. And then..."

"Kill the good and take credit?"

"It's not that serious. It's just a false report of some achievements."

"Thousands of people..."

"Sir Hu hopes you can help him repay his merits."


"It will be more credible if you report it."


Zhang Yong tilted his head and considered it carefully.

It seems like this. If you brag too much, you will be suspected.

However, if it were another person to report, then...

Especially if Zhang Yong reported it, no one would doubt it. Even if they had doubts, they would not dare to say anything.

Otherwise, you will offend two big bosses at the same time. Why bother?

No one in the Military and Administrative Department is stupid.

"It's okay for me to report to him. But people..."

"If it's ordinary people who are willing to stay, it will just enrich the army."


Zhang Yong's eyes lit up.

Yes. It seems to be possible!

What the 107th Division needs most now is to recruit more troops!

People, the more the better.

It would be best if thousands of people come at once and fill them all up.

As the veterans who were separated before come back one after another, the number of the 107th Division has increased to more than 5,000.

However, five thousand people is still too few. On the battlefield, they cannot be used.

Wang Yaowu's 51st Division also had several thousand men.

The 87th, 88th and other main divisions all have around 12,000 people.

No matter what, it has to be close to 10,000 people to be considered to have some combat effectiveness.

It must be known that once the Songhu Battle begins, the consumption of troops will be very large. It will also be difficult to obtain replacements.

It was spinning continuously, day and night, and there was no time for new recruits to be deployed from the rear.

No one expected that the casualties of the troops would be so heavy. The supplements from the rear could only meet one-fifth of the needs of the front line.

The final result was that many troops had their designations revoked.

An army is reduced to a division. A division is reduced to a brigade or even a regiment.

Where can the 107th Division go to get replenishment? Zhang Yong doesn’t know either.

Therefore, as many people as we can fill now, we will fill it as much as possible.


The officer on duty arrived and sent the latest telegram.

Zhang Yong reached out and took the telegram. He found that it was from the Military Department of the 67th Army. He forwarded the telegram from the Military and Political Department.

The Ministry of Military Affairs requested that the 67th Army and the 57th Army set off soon to deploy and defend Anhui.

The other three armies, including the 49th, 51st, and 53rd armies, also all deployed to defend the Central Plains area and left the northwest.

"The boots finally hit the ground..." Lu Xiangbi sighed.

"Let's go to Suzhou." Zhang Yong said calmly, "I will communicate with the Ministry of Military Affairs."

"Maybe..." Lu Xiangbi hesitated.

"What?" Zhang Yong found that Lao Lu was too worried about the country and the people, and his face was full of pain.

In fact, Lu Xiangbi was just forty-five years old. He was considered middle-aged. But he looked like he was in his twilight years.

I guess everyone has been suffering a lot in the past few years.

He retreated without a fight and surrendered the three eastern provinces. He was reviled by the common people and criticized by all the princes.

Especially those literati and poets, it would be better if we didn't scold them to death.

Incompetent. Coward. Traitor. All sorts of crimes.

They themselves don't know how to turn over and wash away their shame.

"Nothing." Lu Xiangbi did not elaborate.

"Then I'll call Commander Wu first." Zhang Yong changed the subject.

Return to the division headquarters.

Call the 67th Army Headquarters directly.

"I'm Zhang Yong, Inspector. I'm looking for your Commander Wu."

"Your Majesty Commissioner, Wu Keren is in a humble position."

"Commander Wu, you lead the 108th Division to implement the order of the Military and Political Ministry. The 107th Division has other arrangements. You can just report it to the Military and Political Ministry directly."


"that's all……"


"Commander Wu, what's the matter with you? You can just tell me."

"When will the Commissioner be free? This is my humble duty..."

"Commander Wu, leading the troops well and resolutely executing orders is the best way to gain the trust of the commission."


"that's all."

Zhang Yong hung up the phone.

He understood that Wu Keren wanted to set up a relationship.

