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Chapter 1228, the combat strategy is in place!

What was supposed to come finally came.

The Japanese invaders' large reinforcements have arrived in North China and are deployed.

The 5th Division, Seishiro Sakagaki...

The 10th Division, Isotani Rensuke...

The 14th Division, Doihara Kenji...

20th Division, Bunzaburo Kawagishi...

Many numbers and names appeared in Zhang Yong's mind almost reflexively.

They were all the main divisions of the Japanese invaders.

Every division commander will be a Class A war criminal from now on.

Among them, two were the first to be hanged.

So many Japanese main divisions rushed towards North China with great momentum. The situation in North China completely collapsed.

Peiping cannot be defended.

Nanyuan Airport cannot be defended either.

The only option is to retreat.

Go northwest and retreat to the south entrance. Then enter the mountains.

Heading southwest, passing Wanping, retreating to Baoding and Shimen line, blocking the enemy at every turn.

Obviously, it is impossible for Zhang Yong to retreat to the south entrance.

Because that side is the territory of the Northwest Army and the Shanxi-Sui Army. It refuses the entry of the Central Army.

If Zhang Yong went to Nankou, others would definitely not welcome him.

Therefore, he had no choice.

They could only retreat south along the Zhengtai Railway and finally to the south of the Yellow River.

A very frustrating process.

If you want to kill the thief, you will be unable to save him.

He alone cannot change the situation of the war.

No matter how much light weapons and ammunition are provided, it will not be able to turn the tide.

In the face of the Japanese invaders' aircraft and heavy artillery, light weapons could play too little role. Basically, they could only be beaten.

have no choice……

Sober helplessness...

The defeated general!

He was about to be beaten to pieces by the Japanese invaders.

Leaving Pingjin in despair...



But there was nothing we could do.

At most, it was just a small fight and killing a few more Japanese invaders.

Well, the general policy is this. Retreat. Then find a way to bite the Japanese invaders a few times and kill a few more.

You have taken over my territory.

I will destroy your vitality.

"Commissioner, do you want to go to Peking immediately?"


Zhang Yong shook his head.

There's no point in being anxious.

However, there are some loose ends that need to be dealt with here.

Because this time I go to Peiping, it may take another ten days and a half before I have a chance to come back.

After leaving Nanyuan Airport, there are no flights.

There are no airports in Baoding or Shimen.

If you want to come back, you can only take the train.

We have to rush to Luoyang to have an airport and to take off and land the DC-3 transport plane.


Start getting busy.

The matters in Songhu have been basically settled.

Deal with what can be dealt with, and postpone what cannot be dealt with temporarily. This is the reality.

First go to a Vienna nightclub.

The traitors and spies here are still being detained!

Only some people paid the ransom, and most refused to pay.

what to do?

Screen out all the spies and pull them out.


Since the Japanese invaders are unwilling to give money, then go see Amaterasu.

He, Zhang Yong, has no mercy.

"Da da da..."

"Da da da..."

Just set up the machine gun and shoot.

The MG34 general machine gun was used. I tried the gun by the way.

All the spies were killed.

The remaining traitors were all dragged away to build fortifications.

Hand it over directly to the 67th Army.

The 67th Army is the unit that Zhang Yong is responsible for supervising. He only listens to Zhang Yong. No one can persuade him.

It just so happened that building fortifications in the Suzhou area required a lot of labor.

Traitors can be exempted from death, but they cannot escape from living crimes. Come to work for me!

Before leaving, Zhang Yong prepared a large number of weapons and ammunition for General Wenbai.

Mainly 81mm mortars, MG34 general machine guns, M2 large-caliber heavy machine guns, etc. Zhang Yong will not interfere with the specific distribution.

Under the command of General Wenbai, there are currently five German weapon masters.

Including the most elite 36th, 87th, and 88th divisions. They are the ceiling of the national army's combat effectiveness.

If they tried their best and still couldn't quickly defeat the Japanese invaders, it would probably be in vain for others to come. I hope they can kill more Japanese invaders.

One more thing.

Just go to the central bank and call Lin Wan.

"Are you going to Peiping?"


"Want to take me with you?"

"No. I want you to secretly prepare for transfer."


"I will only tell you this matter. Don't even tell your brother."


"Send people to the concession to find a suitable place and prepare to move the central bank to the concession."

"All moved?"


"What a big project."

"It must be done before October."


"The money will be deducted from the central bank's funds."


"Has Concubine Xiao's funds arrived?"


"That's good."

Zhang Yong was slightly relieved.

Really busy.

It feels like three heads and six arms are not enough.

It would be great if there were ten or eight clones. They could achieve perfection in every field.

One who specializes in catching Japanese spies...

A person specifically responsible for the national air force...

One is responsible for ground combat...

One responsible for the central bank...

