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Chapter 1179, Massacre



The sounds of gunfire and artillery fire from the Japanese invaders' exercises were still heard.

Through the telescope, we can even see the shadows of the Japanese invaders' elite soldiers. They are all cavalry scouts.

They looked at Wanping City and the nearby Marco Polo Bridge in the distance.

Obviously, the pertinence is very obvious. The target is Wanping.

It's imminent.

The bayonet was already at his throat.

Just the Japanese garrison in North China is already so arrogant. Alas...

"How many people are there in the Japanese invaders now?"

"More than 30,000, maybe 40,000."

"What about us?"

"About one hundred thousand."

"What if the Japanese Kwantung Army sends reinforcements?"


Wang Pu did not answer.

There are some words that need not be said, but are understood by heart.

Obviously, just dealing with the Japanese garrison in North China was already very difficult.

If the Japanese Kwantung Army sends reinforcements, the 29th Army will definitely not be able to withstand it. The Japanese Kwantung Army's combat effectiveness is too strong and their numbers are large.

There are also the Mongolian troops stationed in the north. They are all cavalry. There are four cavalry divisions and more than a dozen cavalry regiments. They are also a very fatal threat to Peiping.

Therefore, the 29th Army had to deploy a large number of troops in the northwest direction along the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway.

The purpose of this is to retreat to the northwest.

If Peiping falls, the troops will withdraw to Zhangjiakou.

After all, the foundation of the 29th Army is still in the northwest. It is the remnant of the Northwest Army.

"When does the drill start?"

"at any time."

"Who are the participating troops?"

"Pang Lin's 51st Division."

"Just one division?"


"That's also called large-scale?"

"Pang Lin's 51st Division has more than 8,000 troops."


Zhang Yong was about to speak but stopped.

I really want to ask, how big can a division be?

But then I thought about it and let it go. At this moment, it is not practical to concentrate the entire army on exercises.

We are now fully prepared for war. It is difficult to mobilize troops.

"Last year, we held a drill with 40,000 people. 40,000 people."

"I know."

Zhang Yong nodded.

Wang Pu particularly emphasized the number of 40,000 people at a time.

Last year's 40,000-person exercise was indeed effective and successfully curbed the Japanese aggressors' ambitions to a certain extent.

However, the decisive reason why the Japanese invaders ceased operations last year was not that they were shocked by the exercises of the 29th Army. It was that serious internal strife occurred in the country. It was the February 26th Incident. The Japanese invaders had many internal conflicts that needed to be reconciled. They had no intention of speaking to the outside world for the time being.

Use troops.

However, this year is different.

This year, the power of the Japanese military headquarters has expanded rapidly.

It can be said that no one can stop what the Japanese military wants to do.

The cabinet does not agree with the military's opinion and cannot form a cabinet at all.

In other words, the Japanese military has kidnapped the whole country. Everyone else has no choice but to obey orders.

Under such a background, the Japanese military headquarters was of course unscrupulous and did whatever they wanted. Even if there were several anti-war factions in the Japanese invaders, they no longer dared to say anything.

The war is about to break out. It is inevitable.

Any illusions about peace are in vain. In the face of the crazy Japanese invaders, there can be no peace.

"Chief of Staff Wang."

"Commissioner, tell me."

"I judge that in one month, the Japanese invaders will launch a full-scale attack."

"A month?"

"Yes. About a month."

"Is there any evidence?"

"According to the confessions of the Japanese spies I captured, the Japanese riverside brigade is ready for a full-scale attack and will stir up trouble at any time."


Wang Pu was noncommittal.

Obviously, he didn't pay much attention to Zhang Yong's opinion.

The Japanese invaders often stir up trouble, either here or there. They are used to it.

Anyway, it can be resolved through peace talks in the end. At most, some concessions will be made.

"What's the content of the exercise?"

"Positional offensive and defensive warfare."

"Who is the attacker?"

"There is no attacker."

"What's the meaning?"

"Purely practice position defense."

"Defense? Innocence?"

