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Chapter 299, Kill first and tell later, imperial charter

 Chapter 299, Revealed Afterword, Royal Charter


"Shaolong, I have made a meritorious service again."

"Thank you for the compliment, Virgo. That's what he should do."

"Shaolong, there's no need to be so humble. Just now he mentioned me to the committee."


Zhang Yong was stunned.

Mention him to the committee members? Oh my god!

What was he doing when I mentioned it to the committee member? He was not very familiar with the committee member.

The truth is, he doesn't want to get acquainted with him.

Too familiar is troublesome.

"Wrong. He just reported some other matters to the committee. The committee asked if all the spies who tried to assassinate Madam were caught."


"He said Shaolong is arresting him. Several of them have already been brought to justice."


"Shao Long, is that a good opportunity? Please seize it."


"Remember to deal with that matter first. You must pry open the moon spy's mouth. Don't be afraid of death. If you die, you will die."


"that's it."

Virgo hung up the phone.

Zhang Yong took the microphone but did not let go.


I had just promised Li Boqi to ask for fifteen days of peace. It turned out that Virgo called immediately.

Forget about the call. I just arranged a task.

Catch the lunar spy who tried to assassinate Madam. He can’t! Please catch him, if he can do it the same way.

Just grab your eyebrows and beards and catch all the lunar spies. Then play whack-a-mole. With luck, you might catch the relevant lunar spies.

If you are not lucky, you can continue to catch until you find something.

The first two sentences of Virgo are also very important.

Don't ask for fear of death.

If you die, you will die.

It shows that I am very concerned about the wrong appointment.

Just ask whether the moon spy who was involved in the assassination of the lady does not need to be kept alive.

Catch one, kill one.

In a sense, does it give him the power to reveal the aftermath?

That's right. Let's reveal the sequel. The royal authority.

No matter who you are, I beg you to be next to anyone who tries to assassinate my wife. You will be killed without mercy!

Even the commission and the virginity did not mention evidence.

What do you mean? Just kill first.

It doesn’t matter whether there is evidence or not. Just ask if there is suspicion, you can kill them.

Of course, I don’t mean ordinary people.

Those big shots are definitely not among them. Circle a circle and say it is east of the school. It is not at the level of group leader.

If the regiment commander is suspected, he needs to report it. But if he is the battalion commander or company commander, there is no need to mention it.

Others were seated in the wrong seats.

The level is about the same as that of the group leader. You can easily struggle for a while. If you are not at the group leader level, you will be killed immediately.

Put the microphone on.

Walking slowly eastward, it is a rare moment to concentrate and think carefully.

Commission and Virgo, why do you give yourself such great privileges? Are you worried that your wife will really be assassinated?

They want to nip all implications in the bud quickly.

To be honest, delegating power is very scary.

If Zhang Yong had used that privilege as a commanding arrow, he could have caused a bloody storm on the beach.

What should I do if I can’t catch the spy?

You can also capture some unrelated people to make up the number.

As I said, anyone I don't like can be found guilty and killed.

I didn’t know if I was surprised or nervous for a moment.

He holds so much power in his legs, I really want to go on a killing spree and kill all the wrong legs.

The first person I want to kill is Zhang Xiaolin.

Just give him a crime and then uproot him...

But no. Wait. Suddenly, an idea flashed in my mind.

She took a deep breath, thought for a while, picked up the phone, and called the Jigoel Lane headquarters directly.

"He is not Zhang Yong. He is looking for a virgin."

"Please wait a moment."




"Virgo, no he, Zhang Yong."


"Virgo, Madam, do you want to go abroad?"

"I got it?"


"That's right. Madam Coco has had a lot of social activities recently. The moon spy Coco is ready to take action."

"Ming is red. He knows what to do."


Virgo hung up the phone.

Zhang Yong felt a lot of pressure.

He doesn't have to worry about his wife's security after she goes abroad.

That's not a matter for the attendant's room.

Very much like a gendarmerie headquarters.

The key is no, before my wife goes abroad and most likely after she returns to China, Coco will do public activities.

That's more troublesome than bananas.

If the moon person really wants to move his legs, there is no way to prevent him.

From a rational point of view, the Yue invaders and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should not take assassination actions.

As far as I am concerned, there is actually no benefit.

Is it possible that the military headquarters of the Yue invaders are in a state of frenzy? The military headquarters of the Yue invaders are completely brainless.

Dongke is here, which is almost no longer the tradition of Yue bandits.

Even if the military bosses disapprove, people in the east may not listen.

Especially the secret service chiefs, all of them are fanatically begging for their lives and can do anything.

what to do?

You can catch it.

Catch all the lunar spies that can be captured.

Find one, catch one!

Once all the lunar spies are captured, the threat will naturally be lifted.

If there are one or two insiders, you will make a profit.

Alas, we have to start sweeping again...


Suddenly, a female voice came.

I looked up and saw that Li Jingzhi had a serious expression and was here to report on official business.

