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Chapter 1232, Feast

Ready to go.

However, I found that the artillery symbol on the map continued to flash.

As if to remind him persistently, this is the most important thing. It must be solved first.


From a military perspective, the system is certainly correct.

Because the artillery positions of the Japanese invaders are the greatest threat. They will cause great damage to themselves and their friendly forces.

Must be prioritized.

Knock out enemy artillery. Eliminate the threat.

Relatively speaking, it was entirely on his own initiative to make money in Tong County.

what to do?

Decide to follow the arrangements of the system.

There may be the Japanese heavy artillery regiment over there. There may be thirty-six 105mm heavy cannons.

This is a huge threat to the national army in the entire North China region.

If it could be blown up, it would go without saying that the Japanese invaders would be heartbroken. The threat to Nanyuan Airport would also be greatly weakened.

Study and judge the map.

It is about thirty kilometers away from Tong County.

It is nine kilometers away from the Japanese artillery position. Obviously, the latter is closer.

Do what is good and follow the flow.

Set off.

Go to the Japanese artillery position.

Sneak quietly and avoid the Japanese invaders' lurking posts.

The Japanese invaders also had lurking posts. There were quite a few of them. There were also some scattered cavalry scouts.

Fortunately, the map shows it accurately so we can avoid it. Otherwise, we are very likely to encounter the Japanese invaders. As soon as the gun fires, the nearby Japanese invaders will come for reinforcements.

Stop and go...

Stop and go...

Time flies.

Finally, around three o'clock in the morning, we approached the target.

The short nine-kilometer journey was all in the plains, and it actually took three hours to walk!

There is no other way, we must bypass the Japanese invaders' defense line so as not to alert the enemy.

On the way, Zhang Yong unexpectedly discovered that there were traces of guerrilla activities. He judged that they were guerrillas from the Red Party, but he did not see them.

Slow down.

Move forward stealthily.

A large number of red dots go into the edge of the map.

There are also a large number of weapons symbols. Check it out, they are all 105mm heavy cannons.

The exact model is a Taisho 14th-year-old field cannon. It weighs more than three tons. It is towed by a car. Its maximum range is about fifteen kilometers.

"Japanese cannon!"

"Look! Japanese cannon!"


Du Shanglong and others could not contain their excitement.

Along the way, Zhang Yong didn't say where he was going. They didn't ask either. They just kept their heads on the road.

Unexpectedly, they came to attack the Japanese artillery positions.

It's also a heavy artillery position.

As you can see from the telescope, they are all large-caliber artillery pieces.

The shells that bombed Nanyuan Airport should have been fired from here. Nanyuan Airport was badly bombed.

Anger rises.

Gearing up.

Prepare to destroy this pilgrimage.

However, the battle is not that easy.

Zhang Yong combined maps and telescopes to comprehensively judge the strength of the Japanese invaders.

This should be a complete heavy artillery regiment of the Japanese invaders. Maybe the 105mm heavy cannons of the Japanese 20th Division are here.

As a heavy artillery regiment, it must have its own garrison. Maybe two infantry squadrons?

In addition, there must be other Japanese troops nearby, including the Japanese brigade headquarters or division headquarters.

A piece of good news.

A bad news.

The good news is that the Japanese artillerymen have not yet realized the danger.

The bad news is that the Japanese artillery has already begun digging trenches.


The Japanese invaders responded very quickly.

The Japanese invaders suffered losses in the first half of the night, but they immediately corrected themselves in the second half of the night.

In vain, they began to dig trenches.

Let's talk about the Japanese aggressor axis. Sometimes it is indeed very axis. Pig charges and so on.

However, if you want to say that the Japanese invaders were stupid, that is absolutely not true. The Japanese invaders were definitely not stupid. On the contrary, they were very cunning and good at learning lessons.

Commanders like Okamura Neiji are pragmatic, cold, and fickle, and are very difficult to deal with.

If the Japanese invaders hadn't surrendered, it would have been really difficult to defeat them.

No wonder the system reminds you repeatedly.

There really aren't many shops like this in this village.

When we come back tomorrow night, the Japanese invaders have already dug trenches.

When the time comes, trenches will be used to build fortifications, and it will be difficult for the light infantry to capture them quickly.

Because you don't have a rocket launcher or a direct-fire cannon.

Facing the strong firepower of the Japanese invaders, they could only shoot with the M2 heavy machine gun.

Fortunately, there is still an M2 heavy machine gun. Otherwise, there is no way to deal with the Japanese invaders' solid firepower.

