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Chapter 330, traitor

Kishida Takeo was panicked. Really.

Moriguchi Muta is missing. His whereabouts are unknown.

He did not return to the Japanese-occupied area of ​​Hongkou. But he was gone.

Why is there no news feedback?



Kishida Takeo didn't dare to think too much.

Imai Takeo was also in a hurry and had no choice.

It was pitch dark outside. I couldn't contact Muta Moriguchi. I didn't know where Moriguchi was.

The boundless darkness outside seemed to hide countless giant beasts that would swallow them up at any time.

what to do?

Takeo Kishida was hesitant.

We can't wait any longer. If we continue to wait, we will die.

Run quickly.

Which way to go?

It seems that either way is fatal.

Follow the original plan and take the Tianxin path?

What if Muta Moriguchi is arrested and has already confessed? If you follow the path of Tianxin, you will be a sheep in a tiger's mouth!

However, if we don’t take the Tianxin Road, what other way is there?

Take the road of ZTE?

This is the shortest road and the best road condition.

He can rush back to the Japanese-occupied area of ​​​​Hongkou in the shortest time. If no one stops him.

The question is, what if someone blocks it?

What if people from the Fuxing Society set up an ambush here...

After thinking about it, I can't figure it out. I feel like I'm sitting on pins and needles, and my days feel like years.


"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

The room phone rang.

Kishida Takeo's heart jumped for no reason.

Whose phone number is it?

Is it from Muta Moriguchi?

He hurriedly picked up the phone and shouted: "Moriguchi-kun..."

As a result, there was silence on the phone for a moment, and then a strange voice came, "Are you Takeo Kishida?"

"Who are you?" Kishida Takeo's Chinese is also very good.

These veteran spies are all China-savvy. Many of them speak Chinese better than the Chinese.

There are also those spies who have been lurking in China for many years, and they look completely Chinese.

"Don't ask me who I am." The strange voice said, "If you want to survive, just do as I say..."

"Baga!" Takeo Kishida hung up the phone harshly.

He doesn't accept threats.

It was obvious that the other party wanted to put forward conditions.

who is it?

Kishida Takeo doesn't want to know.

The person who can make a call here is definitely not an ordinary person.

It is very possible that he is a traitor in the Fuxing Society.

Wait. Traitor.

Damn! I hung up the phone early.

He actually cut off a way of life violently.

If the other party is really a traitor to the Fuxing Society, he can definitely help deal with Zhang Yong!

What do the Japanese lack most now?

He was a traitor from the Fuxing Society. Someone who could help kill Zhang Yong.

Damn it!

He actually missed such a good opportunity.


I want to beat myself to death.

Too sloppy...

He couldn't even forgive himself.

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

Kishida Takeo picked up the phone without thinking.

I hope it’s the traitor in the Fuxing Society. This time, Takeo Kishida will not make any mistakes again. However, the other party did not speak.

"You say, you say, you say..." Takeo Kishida said hurriedly.

"I can inform you about Zhang Yong's information." Finally, someone spoke on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll give you whatever you want." Takeo Kishida was relieved and very happy.

The role of a traitor is unparalleled.

There are actually people in the Fuxing Society who want to kill Zhang Yong. This is definitely great news.

In the future, as long as you cooperate with this person and get accurate information about Zhang Yong, you can arrange a trap and kill Zhang Yong so that he will never die again.

As long as Zhang Yong is dead, Fuxing Society will not be so scary.

"Pay attention to the "Declaration". If there is a missing person notice on it, looking for a Mr. Huo from southern Hunan, I am looking for you. You have to arrive at No. 121 Gexin Road that night. There is a phone in the house. You wait for me in the house.

phone number."


"Before that, please put five hundred dollars to No. 54 Shuiyin Road to show your sincerity."


Kishida Takeo answered hastily.

Is five hundred dollars a lot? It is. It's a bit heartbreaking.

However, if you can use it to bribe a traitor in the Fuxing Society, it is still very worthwhile.

Reluctant to let go of the child, one cannot trap the wolf.

Takeo Kishida understands this truth.

The other party hangs up the phone.

Kishida Takeo's depressed mood gradually cheered up.

I never expected that at the darkest moment of my life, there would be such a turn.

The Chinese, haha, are just not united.

One Chinese is a dragon. Three Chinese are insects.

Look at China now. It’s a mess. It’s torn apart. It’s the sick man of East Asia.