"What's up?"

"Report. The telecommunications team has discovered multiple sets of new radio signals. Preliminary judgment is made as to whether it is a new radio station for lunar espionage."

"Oh? Let him go and have a look!"

Zhang Yong was a little curious and followed Li Jingzhi to the telecommunications team.

Because a large number of radio stations were seized, the telecommunications team of the Songhu office had eight radio stations.

Two to launch and two to receive. The other four are in reserve. Either for practice or maneuvering.

"Captain Zhang."

"Team Leader Chen!"

Zhang Yong greets Chen Mei.

Chen Mei still looks very capable. She concentrates on studying telecommunications technology.

The telecommunications level of the Fuxing Society was definitely among the highest in the national army. In the later period, there were even many international students recruited from abroad who were responsible for deciphering the Yue bandit codes.

I really miss a genius like Jiang Yiying, but there is actually more than one. Some people are not as capable as her.

However, deciphering the code also depends on luck. If there is no blessing of luck, just hard work will be useless.

"New radio station for the fifth group of Yue Kou?"

"The preliminary judgment is that it is not like that. But it is impossible to judge the distance and direction."

"Is it from Hongkou?"


"Are we sure?"

"It's impossible to be completely sure. But, they believe that those new radio stations are used by veteran operators who have been spies for several months."

"He doesn't understand. Please explain."

"Jingzhi, let me speak."


Li Jingzhi began to explain.

"Every operator has a unique way of sending messages. It's just like a person's handwriting. Everyone is different."

"They have been monitoring the radio stations of the lunar espionage. Through long-term observation and summary, they found that there are only a few lunar espionage operators coming and going. Except for those who have been arrested, there are currently five of them.

They are all familiar with the transmission method. Now there are new radio signals, but the transmission method is still the same. Therefore, they judge whether those lunar espionage operators should change to a new radio station."

Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

He heard that Ming Ming was red. That is called specialization. Professional people do professional things.

For people who have been engaged in telecommunications for many years, they are very familiar with the enemy's telegraph operators. Similarly, their method of sending telegraphs must be very familiar to the Japanese invaders.

Then it is a battle outside the visual range. It is a silent contest. It is a very important part of the spy war.

"Where's the Moon Spy's old radio station?"

"I'm continuing to use it. But the operator has changed. The leg technique is unfamiliar. It has never happened before. Judging from the speed of sending the message, it seems that I have trained my old legs for many years."

"Does this mean that the lunar espionage has increased the number of operators? Are there any new operators joining?"


"He knows."

Zhang Yong came east and pondered silently.

From that information, we can judge whether the moon spies are increasing their troops in Songhu!

The Yue bandits were not willing to fail. They quickly dispatched more men and telegraph operators to Songhu, but only a few of them.

Just like the Fuxing Society, there are more than a thousand people, but the number of radio operators is at most fifty.

The ratio of operators to other people is at least 1:10, or even 1:20. If you add one operator, you have to add 10, or even 20, other people.

According to that ratio, the number of lunar spies who entered Songhu would definitely be more than fifty. Or even more than a hundred.

After all, with the cancer in the Yue-occupied area of ​​Hongkou, it is very convenient for Yue to mobilize personnel from wherever he wants.

Damn it, if that's the case, then go out and clean up!

"Can you determine the general location?"

"Unfortunately, they can't."

"It's bright. We've done a good job."

Zhang Yong encouraged the telecommunications team.

Of course, the telecommunications team in the office cannot compare with that in the headquarters. But it does a very good job.

"Captain Zhang..." Chen Mei hesitated.

"Team Leader Chen, if I have anything to say, I can say it directly." Zhang Yong said slowly.

"He discovered that there was a new radio operator who appeared four years ago. At that time, they gave him a codename called Lark."

"Is he great?"

"At that time, his reporting skills were very flexible and versatile. They were not caught several times. Section Chief Ling specially recorded her in the record. But she never appeared later..."

"Ring ring ring..."

Suddenly, the telecommunications team's phone rang.

Chen Mei went to answer the phone. Soon, she put down the phone and came back.

"That's right. No him, Lark. The radio station at the headquarters has also monitored it. Chief Ling confirmed, just deny him, Lark."

"Why do we remember it so clearly?"

"Because at that time, that lark sent a very long telegram. The transmission lasted for a full seventeen minutes. A total of 1,399 words."

"Then what?"

"Later, the lark never appeared again."

"What does the telegram contain? Do you have any clue?"

"No. From then on, that lark disappeared into the sea. But, Ke was able to send 1,399 words in seventeen minutes, which shows that his transmission speed has reached its peak. Such a talent, even if he is as good as Mr.

There are not many people on their side. There is very few people on their side who can reach that speed for the time being."

"Okay. When he catches him, let us have a good communication with him."

"Then they are waiting for my good news."

"Then he's gone."



Zhang Yong left the telecommunications team.

Inform everyone and take a day off. Then take action.

This chapter has been completed!
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