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Chapter 270, a waste of expressions

 Zhang Yong actually killed a month-old bandit with one round of shooting.

Kou was not unlucky that month either. He was definitely not shot in the back.

The shell gun is very powerful, and the distance is only twenty or thirty meters. How can the moon invaders withstand it?

After the sneak attack, Zhang Yong immediately turned around and ran away.



Intermittent gunshots were heard nearby.

Zhang Yong couldn't tell where he shot. It seems that the red dots have not been reduced?

There are still two Nos at the back, but No has not moved.

There are four in front?


Four? Only four left?

Everyone else was killed?

Oh, good. It means that the person you brought here is very hard to beat.

They are all veterans for many years.

The marksmanship is absolutely perfect.

The four remaining bandits in the east seemed to be hiding. The sound of gunfire immediately fell silent again.

No one would shoot randomly.

In the absence of a clear target, whoever shoots randomly will commit suicide. The person whose position is exposed will die.

Zhang Yong studied it carefully for a moment and then quietly waved his legs toward Gangtou.

Take Gangtou back to Yin Mansion. On the first floor, go to the westmost room on the third floor.

Maybe, there's a shooting angle there?

"Did you see it?" Zhang Yong pointed the target to Gangtou, "behind that step."

"I see a little bit." Gangtou nodded.

The shooting angle is still very small.

But can I give it a try? What if it works?


Take a shot right away.

Sure enough, the moon bandit behind the steps was shot and fell down.

The lever head quickly pulled the bolt and reloaded the bullet into the chamber.


And it didn't go away with one shot.

That month Kou was shot in the brain and died later.

The red dot disappears.

Killed another one. Only three are left.

Zhang Yong looked at Gangtou's legs and moved the rifle. It seemed that he was a little bit off.

The most troublesome thing is to re-cock the bolt. It's a waste of time.

It would be nice if it was not semi-automatic...

Nowadays, among the semi-automatic rifles with relatively mature technology in the world, there is the Garand M1 from the United States, which is also known as the Big Eight. The caliber is 7.62 mm and the magazine capacity is eight rounds.

One of the most classic firearms of the World War II infantry. Even the pickiest American soldiers praised it.

The other type is Maozi's SVT-40 semi-automatic rifle. The magazine capacity is ten rounds, which is two rounds more than the Garand M1.

Is there any way to get some?

Get some semi-automatic rifles and use them yourself.

If you use a bolt-action rifle, you will definitely not be able to shoot well. But it is different if you use a semi-automatic rifle. You can shoot blindly.

If you pull the trigger continuously at the wrong target, all eight bullets or ten bullets will be poured out. The probability of hitting can be greatly increased. For him, absolute mistakes are good news.

Wrong. Think of a way to get some Garland from the beautiful country.

At that time, Garand actually had no market and its output was very low. It should be very willing to export it. The beautiful country does not seem to restrict its export. Garand himself often went to foreign countries for dumping!

While thinking wildly, I suddenly noticed that the three red dots on the front were retreating rapidly.

Huh? Fighting the port, withdrew?

No way? The Yue invaders actually withdrew? Why don't they launch an onboard charge?



There was a gunshot. He tried to beat up the drowned dog.

However, the Yue bandits retreated very quickly and there was no shooting angle. In the past, the bandits did not escape for three months.

There was no movement from the bandits in the next two months.

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

Suddenly, the phone rang again.

Zhang Yong sneered. Okay. If she called, that would be great. Humiliate her.

Go east to the second floor and listen to the phone directly in the master bedroom.

"If you don't deny him..." Zhang Yong said proudly, "I only have five people left. Three of them have escaped."

"Baga!" On the other end of the phone was the mysterious woman.

"I am Yoshiko Kawashima..."

"Baga! He doesn't deny that bitch! I don't want to mention her to him!"


Zhang Yong was stunned.

After working on it for a long time, the wrong party turned out to be Yoshiko Kawashima?

Is there any mistake...

It made me waste so many expressions.

He said, "If you don't care about Yoshiko Kawashima, why am I involved? What does it have to do with me?"

Go back. Stay somewhere cool!


"Go away! It's none of my business! Let Yoshiko Kawashima come!"


"If I am a big red idiot, I will send people to die in red. He will feel embarrassed if he defeats me. Get out of here! Find someone sensible."


"Of course, if I am not a beautiful woman, he will be happy to accompany me."

"I...he was drunk by me in the mirror in Sichuan, right? I'm very arrogant. He wants to see how arrogant I am!"

"Huh? Am I in a special high school class too?"


"Don't be a bad guy. Our special higher education courses are not suitable for that. Why don't we go back to our old profession!"

"It's not my business?"

"Our Super High School will soon be annexed by the Military Police Headquarters. At that time, the Super High School will become a vassal of the military. I will also become a toy of senior military officials..."

"No! I'm talking nonsense!"

"Haha. It won't take long, at most two years, our special high school will be annexed by the military. Just leave what he said. If you don't believe it, verify it in two years."

Zhang Yong was calm and composed.

Talking about history with his time traveler? Scared to death.

Do you really think our super high school can spy on the military?


Our Yue Kou military department is nothing like a freak.

The original purpose of the Special High School Course was indeed to monitor the military. But that role was quickly abandoned.

Because the Super High School does not have the ability to monitor the military.

There are so many people in the military and they are so fanatical. Some people have power and are very powerful. How can I see them?

That means bullying the so-called anti-Moon elements in Manchukuo.

Later, as the Mid-Moon War continued to expand, the personnel and capabilities of the Special High School Division were no longer able to even bully the anti-Moon fighters. So the military took the opportunity to merge the Super High School Division and affiliated many of the original secret service agencies.

