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Chapter 1206, Night battle

late at night.


Outside the Japanese garrison.

Zhang Yong looked at the second hand of his watch silently.




zero point.

Time's up.



Orders were issued quickly.

Instantly, a large number of figures emerged from the darkness.

They crouched, guns in hand, and gradually approached the Japanese invaders' position.

"Pah hook!"

"Pah hook!"

Soon, the Japanese invaders discovered the movement.

Gunshots rang out quickly.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

The Japanese invaders hurriedly issued an alarm.

At the same time, the searchlight was turned on. Wanting to illuminate the darkness.




After the dull gunshot, the searchlight was smashed.

This is the credit of the M2 heavy machine gun. It has a long range and is so powerful that the searchlight can directly crush it.

The Japanese invaders next to the searchlight were also beaten to pieces.

The power of a 12.7mm bullet hitting a person can be imagined. It will definitely not be intact.



Heavy mortar bombardment.

All 81mm mortars have been mobilized.

Those participating in the attack tonight are mainly the Temporary First Brigade. They are the main force originally established. There are a total of 4,000 people.

The Japanese invaders have heavy artillery, planes, and tanks. If they move during the day, they will be crushed. They can only come at night.

Must fight at night.

You can only fight at night. You definitely can't fight during the day.



Commanders at all levels roared with all their might.

The soldiers rushed forward one after another until they fell.

Zhang Yong's face was expressionless.

Now is not the time to be soft-hearted.

Since the battle plan has been approved, casualties must be suffered.

Strictly speaking, tonight's battle was not planned by Zhang Yong. It was Cheng Yaojin and Xia Yikui.

They want a big vote.

He wanted to take advantage of the Japanese invaders' lack of troops and directly threaten the Fengtai camp.

Xia Yikui estimated that the Japanese invaders had lost a lot of troops after many attacks, and there might only be about a thousand soldiers at the moment.

The other Japanese troops are also a certain distance away from the Fengtai camp. It is impossible for reinforcements to arrive in a short time. Even if they rush here non-stop, they will have to arrive during the day. Therefore, tonight, the number of Japanese troops at the Fengtai camp should be 1,000.


In this case, a temporary brigade of more than 4,000 people was gathered together to launch a fierce attack. With enough weapons and ammunition, there should be a 70% chance of victory.

So he asked Zhang Yong for instructions.

Zhang Yong pondered for a moment and then approved.

He actually wanted to see the true combat effectiveness of the First Brigade.

You can't just keep the troops and don't use them!

You must be dragged out to fight. Only by fighting often can you make progress.

If you hide it like a treasure and don't want to take it out, the final result will be that it becomes useless.

That's it for Yamato Hotel.

The Japanese invaders were always reluctant to let him go to the front line, so he had little combat experience.

When I had to go to the front line later, I realized that the situation was very bad. Many areas that needed improvement were not improved in time. So I was fatally struck.

On the contrary, the Yukikaze, which fought almost the whole game and had rich experience, survived in the end.

The same goes for Hu Zongnan. He was kept in the rear by Chiang Kai-shek. The final result was that he was useless, had no fighting power, and was completely defeated.

Zhang Yong did not want the troops under his "supervision" to imitate Hu Zongnan.

Must fight often. Fight often.

I'll replenish the weapons and ammunition for you.

Soldier, let me replenish it for you.

Just keep your head down and beat me! Beat me hard!




The explosions continued.

Fighting broke out around the entire Fengtai camp.

Because the First Brigade had strong troops and sufficient ammunition, it almost launched the attack in company units.

Each company chooses an attack route and attacks independently.

Each company is equipped with three 81mm mortars with sufficient shells. It can be said that they are armed to the teeth.

The purpose was to make the Japanese invaders have no time to worry about others and unable to distinguish the main direction of attack.

Before the war started, each company was specially equipped with three M2 large-caliber heavy machine guns. The ammunition was sufficient. Those searchlights were smashed by the M2 heavy machine guns.

But after the battle began, Zhang Yong discovered that it was not going so smoothly.

Domineering and leaky?

Easily crushed?

It didn't exist. The two sides soon fell into a fierce battle.

"Pah hook!"

"Pah hook!"

The Japanese invaders' counterattack was very fierce and they were not afraid of death.

This is the Fengtai camp of the Japanese invaders. It is the headquarters of the Japanese infantry regiment. Mutaguchi Lian is also located here.

For the Japanese aggressors, there is no room for error. So, of course, they will fight back with all their strength.

Some Japanese invaders even launched counterattacks in the dark.

The temporary brigade was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses and casualties.

Fortunately, there is a reserve team behind us.

The reserve team came up and used submachine guns to suppress the Japanese invaders.

