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Chapter 1139: If you have the courage, commit seppuku

The first spy was captured.

He was the guy who was hesitating whether to run or not. Hesitation equals death.

The guards chased it for several hundred meters before catching it back.

The Japanese spy was escorted to Zhang Yong.

"Koyanagi Taito?"


The spy admitted honestly.

There is no point in arguing. Others know everything.

The result of denying it is to be punished in various ways. Why ask for trouble?

"The other two?"

"I don't know. I only know that they are our own people. But I don't know their specific names."

"Okay. I'll give you a treat."

Zhang Yong gestured to the person next to him to give the Japanese spy a bayonet.

At the same time, he ordered the spy to loosen his hands, but his feet were still tied.

It seemed like he had captured so many spies, but none of them had committed suicide on the spot. To be honest, he wanted to see it.

A soldier nearby removed the bayonet from the muzzle and handed it to the spy.

The spy hesitated and didn't answer.

The people around him saw that the Japanese spy did not have the courage to commit seppuku.

If you give it a grenade or a gun, it may really commit suicide. But a bayonet...

"I'll give you a new one."

Zhang Yong very thoughtfully took out a Kaaba saber.

Products produced by the system must be of high quality.

This knife is amazing. Very sharp. Very tough.

The length is just right. It goes straight to the heart. With just one knife, you can easily end your life.

Of course, caesarean section is also possible.

Insert. Pull horizontally.

Ugh, I shudder just thinking about it.

No wonder Japanese spies don't have such courage. It's too scary.

Tojo Hideki himself couldn't do it.

He committed suicide with a pistol and deliberately missed. This shows his strong desire to survive.

The spy hesitated but didn't answer.

As a result, all the soldiers knew that Japanese spies were actually afraid of death.

They don't even dare to commit suicide. They despise cowards.


The second spy was captured.

It was the one Zhang Yong who pointed his finger and ran away like crazy before even asking for his name.

This guy went on a rampage, causing chaos everywhere. As a result, he was tripped by someone stretching his legs, and then tragedy struck. He was beaten with a black nose and a swollen face.

If he hadn't been captured alive, he would have been torn into pieces.

Even so, the spy's legs had been broken. There was no need to tie them up. He couldn't stand up anyway.

"Bayonet. Dagger. Which one do you choose?" Zhang Yong asked straightforwardly.

"Baga!" The Japanese spy seemed to be very irritable.

"I will give you the opportunity to commit suicide by committing seppuku." Zhang Yong said softly, "You can kill yourself."

"Baga!" the spy continued to curse angrily.



The spy's hands were released.

His legs had been broken, so there was no fear of him escaping.



The spy waved his hands furiously.

Zhang Yong did not squint.


Stop pretending!

Do you appear to be strong?

If you have the courage, commit seppuku.

If you don't even have the courage to commit seppuku, what's the use of roaring here?

Close your eyes and rest your mind.



After roaring for a while, he seemed tired.

Lower your head.


He didn't hold a bayonet or a dagger.

The national soldiers gathered below all began to look down upon them. No, stop pretending. Do it!

The bayonets and daggers have been prepared for you, so don't be picky. It seems like you don't have the courage at first glance.

"Would you like to find someone to help you?"

"don't want."

The spy subconsciously resisted.

Zhang Yong curled his lips and said, "I wasted my time" expression.

I thought I would be able to see the famous scene of the Japanese invaders performing caesarean section to apologize today. Unexpectedly, both Japanese spies refused.


More afraid of death than me, Zhang Yong!

Wave your hands.

Someone immediately pulled the spy down.

It was discovered that neither of the two spies had the courage to commit suicide, and everyone despised them.

There were rumors before that the Japanese invaders were ferocious, fearless and fearless, and all of them were willing to risk their lives. Now it seems that this may not be the case...

Naturally, everyone's morale improved.

"Who captured this man? Come up and claim the reward!" Zhang Yong stood up and announced loudly.

The whole place fell silent immediately.

Good guy, I really need to give out rewards!


No one came up.

Zhang Yong:???

At this time, a sergeant stood up, stood at attention, and saluted.

"Reporting to the Specialist, we all arrested the person together. Not one person alone. This reward..."

"Did you catch them collectively?"

"Yes. Several of us held it down together."

"Then send a representative up and take the ocean back. Then you can discuss the division among yourself."


The sergeant strode forward.

Zhang Yong stood up, stood at attention, saluted, and then began to count the oceans.

