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Chapter 232, hatred

Kong Fansong pushed a bulging envelope to Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong turned around and pushed the envelope in front of Song Ziyu.

Song Ziyu:???

Kong Fansong joked: "Betrothal gift?"

Zhang Yong:……

Khan. Don’t get me wrong. He just bought some stocks.

Is the betrothal gift very impressive?

Song Ziyu's face turned red and she stretched out her legs to take the envelope.

"Hey, he's a stock buyer." Zhang Yong hurriedly went to correct him, "Help him buy Coca-Cola stocks."

"Coca-Cola?" Kong Fansong shook his head, "My taste is not good."

"Is he prepared to hold it for the long term?"

"There are a lot of other stocks to choose from!"

"He doesn't understand the rest."

Zhang Yong shook his head.

In his previous life, he was not familiar with the capital market.

He just remembered a few companies that had a long history of success.

Coca-Cola, General Motors, Lockheed, Boeing...

That's pretty much it.

Others, it seems, will be submerged by the tide of history.

"Let's chat slowly. He's leaving first!" Kong Fansong continued to joke, "Remember to treat him to a wedding banquet."

"He's coming with me!" Song Ziyu said hurriedly.

Zhang Yong looked at the sky outside. Oh, it was almost evening. The twilight was dim.

If not, I should invite Song Ziyu to dinner, find a Western restaurant, and have a good talk. That's basic etiquette.

Sorry, not now. It's too dangerous outside.

It's dark, so don't go out easily unless you have someone with you.



Send Song Ziyu away.

At that time, Yang Zhi and the others finally came back.

They had just been gathered in the auditorium for the award ceremony. Virgo was also present.

But did he not notify Zhang Yong? He received Song Ziyu because of his mission. There is no need to worry about other things. Is the arrangement of Virgo really...



Everyone stood at attention and saluted.

But he saw that Zhang Yong had changed his collar badge. He was now a captain.

For Zhang Yong, it would only take a few months for him to become a spiritual major. By then, he would be a senior officer.

Zhang Yong looked at everyone very happy. Many people were smiling.

Not bad. A good start. Very promising.

If you tell them that the battle will be brutal in two years, I don’t know what they will think.

Forget it. In that happy confinement period, there is no need to attack them.

There will be a way to live two years later. There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. Those who can adapt will naturally adapt. Those who cannot adapt will be eliminated. There is nothing to say about the laws of social development.

Pulling himself together, he asked with a smile: "Did you get them all in the ocean?"

"I got them all." Yang Zhi replied with a smile, "Sir, he also helped you get your share."

"Okay. Thank you. Give it to him."


Yang Zhi handed over a big ocean.

Zhang Yong took it and tossed it. That's right. It was a genuine ocean.

That thing is very popular now. But slowly with the implementation of legal currency, it will gradually be banned from circulation and banks will take it back.

But as the legal currency not only depreciated, it returned to the world and became hard currency again.

Officially, it is not allowed to use Dayang for trading. But behind the scenes, everyone trusts Dayang. Therefore, it is absolutely wrong to hoard Dayang secretly.

Look at the crowd. He hesitates to speak.

The happiest people are not the newcomers. Zhong Yang, Wu Liuqi and the others are calmer.

They recently had a big ocean and their legs were weak. A big ocean is no longer exciting.

Of course, that is Virgo's reward. The meaning is different.

"Go back and rest!" Zhang Yong ordered, "Please ask for a mission tomorrow."

"No!" Everyone happily dispersed.

One night was uneventful.

Zhang Yong also slept in a dormitory, a single room.

Get up early and go to the dining hall.

I found out that Yan Guangkun was back.

Seeing Zhang Yong appear, Yan Guangkun immediately came over with his rice bowl.

"Captain Yan, is there something wrong?"

"My boy is so awesome. It makes Chunyu Chi embarrassed to see people. He asked for leave and went to Lingnan."


"Yesterday, he was making intensive arrangements to capture Wuchuan Xiong San. He said that no one could catch Wuchuan Xiong San without ten or eight days. It turned out that they told him that I had captured Wuchuan Xiong San. He immediately

I was so stupid. Then I didn’t come back to the headquarters. I took a boat directly to Hankou. I said no and asked to take the train from Hankou to Lingnan.”

"Don't you need to ask for leave?"

"Hey, the person I'm concerned about is unique to Luo. He's too embarrassed to call me on the phone. I asked Secretary Mao to convey it to me."

"Virgin approved?"

"They are sick and want to go to Lingnan to recuperate. Of course Virgo will approve it!"

"Haha. Is he sick?"

Zhang Yong sneered slightly at the corner of his mouth and did not hide his emotions.

He and Chun Yuchi had conflicts in the first place. The head he knocked before was very painful now. If he said that fighting would turn into friendship, then it means that the sun rises from the west.

After taking Chunyu Chi away, things will be cleared up. It is estimated that he will be able to come back in the short term.

Hey, that kid has a gold medal to avoid death.

After all, if he represents Zheng Jiemin's lineage, it would be difficult to remove him.

It can be said that the Virgo is very proficient in playing power and will not let Virgo completely dominate.

Among the eight action groups of the Fuxing Society, at least one belongs to the Zheng Jiemin system and one belongs to the Tang Zong system. The Virgo leader owns six. This is already the limit. If there are more, the committee members will definitely become suspicious.

What a complicated political struggle!

Virgo was also unfortunately killed in the end, leaving countless suspense in the east.

In fact, he should not join the Loyalty and National Salvation Army. He directly intervenes in the military power. It is really easy to cause death...

"Leader Kou went to Zaihai."