The name of the Special Higher Education Course. In this way, the Special Higher Education Course will become the leader of the military, and the police system will be able to stand by.

During the eight years of the Anti-Japanese War, the special higher education courses were all under the leadership of the military, and all the officers were soldiers of the Yue invaders.

After the Yue invaders surrendered unconditionally in Bu Nao, the police system rose again and became an agency to monitor the Yue invaders' troops.

If Zai Chuanjing knew that everything he is doing now is not a wedding dress for others, I wonder how he would feel? The police system is not weak in front of the military!

Suddenly I thought of 226...

Haha, I have time to reveal some information to Zaichuan Mirror.

Is it possible to make the 226th Mutiny more exciting...

"Very good, send someone to collect the corpse immediately. One hundred yuan. Otherwise," Zhang Yong threatened without concealment, "he will immediately invite reporters to expose them all..."


"Should I send someone?"

"...Tell my people not to shoot..."

"If he gets money, he won't shoot. But if he doesn't have money..."


The wrong party is silent.

Did Zhang Yong hang up the phone?

Don’t give the wrong party time to think, and don’t give the wrong party any time to regret.

The situation is just like that.

The bandits did not retreat for two months. They probably did not receive orders.

OK, if the enemy doesn't move, he won't move.

Slowly cook it with the wrong recipe. I haven’t finished the glass of red wine...

Go east and continue tasting red wine.

At the same time, he silently monitored the movements of the two red dots behind him. The two red dots still did not move.

Half an hour later, a truck actually arrived.

Five Chinese people came to the car in the east. I couldn’t tell their identities. Maybe they were hired temporarily.

The leader came directly to the door and handed him an envelope.

Zhang Yong opened the envelope and found fifteen banknotes, each with a denomination of 100 silver dollars and issued by Citibank in the Concession.

Hehe. Victory! The little devil in the search had to bleed.

"Wang Qiang!"


"Go and move all the Yue Kou's bodies out to them. Including that one."


Wang Qiang and others started to move their legs.

They moved the bodies of the slain Yue bandits away, just like moving garbage.

The five Chinese people also had expressionless faces. All the bodies were thrown into the back of the truck. The tarpaulin was put to the east to cover everything up. Then the truck drove away.

During the whole process, no one shut up. It was like a silent pantomime.

Zhou Wancan blinked.

so amazing……

Yue himself actually sent money!

He actually sent 1,500 yuan! Yue himself must have gone crazy!


When a person dies, money must be given.

What's that? Stealing the chicken without losing the rice? It doesn't seem that simple.

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

The phone rang again.

Zhang Yong held the red wine glass and lazily picked up the microphone with great satisfaction.

The wrong party was actually nice enough to call?

Haha, shame on you!

"Captain Zhang, stop him." The voice sounded loudly in the mirror of Sichuan.

"Oh, Miss Lin." Zhang Yong was a little surprised, "I didn't expect that Miss Lin would actually call there."

"Zhang Yong, they promised not to touch anyone from the Tang family again."

"Oh? What do we want to ask for?"

"I don't want to do anything. I just want me to help them convey that sentence."

"Can he believe me?"

"If it's Toji, he'll leave it at the door automatically and let me do whatever I want."

"Ms. Lin, it seems that our Special Higher Education Course has no power to restrict the actions of the military. They will not listen to me either."

"They will work hard."

"Okay. Then he will help me convey that sentence. I hope I can do it."

"Thanks, bye!"


Zhang Yong decided to drop a bomb on the wrong side.

It's been a few months since the February 26th Mutiny. Wouldn't it be good to deliberately spread some news to make the wrong party suspicious?

"What advice does Captain Zhang have?"

"Do I believe that the First Division is committing rebellion?"


"If he said that in the next period of time, the First Division will launch a large-scale rebellion, would I believe it?"


"I thought Nagata Tetsuyama's death ended like that?"


"That's it for now, let me think about it."



Zhang Yong stretched out his leg and pressed the phone. But he did not immediately put down the phone.

Hehe. The news of mine will become a fact in a few months. Let’s see how Lin Xiaoyan will react. It will scare her to death.

Thinking back, what did Lin Xiaoyan’s previous words mean?


Not very cocoa.

The Yue bandits are so fanatical, how can Ke Ke be afraid?

If they don't succeed that time, they will go even crazier, especially the various secret service agencies.

Bu Nao, if you say that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is calm about the situation, it is not wrong.

In fact, the subsequent course of the Anti-Moon War showed that what we Chinese people fear most is not the fanaticism of the Yue bandits, who clamor to destroy China in three months. What we fear most is actually Ishihara Wanji's strategy and whether it can completely digest the three northeastern provinces.

, and then seek to capture North China. After digesting North China, then seek to capture South China. Step by step. Each step has a deadline of thirty or fifty years.

That kind of strategy is very vicious.

I don't think so. Taiwan Island has been occupied by Yue bandits for forty years and has been basically assimilated.

Later, there were many Taiwanese soldiers in the Botian detachment. They were as fanatical and ferocious as the Yue invaders. The soldiers from the Silla Peninsula directly considered themselves to be non-Yue people.

Therefore, Lin Xiaoyan is absolutely right and has good intentions.

Are they implementing a calmer and more prudent policy of aggression?

Objectively speaking, their strategies are more harmful.

The quarrelsome and hot-headed military headquarters, unable to control their own desires, used to self-destruct magnificently.

In the rolling tide of history, the role of individuals is really very weak.

At any time, I will be carried with me and go with the flow.

What I can do is not to kill the bandits for a few more months...

Suddenly my mind moved.

The moon bandits are on the move.

East one watch, tomorrow morning

This chapter has been completed!
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