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Chapter 26, UnitReady

 Chapter 26, Unit-Ready

Kong Fan coughed and God Zhang Yong came.

He is also a shrewd person. If he knows the case, it is Zhang Yong who made the first contribution.

If Zhang Yong solves the case, he can save the face of the Ministry of Finance and his position as Kong Fansong. Of course he needs to win over.

"Director Kong..."

"What is my name?"

"Zhang Yong. The bow is long, the mediocre Yong."

"He sees that I am not mediocre at all. Good. He remembers my name. If the Ministry of Finance encounters trouble in the future, they will ask you to help me."

"Can't afford to be wrong..."

"He knows. He will say hello to Director Dai and reimburse all expenses. It's a very generous reward."

"It is our duty to serve the party and the country!"

Zhang Yong immediately changed his words. At the same time, he looked at the wrong person eagerly.

Don't talk about it without proof! Come up with something practical. Can we ask the Ministry of Finance...

"Is that for all the brothers to drink tea?"


Zhang Yong stretched out his legs to take it.

I have long seen green dollar bills.

They all have a face value of five yuan. There are probably dozens of them. There are no details. They are estimated to be two to three hundred US dollars.

Kong Fansong has a crush on Bei Can.

Happy and not stingy. I like stingy bosses best.

The Ministry of Finance is indeed extremely rich. It only has US dollars when it comes to spending money.

The U.S. dollar bills at that time were very valuable. The apparent exchange rate was about four silver dollars per U.S. dollar. In fact, on the black market, they could often be exchanged for five or even six silver dollars.

Many wealthy businessmen, overseas students, or people from upper-class families like to exchange the money in their legs for U.S. dollars. They feel that U.S. dollars are more reliable, which makes the U.S. dollar very strong.

In other words, if it were one hundred U.S. dollars, it would be worth at least five hundred silver dollars.

It just so happened that the image of Lincoln on the five-dollar bill was not the only one he was familiar with...




Kong Fansong turned and left.

Zhang Yong also returned to Li Boqi and handed him all the US dollars.

It was because of how hard Li Boqi beat Yue himself. He thought that Zaisi was pretty good. Although, he had also been beaten by that guy before.

At that time, Li Boqi probably thought that he was not his ally, so he would be so cruel.

Li Boqi stretched out his leg to take the dollar, divided half of it, and stuffed it back into Zhang Yong's leg. He took the other half away without shutting up. That was it.

Zhang Yong hid the US dollars.

Happy splitting of the spoils completed.

Estimated to be at least a hundred US dollars. One step closer to moving my family to Chengdu.



Suddenly, a familiar voice came to my mind.

Zhang Yong was slightly startled.


Unit construction completed?


The system jumped out at that time?

Construction unit?

What unit?

Then I found that I had an extra portable space.

It feels like the size of an ordinary backpack. The space is empty. There seems to be nothing.

Yes. There is something.

A US-made MK2 leg mine...


Does the so-called unit-ready mean that it can be produced?


Just produce a leg mine?

It’s amazing. It only gives birth once every half a month. It only produces one leg mine every time!

It is indeed a very powerful system!

Very good. Can you freely store and retrieve items in that carry-on backpack?

Except for living things, you can put them in.

The space is very limited. Long guns, submachine guns, etc. probably won’t fit in. Because of the short length, the most you can fit is leg guns, or leg mines.

Of course, gold bars, U.S. dollars, and pounds can probably be put in as well.

But not yet.

Suddenly his eyes flashed.

I saw Ye Wansheng coming in with a large group of men in black.

Haha, I really want to continue to catch the red party!

Are you really persevering?

From the corner of his eye, he noticed that there was another person beside Ye Wansheng. He looked tired and had a stooped figure. Ye Wansheng was trying his best to flatter him.

Judgment of whether Ye Wansheng's Bundong was possible or not. He captured it whether it was possible or not.

Could it be that he is a traitor to the Eastern Party?

Stop in front.

"We have finished the errands of the Lixing Society, haven't we?" Ye Wansheng frowned, "Now it's their turn to do the work!"

"They didn't catch the person who stole the iron box." Zhang Yong replied seriously.

He spoke plausibly, and it was indeed the case.

If I was responsible for transferring legal currency during those four months, I am not a real thief.

Someone in front stole the iron box, hung it on the side of the cruise ship with a rope, and sank into the sea, avoiding the ship's inspection.

On such a large cruise ship, a rope is secretly stretched out somewhere to tie the iron box and sink it into the water. It would be difficult to find it from the front of the cruise ship. It can completely hide it from the sea.

Of course, the only person who can do that is high legs.

That high-leg guy has not been caught so far. The only thing that is certain is that he is not Yue himself.

Is it possible that Kishida Fumio invited me to be someone other than Yue himself?

"They have already communicated with Director Dai of our Lixing Society. Director Dai promised to let them come in and arrest them."

"That's okay."

Zhang Yong immediately got out of the way.

Since Boss Dai agreed, then it's okay.

Go about your own business.

"Chief Fei, he is continuing to inspect the ship."

"Go for it!"

Zhang Yongyuanji greeted Li Boqi.

After getting Li Boqi's permission, he boarded the cruise ship and continued the inspection. He hoped to find the hidden high leg.

Of course, it is not easy to say no. Yue himself is not at fault.

Looking for a needle in a haystack...

Everyone on the cruise ship was gathered into the entertainment hall in the middle of the ship. There was no one around.

There was no one around Zhang Yong. It was quiet.

Through the window, you can see Ye Wansheng, who is waiting at the dock, asking for help. He is followed by the traitor from the Eastern Party.

Do they want to catch the Dongdong Party?

If there is a traitor, the person seeking arrest can be easily identified.

Suddenly, Zhang Yong's mind became hot.

Look around.

There is no one around.

Take out an American-made MK2 leg mine.

Since it is not freshly baked, let it play its role.

Pull out the fuse.

Press the switch.

Then throw it out.

It happened to fall next to that traitor from the Eastern Party.


There was a loud noise.

The leg mine exploded. The East Party traitor flew up on the spot.

Ye Wansheng was also knocked aside heavily by the explosion.

This chapter has been completed!
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