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Chapter 241, Well done to the spy, Ness!

 Chapter 241, Moon Spy did a great job, Ness!

The atmosphere at the pier gradually became tense.

The nearby police began to impose martial law. At the same time, the military police who heard the news also arrived.

A group of military police came to the riverside and tried to approach the cruise ship. However, they were refused by the agents of the Fuxing Society. Zhong Yang came to ask for instructions.

"Captain, are they begging for help..."

"Need not."

Zhang Yong waved his leg and asked the military police to come in.

It was a big scene. Naturally, the more people there, the better. It took a lot of effort for the Yue bandits to make a mistake.

If Yue Kou makes a mistake, he will not have the best chance.

What Zhang Yong was most worried about at that time was whether the Yue invaders would wake up and immediately release all the British and American hostages, and then dive into the water to escape. That would be troublesome.

Now, whether those moon spies are caught or not is no longer important. If not, let them make the matter bigger.

We have to wait for people from the British and American consulates to arrive.

Of course, the Yue Kou Consulate will definitely be there as well.

So anxious...

Why don't reporters come?

Hurry up and take photos! There is no truth without pictures. There must be pictures!

At that time, PS technology was very underdeveloped. It was difficult to repair photos. Therefore, the pictures were basically unreliable.

If there are no pictures, it will not be published in the newspaper. The credibility of the newspaper will not be high.

Because words are the least convincing.

Text is the easiest to modify.

However, if you actively add pictures, it can be spread all over the world.

Just like the Spanish Foreign War, everyone in the world knows about it, but there are not many photos of it.

Therefore, in many areas occupied by Yue bandits, the management of Yue bandits' cameras is very strict. The leakage of photos is strictly prohibited, so there is no fear that they will be leaked to the international community.

News media in any country are subject to strict controls on photos.

Photos posted without permission are strictly prohibited.

Even if it is a free country like the United States, after the Pearl Harbor incident, strict press controls were implemented. Even the text was not published.



Finally, a reporter came.

Zhang Yong didn't have time to ask which newspaper would pay first.

Ten oceans per person. Then ask them to take photos from multiple angles.

Those reporters were immediately stunned. Is there such a good thing in Diandidong? Not only does it have news, but it also makes money?

I immediately raised my camera and watched the Uranus Cruise ship start work.

Zhang Yong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Okay. Now there are pictures. There are pictures and the truth.

It's not easy for Yue himself to deny it now. Foreigners are also crazy about it.


Are the robbers Chinese?

That can't be wrong. Let the foreign masters handle it entirely.

Kill all the robbers.

Anyway, there are British warships on the eastward journey of the Yangtze River. There are many American warships over at Wusongkou.

As far as the Jinling government is concerned, there is no such thing as sovereignty. Foreign warships can come in at any time. It doesn't matter whether the robbers are Chinese or Yue people, just kill them all.


It was not Yue himself who suffered the initial loss. If the hostages suffered losses, it was not the foreigners who suffered losses.

Do the lunar spies on board feel that Chinese lives are worthless? Therefore, when detaining hostages, they do not consider Chinese at all. All those detained are foreigners.

From a value perspective, it seems to be correct. Did Yue Kou indeed make the smartest choice?

"Captain, foreigners are here."

"Okay. Don't worry about him. Just cooperate actively."


Zhang Yong stood still.

The first to arrive were a group of British people.

Their movements were not very fast. Someone should have called for help.

At that time, the British Empire considered itself the most powerful country in the world. In Jinling, it had to show its domineering power.

It is estimated that the British warships have also received the news and are on their way.

"Captain, Mr. West is looking for me."

"Come as soon as the horse is here!"

Zhang Yong said calmly.

He came to an Englishman.

The British man was tall and thin, with a soft smile and a gentle smile, like an ascetic.

"Do I..."

"Mr. West, his name is Zhang Yong, and he is not a member of the Fuxing Society."

"I speak good English."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Zhang Yong expressed his gratitude.

His English in his previous life was very poor, but he could barely communicate.

For West, you can find someone who knows the specific situation and understands English. Is it really important? At least, he can get the first piece of information.

Zhang Yong didn't hide anything. He told the wrong party exactly. Sincerity is a surefire skill.

West quickly believed that Fuyue himself was really up to something.

Zhang Yongdong ordered the captured lunar spy to be brought here and questioned face to face.


The spy called Han Xuan crazy and was afraid of the British.

It's not just pretending. It's not really scary.

At this moment in Japan, the whole country in the East is very fanatical.

There is a mentality that Asia is not their own and that Westerners must not get involved.

Otherwise, six years later, there would be no direct war with Britain and the United States.

It sounds like World War II is very far away. In fact, it was only six years before the Pacific War broke out.

Before that, it had been two years since the Mid-Moon War broke out.


"You are all dead!"


The spy roared crazily.

West's face suddenly became as ugly as the bottom of a pot.