"Yes. A pure defensive battle."

"What's the use?"

"It can make soldiers more familiar with position defense..."


Zhang Yong interrupted the other party angrily.


Is this the so-called exercise?

Simply practicing positional defense? Isn’t this a joke?

"This has been arranged by the army a long time ago."


"Now that the military base is not in Peiping, of course we will strictly follow the previous plan."

"The military seat is not in Peiping? Where did it go?"

"I went back to my hometown in Leling to recuperate yesterday."

"Leling, Lu Province?"



Zhang Yong really wanted to scold his mother.

I really want to scold this Commander Song.

No, the situation in Peiping is so critical that you actually ran back to your hometown to recuperate?

What nonsense!

The current Pingjin area is a volcanic crater that is about to explode. You actually went back to your hometown in Shandong Province to recuperate?

Without you as the backbone, once the Japanese invaders attack, wouldn't the 29th Army be in chaos?

"When will you come back?"

"In three months' time."

"Three months..."

Zhang Yong was speechless.

Suddenly, I didn't want to say anything.

It's a waste of words. It's hopeless. Let him go.

My mission is not to save the world, nor to save Peiping, but to transport all the wealth of Peiping away as soon as possible.

Others, just do whatever you want. Other military commanders don’t care, I don’t care.

"I'm tired. I'm going back."


"Let's go!"

Zhang Yong is too lazy to say more.

I don’t even want to see Marco Polo Bridge anymore.

Look at the eggs.

It’s no use watching it 10,000 times.

I am not the savior. I don’t care if the sky falls.

Get in the car.

Return to the train station.

Arrest people.

Feeling unhappy inside.

Vent violently.

You can't kill the Japanese invaders on the battlefield, but catching Japanese spies is your home field.

All Japanese spies, go to death!

"Da da da..."

"Da da da..."

Carrying a Somi submachine gun.

It's a direct hit against the hidden spy.




Hidden spies were killed one after another.

The entire train station was in chaos. Many ordinary people thought a war was coming and fled one after another.

"Da da da..."

"Da da da..."

Another spy was beaten into a hornet's nest.


Caught alive?

Sorry. Not interested.

Kill him directly.

Don't even bother to talk to each other.

As long as it is a red dot, no matter who it is, they will just swipe past it.

The people following behind were responsible for collecting the bodies.



Wang Pu secretly complained behind him.

He didn't know why Zhang Yong went crazy and went on a killing spree inside the train station.

I don’t know how those people provoked him. He was killed directly. He didn’t even have a chance to speak. He was already covered in bullet holes.

He watched helplessly as Zhang Yong kept changing the magazine.




I replaced a dozen magazines.

More and more corpses were gathered together, totaling thirty.

Are they all spies?

Wang Pu doesn't know.

Then I simply closed my eyes. I didn’t want to see more.

Kill it!

Kill it!

Anyway, it's Zhang Yong's business. He will bear the consequences himself.

"Da da da..."

"Da da da..."

Another spy was killed.

It was turned into a hornet's nest. There were bullet holes all over the body.

Zhang Yong was very unhappy, so he poured a whole drum of bullets into it.

How many bullets is in a drum? 66 rounds. Do not fill it fully to avoid malfunction.


The hapless Japanese spy can hardly see his true colors anymore.

His entire body was torn apart by a barrage of bullets.



knock off!

There are no more red dots within a 500-meter radius around the train station.

Are there any 500 meters away? Yes. But not that many anymore.

[Anti-infantry mine data refresh]

Suddenly, the system prompts.


Found nothing special.

It is an ordinary German-made TMi42 anti-personnel mine.

It's like a big round cake with 5.5 kilograms of explosives inside, which is about 11 kilograms. Therefore, the power of the explosion is very huge.

It's said to be an anti-infantry mine, but it's perfectly fine to use it to bomb Japanese tanks.

Just like the Japanese invaders' tanks that were peeled and filled with stuffing, they could explode accurately. Once they exploded, they would reach the sky.

