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Chapter 1244, Going North

Zhang Yong rode into the village.

It's a mess. It's original appearance can no longer be seen.

There were corpses of Japanese invaders everywhere, as well as corpses of war horses, and war horses that were not yet dead.

There are still sporadic flames swaying.

Mixed with the neighing of war horses, the night became a bit tragic.

Although the victory was achieved, no one seemed happy. The damn Japanese invaders were completely worse than animals!

"Commissioner." Jiao Rulin came forward.

"There are still seven Japanese invaders." Zhang Yong said in a deep voice.

"More?" Jiao Rulin was dubious.

He thought the battle was over because he could no longer find the enemy.

Every corner of the village has been searched. All corpses of Japanese invaders have been shot repeatedly.

There can't be anyone alive. How did the Commissioner know?

"Follow me." Zhang Yong did not explain.

Come to the vicinity of the red dot.

I'm sure it's not on the surface. It should be in the cellar.

Switch to the 3D map and find that there is a cellar on the map. The Japanese invaders are hiding on the ground.

"Down below."


Jiao Rulin was in disbelief.

The Japanese invaders were hiding underground, and Zhang Yong actually knew about it?

Do you want to be so weird?

Can't understand.

"Either dig it up or explode it," Zhang Yong said quickly.

"Okay." Jiao Rulin immediately called for help.

Quickly clear away the debris on the surface and then start digging.

After a while, I gradually felt that it was indeed empty down there.



Everyone gathered over one after another.

The muzzle of the dark hole was pointed at the cellar, but the entrance was never found.

The village was a mess after being bombed, and there were ruins everywhere.

Zhang Yong was too lazy to look for it. Anyway, the explosive packs were ready. Three 5-kilogram explosive packs were enough to bury the Japanese invaders inside.

Since I can hide so well, I'll send you on the road together.

"Chief of Staff Jiao, we're in trouble."


Jiao Rulin arranged for an expert to bury the explosive package.

Zhang Yong retreated a hundred meters away.

Then, it exploded.



There was an earth-shattering explosion.

The ground shook violently. It was like an eight-magnitude earthquake.

Standing a hundred meters away, Zhang Yong could clearly feel the shock of the shock wave.

After a while, the red dots began to disappear.




There is actually one alive?

The Japanese aggressor was so desperate? Why didn't he blow it up?

Come immediately on horseback.

I found a big crater in the ground. The surrounding area was in a mess.

"There's still a living person down there."




Everyone took action one after another.

Soon, the target Japanese invaders were dug out.

Yes. There is indeed breathing. There is still a pulse in the neck. But the person is unconscious.

No matter how hard I beat him, the Japanese invaders never woke up.

He is probably in a vegetative state.

He was blown out of his body and his brain was completely damaged.


Zhang Yong raised his hand and fired.

Since you are in a vegetative state, I will send you on your way.

I am showing great mercy today. Send all the Japanese invaders to see Amaterasu.


Start cleaning the battlefield.

Zhang Yong doesn't care about other things.

The Type 44 rifle used by the Japanese invaders is certainly good. However, it is also a bolt-action rifle.

Compared with Garand semi-automatic and SVT-38 semi-automatic, it is not of the same era.

The only thing he was interested in was the Japanese invaders' war horses.

To be honest, the horses of the Japanese cavalry are really good. Each one is of high quality.

Originally, the Japanese cavalry was an aristocratic unit, and the horses were of course carefully selected, especially at the beginning of the war.

Even the sabers used by the Japanese cavalry were very popular among the soldiers.

Since Zhang Yong didn't want it, they took it themselves.

The other trophies were also kept privately.

The Saguan sword was not found.

There may not be any officers above the rank of major.

I look down upon the officer's sword.


Eat dry food by the way.

I brought dry food with me when I set out. I found some more on site.

In fact, the most important supplies for the cavalry are fodder for the war horses, as well as salt, bran, etc. War horses are more valuable than people.

Of course, Zhang Yong does not need to worry about the basic skills of these cavalry.