As expected, war is fought by surprise and unpreparedness.

When the Japanese invaders first arrived and their foothold was not stable, they decisively launched a sneak attack. They could kill as many as they could.

After the Japanese invaders suffered a loss, they began to improve various details, so that you would have no chance of a sneak attack. At that time, you would only be beaten and have no choice but to run away.

I must have a big meal tonight. Eat until I am exhausted.


"Blow, fry, fry!"

"Blow them all up!"

"People, kill them all!"

"Cannon, blow them all up!"

"No more alive!"

"Don't want any loot!"


Be concise and concise.

It's just so rough.

It's that simple!

Kill them all!


Leave no one behind!

No need for any burden!




All commanders responded solemnly.

Gearing up.

Eager to try.

I just like such simple and crude commands.

Kill if you encounter him!

Explode if you encounter it!

"Come and replenish ammunition!"

"When you run out of ammunition, come to me in the back to replenish it!"

"Five minutes to prepare!"

Zhang Yong continued to issue orders. Short and clear.

There are no requirements.

You fight the battle yourself. I will be responsible for replenishing the ammunition.

I have all the ammunition you need!

Wooden handle grenades, melon grenades, and pineapple grenades are also available.

Enough bullet tubes!

Enough cannonball tubes!

Everyone greets the devil!

"Blowing up cannons is easy!"

"Just put the grenade into the barrel."

"Don't move the gun mount!"

Zhang Yong briefly explained. The main focus is fast.

The Japanese cannon at this moment does not have the function of replacing the barrel.

Blowing up the barrel is equivalent to destroying the entire gun. The Japanese invaders must transport it back to the country and reassemble it.

The gun mount is very strong and difficult to blow up. However, the gun barrel is much more fragile.

A grenade can destroy it.

It's not a burst. It's a broken rifling or something.

It was impossible for the Japanese invaders to continue to use the gun barrel that had been blown up by a grenade.

Otherwise, it will explode in minutes.

Of course, it is also possible to stuff a few more grenades inside and explode the barrel.

This trick was of course learned from "Band of Brothers". The German's 88 cannon can be destroyed by grenades. Of course the Japanese's can also be destroyed.

It's a pity that there is no C4 explosive and no RDX...


It seems there is?

Check out the ammunition depot…

It seems there really is.

But there is only RDX. There is no C4 explosive. The latter has not been invented yet.

Forget it, let's just use grenades.


Easy to use.

RDX or something like that is unstable and prone to self-explosion...

"Do you understand?"



Zhang Yong immediately waved his hand.

Get started!

The battle begins.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Bang bang bang..."

Mortars fired rapidly.

Aim yourself. Fire the cannonball as quickly as possible.

There is no limit. Just keep your head down and fire. Hit as many shells as possible on the enemy's head.

Twenty rounds per minute is a basic skill.

Thirty shots are worthy of praise.

Forty rounds...

Sorry. No one can do it.

"Tu tu tu tu..."

"Tu tu tu tu..."

At the same time, the M2 large-caliber machine gun began to fire.

The target is the Japanese infantry near the trenches. They are the only roadblocks.

Behind the Japanese infantry are Japanese artillery. They are not good at infantry combat. Once they get close, they will only be crushed.



The shells fell and exploded among the Japanese invaders.

The Japanese invaders were immediately shocked. Many Japanese invaders died before they even understood what was going on.

At this moment, Zhang Yongcai noticed that the Japanese artillery position seemed unusual. There were actually many artillery shells stacked near the artillery position?


What is the Japanese artillery going to do?

Do you think they are preparing for the bombardment? No, they are already ready.

Just now, Zhang Yong didn't pay special attention to the details. Only now did he realize that all the cannons of the Japanese invaders seemed to be pointing in the direction of Nanyuan Airport.

Artillery is in position.

The shells are in place.

Launch at any time.


What are the Japanese invaders going to do?

Will we continue to bombard Nanyuan Airport in the middle of the night?

Or is it that the Japanese invaders are preparing to attack Nanyuan Airport in the middle of the night and need artillery cover?

make a fist.

No matter what, I came to the right place.

Moreover, it came very timely...



Suddenly, a series of explosions were heard.

But it was the mortar bombing that caused the shells to explode. The scene suddenly became particularly spectacular.

A large amount of fire broke out, like holiday fireworks.

No, it's brighter than fireworks.



The Japanese artillerymen were dumbfounded.

They had no idea where the enemy would come from.

