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Chapter 1236, Ultimatum

"Where is Yoshiko Kawashima?"

"I have no idea……"

"Really don't know?"

Zhang Yong picked up another finger of Jin Haitang.

It's really beautiful. It's well maintained. She could be a model.


Jin Haitang's heart was shaking.

She saw in horror that Zhang Yong took out another embroidery needle.

"I really don't know..."

"I really don't know..."

She cried.

Crying so pitifully.

I'm not pretending. I'm really scared.




These are Zhang Yong’s labels.

One can only imagine how he would be treated if he fell into the hands of the other party.

The needle pricking her finger was just the beginning. However, she couldn't bear it anymore. She didn't know what kind of tragic experience would follow.

"Could it be that she offended the Japanese and was killed by them?"

"I have no idea……"

Jin Haitang muttered to himself. His expression was dull.

She really didn't know and didn't dare to ask. These were all taboos.

The mysterious disappearance of Yoshiko Kawashima has aroused suspicion from all parties. No one dares to investigate in depth easily, lest they find out who they are.

"Where are people?"

“Bafang Guilduan.”

"How many guards are there?"


Jin Haitang answered honestly.

Zhang Yong then drove and threw her in the passenger seat. She was handcuffed and couldn't run away.

Depart. Go to Bafang Hall.

A yellow dot approaches from a distance.

I saw it. It was Zhao Guanglin, riding a bicycle.

So he drove close to Zhao Guanglin.

"You, come here!"

Zhang Yong waved to Zhao Guanglin and shouted loudly.

Zhao Guanglin stopped the car and looked around suspiciously. Finally he was convinced that Zhang Yong was calling him, so he came over.

"How to get to Bafang Guild Hall?" Zhang Yong asked deliberately.

"Turn right ahead." Zhao Guanglin replied politely.

"Thank you." Zhang Yong waved his hand.

"No need." Zhao Guanglin then pushed the bicycle and left.

"He is a member of the Red Party. Are you related to people from the Red Party?" Jin Haitang suddenly asked.

"You know too much." Zhang Yong responded coldly.

"You did it on purpose."


"Deliberately let me see your relationship with the Red Party."

"Then what?"

"You're forcing me to surrender."

"Why do you say that?"

"I know your secret. Either I will be loyal to you and live humblely, or I will be silenced by you. Only the dead can keep secrets."

"You are thinking too much. I am simply interested in your beauty. Secrets are not important at all."

"Sex devil!"

Jin Haitang replied disgustedly.

Zhang Yong felt something was wrong. This woman was a bit abnormal!

However, where the abnormality lies, I can’t think of it for a while.

I also feel that the Japanese invaders are not simple.

They actually knew Zhao Guanglin's identity.

They actually knew that Zhao Guanglin was a member of the Red Party.

This is a bit troublesome.

If Zhao Guanglin did not realize that he was exposed, he would suffer a big loss when the Japanese invaders entered the city.

Strange, how did the Japanese invaders know Zhao Guanglin's identity?



Arrive near Bafang Hall.

Two red dots were found, but there were no weapons. They were gathered together with the white dots.

Two red dots, fourteen white dots, a total of sixteen people. They seem to be the beauties kidnapped by Jin Haitang?

But why are there two red dots inside? Something is wrong...

Outside, there are ten more white dots, all with guns. They should be the guards, Jin Haitang's men.

Thinking about it secretly.

What are the identities of these two red dots? Why are they hidden among a group of white dots?

"How many did you catch?"


"So many?"

"Only sixteen. Is that a lot? I picked the most beautiful ones. They are young, beautiful, and have clean bodies."


Zhang Yong looked unmoved.

Sixteen. Does that include two red dots?

Why are there two red dots?

Was it deliberately planted by the Japanese invaders? As a bait? To target themselves?

Could it be...

Is Jin Haitang just here to deliver goods?

She was not caught by him by accident at all. She came to him on purpose and was caught "actively".

Catch her yourself.

Extorting a confession.

Then save people.

Everything goes as planned.

The two red dots will naturally be saved as well.

Then, they will find ways to stay by their side.

Jin Haitang will also "gradually surrender" and finally express his willingness to be loyal to him.

I would think that she was afraid of death, so she surrendered.

But I didn't expect that this matter was a trap from beginning to end.

The purpose is twofold:

First, send Jin Haitang to yourself.

Second, send two hidden spy beauties to yourself.

