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Chapter 265, Gaga randomly kills Yoshiko Kawashima

 Blindfold the moon spy.

Then he was dragged to the bathroom and tied to a chair.

Pull the leg out. Then let the blood drip from the leg and wrist.

Place a wooden basin on the east side.

"Tick tock!"

"Tick tock!"

Blood drops kept dripping.

At the same time, Zhang Yong quietly turned on the faucet next to him a little.

The water drops are not falling one by one.

Soon after, the blood drops gradually solidified and stopped dripping. Are the water drops still dripping?

"Tick tock!"

"Tick tock!"

Very rhythmic. Very regular.

The surroundings are also very quiet. Every drop can be heard clearly.

Everyone around me asked me to look at him, and he looked at me. I didn’t know what Zhang Yong wanted to do. Zhang Yong signaled them to be silent, and then asked them all to go out.

do what?

He doesn't know either. It's from his past life.

It is said that this can make the wrong party think that they have been bleeding, and then have a psychological breakdown.

Legend has it that it is a type of psychological warfare.

Does it have any effect? ​​I don’t know. I don’t think it has much effect. But it doesn’t matter if I try it. Even if it doesn’t succeed, there seems to be no loss.

"He's gone." Zhu Yuan said goodbye hastily.

He didn't want to get too involved.

I feel like Zhang Yong played a big role.

One side is against the Tang family, and the other side is against the crazy Yue people. Both are heavyweights.

Two heavyweight forces collided, and Zhang Yong was caught in the middle. If he was not careful, he would be shattered to pieces. Zhu Yuan could not bear it.

"Okay. See you in the morning."


"What? Something happened?"

"Liu Xi is not free..."

"Okay. Then let's wait for another day!"


Zhu Yuan hurried away.

When walking, look around carefully.

He didn't leave quickly until he confirmed that there was nothing abnormal.

"That rascal……"

Zhang Yong said to himself.

It can be seen that Zhu Yuan is not that chic.

Don't think about it. The patrol is doing a good job. There is no risk in the first place. Why bother?

How many people are willing to leave Shu Shirei?

To put it bluntly, their Fuxing Society lives a life of licking blood. Especially for him, he must be closely watched by Yue himself. He wants to beg for his life at any time.

Alas, poor man!

Let’s see if we can take it one step at a time.

When soldiers come, they will be blocked, and when water comes, earth will cover them up. When the moon itself comes, there will be killing.

"Yang Zhi!"

Start preparing for an attack.

Xiafei Road, Wanguo Nightclub, it is not easy to arrest people. You have to plan something.

It's probably not possible to attack by force. Just try to trick Yan Ruzi out.

If she was really in Wanguo Nightclub and Zhang Yong entered and walked around, if she saw her, she would definitely follow him out.

Just ask Yan Ruzi to come out and it will be easier...

Suddenly someone came to report, "Captain, that spy seems to be begging to shut up..."

"Huh?" Zhang Yong was stunned.

Look at the leg watch. It’s only been half an hour! Yue Kou has already collapsed?

There's no reason! You can't stand it for more than half an hour? No way. That's not a clever interrogation strategy.

"Does it seem true..."

"Let him go and have a look."

Zhang Yong walked over doubtfully.

Tiptoeing. Silently.

The main theme is weird.

Sure enough, the spy struggled feebly, and the look on his face seemed to indicate that he really wanted to shut up.

Yu Chu tried to remove the rag from his mouth. Wu Fang suddenly became depressed.

It felt like all the bones in my body were being ripped out.


He did not take away the black cloth in front of the wrong party.

"Tick tock!"

"Tick tock!"

The faucet is dripping.

Could it be that a spy on the moon couldn't resist such a simple trick?

Only half an hour...

"He said, he said, I helped him stop bleeding, helped him stop bleeding..."

"You tell me."

"No Kishida Takeo, Kishida..."

"I made a mistake. Should I say Fumio Kishida?"

"No Wufu. Wufu...


Zhang Yong stopped talking.

The Kishida Fumio I met before was later beaten to death by myself.