The artillery position is in the rear!

How could the enemy reach the vicinity of the artillery position silently?


Still at this moment!

They received orders to cover the infantry attack!

They have made all preparations and are just waiting to launch the cannonballs.


The enemy is coming.

The enemy also fired fierce artillery fire.

The enemy's artillery fire also detonated artillery shells near the gun position...


There must be something wrong somewhere!

All the coincidences came together.



One after another, artillery shells were detonated.

Under normal circumstances, the shell will not be detonated because there is no fuze installed.

However, there is a term called sacrificial explosion.

The explosion of a cannonball at close range will detonate other cannonballs.

The 105mm artillery shells piled up by the Japanese invaders near the artillery positions became the most gorgeous fireworks tonight...

"No way..."

"So beautiful..."

Zhang Yong watched from behind and murmured to himself.

Get twice the result with half the effort!

The Japanese invaders hit themselves in the foot with stones.

He actually placed the artillery shells near the gun emplacement.

However, it seems to be correct.

You are about to fire, where can you put the cannonballs if not nearby?

It can only be said that Zhang Yong came at the right time tonight. He hit the Japanese artillery just seven inches away.


"Someone must commit seppuku!"


The commander of the artillery regiment was anxious and angry. He quickly ordered the troops to resist tenaciously.

The enemy is coming menacingly. It looks like it is no ordinary person at first glance. It may be in big trouble this time. It cannot even imagine the consequences.

The entire artillery regiment, thirty-six 105 mm field cannons, are here!

If they were all destroyed, the first one to have to commit seppuku would be him, the captain. Of course, by then, he might have been killed long ago.

The enemy is coming fiercely. It is estimated that no one can survive, including it.

"Report to the division headquarters immediately!"

"Requesting urgent tactical guidance! Requesting urgent tactical guidance!"


The captain yelled hysterically.

However, his voice soon ended, and his life also disappeared.

There were shells exploding next to it.

These are not the enemy's artillery shells. They are the Japanese invaders' own.

It was the nearby artillery shells that exploded. Some shells flew around and ended up hitting here.

"Your Excellency, Captain!"

"Your Excellency, Captain!"

The nearby chief of staff was shocked.

I never expected that the captain of the team would die so quickly.



He looked around blankly.

There were explosions everywhere.

There are fires everywhere.

I can't tell whether it's the enemy's shell or my own...



With the explosion, the chief of staff also died.

Amid the violent explosions, the Japanese invaders were unable to organize effective resistance because there were explosions everywhere.

Of course, there were some survivors who managed to avoid the explosion.

However, there is nothing they can do.

Damn it!

This is an enemy mortar!

How many mortars did the enemy attack? They were so fierce!

If it is a long-range shooting, the 105mm cannon can blow all mortars into pieces.

However, now it is a close battle. The enemy touches him right under his nose.

Cannons are useless because they have blind spots.

Now, their only extravagant hope is that reinforcements will arrive quickly.


"The heavy artillery position was attacked?"


Bunzaburo Kawagishi went crazy after receiving the report.

It never expected that so many accidents would happen tonight.

A brigade was attacked and almost entirely wiped out.

A cavalry brigade was completely destroyed.

Now, the enemy has actually touched the heavy artillery position. The heavy artillery position is in danger.

Damn it! Who is it?

Why is it so secretive? Can you get under the nose of the artillery?

Are the sentries arranged outside just for decoration?

Ahhhh, damn it!

"Your Excellency, Division Commander..."

A staff officer asked cautiously.

But over there, the Japanese invaders' units had all moved into attack positions.

Prepare to carry out a fatal blow to the Chinese army around Nanyuan Airport and forcibly occupy Nanyuan Airport.

As a result, Bunzaburo Kawagishi turned a deaf ear.

His mind was no longer on the offense at all. He was thinking about a terrible fact.

That is, if the heavy artillery regiment is destroyed, what will happen to the entire division.

How can we attack without heavy artillery cover?

He also discovered a very fatal reality. It was caused by his own hands.

It was he who ordered the troops to launch a night attack. The infantry was basically on the front line. There were almost no enough reserves in the rear.

"Where are the troops closest to the artillery positions?"

"Five kilometers away."

"Five kilometers? Only five kilometers?"

Bunzaburo Kawagishi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. It was like a drowning man grabbing the life-saving straw.

It's only five kilometers, which is okay. It takes more than half an hour to get there by a quick march.

If it's fast enough, there's still time.

"How many people are there?"

"A brigade."