Anyone who succeeds in one of them will be considered as having a nail planted around him. It can kill him with one blow.

Sure enough, traps are everywhere.

The Japanese invaders were also very cunning.

He found that he couldn't be killed obviously, so he arranged various traps.

Park Li Ji is one. Boss Huang is one. Jin Haitang is one.

They come one after another.

The purpose is to kill Zhang Yong.

For the Japanese invaders, the most deadly threat was Zhang Yong.

He must be eliminated.

He must be eliminated at all costs.

"Call up."

"do what?"

"Tell your men that there are special circumstances outside and ask them all to come out."

"They won't all come out. It doesn't make sense."

"At least half of it came out."


Jin Haitang hesitated.

She was biting her lip quietly, looking pitiful.

If she hadn't found two hidden red dots, Zhang Yong might have really believed that she was struggling.

Now, he could basically conclude that she was acting.

What a great actor!

Very clever.

He betrayed Yin Rugeng to gain his own trust.

Exposing Zhao Guanglin's identity also left a hook for himself. He felt that she was valuable.

Good calculation.

It was well organized step by step.

When it comes to all kinds of calculations, Zhang Yong is indeed no match for her.

In this case...

Pick up her fingers.

Another embroidery needle was inserted.

Let you act!

Let you act!

Since you want to act, then I will act with you!


Jin Haitang was shaking all over in pain.

Zhang Yong believes that this is not an act. It is the real reaction of her body.

Picked up another embroidery needle...

"I said, I said..." Jin Haitang was dying.

Sweating all over.

The cheongsam was soaked with sweat.

The already curvy body looks even more charming.


It must have been calculated.

The purpose is to lure me into making a mistake and then kill him.

Sure enough, life is in danger.


Very fragrant!

The bait is very fragrant.

He wants to eat these baits to satisfy his craving.

He put away the embroidery needle. Then he sighed and said slowly: "What's the reason for this?"

"I, I, my family is controlled by the Japanese..."


"My mother, my brother, and my sister are all in the hands of the Japanese."

"I see."

Zhang Yong's eyes were a little more gentle.

My father is gambling, my mother is sick, and my brother is studying. I understand. I understand everything. It’s really hard for you.


"Don't cry. I can help you."

"I, I..."

"As long as you truly repent, I will give you a chance."



Zhang Yong answered affirmatively.

You lie to me, I lie to you, who will lie to whom in the end?

In fact, if you want to stay by my side, your requirements are very simple. You just need to be responsible for warming the bed.

The same goes for those two red dots. Focus on warming the bed.

"Go make a phone call."




Full marks for details.

It can be included in the Beiying teaching materials.

None of the previous Kamikawa mirrors were as realistic as yours.

Fortunately, I have been taught various anti-fraud apps since I was a child, and anti-fraud has long been ingrained in my mind.

"Go for it!"


"Go for it!"

"If I do this, there is really no way out."

"Don't worry. The light is right in front of you."

"All right……"

Jin Haitang left slowly.

Zhang Yong looked at her back with indifferent eyes.

What a beautiful female spy!

Completely in line with your own aesthetic.

If you don't take a few bites of such fragrant bait, you won't be willing to die.

Take back your thoughts.

Silently monitor the situation inside the club.

About five minutes later, I saw those armed white dots starting to move.

Apparently, Jin Haitang's call came in.

There is no doubt that these ten guards are all cannon fodder. They were used to deceive Zhang Yong into trusting him.

Poor tool man. He doesn't even know what happened until he died.

Then, the five guards walked out of the guild hall and looked around.

The five guards inside were guarding the door and the stairs inside.

Check out their weapons, they are all shell guns.

However, when checking the ammunition, Zhang Yong accidentally discovered that they did not have many bullets.

Each shell gun only has a 10-round magazine. There is no spare magazine and no spare bullets. Obviously, this is intentional.

He was just worried that Zhang Yong's "combat ability" was not good enough and he would not be able to successfully rescue people.

It is estimated that these ten people have little experience.

If the experience is too sufficient and the combat effectiveness is too strong, the bait will not be successfully delivered to Zhang Yong's mouth.

It’s all about the details!

Every step is calculated just right.

In this case, let's use the plan. The beauty of adulthood. Everyone is happy.

Arrange an attack.

Start fighting directly.



Wave your hands.

Everyone immediately swarmed forward.


"Da da da..."

Intensive gunshots.

The five guards outside were killed instantly.

Rush in.