The only drawback is that it has to be mined in advance.

Or during the battle, people would send mines under Japanese tanks.

Therefore, there is still no RPG rocket launcher to use.

It still needs to be filled with life.



Wang Pu shouted hurriedly.

I was afraid that Zhang Yong would continue his killing spree.

After a while, everyone in the other train stations was killed. Zhang Yong might have gone crazy.

"Why are you nervous?"


"Those who were killed were all spies!"


Wang Pu was about to speak but stopped.

I thought to myself, if you say he is a spy, he is a spy.

You don't give the other person a chance to speak at all. How do others know that he is a spy?

What if you were just making random nonsense?

"There is still a batch of ammunition in the warehouse over there. Please take someone to move it away!"


"Yes. The ones left behind by the Japanese spy are gone."

Zhang Yong waved his hand.

Leave with your own team.

Wang Pu hurriedly took people over to check. Sure enough, he found that the warehouse was full of ammunition boxes.

There are various types of bullets.

There are various types of artillery shells.

There are even landmines!

I was immediately elated.

There is no doubt that Zhang Yong killed all Japanese spies.

There is no longer any doubt.



He hurriedly arranged for people to notify the troops and transport all the ammunition away.

By the way, this Zhang Yong is really capable! After coming to Peiping for a few days, he successively seized a large number of weapons and ammunition belonging to Japanese spies.

Where can I find such a "lucky general"?

For the 29th Army, these weapons and ammunition are a timely gift!

Inviting Zhang Yong to come is really the right thing to do.

Over there, Zhang Yong suddenly slowed down. But the map indicated that there was something wrong.

At the edge of the map, a dozen white dots appeared. There were also three red dots. They seemed to be clustered around a white dot. There were also multiple cars.

I’m curious. Who could it be? There are red dots and white dots.

Approach quietly.

Finally I saw the target. It was a man in a long gown.

It seems to be quite expensive. There are many bodyguards around and there are also hidden spies.

Those spies also have weapons. They look very vigilant. Three characters are standing in the same position.


Who could this old guy be?

"Chen Yan."


"Do you know the person in front of you?"

"It seems to be Commissioner Wang. Wang Yitang."

"Wang Yitang?"

Zhang Yong's eyebrows rose, and then his face became gloomy.

Is he actually this big traitor?

OK, kill him!

He is very angry now.

For Japanese spies and traitors, I just want to get rid of them!

Without saying anything, just take action.

He immediately parked his car on the side of the road and ordered everyone to get off the car and hide.

Because there are not enough vehicles, there are only a dozen people around Zhang Yong. If he attacks by force, it will definitely not work.

Chen Yan and Liao Dali are all student soldiers and have little combat effectiveness yet.

On the contrary, the bodyguards around Wang Yitang did not look good at first glance. There were also three Japanese invaders secretly protecting him.

The weapons in the hands of these bodyguards are also quite sophisticated. There are many shell guns and Brownings. There are also Thompson submachine guns. The original imported ones.


These damn traitors are so rich!



"This Wang Yitang seems to be the director of some industrial bureau. He's on Qianmen Street..."


Zhang Yong nodded.

No matter what his department is!

When you meet yourself, it is a mouse!

Prepare in secret.

Instructing others to hide, he walked forward quietly.

He judged that Wang Yitang's car would move towards him. Therefore, he needed to ambush in front and then wait with mines.

Freshly baked round cake mines. The charge is 5 kilograms. It is equivalent to an explosive bag.

As long as Wang Yitang's car hits a landmine...

You can see Amaterasu soon. Hehe.

Wait patiently.

Sure enough, I saw Wang Yitang getting into the car.

Three Japanese bodyguards followed him into the car.

A sneer on his lips.

It seemed that the Japanese invaders valued him very much!

Arrange three people for direct personal protection.

It shows that Wang Yitang also believed in the Japanese invaders very much. He let the Japanese spies ride in the same car with him.

The other bodyguards were on the outside, riding in other vehicles.

After a while, five cars set off.