I ordered a hundred of them and put them into a small cloth bag.

Give it to the other person with both hands.

The sergeant took it with both hands.

Stand at attention. Salute.

Zhang Yong also stood at attention and returned the courtesy.

"Go for it!"


The sergeant turned around and left.

Return to the middle of the group.

Everyone around him became excited.

Someone took the ocean out of a small cloth bag, put it to his mouth and licked it. His eyes shone.

It’s really an ocean!

It's still of very good quality. It's white and has almost no variegation. It looks like it's top quality at first glance.

It seems to be purer than those brand new Yingyang.

Indeed, these oceans were previously disturbed by Zhang Yong and were forged by the Japanese invaders themselves.

The Japanese invaders' casting level was still very high, and the quality of the oceans they cast was excellent. Therefore, Zhang Yong also hid some of them.

"Do you want more oceans?" Zhang Yong asked loudly.

"I want to!" Many people replied.

"If you want oceans, kill the Japanese invaders! Kill a Japanese invader and you will be rewarded with ten oceans! If you capture a Japanese invader alive, you will be rewarded with a hundred oceans!"


"I keep my word! Only oceans will be issued! No banknotes will be issued!"


The screams below suddenly echoed through the sky.

The cheers grew louder and louder, as if they were going to level the entire training ground.

Everyone couldn't calm down anymore.

This is a real gold and platinum reward! Who wouldn’t want it?



Even Tang Jianzhou and Yao Yunqi couldn't sit still.

Zhang Yong's words were very exciting.

The white ocean is placed on the podium. It's so tempting.

What story is there in ancient times? Shang Yang? The pillars of the city gate? Now there is Commissioner Zhang with a pile of oceans on the rostrum?

"I promise a thousand pieces of gold and I promise to keep it." Zhang Yong said slowly.

He dares to swear to God that he will definitely do what he says.

Ten oceans, one devil, a great deal.

How many Japanese were eliminated in the entire Songhu Battle? Tens of thousands? It should be less than 100,000.

If one million oceans can kill 100,000 Japanese invaders, then Zhang Yong will sell iron, blood, and body, and dig up the graves of the Japanese invaders.

Ten million oceans to kill a million Japs. Jiang is also willing to sell blood with him!

Even if you wipe out a large group of Japanese invaders, that is a pretty good achievement. Don't even think about regiments, divisions, etc.

If you want to wipe out a regiment of Japanese invaders, you have to at least have a big battle. This may not be possible.

During the fourteen years of the War of Resistance, it seems that not a single Japanese alliance flag was captured on the Chinese battlefield?

Compared to the Pacific battlefield, the U.S. imperialists were catching turtles in the urn one by one and killing divisions one by one. It is indeed a bit eclipsed.

Therefore, the goal Zhang Yong set for himself was to assemble a division and destroy a large group of Japanese invaders.

If you gather three divisions, you can consider besieging a Japanese regiment.

Try to use more than ten times the strength of your troops so that nothing goes wrong.

Others are experts and can handle it with five times the number of troops. He is a small person and leads a weak army. He has a better chance of winning if ten against one.

...that's too far.

It’s better to be obscenely developed!

There are no heavy weapons, just lay eggs...


At this time, the third spy was captured.

It was the guy who ran away at the beginning. The pursuers were slow to react and it took a lot of effort to catch up.

No bundling.

Because the spy's hands and feet were broken.

After chasing for so long and finally catching up, who would be polite to a Japanese spy? Naturally, he was beaten up.

If he was not beaten to death but could be dragged back, he was considered lucky as a spy.

Zhang Yong tilted his head and looked at the dying spy. It seemed that there was no need to ask?

Even if you give the opponent the demon sword Muramasa, the opponent probably won't be able to commit seppuku.

Suddenly my mind moved.

But the system reminds me that there are new items in the equipment slot.


It was found to be an Oriental sword.

The name is obviously Demon Sword Muramasa. The upper limit of quantity is 99.

Suddenly stunned.


Is this okay?

Directly distribute 99 demon swords to Muramasa?


You might as well give me 99 shell guns!

Or 99 horses with four rings will do!

Take it out subconsciously.

Involuntarily, he quietly took a breath of air.

The system seems to be genuine.

It’s really the demon sword Muramasa.

In other words, the quality is even better than Demon Sword Muramasa!


Gently draw the knife...

Suddenly a cold light flashed, and chills spread all over the body...


This is a real guy!