The five guards inside tried to resist.

However, they are not professional. Instead of hiding, they rush forward immediately.

The result is...

"Da da da..."


He was shot continuously by submachine guns and died on the spot.

From the start of the battle to the end of the battle, it took less than a minute. It went very smoothly.

Looking sideways at Jin Haitang, I found that her face was pale. She seemed to have lost her soul.

Full marks for details.

It is simply a textbook level for the acting department.



Carry the gun and go upstairs.

The hostages are all on the third floor.

No weapons signs. No danger.

So he took the lead.

Fully demonstrate what is the embodiment of heroism and chivalry.


Kicked the door open with one kick.

See the girl inside.

Sure enough, she was young and beautiful. She was frightened and nervous at the same time.

The two red dots are also hidden in it. If you look closely, they are also very beautiful. They are even younger than Kamikawa Mirror.

The expressions of the two of them were just right. They were cowering in the crowd and lowered their heads.

At first glance, she looked pitiful. I felt pity for her when I saw her.

Second glance. I want to give them a sense of security...

"My name is Zhang Yong! I'm here to save you!" Zhang Yong had already thought of his lines.

Be high-profile. But not too high-profile.

You must state your name immediately to impress the other party.

When they were at their most desperate, the name Zhang Yong, as the joke said, appeared with a loud bang in the sky. They will never forget it in their lives.

Sure enough, the girls' expressions gradually changed from fear to joy.

Someone has come to save them!

Someone has come to save them!

His name is Zhang Yong...

The two red dots suddenly knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Zhang Yong:……

Digging! Who taught this?

There is also a lesson in espionage courses that teaches people to kowtow? So sincere...

If he didn't know the truth, he would definitely have a great liking for these two girls. He thought they were very honest.

In this case, let me be sincere.

Go up.

He reached out and helped them up.

At the same time, he pretended to touch their hands quietly and collect some interest in advance.

Observe them at close range. Sure enough, their skin is also very good. It is delicate and can be broken by blows. It feels very comfortable to touch.


Let them warm the bed tonight.

It’s better to choose the day than to hit it. How could you miss such a good opportunity?

"May I have your name?"

"My, my name is Zhou Min."

"And you?"

"My name is Li Xiaoyi..."

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect you."

"Thank you……"

Two Japanese spies have a deep love.

His eyes were full of emotion and his cheeks were red with embarrassment.

Sure enough, they are all acting talents!

It's so rare.

Still touching their little hands.

Soft, smooth, tender and so comfortable.

Reluctant to leave...

Can't put it down...



Until Jin Haitang coughed softly.

Only then did Zhang Yong react, let go of his hand, and resume his appearance as a gentleman.

Move your eyes away from the spy beauty.

"You are safe," he shouted, "I will protect you."

After a pause, Zhang Yong continued: "But now, Tianjin Wei has been occupied by the Japanese invaders, and you cannot go back for the time being."

He glanced across, paused, and then said slowly: "I will take you to a safe area first. When the situation at Tianjin Wei stabilizes, I will arrange for you to go back. Now, take turns calling to report that you are safe.


What a smooth talk.

Then arrange for them to go down to the first floor to make phone calls.

There is a telephone only on the first floor.

After sending the person away, Zhang Yong came to Jin Haitang's side and whispered: "Please make arrangements. Let Zhou Min and Li Xiaoyi accompany me tonight."

"Ah?" Jin Haitang pretended to be surprised.

"They are so beautiful, I really like them." Zhang Yong said in a low voice, "I haven't been around a woman for many days."

"But..." Jin Haitang pretended to be embarrassed.

Zhang Yong took out the embroidery needle.

She immediately turned pale and hurriedly changed her words.

"Okay. Okay."


Zhang Yong nodded.

Of course you have to eat the bait delivered to your door.

Such a fragrant bait cannot be used overnight.

Can't wait.

Sure enough, by evening, Jin Haitang had made arrangements.

It was Zhou Min and Li Xiaoyi who came to his room and shyly made love with him.

Although he is a spy, his body is indeed clean. Only in this way can he attract Zhang Yong! Of course the Japanese invaders will pay attention to details.

Wake up in the morning feeling refreshed.

Hey, female spies are well-behaved and obedient.

He was very satisfied. I guess they were also very satisfied, because they succeeded in getting close to him.

Go out.

Someone came in a hurry.


"What's up?"

"The Japanese invaders' ultimatum is coming."

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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