All the Japanese invaders who launched the counterattack were killed.

The battle has entered a feverish state.


"Fight back!"

"Fight back!"

Mutaguchi Lian was also very angry.

He did not expect that the Chinese army would dare to attack at night. Or attack the Fengtai camp.

Is it the 29th Army?

Or Zhang Yong's troops?

Even with your knees, you can guess that it is the latter.

Besides Zhang Yong, who else dares to take the initiative to attack?

"What's going on?"

Sugita Kimiyama appeared holding a pistol.

He was supposed to go back to the garrison headquarters, but he asked for leave.

Mainly because he and Mutaguchi Lian were also classmates at the University of China. Since they came to Peiping, the two of them reminisced about old times and drank sake.

Unexpectedly, after drinking sake and lying down, the sound of gunfire was heard.

"They are Zhang Yong's troops."

"Is he the clown?"

"He's not a clown."

Mutaguchi Lian also gritted his teeth.

He hates being called Zhang Yong a clown. Really.

Because Zhang Yong has caused him a lot of losses and made him lose face.

The military losses were heavy.

Back and forth, almost two brigades were lost.

Now, only one of his regiments is basically intact, and the rest are defeated.

Six tanks were also lost.

Four of them were taken back to Peking by Zhang Yong and displayed as trophies.

This was definitely a great shame for Mutaguchi Renya. If he hadn't been thick-skinned enough, he might have committed seppuku.

Of course, it is impossible to commit seppuku. You can only order others to commit seppuku.

As scapegoats, the two squadron commanders who had returned from the rout were ordered to commit seppuku. Mutaguchi Ren also personally chopped off their heads as a warning to others.

Fortunately, this evening, an infantry brigade rushed from Tianjin Guard arrived. Only then did he regain the strength of the two brigade.

But it's no use.

Zhang Yong is here again.

Just after the press conference during the day, Zhang Yong, who was ridiculed and injured, led his troops and came over in the dark.

This bastard really knows how to find opportunities!

Right now, the Japanese army is at its weakest. Reinforcements mobilized from behind have not yet arrived.

In fact, the forwards of the 14th Division had already reached the Shanhaiguan and Qinhuangdao lines. But they were stopped. The military headquarters ordered them to wait on the railway.


Because we still have to create the illusion of peace talks.

The 29th Army needs to continue to believe that the Japanese army is sincere in negotiating.

If the 14th Division comes over, no matter how stupid the 29th Army is, they will wake up. Then it will be possible to launch a full-scale counterattack.

By then, other Japanese reinforcements had not arrived, and the situation might get out of control.

As a result, Mutaguchi Lian also suffered. He could not wait for reinforcements to arrive.

However, it was precisely because of this that he was not dismissed. The task given to him by the garrison army was to guard the Fengtai camp.

Originally, this task was very simple. The problem is, Zhang Yong is not simple either!

Mutaguchi Ren also believed in his own judgment.

That Zhang Yong, clown look was definitely disguised on purpose.

Fortunately, he temporarily received a large group of reinforcements, otherwise, I'm afraid he would really be shattered tonight.

"Report! Enemies found in the direction of Dahegou!"

"Report! Enemies found in front of Fangjiapu!"


The signal troops arrived anxiously.

There were only two staff officers in the wing headquarters. They were so busy that they were sweating all over.

The map hanging on the wall is marked with various colors. The surroundings of Fengtai Camp are surrounded by enemies.


"Where did that clown get all those troops?"

"It must be fake!"

"It must be fake!"

Sugita Kimisan frowned. He felt that Zhang Yong was using a deception trick.

This is a common practice of Chinese soldiers. Their ancestors wrote a book called "The Art of War", which was studied by Japanese and Chinese students.

With so many enemies, some of them must be feint attacks. There is only one real attack in one direction.

The question is, where is Zhang Yong's true direction of attack?

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

The phone at Wing Headquarters kept ringing.

The two poor staff officers were simply too busy.

Sugita Kimiyama had no choice but to step in personally, help answer the phone, and help mark map information.

All the men he brought with him also went into battle to help.

"Nani? Ito Squadron Captain Tamaki?" Sugita Kimiyama suddenly felt something was wrong.

Ito Squadron is over there at Fangjia Pu.

Isn't that the direction of Zhang Yong's feint attack?

Why is the battle so fierce?

The battle just started and the squadron leader died in battle?


Is this Zhang Yong’s main direction of attack?


"Yes. Captain Ito's squadron was shattered. More than half of the squadron was lost. The enemy's artillery fire was very fierce. It was unprecedented. They were all large-caliber mortars."


Mutaguchi Lian also frowned.