The car Wang Yitang was in was in the second to last position. It was inconspicuous and difficult for outsiders to notice.

It is estimated that the order will continue to change along the way, making it difficult for the ambusher to accurately determine where the target is.

Zhang Yong was too lazy to mark it. Anyway, the three red dots were so eye-catching.

Just wait silently for the convoy to approach.

100 meters…

50 meters…

30 meters…

Zhang Yong threw the mines out.

Suddenly I realized why the system was trying so hard to increase its power.

It turns out that I have to throw mines myself!

In other words, most people may not be able to throw a mine weighing more than ten kilograms.

But now that he had abnormal power, he actually threw it more than thirty meters. It happened to land right in front of Wang Yitang's vehicle.

Will it be pressed?


But it doesn't matter, he has more mines...

If one doesn't work, then two. If two doesn't work, then three. If three doesn't work...


Suddenly, there was an earth-shaking loud noise.

Then, Zhang Yong saw a dazzling fire burst out in front of his eyes.

Then, he felt that his whole person was sublimated...


I'm going to die!

It's as if the body and soul are separated.

He "watched" his body flying.

It seemed as if it had been hit hard by a thousands-ton hammer.

Too hasty.

He is too close.

Just over thirty meters.

The explosion of the landmine will affect him.

You must know that the explosive charge of this TMi42 mine weighs more than ten kilograms!

That is a heavy explosive bag!

The impact of the shock wave can spread hundreds of meters away!


Falling hard.

My back seemed to hit something.

Everything behind it was completely crushed.

I saw ahead that the car was blown up and then disintegrated in the air.

It seems like someone was torn apart...

The three spies turned into nothingness.


My throat feels sweet and I want to vomit.

Then I felt my mouth was filled with liquid and smelled like blood.

It's over...

Vomiting blood...

I want to die.

If I had known better, I would have used grenades.

What the hell am I using? That's a mine...

The map shows that the red dot has disappeared.

Wang Yitang must have been shattered into pieces. His body was shattered into pieces and he died without a burial place.

Deserve it!

Damn traitor! That’s how it should be!

I will send you to see the King of Hell!

The King of Hell will send you to the eighteen levels of hell! Repent down there forever!

Oh, no, no need to confess...

My mind is very confused.

After a while, he stood up unsteadily.


Can you still stand up?

Then it'll be fine.

Looking around, I found a road behind me, so I staggered away.

No more.

Need to rest. Need to recuperate.

Maybe he suffered internal injuries.

Wang Yitang has been killed. Don't worry about the remaining garbage followers.

In a daze...



Suddenly I saw a water tank next to me. It was filled with water.

I hurriedly walked over, lowered my head, watered my face and washed my face. I watered my face repeatedly and used cold water to wake myself up. This made me feel better.

Take a deep breath.

Okay. No stinging.

The feeling of vomiting gradually disappeared. There seemed to be no internal injuries?

That's good.

It is estimated that the system has added some points.

The physical fitness has been strengthened, and it turns out that it can withstand explosions...

Just say that, but there is still no improvement every time. They have to be proactive every time...

Stop it!

Stop it!

Thinking wildly again.

Check the pocket space. It seems that it has increased a little?

However, his current carry-on space is already large enough, and adding a little more does not seem to be so urgent.

Of course, increased portable space is definitely a good thing.

Then put a tank in there.

Laughing to death...

Check the map to identify the direction.

Finally, he successfully returned to Chen Yan, Liao Dali and others.

They were looking at the explosion scene in the distance in surprise, not knowing why. At the same time, they felt a little nervous.

"go back."


Lead the team back to Nanyuan Airport.

I found that my body had completely recovered. It seemed like nothing had happened.

Sure enough, I am now considered a 0.001 Superman. I have withstood a violent explosion more than thirty meters away.

Keep adding more. Maybe you can withstand an atomic bomb explosion in the future.

It's exciting just thinking about it.

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Pick up the phone. It's He Guoguang calling.

Something happened in Chengdu.

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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