Everyone else is a professional cavalryman.

Even the big white horse was taken away by Jiao Rulin to feed it.

Looking at the flickering firelight, Zhang Yong fell into deep thought.

It seems that the Japanese cavalry is a relatively weak existence?

Is it okay to bully?

Compared with other national armies, the Japanese cavalry may be a very deadly threat.

Once encountered in the wild, it is basically impossible to defeat it.

However, Zhang Yong had no such problem.

Because he has a variety of light weapons. He can defeat the Japanese cavalry.

The Japanese cavalry also only had light weapons. It was difficult to get support from aircraft, tanks, and heavy artillery. Even if they got it, Zhang Yong would not be fooled.

The mobility of the cavalry, which had been exploited long ago, allowed them to run far away, allowing the heavy weapons of the Japanese invaders to find no one.

There is a head start.

Tian Ji races horses.

Cavalry versus cavalry.

I avoid your heavy weapons and attack your weak points specifically.

The more I think about it, the more possible it becomes.

Maybe even quietly fight back to the outskirts of Peiping.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Japanese invaders have just entered Peking and there may still be some loopholes, kill a few more Japanese invaders.

The Japanese probably never expected that they would fight back.

Just retreated. Then came back?

Or fight back with the cavalry?

make a fist.


Fight back to Peiping and catch the Japanese by surprise!


Just as he was about to call someone, he suddenly shut up again.

But the map showed that there were a large number of white dots 5,000 meters away in the south.

There are more than 500 of them. They move very fast. Maybe they are cavalry? But we can't tell who they are. Maybe they are Sun Dianying. Maybe they are Shi Yousan?

"Duchamp Dragon."


"Be on guard. Cavalry is coming from the south."


Du Shanglong and others immediately dismounted.

Hiding behind the ruins, he raised his Garand semi-automatic rifle on guard.

Others immediately realized that something was wrong.

Jiao Rulin came over in a hurry.

"Commissioner, another enemy is coming?"

"No. It's one of our own. But I don't know who it is."

"One of our own? I'll send someone out to take a look. Maybe the master has led someone to catch up."


Zhang Yong nodded.

Jiao Rulin immediately sent someone out to contact him.

Soon, the cavalry who had gone out came back. They shouted loudly on their horses:

"The master is here!"

"The master is here!"

Zhang Yong was relieved now. It was really Sun Dianying who was here.

He probably came to Baoding Prefecture and found that Zhang Yong was not there. He said he was going to kill the Japanese invaders, so he came out to watch the fun.

The people around Baoding Mansion were familiar with Sun Dianying, so there was no problem.

He also has a lot of professionals who can easily follow the horse's hoof prints to get here.

So I stood up and showed that I was here.

Sun Dianying appeared soon. She was also unattractive and nothing special.

Aventurine Bandit?

Can't tell.

In fact, most people are ordinary people. They are like mountain eagles, with very obvious appearance and features, very few of them.

If you don’t have power and support, you are just an ordinary person!

Including Zhang Yong, they are also ordinary people.

Sun Dianying dismounted thirty meters away and walked over quickly.

Zhang Yong kept staring at each other silently.

Be careful of the other person falling out.

Although the chance is very small.

"Your Majesty Commissioner!"

Sun Dianying came to Zhang Yong and stood at attention and saluted very enthusiastically.

Although he has a very bad reputation outside, his posture of standing at attention and saluting is still very standard.

When others look at him, they will know that he is from the army. He is a true veteran.

Zhang Yong didn't know what his individual combat effectiveness was.

But you can be sure. He definitely has special abilities. Otherwise, he would have been replaced by others long ago.

The soldier and officer evaluation system has limitations. It can only evaluate Zhang Yong's direct subordinates. That is, Du Shanglong and others.

If they are not direct subordinates but are indirect, they cannot be evaluated. This includes Jiao Rulin and others.

"Mr. Sun."

Zhang Yong raised his hand and returned the courtesy with a calm attitude.

Now, he has had many head-to-head confrontations with the Japanese invaders, and his mentality is actually quite stable.