He also felt that Fangjiapu might be Zhang Yong's main direction of attack.

Only a main attack could cause such heavy losses to the defenders. Squadron leader Yu Shai. The artillery fire was fierce...

"Report! Your Excellency, Captain, Yujiapu has been captured..."


Mutaguchi Ren also reacted quickly.

He turned around quickly to look at the map.


That’s the front of Fengtai Camp!

There is a small team stationed there. It is a very elite team.

Why was it lost?


"Order Kamikawa to counterattack immediately..."

"Your Excellency, Captain, I just received the news that Captain Puchuan is broken..."


Mutaguchi Lian's expression also changed.

Another squadron leader is broken? What happened?

Look at the map. Yujiapu and Fangjiapu are very far apart! More than five kilometers!

It is impossible for Zhang Yong to invest so many troops in two directions at the same time. It is impossible to attack in two directions at the same time. There must be some emphasis.

So, here comes the question...

Is it Yujiapu or Fangjiapu?


"Moxi, Moxi..."

Over there, the staff officer continued to be busy answering the phone.

After a while, a staff officer quickly came to Mutaguchi Renye.

Mutaguchi Ren also raised his hand to tell the other party to stop talking.

He needs time to judge the situation.



Which direction is Zhang Yong's main attack?


No clue!

Put your hands down and let the staff report.

"Your Excellency, Wing Commander, the heavy artillery brigade asks for instructions in which direction they should bombard..."


Mutaguchi Lian also frowned.

Yujiapu? Fangjiapu? I can’t tell!

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

The phone continued to ring.

Too busy...

Totally overwhelmed...

Sugita Kimiyama went over and picked up the phone.

"Report! The enemy has been found! The enemy has been found! The enemy is behind our position!"

"Baga! Where are you?"

"Artillery! Heavy artillery brigade! Heavy artillery..."


There was an explosion.

Then, there was no sound from the phone. There was dead silence.

Sugita Kimiyama's heart trembled.

There was a burst of cold air behind me, and I immediately understood Zhang Yong's purpose.


The opponent's real attack direction is the heavy artillery position!

Zhang Yong’s real purpose tonight is to destroy the Japanese heavy artillery! Yujiabao and Fangjiapu are all just cover-ups!


This cunning clown!

He quickly put down the phone and came to Mutaguchi Renye's side.

"The heavy artillery position was attacked. Contact is currently lost. It is estimated that this is Zhang Yong's real purpose."


Mutaguchi Lian suddenly became furious.

Subconsciously, I wanted to slap someone. But just as I raised my hand, I took it back again.

The other party is also a colonel. He is also the chief of staff of the garrison. In terms of rank, he is above his commander.

However, within the Japanese army, only the chief officer who leads troops is the highest. Others who do not lead troops are basically reduced by half a level.

"Send the order! Retreat immediately! Everyone, retreat to the heavy artillery position!"


The staff officers hurriedly issued orders.

Sugita Kimiyama picked up the helmet next to him and prepared to set off.

He believed that Mutaguchi Renya's deployment was correct. The wing headquarters could be abandoned, but the heavy artillery positions could not be abandoned.

If those heavy artillery were lost, the Japanese army would really have no power to fight back.

Right now, we rely on those heavy artillery to stay alive.



The Japanese invaders moved quickly.

The Japanese invaders were also very flexible when the situation was unfavorable.

Quickly retreat to the heavy artillery position, then form a group and resist stubbornly. At the same time, request emergency tactical guidance.

In fact, it's a cry for help.

The distress telegram was drafted by Sugita Kimiyama himself.

Of course he didn't want his life to end here. Tonight could be said to be the most dangerous night.

Fortunately, a large group of reinforcements came in the evening...


"What? The Japanese invaders have reinforcements?"

"You arrived in the evening?"

At this time, Zhang Yong also received the latest information.

It turns out that the Japanese invaders were not one brigade, but two brigade.


Xia Yikui lowered his head, feeling very ashamed.

Failure to grasp this information will have a huge impact on the battle.

It may even lead to failure.

The previous battle plan was aimed at about a thousand people. As a result, the enemy number became 2,000...


Zhang Yong waved his hand and asked Xia Yikui to sit down.

On the battlefield, no one is omnipotent. And no one can grasp all the information at all times.

The Japanese reinforcements arrived just by chance.

The battlefield intelligence here is very bad. They don't even know about this.

In fact, the First Brigade has not yet formed its own intelligence network. The reconnaissance company, search company, etc. are not yet complete.

Alas, it’s so confusing...

Who would have thought that the Japanese invaders had already arrived with reinforcements?

If one thousand people become two thousand, it will be difficult to fight.

After all, the Japanese invaders were the defenders. They had fortifications and heavy artillery cover.