Since Wang Yizhe was killed, the treatment of the 67th Army has also been relatively bad.

In other words, the treatment of all Northeastern troops is very bad.

Adhering to Jiang's wishes, the Ministry of Military Affairs used coercion and inducement to induce the Northeast Army to mobilize defenses in the Central Plains.

The Central Plains area was surrounded by national troops from the Huangpu Clan. The Northeastern Army was dispersed and assigned to different defense zones.

This is clear, if there is any abnormal movement, it will be eliminated immediately.

At the same time, all food and salary payments will be suspended.

They are requested to be mobilized and can only be completed after arriving in the new defense area.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is a threat. If you don't leave the northwest, your food and salary will not be paid.

At the same time, Hu Zongnan led the First Army and was stationed in the northwest.

Temporarily stationed in Xianyang.

Tang Enbo led the Second Army to station in Tongguan.

It formed an east-west pincer attack on the Northeastern Army distributed around Xi'an.

Even if you want to go, you have to go. If you don’t want to go, you have to go.

Now, the telegram from the Ministry of Military Affairs has officially arrived, indicating that there is no room for maneuver.

On Chen Cheng's side, a group of officers from the Huangpu Clan have been prepared. When the Northeast Army mobilizes to defend the Central Plains, they will be immediately deployed to various Northeast Army units.

At the same time, the Political Training Department has also been online. When the Northeast Army arrives in the new defense area, the Political Training Department will fully monitor it.

"It's useless to stay." Zhang Yong said bluntly.

"Yes." Lu Xiangbi was silent.

As an old man from the Northeast Army, of course I feel quite emotional.

The once glorious Northeastern Army came to an end and went their separate ways.

With the arrival of officers from the Huangpu Clan and the surveillance of the Political Training Department, the Northeast Army was no longer the Northeast Army. It was annihilated.

"Mr. Lu, it's useless to think too much."


"No matter what faction they belong to, as long as they are under Zhang Yong's supervision, I will treat them equally."


"I am not from the Huangpu family. So, you don't need to worry that I will become a Huangpu family."


"The order given to me by the commission is to take three divisions to garrison in Suzhou. Besides the 107th Division, what other suggestions do you have?"

"If you need strong combat effectiveness, naturally it is the 49th Army and the 51st Army. They were the main force of the young commander..."

"For someone with strong fighting ability, others may not need me. The Military and Administrative Department is also keeping an eye on me."

"The ones with relatively weak combat effectiveness are the 112th Division and the 130th Division. They are also a little confused now."

"112 and 130?"



Zhang Yong was thoughtful.

It's not that he likes fish belly. It's that he has no choice.

He is a young man who is called a pretty boy behind his back and has no battlefield experience. How can he convince the public?

Those teams with strong combat capabilities had no one to compare with him.

Even if he obeys on the surface, it's just obedience. Why should he bother others?

On the contrary, it will be easier to control them by building several fish-belly troops and slowly bringing them out with one hand. They will all be your own people.

One thing is clear.

That is, he can reject the Huangpu clique and the Political Training Department.

I, Zhang Yong, am the inspector. What kind of political training office are you sending? Get lost! I will set up a political training office myself!

Officers from the Huangpu Clan are so valuable, and I don’t need them. I train my own officers.

Of course, you can also poach some outstanding officers from the Whampoa army who have no use for other army heroes.

The best way is to ask the red side for help.


You have to give even if you give.

You have to give it even if you don’t give it.

Otherwise, from now on these teams will all be Chiang Kai-shek's confidants. It's up to you to figure it out!

Ha ha!

See if you don’t help me!

Then I will really become a reactionary!

Laughing to death.



"It's okay. I thought of something funny."

"But you didn't smile..."




He added with three dry laughs, feeling proud.

Suddenly something feels wrong...

Political Training Department...

Where did it come from?

Who is responsible? Comrade Jianfeng?

Oh haha!