One is responsible for picking up girls...

Another one who drives a tank, perfect.

Unfortunately, no.

Just him.

what to do?

Have a good attitude.

As much as you can do.

Anyway, surviving until August 15, 1945 is victory!

Return to the airport.

Rest and sleep.

Set off on time at one o'clock in the morning.

Flying a DC-3 transport aircraft alone from Shanghai to Peiping.

At five o'clock in the morning, when the sky was dark, the plane arrived at the sky above Beiping Nanyuan Airport. It flew low and circled.

Reduce the altitude to about 1000 meters.

Densely dense red dots were found to the east and south of Nanyuan Airport.

They were all the main forces of the Japanese invaders.

Discover a large number of weapon symbols. Including tanks, heavy artillery, etc.

In addition to the Xiaodouding tank, there is also the Type 97 medium tank. This is the most important tank of the Japanese invaders.

Obviously, the Japanese invaders had prepared a strong enough force in order to capture Peiping.

Not only are there 105mm heavy cannons, but also Type 97 medium tanks have been mobilized.

It is estimated that the 150mm howitzer is also on the way and has even entered the position. It is just that I haven't noticed it yet.

It's coming with force!

There are also a large number of Japanese fighter jets, ready to take off at any time.

Peiping, on the other hand, does not have any air force and will not be able to receive any air support in the future.

It is impossible for a short-legged BA-65 to come from Shanghai. There is no supporting combat base here. It is useless to come here.


They were completely crushed by the Japanese invaders.

So miserable.

A pure hell start.

Your base vehicles haven't been deployed yet, but others already have thousands of troops.

what to do?

Cold salad...

Act according to circumstances. Act according to circumstances.

Land slowly.

Immediately a group of people came up.

Obviously, the current tense situation makes them very uneasy.

Before Zhang Yong came back, they always felt like they had no backbone and didn't know what to do.


Zhang Yong secretly resented him.

It was originally intended to cultivate their independent abilities.


Everyone is waiting for him to come back.

It feels like if I don't come back, they won't be able to do anything. They can only sit back and wait for death.


What to do next?

We still have to recruit talents from the Red Party.

The military cadres on the Red Party side are very independent, so bring in some Li Yunlong...

Calm down and slowly walk out of the cockpit.



Everyone hurriedly stood at attention and saluted.

Zhang Yong raised his hand in return.

"Which Japanese army are we facing?"

"The 20th Division of the Japanese invaders. The division leader is Bunzaburo Kawagishi."


Zhang Yong nodded silently.

Fortunately, what I encountered was not the strongest opponent.

The strongest one is Sakagaki Seishiro.

The fifth division of the Japanese invaders could almost be said to have fought the entire battle.

North China, South China, Southeast Asia, Nanyang...

The Fifth Division participated in almost all battlefields. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was the strongest division of the Japanese invaders.

Relatively speaking, the Japanese 20th Division seems to be weaker.

Of course, no matter how weak it is, it is still a permanent division of the Japanese invaders. It has more than 20,000 people, has 105mm heavy cannons, and has many small tanks.

In addition, you can also get assistance from fighter jets, 150mm heavy artillery, and cavalry.

At this moment, the Japanese invaders have strong soldiers and horses.

How many troops does Zhang Yong have?

The second brigade is currently in Wanping and the Marco Polo Bridge area.

They are responsible for guarding the southward evacuation channel, which is where the throat lies.

Obviously, when the Japanese invaders attack Nanyuan Airport, they will also attack Wanping at the same time.

Therefore, it is impossible to expect anyone to come to help.

At Nanyuan Airport, there are only 1,500 student soldiers and several hundred soldiers from the Fourth Air Police Regiment.

The main force is the Temporary Brigade, about five thousand people.

Facing a fully equipped division of the Japanese invaders, the results can be imagined.

"Someone is coming!"


"All Air Force personnel should retreat! Nanyuan Airport is closed!"


Zhang Yong's first order was to close Nanyuan Airport.

The DC-3 transport plane he drove over was driven away by the pilot who stayed behind. At the same time, most of the airport's communication equipment was taken away.

After the plane left Nanyuan Airport, Nanyuan Airport was completely abandoned.

From now on, it will be a complete land war.

"Order the student soldiers to assemble."


Zhang Yong's second order was to order the student soldiers to guard Changxindian.

It is also the chokepoint of the Ping-Han Railway. After the Marco Polo Bridge, you will reach Changxindian. If occupied by the Japanese invaders, the Ping-Han Railway will be cut off.

Once the Ping-Han Railway is cut off, the defenders of Nanyuan Airport will be unable to retreat.

But the Japanese invaders did not do this.

Judging from the data of later generations, the Japanese invaders' combat strategy has always been based on occupying territory.

