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Chapter 1168, candidate for division commander

Inspector 230th Division?

Zhang Yong was keenly aware that this was a boomerang.

You don’t recognize the 230th Division?

Do you want an inspector?


When it doesn't exist?


It's totally okay to refuse.

However, this is equivalent to not catching the serve.

You can accuse the opponent of serving illegally. However, if you didn't catch it, you didn't catch it.

"They are all human spirits!" Director He shook his head and sighed.

"I agreed." Zhang Yong did not hesitate.

Since the opponent has already served, he follows it.

The situation of the three previous divisions of the Northeastern Army was also relatively bad, but they can be sorted out in the end.

Of course, it is impossible to build an elite main force. However, it is still possible to organize it into a regular force. As long as the command is in your own hands.

Then find a few people to help carry it. He, Zhang Yong, is only responsible for coordinating behind the scenes.

If that doesn't work, just poach people from the Red Party.

Do you want a division? If so, send a few people over.

Anyway, the Red Party has a lot of talents. Hehe.

Want money and catch spies.

If you want someone, go to the Red Party.


Where can I find the Red Party?


There are several yellow dots within a radius of 1000 meters.

The number of yellow dots is much greater than the number of red dots. This shows that the red party has a considerable foundation here.

There were even yellow spots right next to He Guoguang, inside the camp.

I judge that he may be a member of the officer corps. He may be a military academy student or from Huangpu.

There is no one in the world who has nothing in common.

Red parties are everywhere...

"That's fine." Director He nodded, "The other side is finally willing to give up a division."

The so-called inspector actually has a slightly different meaning.

In name, he is an inspector, but in fact he wants command authority.

To put it bluntly, Jinling needs to directly command the troops.

The troops under supervision will only listen to the Jinling government in the future and have nothing to do with Liu Xiang anymore.

This is tantamount to cutting flesh from other people's bodies. Of course, others will not be happy.

Therefore, if the opponent surrenders the 230th Division this time, they will definitely bury the trap secretly.

"What is the current situation of the 230th Division?"

"I don't know."

"Ask that Chief of Staff Yang?"

"No need to ask. He will be here in a moment."

"come over?"

"Yes. Come and explain to me about the inspection of the 230th Division."


"You should talk to him face to face!"


Zhang Yong nodded.

Liu Xiang is the big boss representing the Sichuan Army. He will not come forward in person.

He Guoguang is a big boss who represents the government and Chiang Kai-shek. Of course, he will not come forward in person.

If you show up for big and small things, can you still be called a boss?

Therefore, such a thing can only happen between Zhang Yong and Chief of Staff Yang.

After all, nominally, he, Zhang Yong, is in charge of the inspection.

From then on, the command of the 230th Division was also under his name, Zhang Yong.


Sure enough, Yang Zhaoyuan arrived not long after.

Also coming with him was Wang Kuiyuan. The commander of the 66th Division was obviously responsible for smoothing things over in the middle.

"Commissioner Zhang."

"Chief of Staff Yang."



Zhang Yong makes gestures.

No formalities.

He doesn't like to be polite either.

Talk about something.

"Chief of Staff Yang, we have understood what Commander Liu means. What is the situation with the 230th Division?"

"Commissioner Zhang, this 230th Division is quite special..."

"What's special?"

"First of all, it has more than 20,000 people..."

"How many?"

"Commissioner, the 230th Division currently has 23,000 troops."


Zhang Yong:……

Your uncle!

Is this a division?

One division has 23,000 men?


"Due to personnel adjustments, the soldiers who were squeezed out from other units ended up going to the 230th Division. Therefore, its establishment is relatively large. Currently, there are a total of four brigades and twelve regiments..."

"No vacancies?"

"The commissioner can do the counting himself. He can also ask the officer corps to do the counting."


"After the handover is completed, the 230th Division will be handed over to you, the commissioner, for full supervision."


Zhang Yong slowly stabilized his mood.


This was intentional.

Deliberately give them a difficult problem and let them retreat.

Do you want command of the army? Yes! Then, from now on, all expenses of this army will be borne by the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs!

This is also the basic agreement reached between He Guoguang and the Sichuan Army.

Since the military has been nationalized, all expenses will naturally be borne by the Ministry of Military Affairs. Local governments are no longer responsible.

However, in fact, the Military and Administrative Department cannot do this.

The military expenditures of the Ministry of Military Affairs and Administration are also very tight. It is impossible to cover them all.

It is impossible to fund 100%.

Therefore, the reorganization was reorganized, but many substantive clues were left behind. Military expenditures of the Ministry of Military Affairs and Government were delayed again and again. Naturally, the loyalty of the troops was not high.

In the end, the local government still had to bear part of the responsibility. So it was done in a nondescript manner.