That's bad!

I'm going to have a falling out with Comrade Jianfeng.

But there was no way. He couldn't have both sides.

Now that I have decided to take the wife route, I and Comrade Jianfeng can only regretfully part ways.

The war of resistance is won. Get out now.


The people sent by Hu Zongnan arrived.

He also looks like a master, wearing a long gown and sunglasses.

This is Chief Hu!

There seem to be many such masters around us?

I suspect that Chief Hu has begun to lose his ambition and likes to play tricks.

"Your Majesty Commissioner."

"Sir Hu sent you here?"


"What's the matter? Please tell me."

"This is a little thought from Chief Hu, please accept it."

"Since Chief Hu is so thoughtful, I will not be respectful. As long as I, Zhang Yong, can do it, I will definitely do it."

"Actually, it's all small things..."

The master is very good at talking, while Zhang Yong concentrates on making money.

The small gift sent by Hu Zongnan was a banknote worth ten thousand yuan. It was from Honghui Bank. It was not legal tender.

All high-level bosses already know that there is a problem with the fiat currency.

The Kong family of the Ministry of Finance started the printing press and printed non-stop day and night. It was only a matter of time before it collapsed.

Therefore, hoarding fiat currency is impossible.

If you use legal currency to make a gift, others will not like it.

Still, Dayang is more popular.

Of course, dollars, pounds, and gold bars are better.


"After Chief Hu came to the northwest, he was proactive and eliminated many bandits, many of whom were red bandits..."

"Red Bandit? Are you sure?"

"Of course. They are all hidden red bandits."

"I see."

Zhang Yong gradually captured the other party's thoughts.

The gangsters are not important. The number is not important. What is important is that there is a red background. It is the red color that the commission hates the most.

After safely returning to Jinling, what Jiang hated most was not the one who arrested him. Instead, he felt that someone was instigating and instigating him behind his back. He hated Red to the core. However, the civil war stopped and the call for cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was sent out again. It was impossible to fight on his own.

My own face was publicly torn apart. So I could only hold it in...

This Chief Hu is worthy of being the emperor's first disciple. He is very capable of understanding Jiang's thoughts. Knowing that he hates the color red, he captures a bunch of "red bandits" to report their merits, which can be regarded as soothing Jiang's injured soul. However,

, he reported it directly, which was not very convincing. After he Zhang Yong, it was appropriate.

My heart felt uncomfortable after being seated, and immediately felt like drinking ice water, which was unprecedentedly comfortable.


Because the committee members knew that Zhang Yong was the most ruthless in killing the Red Party members.

When he took over the No. 1 Army Prison, he went into action late at night without saying a word and secretly executed a large number of Red Party members.

He also took all the responsibilities on himself. It had nothing to do with him, Jiang.

No one will tell Jiang the truth.


"How many people are there in total?"

"Three thousand five hundred. The real deal."

"so much?"


"Okay, bring it here."


Master immediately went to make arrangements.

Zhang Yong also ordered the 107th Division to send a battalion to take over.

That night, all the "Red Bandits" finally returned to the 107th Division's station. There were indeed 3,500 of them.


There aren't any yellow dots.

In other words, there is no real red party.

This Hu Zongnan!

What a fool!

No wonder my crotch will stretch out so much when fighting in the future.

All the thoughts are spent on these crooked ways.


For him, Zhang Yong is a good thing.

Because those sent are all strong men.

The specific identity cannot be determined at the moment. But he can carry a gun.

So, without saying a word, he was directly incorporated into the 107th Division as a supplement of new recruits. How could he not accept the one who was sent to his door?

As for how they will perform in the future, that is a matter for the future.

It's just a matter of cramming right now.

"Please go back and tell Chief Hu that I know how to deal with it."



Arrange for someone to send Master away.

Then draft a telegram and send it to the attendant's office.

Of course, this kind of thing cannot be said publicly, it can only be reported secretly.

Now is the stage of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party!