After pulling it out just a little bit, it felt terribly sharp!

If you pulled them all out, you would be frightened just by looking at them. If they were used to kill the Japanese invaders, they would definitely be killed one by one...


The spy suddenly screamed.

But it was extremely shocked when it saw the knife in Zhang Yong's hand.

Zhang Yong looked at the spy and slowly pulled out the blade.

"I said!"

"I said!"

The spy suddenly fell to the ground.

Zhang Yong:???

Huh? What's going on?

Confessing so quickly? No, I haven’t tried the knife yet...

Oh. Is the spy worried about trying out the knife himself?

"What are you afraid of?"



"This is an ominous thing. Don't, don't, don't..."

"Are you afraid that I will kill you with this knife and then you will not be able to see Amaterasu yourself?"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The spy replied tremblingly.

Obviously, it is really afraid of this demon sword Muramasa.

Zhang Yong curled his lips secretly.


What demon sword Muramasa!

The only way to meet our Chinese machetes is to die!

That is to say, the Japanese invaders were a small country and a small people. If they could do anything, they could not brag about it.

The so-called Warring States Period was a period of fighting between several villages.

At most they are larger villages.

However, since the Japanese spies have been deterred, it is also a good thing.

"Say it."

"I, I, I was arranged by Jellyfish to come in..."

“Where are the jellyfish?”

"Just on the outskirts of the city..."


Zhang Yong's eyes flashed.

What an unexpected bonus! This guy actually knows where the jellyfish are!

I thought it was just a code name and the other party couldn’t possibly know it!

"Where on the outskirts of town?"

"I know it's on the outskirts of the city, but I don't know the name. You take me in a carriage. I'm blindfolded and can gradually find it."

"you sure?"

"Sure. But you also need to bring more people. There are many people over there. They all have weapons. There are also machine guns."


Zhang Yong made arrangements immediately.

Turning around to look at Tang Jianzhou and Yao Yunqi.

"Move a battalion."


"fully armed!"


Yao Yunqi hurriedly went to make arrangements.

Tang Jianzhou was also eager to try, but he didn't know what to do.

"You follow me."


Tang Jianzhou hurriedly agreed.

Order the troops to disband and assemble an infantry battalion at the same time.

"Here comes someone."


"Send a report to the 57th Military Headquarters."


"Send the report to the 57th Military Headquarters in my name. From now on, the 112th Division will be directly commanded by me, Zhang Yong."


The communications officer turned around and left.

Zhang Yong simply packed up and prepared to set off with his team.



A lot of people.

There are machine guns.

It sounds exciting.

Maybe it's a stronghold for Japanese spies.

In the past few months, the spy may have invested a lot of resources.

It's all mine!

It's all mine!



As the whistle blew, a battalion was assembled.

Zhang Yong took a quick look and found no mortars.

Only machine guns and rifles. That won't work. Without mortars, we can't attack the fortress.

"Your division doesn't have mortars?"


"How many doors?"

"Six doors."

"Bring it on."

"But there are no shells..."


"They were all transferred away before..."

"Bring it on!"

Zhang Yong waved his hand.

I have plenty of cannonballs and so on.

How can we fight a war if we don't even have mortars?

Reminds me of a certain scene from later generations. A PLA class only has one gun. Everything else is a barrel!

Now that there is no canister, the mortar must have enough control.

"He Yingping!"


"Follow me too!"


Of course Zhang Yong would not miss a cavalry company.

In areas like the northwest, cavalry is really useful and indispensable.

Unfortunately, both the 107th Division and the 112th Division have no cavalry. They only have walking horses and communications corps horses. There is no professional cavalry.


"Set off."

Take six mortars and set off immediately.

The spy can only provide a general direction. It does not know the specific location.

Everyone is masked when entering or leaving.

However, most spies have some special abilities. Even if they are masked, they can still remember the general location.

Qin Youtian in "Before Dawn" relied on his own memory to successfully restore the position of the underground party. In the end, the underground party suffered heavy losses.

go ahead.

There are not many houses in the suburbs.

Most of them are adobe houses with thatched roofs.

Many of the adobe houses are no longer inhabited. Some of them are only ruins. A few are well preserved.

Zhang Yong slowed down and began to look around, searching everywhere.

Suddenly, he stood outside an adobe house and waved to others, indicating that he should go in and take a look.

Several soldiers then went in with their guns. Then they hurriedly ran out.



"Report! Many ammunition boxes found!"

"What ammo box?"