Zhang Yong thought for a while. Oh, No Kou Xingde. He is from the Sixth Action Group. No Tang Zong is behind it.

He was transferred to Zaihai, which means that Virgo doesn't want him hanging around in front of him. Since he can't be removed from his post, he should be kicked away. Out of sight is out of mind. No one in Jinling now is one of Virgo's own people.

Bow down and eat breakfast.

Yan Guangkun stopped talking and looked around again.

Zhang Yong:???

"Team Leader Yan, I won't ask you to reveal any confidential information, right?"

"No. No. They have worked hard all morning and haven't caught a single spy. When will I leave the mountain? Otherwise they will be blinded and have no clue."

"Team Leader Yan, I praise you. He doesn't have that ability."

"Don't be modest. They all know that I am very capable. They are very good at catching red party members, but they are really not used to catching lunar spies."

"Aren't we at the scene?"

"Gou Yue's actions were very professional. He didn't leave any clues at all."

"Was the explosion huge?"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no provocation to us. Right under our noses. It's like a direct declaration of war on no one."

"Oh I got it."

Zhang Yongming is famous. Why did the Yue Kou choose to have sex at Dongguan Railway Station?

At the time, I thought it was strange. There was a Fuxing Society stationed there. The Moon Spy wanted to move his legs, so he had to change places. Now that Yan Guangkun said that, it became clear that the Moon Spy did not do it intentionally.

Do you choose to move beside the Fuxing Society? Do you come for the Fuxing Society?

"Fei Chang!"

"Fei Chang!"

Suddenly, someone came in a hurry.

But Yan Guangkun’s legs.

He hurried over and reported in a low voice: "Chief Fei, there was another explosion in the railway station cargo yard..."

"Made! That's too much!" Yan Guangkun stood up angrily and left with his legs in tow.

Zhang Yong finished his breakfast thoughtfully.

Another explosion?

It seems that the moon spy is really arrogant.

If we don’t strike resolutely, we will really think that we Chinese people will have no one left.

Mader is getting ready to go out to sweep the streets.

After catching a spy for a few months, he comes back for a tooth festival!

"team leader!"

Suddenly, Zhong Yang hurried over.

Mao Renfeng asked Zhang Yong for something urgent and asked him to go to the cell immediately.


Zhang Yong stuffed his mouth with food and rushed to the cell.

What did Mao Renfeng want to do with him? Most likely it was Wuchuan Xiong San. That spy seemed very restless.

Sure enough, when I came to the cell, I found that it was heavily guarded.

The number of guards has at least doubled. Many more guards have been added in the dark.

Okay, that spy is really not that simple.

It made the Fuxing Society feel like it was facing a formidable enemy. Do the Yue bandits dare to attack the headquarters of Ji Goose Lane?

Oh, I've been attacked once before...

"Secretary Mao."

"Shaolong, here I come."


"Wuchuan Xiong San begged to see me. That silly guy has always refused to give in."

"Aren't you being punished?"

"I'm going to be electrocuted, but that kid keeps clamoring to see me. I'll go see him and let him die."


Zhang Yong nodded.

Not convinced? Then keep playing sap.

Chi, the seventh level of the empty leg! It’s so powerful. But he has the dog-beating stick technique...

Enter the cell.

Wuchuan Xiong San was dragged back after completing his sentence.

The whole person was beaten to pieces and bruised all over. He deserved it. He was very likely to cause an explosion. Just wait. There are more than a hundred sets of torture arrangements.

Want to die? You can't.

It was not time for the execution, so he had to continue his sentence.

"No me!"

"No me!"

Seeing Zhang Yong appear, Wuchuan Xiong San suddenly became excited.

He struggled desperately to get up, staggered to the iron railing of the cell, grabbed the iron railing, and stared at Zhang Yong.



The sound of the iron railings being banged against by the leg shackles and shackles was constant.

Zhang Yong stood in the distance and nodded calmly.


"No me!"

Wuchuan Xiongsan continued to shout angrily.

Zhang Yong looked at the wrong side calmly.

"Baga! I plotted against him!" Wuchuan Xiong San continued to roar angrily.

"Wrong." Zhang Yong shook his head, "Otherwise, one of our own people plotted against me."

"Baga! I'm talking nonsense!"

"Let me think about it, who notified me of the Yingchuan Guild Hall?"


"I asked why he could set up an ambush at the Yingchuan Guild Hall?"


Wuchuan Xiongsan's roar gradually weakened.

He thought of an extremely terrible fact. That's no. He was betrayed by one of his own people.

No Beigang Taro called and asked him to go to the Yingchuan Guild Hall.

Then the enemy happened to ambush there...

In fact, he had thought about Cocoa like that before, but he couldn't accept it.

He couldn't believe that someone of his own would betray him.

Are they all agents of the Otsukimoto Empire?

Kitaoka Taro......


Kitano Taro is not the only one.

Very Yosuke Kikuta! Otherwise, the two of them worked together to harm themselves!






Wuchuan Xiongsan looked up to the sky and roared, as if he was crazy.

Zhang Yong listened silently, his expression unmoving. Mao Renfeng did not follow him. He was the only one around.

A slight sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Call it.

Call it,

I screamed and no one came to help me!

If I, Wuchuan Xiong Sanke, escape from there, Zhang Yong will chase me to the ends of the earth and beg to kill me!


Suddenly, the roaring stopped.

Wuchuan Xiongsan's eyes were red and he stared at Zhang Yong with no trace of his overwhelming hatred.

"They will definitely kill me!"

"They will definitely kill me!"

"They will definitely kill me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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