Since it was a secret report, no one would pursue it.


Hu Zongnan gained face, and Zhang Yong gained dignity.

Jiang's mood also improved.

Triple win.


Sure enough, with the 3,500 men added, the number of soldiers of the 107th Division exceeded 8,000.

Finally, he looks a little bit like a teacher.

But there are not enough weapons.

Alas, it is true.

If there is too much water, add noodles; if there is too much noodles, add water...



Suddenly there was gunfire.

The sound of the gunfire was very weak. The distance was judged to be 700 meters away.

I didn't even care at first.

Gunshot, normal.

Maybe the soldiers fired?

But things soon went wrong. The division headquarters became busy.

The staff phone kept ringing.


"Is it the 112th Division?"

"Look carefully!"

"Are they really from the 112th Division? You need to see clearly."

"Asshole! What are they going to do?"

The sound was chaotic.

After a few minutes, preliminary information was sorted out.

The 112th Division, which is stationed next to the 107th Division, has some troops attacking the 107th Division's defense area. It requires approval.

The front line reported that the other party was armed and even fired threats into the air.

Zhang Yong looked at the Luxiang Wall.

"What is this 112th Division going to do?"

"Maybe a mutiny."


"Telegram from the Ministry of Military Affairs."


Zhang Yong understood.

Sure enough, the situation in the northwest was in chaos.

The Ministry of Military Affairs requested that all the Northeastern Army be mobilized to defend the Central Plains. Some people must be unhappy.

So some people incited the soldiers to rise up and cause trouble.

It just so happens that the 107th Division is the weakest. Attack the 107th Division and kill the chicken to show the monkey.

"Site of Conflict."


"How many of us are there?"

"A company."

"Assemble troop reinforcements immediately. Fully armed."


"Authorize the frontline troops. Just say it's my order, Zhang Yong. Fire a warning shot into the sky. If the opponent forces a forceful attack, shoot directly."


The chief of staff rushed to deliver the order.

The atmosphere in the division suddenly became tense. Lu Xiangbi was ready to set off.

He wants to personally lead the troops to Baini Township.

Zhang Yong agreed.

This is the correct way to handle a crisis.

He and Lu Xiangbi divided labor and cooperated. Lu Xiangbi was on the front line, and he, Zhang Yong, was at the center.

"Order the entire division to enter level one combat readiness!"


"Send a report! Clear code! Warn the 112th Division! Leaving the camp without permission and attacking the defense areas of other troops is a very serious provocation. Order them all to evacuate within an hour. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences. Signed: Inspector of the Military and Political Committee

, Zhang Yong!”


The chief of staff left in a hurry.

Zhang Yong looked at the map on the wall and found that it was full of mistakes.

It is completely incomparable with the system's surveillance map. But the distance is too far, and Baini Township is not within the scope of the surveillance map.

"Send a report to the 57th Army Headquarters and order them to restrain the 112th Division."


"These guys..."

Zhang Yong frowned.

I vaguely feel that this matter is not that simple.

Probably no ordinary mutiny.

"Report to the Commissioner! The 57th Army Military Headquarters did not respond."

"What's the meaning?"

"57 Military Radio is silent."


"Yes. It's not turned on."


Zhang Yong took a deep breath slowly.

It seems that someone is indeed planning it behind the scenes!

Alas, why bother, why bother...

Haven't the Northeast Army shed enough blood?

With so much blood, wouldn't it be better to stay on the battlefield and kill the Japanese invaders? Why bother killing each other again?

Shake his head.

Feelings are useless. The battlefield is ruthless.

The plan for now is to use thunderous means to suppress the rebellion.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

"Send a report to the First Army. Report the situation."


"Send a report to the Second Army. Report the situation."


The staff officer agreed.

Zhang Yong took a deep breath.

I hope there is no need to use the troops of Hu Zongnan and Tang Enbo...

Otherwise, too much blood will be shed.


[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

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