"That's right, just the ammunition box, ammunition..."

"Everyone move out."


A group of people hurriedly took action.

Many ammunition boxes were moved out of the adobe house.

Everyone was very surprised.


There is actually ammunition in it? Is there so much of it?

The ammunition box that was brought out first had the words "cannonball, 6 mm" written on it in traditional Chinese characters.


"Call the artillerymen to come up and take it apart."


The artillerymen came up and pried open the ammunition boxes.

Sure enough, there were really mortar shells inside. 60 mm. Six rounds in a box.

"This is real!"

"This is real!"

The artillerymen were all very happy.

They came all the way carrying empty cannons, muttering in their hearts!

What's the use of carrying an empty cannon without shells?

Unexpectedly, there are cannonballs here!

There seems to be a lot of them.

After preliminary counting, there were actually sixteen boxes, that is, 96 rounds of artillery shells!

On average, each of the six mortars can be allocated 16 rounds!

It's quite a lot.

"Where did the cannonballs come from?" Tang Jianzhou wondered.

"Maybe it was hidden by Japanese spies." Zhang Yong had already thought of the answer, "They often do this."


"The Japanese invaders have a big plan. They have ammunition stores all over China. They are so that when they invade in the future, they can replenish ammunition at any time."


Tang Jianzhou couldn't believe it.

Zhang Yong did not continue to explain. The rest is his own experience.

Asking is a spy!

Everything was done by spies.

In addition to artillery shells, there are also many 7.92mm Mauser rifle rounds.

There are 30 boxes in total. Each box contains 1,000 rounds. The total is 30,000 rounds. Just enough to replenish the infantry battalion.

Originally, the number of bullets carried was not much. But after adding 30,000 rounds, the quantity will be sufficient.



"follow me!"


Zhang Yong led the cavalry company to another adobe house.

There was also ammunition arranged by him. It was also Mauser rifle ammunition. There were also thirty boxes, a total of thirty thousand rounds. It was considered a reward for the cavalry company.

The cavalry company also uses a horse-mounted four-ring rifle. The bullets are universal.

"so much?"

He Yingping was also in disbelief.

Thirty boxes of bullets! These are what they need most!

After the Northeastern Army entered the customs, the original Fengtian Arsenal and everything else were abandoned.

This means there is no reliable ammunition replenishment.

Simply relying on Chiang Kai-shek's allocation is definitely seriously inadequate.

In addition, in previous battles with the Red Army, ammunition consumption was very high and there was a serious shortage of ammunition.

Thirty thousand rounds of ammunition can also save lives.

"There will be more in the future." Zhang Yong joked casually, "There are plenty of reserves for Japanese spies."

He didn't know whether there were spies or not.

However, the speed at which the system produces ammunition is very fast.

It takes almost a day and a night to replenish it. That is 99 boxes. Each model can be replenished.

7.92mm Mauser rifle cartridge...

7.7mm British 77 bullet...

7.62mm Mosin Nagant rifle…

7.72mm Springfield rifle cartridge…

7.63mm shell gun bullet...

12.7mm machine gun bullets...

There are also various types of artillery shells. From as small as 20 mm to as large as 240 mm, everything is available.

I feel like the system may have clicked on the wrong skill tree.

The production speed of ammunition is super scary. But the production of weapons is a bit slow and cannot meet the needs.



Keep going.

Found another adobe house.

Zhang Yong stretched out his hand and pointed. He Yingping understood immediately.

Immediately, people were sent in to search. Thirty boxes of 7.63mm shell gun bullets were quickly brought out.


He Yingping was very happy.

This kind of shell gun bullets are also what they urgently need.

There are shell guns everywhere in China. The demand for ammunition is very large.

However, the supply of bullets is always limited. Many shell gun bullets are crudely made and of poor quality. There is a risk of misfire or explosion.

However, the thirty boxes of ammunition found now are of excellent quality. They seem to be imported.

"The quality of the products produced by the Japanese invaders is not bad," Zhang Yong explained.

I had no choice but to give this great contribution to the Japanese invaders.

It was produced by the Japanese invaders.

It's what the spies hide.

If you don’t believe it, just confront the Japanese invaders!

go ahead.

Close to the area described by the spy.

It looks like a village. There are many adobe houses but not many residents.

Dismount and move forward on foot.

One red dot appears, two, three, four...

Found weapon symbol.

Discover the radio station logo.


It is indeed a stronghold for Japanese spies!

Come to the right place!

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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