If the Chinese were united, how could they have a chance of annexation?

The bad nature of the Chinese people...

You see, so what if Zhang Yong is capable? There are people inside the Fuxing Society who want him dead!

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

Suddenly, the phone rang again. I quickly picked it up.

It turned out to be Kenji Doihara's voice, "Get back from Xingxing Road immediately. Be quick!"

"Yes!" Takeo Kishida agreed hastily, his heart trembling.

Then the call was hung up.

Kishida Takeo became more and more nervous. He actually alarmed Doihara.


It seems that something has definitely happened to Moriguchi Muta.

Or be arrested.

Or be killed.

That's why Doihara Kenji was alarmed.

We have no choice but to take risks. We can only take the ZTE road. This is Doihara's order.


Immediately ordered to set off.

There are also five cars. Traveling at the fastest speed.

Kishida Takeo's only requirement is to escape. Therefore, there is only one requirement, and that is to be quick.

No matter what happens on the road, don't stop.

Even if you are attacked, do not fight back. Instead, continue to rush out as quickly as possible.

As long as you rush out, you will win.

As long as you return to the Japanese-occupied area of ​​​​Hongkou, you will have defeated the Fuxing Society.

As long as we can return to the Japanese-occupied area of ​​​​Hongkou, everything else can be given up. Including all money.

The motorcade was moving at full speed.

Racing wildly on Zhongxing Road late at night.

Soon, we entered a distance of 250 meters. It was displayed on the map.

Zhang Yong:???

These Japanese invaders didn't take a small road? Instead they took a big road?

It's really unexpected. It seems that there are experts among the Japanese invaders!

It’s so fast!

"Where are the Japanese invaders?" Kou Xingde asked.

"It's too late." Zhang Yong replied slowly.


"They are taking the ZTE road."

"No way?"

Kou Xingde was stunned.

Are these bastard devils so cunning?

Actually taking the high road?

It's over. They didn't set up defenses on the main road. If they rushed over at this time, it was too late to intercept them.

Because the distance between the two sides is almost equal, but the Japanese invaders are traveling faster. After all, that is the main road. The road conditions are good and the lanes are wide. If life is spared, the speed can reach more than 70 yards.

It's a pity that I didn't catch it. In the end, the Japanese invaders took advantage of it.


Zhang Yong has a calm mind. He is calm and composed.

Having already killed Muta Moriguchi, it would be too greedy to want to kill Takeo Kishida.

If you can't stop it, then chase it.

catch up.

Fire from a long distance. How many can you kill? Anyway, I have made a fortune tonight.



Kou Xingde immediately directed the team to take action.

Zhang Yong stepped on the accelerator and took the lead.

His driving skills are really good. He knew how to drive in his previous life. After time travel, he drove every day and his driving skills were pretty good.

Only Guo Qiyun was in the car.

A string of red dots moved past. The distance was about fifty meters.

So fast.

The Japanese invaders were fleeing like crazy.

It's a pity that there is no interception by Tou Tou. Otherwise, no one would be able to escape.

But there's no point complaining now. Just keep chasing.

Accelerate. Accelerate. Exit from the side road.

Finally, the car turned into the main road of Zhongxing Road. However, in just a short time, the distance between the two sides was more than 100 meters.

Zhang Yong stepped on the accelerator and the distance shortened to about 70 meters.


"Shoot when you get the chance!"

Zhang Yong shouted.

Guo Qiyun hesitated. It’s not easy to operate!

You need to lean out of the car window. Then...

Suddenly, he saw Zhang Yong picking up a submachine gun and pointing the butt of the gun at the windproof glass. Unfortunately, it was not smashed. But Guo Qiyun understood, so he smashed the glass with the butt of the gun.



It seemed like a smash.

Smash hard.

Finally, the front windshield was smashed.

Guo Qiyun raised his rifle.


Shoot decisively.

It's a pity that the first shot missed.

Guo Qiyun had never tried shooting at a car traveling at least 50 miles per hour.

Pull the bolt. Keep shooting.



Finally, a Japanese car suddenly lost control and crashed into a nearby house.

The wheel should have been hit by a bullet. The car lost control. At high speed, the car had a flat tire, which had serious consequences. The result was that it was directly knocked over.

Zhang Yong ignored it and continued to rush forward. He ignored the overturned car.

"Change to a submachine gun!"