Now a Kishida Takeo appears, is he a brother? Are the moon spies also fanatical enough? They are there in groups. Just in time for the tea to be served.

"Where is he?"

"Hongkou Tianlong Dojo."

"Besides Fumio Kishida, is there anyone else?"

"Kawashima Yoshiko..."


Zhang Yong was a little surprised.

That kidnapping case was very similar to Yoshiko Kawashima?

Pretending not to take it seriously.

No further questions were asked.

"What's the purpose of my coming here?"

"Take the hostages away."

"Take it where?"

"Xia Fei Road, Yin Mansion."

"Then what?"

"Waiting for instructions from the east step. The hostages cannot be in any place for more than three days."

"Whose property is Yin Mansion?"

"Yin Taixi..."


"He is not a Korean. He helps them do things."

"Who is in the Yin Mansion?"

"Miss Yoshiko Kawashima is waiting for him there..."


Zhang Yong's eyes lit up.

Yoshiko Kawashima is on Xiafei Road, Yin Mansion?


Kill her immediately.

Don't worry about anything else. Just rush in and shoot.

Directly beat it into a hornet's nest.

That female traitor would not be a pity if she died ten thousand times. Now that I have encountered her, I will never give her a chance to survive.

"What's the situation?"

"He can't remember..."

"Think slowly."

Zhang Yong held down the spy's legs and wrists, pretending to stop the bleeding, and then quietly turned off the faucet.

The ticking sound disappeared. The spy gradually regained some of his vitality. However, Zhang Yong still did not remove the black cloth in front of his eyes. He continued to live in darkness.

Come out quietly.

Call Tang Shengbao.

Now is the time to test him. He is very shameless. He says he knows everything. Haha.

"Yin Tae-seok, do I know that person?"

"President of Korea Chamber of Commerce."

"Xia Fei Road, Yin Mansion, do you know?"

"I know. He passed by."


Zhang Yong nodded.

He turned around and told Yang Zhi to prepare for action.

The distance from there to Xiafei Road is relatively long. Transportation is required.

It's more troublesome to drive around with weapons. It would be better to bring a few vehicles over.

How to do it?


Do it secretly...

Anyway, leave it to Yang Zhi.

Yang Zhi immediately took people there.

Suddenly, the map showed a small blue dot cutting into it.

A thought occurred to me. Is Zhou Wancan back?

I calmly came to the window and saw a rickshaw approaching on the road outside. It parked nearby. Someone drove the rickshaw, and it turned out to be Zhou Wancan.

Zhang Yong silently opened the door, "What? Is there any new news?"

"He knew where the weapons and ammunition were transported..."

"Xia Fei Road, Yin Mansion?"


Zhou Wancan suddenly felt good. How did Zhang Yong know?

Zhang Yong kicked his legs towards him and kept silent. He took him to the bathroom and asked the lunar spy to look at the decadent figure. Then he walked out.

Zhou Wancan was confused.


"The spy has confessed that the kidnapping was planned by Fumio Kishida and Yoshiko Kawashima..."

"Kawashima Yoshiko? That woman?"


Zhang Yong nodded.

Zhou Wancan frowned.

"Kawashima Yoshiko's eyes are east of the Yin Mansion on Xiafei Road, and he is going to kill her."

"There will be many people around her. Can I do it?"

"You have to give it a try."

Zhang Yong's attitude was very firm.

Such a rare opportunity must be killed indiscriminately.

Even if Yoshiko Kawashima cannot be killed, I would like to scare her so much that she will never dare to be arrogant again.

Suddenly a strange idea occurred to me——

By the way, Kawashima Yoshiko has appeared, is there Minami Yunko?

By the way, Minami Yunko in the spy drama is very beautiful. Even though I know she is a spy, I can't help but take a second look.


Damn lustful heart...

But it is true that Yoshiko Kawashima has an extreme dislike for her.

When they meet, kill her immediately.

Soon, Yang Zhi and the others got the car and came back. They set off immediately.

This chapter has been completed!
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