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Chapter 209, I don’t know!

 Chapter 209, He doesn’t know!

Another phone call?

Who called? Noya Kintaro?

Son of a bitch!

That guy is very determined to give up, right?


Grab the microphone.


There was an angry yell from the other end.

However, Kintaro Notani’s voice was not denied.

Zhang Yong frowned. Who is that guy?

Definitely not myself.

"Baga! Who am I to blame?" Zhang Yong yelled back.

No matter what, just reply directly.

He wouldn't get used to being scolded by Yue himself.

"Tell Noya Kintaro to come to the Western Sichuan Hall immediately! Baga! Otherwise, he will never be done with him!"

The wrong party continued to yell.

The tone is very domineering.

Then hang up the phone.

Liudong Zhang Yong:???

what's the situation?

The wrong party appointed Kintaro Noya to go to the Sichuan West Hall?

What to do?

Fighting? The wrong party seemed very dissatisfied.


Who is the wrong person?

From his tone, he seemed to know Kintaro Notani.

Moreover, it seems that the status of the wrong party is almost the same as that of Kintaro Notani. Otherwise, he would not be such a threat.

It seems that some disputes have arisen between the two of them? The wrong party feels that he has suffered a loss? Want to beg for help?

Haha, is it really an extraneous issue?

Do you want to meet me? The answer is no.

The calls from the wrong party all came to that place. This shows that he has a deep relationship with the Huai Agency. He is definitely not a spy.

If you catch the wrong party, you might catch Kintaro Notani.

Of course you can go by yourself.

The West Sichuan Hotel was not Chinese territory, and he was afraid.

Take a look outside first. The situation is good, so call people immediately.

"Zhong Yang!"


"We'll keep doing things and he'll go out for a while."


Zhong Yang agreed.

Zhang Yong took two vases with his legs and put them in the car.

Feeling that there were two different ports, Yong Tuotou took two. The ones he chose were all cloisonné. Then he drove out alone.

Is that allowed by the boss?

What does full authority mean? Just let me get some benefits.

Boss Dai has taken it himself, so he must let the people in the east take some too. Only then can he be a qualified and excellent leader.

If you don't take it, Boss Dai might be a little worried.

He took it, but I didn’t. What did I want to do? Want to report him behind his back?

Then it's over.

So, he took four vases in front of everyone.

I drove to Gu Mozhai first. I saw Lao Gu wiping his worthless things again, so I parked the car in the east.

When Lao Gu saw Zhang Yong's car, he didn't say anything. They were now familiar strangers.

Different ways do not lead to mutual agreement. Lao Gu could never agree with Zhang Yong's approach.

Zhang Yong followed him. He took out two vases from the trunk of the car, one on each leg, and brought them into Gu Mo Zhai.

Suddenly, I discovered that Gu Mo Zhai’s signboard had changed. It was changed to San Bao Zhai.

Khan. What does that mean?

"Lao Gu, I..." Zhang Yong pointed to the signboard in front of him.

"He changed it." Gu Mozhai said expressionlessly, "From now on, there will be no Sanbaozhai there. He also changed his name to Gu Yuting."

"what does it mean?"

"Completely cut off his relationship with the organization. This will prevent my hairy legs and feet from being exposed."

"Please do that..."

Zhang Yong shut up angrily.

Are you afraid that he has harmed me? Huh. We are noble and look down on him.

But look back and think about it. It seems that if the wrong party does that, it will be beneficial to both parties. I don’t have so many scruples.

Even if he is punished one day, Gu Mozhai will be the only one who will be implicated.

It seems that he is an agent who became a career halfway, a rookie, and he really doesn't know when he will fall into a trap, so he must not be burdened.

It's like he never dares to meet his family. He is always worried about accidents.

"What am I here to do?"

"Show me two things. See, both are cloisonné vases."

"Where did I get it?"

"He uncovered the hideout of the Yue Kouhuai Agency. There were countless antiques inside. Boss Dai selected a few of the most valuable ones. He also took four vases."


Gu Mozhai was about to speak but stopped.

I originally wanted to be more reserved, but I couldn't stand it in the past.

Good guy, is that a real cloisonné vase! Is it authentic? He is an antique dealer, so how can he do it without any temptation?

The key is, the little guy said, then Boss Dai picks the leftovers. Boss Dai can take it, why can’t he?

Yes. Wrong. Zhang Yong sent it himself. In short, we can’t all benefit from the Fuxing Society!

They are all national treasures!

Sure enough, Zhang Yong said regretfully: "He only took four. Alas, it's a loss. But I can't take more."

For the first time, Gu Mozhai had the same feelings as Zhang Yong.

They are all good things!

Needless to say, if I fell into the lap of the Fuxing Society, I would have fallen into the lap of all the dignitaries before.

Who knows what will happen to so many treasures in the end.

"Lao Gu, we won't sell those treasures. We will keep them in our collection and dedicate them to New China in more than ten years."

"What did I say?"

"I obviously heard it."


Gu Mozhai didn't know what to say.

Every time Zhang Yong talks nonsense, he feels so strange.

It’s impossible to talk nonsense, but it’s the same every time. But Zhang Yong’s statement has never changed.

He has always insisted that a new China will be established in more than ten years.

It is very likely that the Red Party will achieve initial victory.

Isn't it strange?

As a member of the Red Party, he does not have such a firm belief.

I, a member of the Fuxing Society, actually said this with all my heart?

Will victory be achieved in fourteen years?


No matter how you look at it, it’s unacceptable...

To put it bluntly, after the Red Army lost its base area, it didn’t even have a place to stay!