He was bombarded by the Japanese invaders' heavy artillery and bombed by the Japanese invaders' planes, but he was still alive. Other things seemed to be no big deal.

Moreover, he is in a good mood now. He feels like he has found a new track.

Becoming an ace in air combat is a difficult track because the conditions are not yet mature and there are no suitable aircraft yet.

Simply relying on personal ability and without suitable equipment, Zhang Yong would not be able to play.

Maybe there is a strong person who can handle it, but it's not him.

He must have a certain advantage in weapons and equipment in order to crush his opponent.

The National Air Force doesn’t even have any capable fighter jets. How can it become an ace?

It will have to wait until at least 42 years later...

Before that, perhaps we could only take the cavalry track.

Small arms vs small arms.

The advantage is mine.


"The Commissioner is truly a heroic young man. I admire him very much."

"Miuzan. Mr. Sun, while talking."

"Commissioner, please."


The two walked aside.

Zhang Yong got straight to the point.

"Commander Sun, I would like to ask you to borrow some troops."

"Borrowing troops?"

"Yes. I want you to have three hundred cavalry."

"Commissioner, you just give the order directly. I will obey your order."

"I want to lead the cavalry back to Peiping."


Sun Dianying was suddenly stunned.

I didn’t expect that Zhang Yong would play such a big role and actually want to kill him back?

No, you just retreated...

Are you going back to seek death?

"Commander Sun, I am not trying to reoccupy Peiping, but I am trying to sneak attack on the weak points of the Japanese invaders while their foothold is not stable."

"Sneak attack?"

"Yes. All tactics are aimed at killing the Japanese invaders. We don't care about the gains and losses of a city or a place. Wherever the Japanese invaders are weak, we will go there."


Sun Dianying vaguely understood.

In fact, he often used this kind of bandit tactics.

However, he did not expect that Zhang Yong would be so active. When he returned to Baoding Mansion, he had not yet settled down.

The backhand was to give the Japanese invaders a blow. To poke the Japanese invaders in the butt.

From a tactical perspective, it is indeed possible.

"How many people do you need?"

"three hundred."

"Too little."

“With more people, bigger goals.”

Zhang Yong briefly explains and strategizes.

If there are few people, you can be invisible. If there are many people, it won't be possible. It will be easy to be discovered.

At the same time, the logistics burden is also heavy. It is not easy to solve it on the spot. Three hundred cavalry is just enough. Food, fodder, etc. can be provided in nearby villages and towns.

As for weapons and ammunition, as long as Zhang Yong is here, there is no need to worry.

"Do you need to choose it yourself?"

"No. You can choose for me."

"In that case, you can just take Jiao Rulin and the others away. I will replenish three hundred people for you. How many casualties did you suffer in the previous battle?"

"It seems there are no casualties?"

Zhang Yong realized it later. Were there any casualties in the second battle? Never heard of it.

Jiao Rulin didn't report it. He, Zhang Yong, didn't pay attention either.

"No casualties?"

"It seems. I'll ask Chief of Staff Jiao to come over!"

Zhang Yong then raised his hand.

Jiao Rulin was waiting nearby for orders.

When I saw the gesture, I ran over immediately.

stand at attention.

"How many casualties were there in the battle just now?"

"There were no casualties."

"How is that possible? How many Japanese cavalry have you killed?"

"More than fifty."


Sun Dianying could not believe it.

Destroyed more than fifty Japanese cavalry and suffered no casualties?

Who are you lying to?

Do you think I'm a three-year-old?

Zhang Yong actually didn’t believe it either.

He knew that the Japanese cavalry were very powerful in combat. Even in a desperate struggle, they could kill and wound several of them.

"Really not."

Jiao Rulin himself seemed to feel very strange.

However, he did make repeated statistics. Indeed, no one was injured or died.

"All the brothers are here."

"How about I gather them together, Master, and you personally name them?"

Jiao Rulin added.

Sun Dianying shook his head.