He Guoguang is also a clever woman who cannot make a meal without rice.

Without enough funds, it would be difficult to completely separate the military from local control.

In fact, money can really solve many problems.

If the Ministry of Military Affairs directly allocates 100% of all Sichuan Army funds, Liu Xiang's influence on the Sichuan Army will gradually disappear.

Unfortunately, it can't be done. The Ministry of Military Affairs and Government can only allocate one-third of the funds.

Many demands were also made.

This caused dissatisfaction among the Sichuan army.

"In addition, the 230th Division is seriously short of weapons and ammunition..."

"Specific data."

"Currently, the 230th Division only has old sleeves that have been eliminated. Hanyang made about 300 of them and more than 3,000 rounds of ammunition..."

"No. You are going too far."

"We are reorganizing according to the requirements of the Ministry of Military Affairs."

"And throw it to me?"

"The Commissioner has great powers, so he will naturally have a solution."


Zhang Yong held back his anger.

He did not express his anger at the other party. After all, he was the one who conveyed the message.

In fact, if you want to blame this matter, you can only blame someone on Chiang Kai-shek. He used other methods to weaken others. His own motives are not pure.

It is natural for the other party to violate the rules openly and secretly.

You can't just take it easy.

You can't bear it anymore. There is no need to bear it anymore. So Xiaoliuzi just stuffs you under the quilt...

"Hand over."


So go through the formalities.

Officially took over the 230th Division.

"That Lu..."

"He has been arrested."


"Official officers who have close relations with him have also been temporarily detained."


"At present, the 230th Division has all been concentrated in Deyang."


"That's the division-controlled area designated by the commissioner! It should be the 230th Division."


Zhang Yong was noncommittal.

Since it was arranged by the other party, then let it be.

Anyway, he, Zhang Yong, is not the savior. As long as things are done more or less, it will be enough.

It must be nerve-wracking, require effort, or be difficult. It must be done. He will do something easy and simple.

So what are you trying to do? You don’t need to save the world...

Receive the preparation form.

Take over the roster.

Received the seal of the division headquarters, official defense.

Because the 230th Division does not yet have a division commander, it is leaderless.

"Please also ask the commissioner to handle it as soon as possible."


Zhang Yong agreed.

Yang Zhaoyuan and Wang Kuiyuan took their leave.

Zhang Yong pondered for a moment, shook his head, and then came to He Guoguang to discuss.

"Twenty-three thousand people?"


"They really gave us a big problem!"


"But we have to eat such a big piece of fat. They really figured us out."


Zhang Yong nodded in agreement.

Twenty-three thousand people. Equivalent to two full divisions. Strong strength.

It should be noted that the two German weapon masters, 87 and 88, are the first-class main force. The full strength is about 11,000 people.

Now there are 23,000 people in the 230th Division. How can we not make people excited?

In other words, the Sichuan-Chongqing Basin has a large population.

There are enough soldiers.

Rich in products.

It’s just that the weapons and ammunition are pretty rubbish.

"The officer's problem should be solved first." He Guoguang was good at grasping the key points.

"Okay." Zhang Yong had some vague thoughts.

"I'm going to delegate the entire officer corps and lead the 230th Division directly."


"They are all transferred from other troops, a total of 150 people. They all have experience in leading troops. Among them, there are about 50 Huangpu students."


"But Master..."

"Teacher, I have someone to choose."


"Long Muhan should be the deputy commander of the 89th Division now."


"Yes. I met him in Nanchang."


He Guoguang pondered slightly but did not express his position immediately.

Zhang Yong knew what the other party was thinking about. He was considering Long Muhan's background.

"He is from Commander Qian's lineage."

"Then let him!"

He Guoguang nodded.

First-year student of Huangpu. Deputy division commander. Qian Wanjun faction.

When these elements are brought together, there must be a very suitable candidate for the committee.

"You should call him first."


Zhang Yong went over and picked up the microphone.

Please call the switchboard and transfer to the 89th Division station. Find Deputy Division Commander Long Muhan.

Why call first?

In fact, it is a two-way choice.

Of course it's okay to give orders directly. But if Long Muhan doesn't want to, it would be pointless.

The 89th Division is also a direct line, but the 230th Division is a miscellaneous one. Some people may not be happy if the deputy division commander of the direct line is transferred to the miscellaneous division commander.

What's more, Zhang Yong is responsible for supervising this unit. It's a bit special.

"Are there any alternatives?"


"If he doesn't agree..."

"I can only ask the teacher for your recommendation."

"I don't have a suitable candidate here either."

"Then let's talk about it then."


The two discussed briefly.

It’s not like I’m in a hurry. I’ll find someone eventually.