It would be nice to be able to preserve the flames of revolution.

But no…

Inexplicably, he also danced.

What the wrong party said was so serious, maybe things really turned out well?

"Lao Gu, what am I doing standing still?"


"Think he's talking nonsense again?"


Gu Mozhai was silent.

No. Did he really feel that way?

Zhang Yong smiled.

I'm too lazy to explain.

The prediction now is indeed too shocking.

Just shut up if you don't!

Zhang Yong put the vase away and moved the other two vases over. He placed them carefully. Then he patted his legs and left.

It is necessary to go to Sichuan Western Guild Hall.

Behind the scenes, Gu Mozhai was thinking secretly.

More than ten years later? Can a new China really be established?

Doesn’t that mean that I also have the opportunity to see it?

More than ten years seems not very far away...

Zhang Yong drove to the Western Sichuan Guild Hall.

It is located in the east of Jinling City, close to Zhenjiang. It is a relatively remote area.

Entering a distance of 150 meters, a red dot was immediately scanned.

Sure enough, there is a month for me.

Park the car and enter the club. In fact, it is just a restaurant, with a lobby on the first floor and private seating on the second floor.

It happened to be dinner time, and there were many customers in the club. The waiter walked in without even stepping on the floor.

Zhang Yong looked around and found that the target was on the second floor.

No ambush was found around.

Come to the second floor and lock your target. He is a man in his thirties. He is wearing a silk gown. He looks like a businessman. His appearance is not very eye-catching.

Walk straight over. Under the suspicious eyes of the wrong party, walk straight east.

"I'm sorry, please change my position."

"Should I just call him?"


The wrong party immediately looked stern.

Dong was conscious, his eyes were like lightning, and he looked at Zhang Yong's whole body.

Zhang Yong didn't care. He just looked at it.

The wrong side doesn't have a gun.

Haha. Without a gun, he is afraid.

If the wrong party turns against you, you can kill him with one shot. That's a lot of confidence.

Anyway, the wrong side is a spy. Beat him to death and bring him down.

"Who am I?" The wealthy businessman discovered that Zhang Yong had a good identity.

"He doesn't deny people from the Huai Agency." Zhang Yong insisted on being honest, "I don't worry about denying him, I can leave now."

"Who am I?" The wealthy businessman was indeed a little nervous.

Keep looking around.

But I didn't find it good.

Originally, Zhang Yong didn't bring anyone else here. Naturally, there was nothing unusual.

After observing for a long time and confirming that there was no trap, the wealthy businessman slowly relaxed.

"Did I answer the phone?"


"I didn't report it to Kintaro Noya?"



"He couldn't find him."


The wealthy businessman cursed consciously.

Then I realized that it was good. I quickly shut up and looked at Zhang Yong again.

It turned out that Zhang Yong looked disapproving. There seemed to be a trace of contempt in the corner of his mouth.

The wealthy businessman was a little angry but also completely relieved.

That kind of expression definitely doesn't disapprove of an enemy.

Is the wrong person just looking at his own joke? Noya Kintaro cunningly begged for his life.

Those scumbags from the Huai Agency!

He could be 100% sure that the wrong party was sent by Noya Kintaro.

There are no excuses for not reporting and not being able to find him.

I can even answer the phone at that place, and it’s easy to say that I’m not from the Huai Agency? Who am I kidding?

How can people from the Huai Agency appear in such a secret place?

Go away. Kintaro Noya is too disrespectful.

It's okay if he didn't show up. It's easy to send someone to pretend to be stupid to fool himself.


He is easy to fool!

The account must be settled clearly! Otherwise, he will take the lawsuit to the Military Police Headquarters!

"What do you call it?"

"Zhao Yulun."

"Oh, so Boss Zhao. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you."


Zhao Yulun felt even more angry.

He could see that the wrong party was obviously trying to deal with him! He didn't take himself seriously at all.

It's a pleasure to meet you, it's a pleasure to meet you, it's not fart at all.


Is it true that the Sophora Agency has gone too far? Just sending someone here is so arrogant!

"His name is Levi."

Zhang Yong casually made up an identity.

It is inappropriate to say that I am not Zhang Yong, a member of the Fuxing Society.

It's not appropriate to say that you don't like Liu Heizai. Then you can just make random nonsense.

Levi, it sounds like a stranger. Just right.

"Who is he talking about? He wants to ask me right now, where is Kintaro Notani?"

"he does not know."

"Baga! I'm going to find him right away. Please speak to him in person!"

"he does not know."

"Baga! If I don't find him, I will bear the consequences."

"he does not know."

"Baga, me!"

Zhao Yulun was so angry that his blood pressure soared.

He was so angry with the Li Wei in front of him. At the same time, he was convinced that Li Wei did it on purpose.

It must have been ordered by Notani Kintaro.

The goal is to make yourself angry back.

But no!

He will never be wrong!

Tomorrow, if the matter is not resolved, he will just make trouble.

"The first time he said..."

"he does not know!"

"Baga! If that's the case, then he's not polite. He asked me why I originally gave 5,000, even though I had agreed to pay 18,000!"

"he does not know."

"We have gone too far. There is so much corruption! Giving fifteen thousand is already too much, but otherwise we will give five thousand!"

"he does not know."


"he does not know!"


Zhao Yulun was furious again.

If there weren't other people around, he would have exploded long ago.

No matter what I say, there are only four words that are wrong: He doesn’t know. He doesn’t know. He doesn’t know. So what’s your attitude?


He begged to kill Notani Kintaro!

This chapter has been completed!
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