Yue himself included the British in his roar. This made West very unhappy. But there was nothing he could do for the time being.

Because it would take several hours for the British warships to arrive from the Yangtze River Estuary.

But no, there is no doubt that the culprit is Noyue himself.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know. Maybe, Mr. West, I can ask Mr. Isotani Rensuke?"

"That son of a bitch."

West cursed fiercely.

It turns out that Isotani Rensuke is here, and there are a lot of people there.

It seems that Yue himself got the news very quickly!

Zhang Yong deliberately retreated into the crowd.

Let the British negotiate with Yue himself. Argue slowly and don't rush.

Sure enough, the exchange between West and Isotani Rensuke was not pleasant. Although both of them were restrained, they were obviously at war with each other.

Isotani Rensuke will definitely not admit that Nozuki did it himself. But West knows it well.

Soon after, a group of Americans also arrived.

Then the French...

And then the Germans…

Very Italian, Spanish...

Zhang Yong was watching from the side with a smile on his face. Well done. The more people who come, the better.

Huh? Why didn’t you see any foreign reporters?

A bunch of trash!

Such a big news, but those foreign reporters didn’t show up at all?

No. They must be present.

"Yang Zhi."


"Go and invite all those foreign reporters."


Yang Zhi immediately took people there.

Zhang Yong continued to huddle in the crowd and watch the excitement, letting the situation develop.

Over there, communication between West and Isotani Rensuke has been completely severed. West is very angry and determined to use force to solve the problem. He is waiting for the warship to arrive.

Isotani Rensuke frowned. He felt very passive. He wanted to kill those arrogant guys.

If one thing offends so many people, should he really deserve to die?

"Captain, Virgo is here..."


Zhang Yong rushed to see Virgo in a hurry.

Virgos are also smart people. Seeing so many foreigners, why don't they appear in public?


"Let the foreigners handle it themselves."


"It's not convenient for him to come forward. I have full authority to handle that matter."


Zhang Yong nodded respectfully.

He knew Virgo would make that choice.

Indeed, it is not convenient for senior officials of the government to come forward because it would be a contradiction for foreigners.

The government needs to prove that the robber on the ship is not Yue himself. Zhang Yong has already done that. Therefore, the matter of picking up people from the east basically has nothing to do with the government.

That means whether to send people to maintain order on the periphery. The foreigners and Yue will discuss how to solve the problem.

If the Yue people refuse to admit that they did it, then the British will definitely ask for military action. The British warships will definitely be on their way to Dongguan Pier.



At that time, more and more reporters arrived.

There are also some foreign reporters in the middle. They are blond and blue-eyed, very obvious.

Sorry, the reporters who came from behind won’t be rewarded by Dayang. The speed is too slow. Foreign reporters are not special either.

There were only ten reporters who arrived first.

Are you telling all reporters to hurry up? Otherwise, there will be no benefit.

Some British reporters were so excited that they rushed to the side of the cruise ship.


Suddenly, gunshots were heard from the cruise ship.

Everyone's eyes were immediately drawn to the cruise ship. Immediately, everyone saw that a foreigner had been hit.

I don’t know whether the foreigner was British or American. Anyway, he was trying to escape from the cruise ship. It turned out that he was shot in the back by a spy. He fell to the ground on the spot.


West was immediately angry.

Other foreigners also became furious.


Isotani Rensuke also cursed secretly.

No, which bastard from the secret service? Have any of them been trained?

Shooting and killing people in public? In front of so many British and American people? There are so many reporters. A lot of British and American reporters.

Baga! Are you from the Feonan organization?

Are all Nan organizations a bunch of trash?



Reporters took photos one after another.

The spy didn't realize it. He was very arrogant.

"Tong Luohan!"


"Kill him!"



There was a crisp gunshot. The spy was killed on the spot.

The bullet hit Yue Kou directly in the chest. One shot was fatal.

OK, get one.

However, the rest of Dong's moon spies were hiding in the cabin.



Time flows minute by minute.

Finally, a dark shadow appeared in Dongyou.

The British warship is coming. It's really fast. Is it a frigate?

Isotani Rensuke's expression became even more ugly.

He doesn't care about the lives of those bastards.

However, there is one thing he cannot control: whether his identity is exposed.

Those lunar spies obviously did not receive orders to conceal their identities when encountering foreigners. Instead, they wanted to show that they were not lunar spies.

If they yell "board, board, die, die, die," that's it.

However, that is not certain.

Isotani Rensuke cannot change.


A spy appears.

He shouted directly towards the shore in the language of the moon.

Zhang Yong:???

Can't understand.

But it feels very dramatic.

Translated by Yang Zhi: "He said that he was not a warrior of the Yueben Empire and begged everyone to retreat immediately. Otherwise, he would kill all the hostages!"


Zhang Yong slapped him.

Well done that spy!

Quickly bring the atmosphere to a climax!


This chapter has been completed!
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