Just thinking about those heavy cannons gives me a headache...

Sneak attacks are actually not that easy.

Multiple warnings were also set up around the Japanese artillery positions.

It is unrealistic for the troops to attack and capture it in a short time. They can only use mortars to bomb from a long distance and cause as many casualties as possible.

However, it was impossible to destroy the Japanese invaders' 105mm heavy cannon.

In other words, something terrible is coming.




The Japanese heavy artillery began to bombard.

Yujiapu and Fangjiapu are all within the bombardment range.

This is a crushing heavy weapon. There is no way to withstand it. Even in the dark, it may cause huge casualties.


Zhang Yong decisively ordered the troops to retreat.

There is no point in continuing the fierce battle. It will only increase troop casualties.

You must be calm in front of the 105mm heavy artillery.

Otherwise, one shell can kill several people. It is not worth the expense.

In addition, the 81mm mortar shells carried by various units are estimated to have been exhausted.



Orders are conveyed.

All participating troops were withdrawn.

Statistical loss.

Fortunately, there were less than 500 casualties.

Take them by surprise and attack them unprepared. The ground will be washed away by artillery fire.

The Japanese invaders were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties. Seven of the squadrons were wiped out.

In other words, the number of people killed by the Japanese invaders was at least 350. If other losses are included, the casualties of the Japanese invaders should be between six and seven hundred.

Almost there.

Accept as soon as you see fit.

The fierce battle is yet to come!

It is not cost-effective to fight the Japanese invaders in plain areas.

"Replenish ammunition!"


Zhang Yong had already arranged for ammunition supplies.

There are enough 81mm mortar shells. Each army can take as many as they can.

12.7mm large-caliber machine gun bullets are enough.

Facts have proven that this large-caliber machine gun is really useful. It has a long range, is powerful, and can penetrate walls.

The general fortifications of the Japanese invaders could be easily penetrated. In many fortifications, the bodies of the Japanese invaders were found, having been killed by bullets that penetrated the walls.

Therefore, Zhang Yong increased the equipment of M2 heavy machine guns. Fifty guns were added in one go.

Then summarize the combat experience.

The biggest flaw is poor intelligence.

A large group of Japanese reinforcements arrived, but the First Brigade did not know it.

This shows the lack of mass base.


This is a common problem in the national army!

Shake his head.

He can't solve this problem.

Only the Red Party has the solution.

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

Suddenly the phone rang.

Zhang Yong picked up the phone and found that the call was from Tong Linge.

"Commander Tong..."

"Commissioner Zhang, well done!"


"Didn't you just launch an attack and defeat the Japanese invaders?"

"Not completely defeated."

"That's pretty awesome. The Japanese invaders were forced to retreat to their heavy artillery positions, and they even lost their own regiment headquarters."


Zhang Yong was about to speak but stopped.

He wanted to say, in fact, you can take the opportunity to expand your victory.

Your 29th Army can take over and continue to attack the Japanese heavy artillery positions. You have 75mm mountain guns in your hands!

This can be used against Japanese heavy artillery. It can be a long-range threat.

You still have a hundred thousand people.

At present, the Japanese invaders are empty of troops in North China.

If you can decisively seize the opportunity and attack vigorously, you may be able to reverse the current disadvantage.

However, he didn't say it in the end.

Why? It’s useless to say too much. Some things don’t need to be said.

If the 29th Army really had such a consciousness, it would have taken action long ago. Where is the need for him to say anything?

What a pity...

Slowly hang up the phone.

Sleepy. Go to bed.

When I woke up, it was already three o'clock in the morning.


Go out.

I found that the atmosphere in the temporary trip was a bit tense.

They were probably not very satisfied with last night's battle. Officers at all levels were summoned by Cheng Yaojin for a lecture.

Last night's battle performance was indeed not good.

Barely average.

Of course Cheng Yaojin was not satisfied. He wanted to show off his skills, but he failed to do so.

On the contrary, Zhang Yong felt that it was normal.

The 1st Brigade is a new unit. It is the first night battle. To be able to fight like this is already considered very good.

From now on, if you fight often and hit again and again, you will naturally become more elite.

Come to the headquarters.

I found that my desk was piled with newspapers.

Pick one up at random.

Yes, they are all sarcastic and sarcastic. Not a single good word.

They all say that Zhang Yong looks like a clown.

Needless to say, behind these newspapers are the Japanese invaders and traitors.

sit down.

Closing look.

Thinking about what to do today.

Suddenly, the communications staff hurried over.

"Commissioner, there's an urgent call from the attendant's office."


Zhang Yong brought it over.

The four words above:

Return to Jinling quickly!

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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