"Order them to immediately reinforce the artillery positions. They must arrive within half an hour, otherwise, they will commit seppuku!"


The staff officer did not dare to neglect and hurriedly turned around to deliver the order.

Bunzaburo Kawagishi stared at the location of the artillery position, his eyes red.


Who is it!

Who is it!

Who exactly attacked the heavy artillery position?


He wants to catch this bastard with his own hands!


He wants to peel off this bastard's skin bit by bit with his own hands!


"Ah sneeze!"

"Ah sneeze!"

Over there, Zhang Yong sneezed continuously.


It's probably because someone cursed me again.

It's okay. I'm used to it.

Anyway, there are so many people who cursed me, but I am still alive.

Frankly speaking, apart from the Great God of Harmony, he has nothing to fear. As long as the Great God of Harmony does not come, he will be invincible...


Suddenly I realized something was wrong.


Was your face bitten by something?

It hurts a little. But it's not very painful either.

Subconsciously I reached out and touched it and found it was sticky.

Looking under the firelight of the battlefield, I found blood on my fingers.



Then I found that my face was scratched.

Oh, it might be a stray bullet! I'm lucky enough to be scratched in the face by a stray bullet.

If the bullet had been slightly deflected, it would have blown off his head. But luckily, he was lucky and the bullet missed.


Squat down.

Can't hit me...

Can't hit me...

Ahead, the battle was raging.

Obviously, the Japanese invaders who suffered a sudden attack were unable to organize effective resistance.

The chicken necks, crooked handles, etc., were warmly greeted by mortars as soon as they were set up. They were blown to pieces on the spot.

Or maybe he was targeted by an M2 large-caliber machine gun and fired directly at him. Then he was blown up.

Zhang Yong saw with his own eyes that a Japanese heavy machine gun group, consisting of five people, was swept by 12.7 mm bullets and wiped out on the spot.

Those who were not injured were all dead. Their flesh and blood were everywhere.


A muffled sound came.

Someone started exploding the barrel with grenades.

Looks like Duchamp Dragon?

The barrel was not cracked. There was almost no damage visible on the outside. Dushanlong suspected that it was ineffective.

He quickly took out several more grenades and stuffed them all into the barrel. Then he pulled the string of another grenade and stuffed it inside.


This time, the barrel was finally exploded.

Du Shanglong felt relieved and went to blow up the second door. It quickly disappeared in the smoke.

I saw another soldier blowing up a cannon.

The same was true for this soldier. After a grenade exploded, the barrel did not break. So he felt that the effect was not effective, so he continued to stuff grenades inside.

Five grenades were inserted in a row. Then another grenade was pulled on the string and thrown in.


The barrel of the gun was blasted with a long gash.

The soldier felt relieved and continued to rush forward. Suddenly his body tilted and he stumbled down.

It's a pity that he was hit by the enemy's bullet and died unfortunately.

From behind, more soldiers continued to move forward.


"Da da da..."

Submachine guns began to clear away the remaining enemies.

The remaining Japanese invaders could only be beaten passively.



Cannon barrels were constantly being blown apart.

Sure enough, all the soldiers were worried that it would be ineffective before they saw the gun barrel crack.

Therefore, they always stuff at least three grenades inside and then detonate them together. Others stuff grenades inside. The effect is the same.



The task was completed very well.

Just fight like this!

Silently began to arrange ammunition.

Soldiers kept coming back in a hurry to carry ammunition.

Mainly submachine gun bullets. There are also grenades, grenades, etc.

The mortar is near Zhang Yong. There is no need to move it.

"Bang bang..."

"Bang bang..."

They are still firing.

The artillery fire continued to extend, clearing the way for the soldiers in front.

Zhang Yong is responsible for directing artillery fire coverage to avoid accidentally injuring his own people.

Suddenly, a red dot appeared in front of me.

But he is a Japanese invader who has not yet given up his life.

The other soldiers thought that the Japanese invaders were already dead, so they ignored them.

Zhang Yong casually pulled the trigger.



A string of bullets hit the Japanese invaders.

The red dot finally disappeared.

keep going.

When he found the Japanese invaders who were still alive, he went up to replenish his guns.

Of course, the orders he issued must be strictly followed.

People, kill them all!

Cannon, blow them all up!

No one left alive!

No loot!

This feast tonight is a must-try!

Walking, walking...

Suddenly turned back.

It turned out that a corpse of a Japanese invader was abnormal.

Take a closer look...


He seems to be a colonel?



[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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