After all, there is a vacancy for a division commander. There must be someone willing to fill it.

Zhang Yong even thought of Yu Chengwan, Fang Xianjue and others. They should still be at the group leader level.

You should be excited to be directly promoted from regiment leader to division commander...

In fact, Zhang Yong did not have high requirements for his teachers. Their abilities were just average.

To be fair means that you will not be made dumplings by the Japanese invaders. You will not be wiped out by the Japanese invaders in one battle.

Fortunately, the risk is relatively low.

In fact, the Japanese invaders' strategies and tactics were not very clever.

The Japanese invaders never engaged in annihilation campaigns.

Therefore, very few Chinese troops were surrounded and annihilated by the Japanese invaders.

Basically, anyone who is not a fool can break out. Unless Lao Chiang Kai-shek is blindly commanding.

The Battle of Songhu was led blindly by Chiang Kai-shek.

Hesitant. Looking forward and backward. Looking left and right. Undecided.

The same goes for the Battle of Jinling. There was no prior arrangement. When things came to a close, people were hurriedly appointed to defend the city.

The results can be imagined.

But the Japanese invaders' strategy was indeed not brilliant.

The Japanese aggressor's tactic was to capture cities and territories. As long as the enemy in front of them was defeated, the mission would be completed.

Their purpose is not to pursue and annihilate the main force of the national army.

Once the target is captured, they don't even bother to pursue it and just allow the national army to retreat.

This is true for every battle.

After completing the occupation goal, the Japanese invaders will not care about the next step.

In every battle, the Japanese invaders only deployed enough troops.

It is possible to defeat the national army, but it is impossible to surround the national army and annihilate it.

Unlike the Germans, one Kiev can encircle and annihilate hundreds of thousands.

Later, the Soviets regained their composure and annihilated hundreds of thousands of Germans in one go.

Other countries are fighting wars of annihilation.

A large number of troops were surrounded and annihilated, and their vitality was severely damaged. It was difficult to recover.

Although the national army suffered successive defeats and lost troops and ground, they were all defeated and retreated to the rear. They could fight again after being replenished.

Under such circumstances, a well-behaved division commander can basically guarantee that the troops will not be dumped and wiped out.


The call is connected.


"Mr. Long Muhan? I'm Zhang Yong. Do you still remember me?"

"Oh, it's Commissioner Zhang!"

"Mr. Long, I have something I want to discuss with you."

"Commissioner, tell me."

"I am currently the inspector of military affairs in Chengdu. There is a division that does not have a division commander yet. I wonder if Commander Long is interested?"


"Yes. Division commander. He has four brigades, twelve regiments, and about 23,000 people under his command."

"so much?"

"Yes. But the situation in the army is more complicated. There may be more difficulties. The work is more difficult..."

"I'll go."


"As long as the commissioner doesn't mind it, I agree to go."



"That's good. I'll say hello to the attendant's room immediately."

"Thank you, Commissioner."

"Wait for my call."


Long Muhan replied solemnly.

Zhang Yong was very satisfied and hung up the phone.

I didn't expect Long Muhan to answer so readily. It was a bit surprising.

I thought that as a first-year student in Huangpu, he might not be interested in the miscellaneous troops!

It seems that maybe I can flap my butterfly wings?

It is impossible to change major historical events. He does not have the ability. But, maybe he can change the fate of one or two people?

For example, changing Long Muhan's fate.

If Long Muhan's life trajectory does not change, he will take the blame for the Battle of Lanfeng next year and be shot on the order of Chiang Kai-shek.

However, if he came to serve as the commander of the 230th Division and established a relationship with him, then He Yingqin and Gui Yongqing would not be able to blame Long Muhan.

Call the attendant's office.

Director Lin was quickly found.

Simple report.

"Shaolong, the committee will definitely agree to this matter. I will report to the committee later."


Zhang Yong chatted for a few words and hung up the phone.

Indeed, it is not difficult to transfer Long Muhan. The committee will definitely approve it.

He was born in the first class of Huangpu and was transferred to the division commander of the Sichuan Army. This was his dream reorganization plan.

So, the question now is to go to Deyang.

Go and see for yourself what this 230th Division looks like.


Set off.

Accompanying him is still Yang Zhaoyuan.

horse riding.

More than a hundred miles.

Overnight on the way.

Finally, in the afternoon of the next day, we arrived at the 230th Division station.

Yellow dots begin to appear on the edge of the map.

One, two...

Three, four...

More and more.

After entering the military camp, there were more than twenty yellow dots within a radius of 1,000 meters.

Yes, you came to the right place!

The 230th Division no longer has to worry about it.

Let the Red Party and Long Muhan worry about it! He can just watch.

Assemble troops.

Prepare for roll call.

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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