He believed that Jiao Rulin had no need to lie to him.

He turned around and went into the village to check. What he found were the corpses of Japanese cavalrymen.

I asked my subordinates again and found that they were all in high spirits. It was obvious that they had won a great victory.

Noticing something, he turned back.

"Sir Commissioner, are you equipped with all their weapons?"


"No wonder there were no casualties."

"Mr. Sun, take away all those horse four-ring rifles."

"Give me?"

"Yes. And all the captured Type 44 rifles, you can take them all with you too."


"In addition, I will give you another 100,000 rounds of ammunition."

"What are your orders, Mr. Commissioner?"

"If the Japanese invaders move south, you don't have to fight head-on. Don't go head-to-head with the Japanese invaders' planes, tanks, and heavy artillery. Instead, you should adopt the method of harassment, piecemeal attack, and engage in guerrilla warfare with the Japanese invaders, hit and run, and limit the speed of the Japanese invaders' movements.

If you wipe out a dozen or dozens of Japanese invaders every day, you will be considered a victory."

"I see."

"Then I will take away all the Chief of Staff Jiao and the three hundred cavalrymen."


Sun Dianying agreed.

Zhang Yong then turned to look at Jiao Rulin.

"Chief of Staff Jiao, I want to take you and three hundred cavalry to continue fighting north. Are you willing?"

"As long as the master approves it, I have no problem."

"My approval is not required. The order of the Commissioner is my order."

"Yes. I will resolutely carry out the order."


Zhang Yong nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately, the map display showed that Jiao Rulin and the three hundred cavalrymen turned into blue dots.

Sure enough, only one of his direct reports can change.

Also displayed is the rating.

Surprisingly, the level is actually pretty good.

Lots of two stars.

Part two and a half stars.

Very few Samsung.

Obviously, these are veterans.

Their combat skills are much stronger than those of the new recruits.

But, on the other hand, they are also much more difficult to manage. They are veterans and unruly.

Observing Jiao Rulin, I found that his rating is indeed three stars.

Very rare. It actually has three stars.


Then I found a comment.

There are specialties in the art industry. It only refers to cavalry.

Jiao Rulin has three stars in cavalry command, but not in other aspects.


Everyone has their own track.

Jiao Rulin's track is the cavalry.

Take back your thoughts.

"Commander Sun, if the Japanese invaders storm Baoding Prefecture, give up! Continue to retreat south and lure the enemy deeper."

"Luring the enemy deeper?"

"Yes. In the plains and wilderness, the Japanese invaders gathered together in large groups and were supported by aircraft and tanks. It was difficult to defeat them. However, the more places the Japanese invaders occupied and the more dispersed their forces were, there would definitely be weaknesses.

We just need to find the weak points of the Japanese invaders and kill them."



Zhang Yong did not say any more.

Since Sun Dianying is willing to cooperate, it would be best.

Give him some weapons and ammunition as "appeasement" from the commission, and the matter will be over.

Want more weapons and ammunition?


In exchange for the heads of the Japanese invaders.

The more Japanese invaders you kill, the more weapons and ammunition I will replenish.

There is no upper limit.

Give full play to your enthusiasm!

"Ready to go."


Jiao Rulin hurriedly went to make arrangements.

Even though he is a bit chubby, he is actually quite agile.

As expected, those who can surrender to a group of veteran veterans are not ordinary people. They must have real ability.

"This Commissioner, it seems a bit magical..."

Sun Dianying also pondered secretly.

He noticed from the eyes of his subordinates that they actually had a little bit of awe towards Zhang Yong.

It seemed that Zhang Yong had some very magical ability that made them surrender.

Strange, what magical abilities does Zhang Yong have?

Half an hour later, Zhang Yong led his troops and set off.

The main items taken away were war horses.

Three hundred cavalry requires at least four hundred war horses.

The extra war horses are used to carry fodder, dry food, etc. They are spare horses.

Because there is no need to carry additional weapons and ammunition, it is already much lighter.



All the way north.

Bingfeng points directly to Peiping.

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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