In other words, they rarely adopt large-scale encirclement tactics.

Often the goal is achieved by outflanking and forcing the national army to retreat.

The Japanese never seem to understand wars of annihilation or anything like that.

Landing from Jinshanwei is actually a very good encirclement tactic and can lead to a battle of annihilation.

However, the Japanese invaders did not do this. Instead, they dispersed the national troops. There was no large-scale siege.

This is a loophole.

It is also an opportunity to counterattack.

Representatives of the student soldiers said that they want to live or die with Nanyuan Airport...

"Execute the order!"


"It is the bounden duty of soldiers to obey orders! Those who disobey orders will be subject to military law!"


I dare not say anything more.

On the same day, all the student soldiers took buses to Changxindian.

All that was left at Nanyuan Airport was the Temporary Brigade. Cheng Yaojin was really under great pressure when facing a division of the Japanese invaders.

"Cut down all the sorghum nearby."


"All sorghum within a three-kilometer radius will be cut down and burned."


"This is an order! I will bear all the consequences!"


Cheng Yaojin did not dare to neglect.

He hurriedly ordered the troops to start clearing sorghum. Not a single tree was left.

These sorghums seriously affected the defenders' shooting range. But before, Cheng Yaojin had never dared to order their removal.

"Arrange for people to lay landmines."


"I brought three thousand landmines and buried them all."


"Arrange snipers to provide cover. If you find Japanese engineers clearing mines, shoot them immediately."


Zhang Yong issued a series of orders.

It is impossible to win. You will definitely lose in the early stage.

However, the Japanese invaders must pay a heavy price.

You Japanese invaders have planes, tanks, and heavy artillery. I have mines. Things are cheap and good. The more the better.

Mines belong to the ammunition category. The supply is unlimited.

There are also many categories. As long as they are available in the world, Zhang Yong can find them.

But ordinary mines are enough.

The Japanese invaders' Type 97 tanks also had very weak mine protection capabilities.

If a mine explodes under the tank, the track will definitely be blown off. The crew inside will also be shocked and injured.


Very busy...

The whole trip was busy.

Cutting sorghum. Cutting sorghum.

Burying landmines.

Operate overnight.


"Devil tank!"

Just in the early morning, Japanese tanks appeared.

Zhang Yong came to the trench and raised his telescope. Sure enough, he found a Japanese tank.

It is not an ordinary Xiaodouding tank (Type 94 ultra-light tank). It is a slightly more powerful Type 95 light tank.

It weighs about seven tons. It is equipped with a 37mm tank gun.

Junk weapons.

If it were placed on the Soviet-German battlefield, it would be given away for free and no one would want it.

However, in the East Asian battlefield, this kind of tank is more difficult to deal with than Xiaoduding. The main reason is that it has a 37mm gun that can bombard it from a long distance.



Suddenly, fire broke out.

But it was the Japanese tanks that opened fire. The shells went straight to the front line positions.

The power of the explosion is average.

After all, it is a 37mm caliber.

However, for fortifications, it is very fatal.

After all, it is a direct-fire gun. It has a certain penetration ability. It is very suitable for eliminating the water-cooled heavy machine gun positions of the national army at fixed points.

The problem with water-cooled heavy machine guns is that they are too heavy and difficult to move.

At the same time, after a long period of launch, water vapor will emerge, easily exposing the location.

When Japanese tanks find targets in the distance, they can aim and shoot.

Coupled with the 92 infantry artillery, grenade launchers, etc., all the firepower points of the national army can be removed.

Without firepower, the Japanese invaders could launch a pig charge.

The tactics are old-fashioned, but practical.

At this moment, Zhang Yong had no choice but to lie down.



The Japanese tanks continued to fire.

I found that I didn't encounter any counterattack, so I continued to move forward.

1200 meters…

800 meters…

Zhang Yong waved his hand and ordered the nearby M2 large-caliber machine gun to prepare.

The distance is still a bit far. Wait a moment.

Entering about 300 meters, bullets can be guaranteed to penetrate the armor...


At this moment, the Japanese tank was suddenly enveloped in black smoke.

However, a ball of fire burst out from underneath the Japanese tank. Following the Japanese tank, it stopped moving.


Hit a landmine?

Not bad! The efficiency deserves praise.

Cheng Yaojin laid the mine 800 meters away so quickly.


very good!

Reimburse the Japanese invaders for a tank!

How much does a landmine cost? Replacing a tank is a bargain!

Three red dots, only two left.

Apparently, the mine explosion also killed a Japanese invader.


The German mines are awesome.

It's easy to blow up a Japs tank.

Their skin is too crispy.

Hehe, it is difficult for the Japanese tanks to cross the minefield!


We have a combat strategy.

Although I retreated. Although I failed.


I will make you pay a heavy price for every step you take!

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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