Guo Qiyun put down Mosinagan and picked up Thomson.

Rifles fire single shots. They are very powerful, but the rate of fire is slow. They cannot keep up with the speed of a car.



A string of bullets passed by.

Another car was hit and lost control of its direction.

It hit the side hard.



It was a mess. It caught fire.

It seemed like someone was flying out of the car and rolling in the air.

Zhang Yong ignored it and continued to chase.



Guo Qiyun violently embraced the fire.

The Japanese invaders in front were busy running for their lives and had no way to shoot back. They could only be beaten passively.

Soon, the third car was also turned into a hornet's nest. It lost control of its direction and crashed to one side.


Zhang Yong continued to accelerator to the end.

There are two cars ahead.

Suddenly, the rear windshield of a Japanese car was also smashed.


Even the devils can do this!

Zhang Yong braked quickly for fear of running into him and turning into a hornet's nest.

Too dangerous.

What if we get caught by the Japanese invaders...

Fortunately, Guo Qiyun is faster.



The dense bullets poured in, killing the Japanese invaders first.

The time is just a little bit off. Just a little bit closer, the Japanese invaders will shoot, and then the two of them may die.

Fortunately, God bless the Chinese people.

Even so, Zhang Yong did not dare to continue chasing in order to avoid being counterattacked.

The Japanese driver of the fourth car was not hit. He continued to drive away. The distance between the two sides quickly widened.

Guo Qiyun reluctantly pulled the trigger. But the gun did not go off.

What a pity. The drums are all gone.

"No more chasing." Zhang Yong slowly stopped the car.

Just run away. Safety first.

Five cars, catch up and kill three, that's it.

In fact, chasing a car is not that difficult.

As long as you don't have to capture the living, just shoot the dead.

No, basically everyone was wiped out.

get off.

Go up and check to see if there is any treasure you can use.

It's a pity that all the things are scattered all over the floor. Da Yang has a lot of them. I just took a few. I didn't dare to take too much, so as not to occupy the space.



At this time, Kou Xingde came up from behind.

All three cars had overturned and were smashed into pieces. It was terrible to see.

All the Japanese invaders in the car were killed.

Of course, Zhang Yong had to confirm that they were all dead before he dared to go up and check!

Otherwise, what should you do if you are shot coldly by the Japanese invaders?

One advantage of maps is that they can accurately distinguish between the dead and the living.

If it is not displayed, then he is definitely dead. It is 100% safe. There is no need to worry about Zuo Lan being shot coldly by Ma Kui.

The smashed vehicles were scattered across many oceans. They were originally packed in boxes, but they were smashed.

So everyone was busy picking up the ocean and repacking it.

"It's a pity that Takeo Kishida was not killed." Kou Xingde felt unwilling.

He is still very energetic.

I think it's okay to continue fighting.

The same is true for Guo Qiyun.

If the battles were all this exciting, he wouldn't be tired at all.

Dealing with the Japanese invaders was like chopping melons and vegetables. Even if you saw it with your own eyes, you couldn't believe it.

When did the Japanese invaders become so careless?

They had no power to fight back in front of Zhang Yong! They could only run for their lives in despair.

It was the first time I saw the Japanese invaders being bullied so miserably...

"Next time!"

Zhang Yong replied casually: There is still a chance.

As long as Takeo Kishida is still in the Songhu area, he will definitely meet him next time.

When the time comes, think of ways to kill the opponent.

A lot of work.

I don’t even bother to count how many oceans there are.

Let’s talk about it when we get back.

Tonight's mission is over.

Call Li Boqi, "Team leader, we are ready to come back."

"The Japanese invaders outside seem to have withdrawn." Li Boqi replied, "Be careful on the way back."

"I know." Zhang Yong agreed and then put down the phone.

Turning to look at Guo Qiyun, "Consultant Guo, will you come back to the office with us? Food and accommodation are included."

"Okay! Thank you!" Guo Qiyun nodded.

His mission is to observe and learn. It would actually be good if he could go back to the Fuxing Society office.

Go and see how Fuxing Society works on a daily basis.

So he headed back home.

Sure enough, the red dots outside the office disappeared.

There will never be any more Japanese invaders.

Return to the office safely. Park the car. Get off the car.

Everyone was very tired, but very excited. They were busy unloading the ocean.

Li Boqi was already used to it.

Zhang Yong didn't come back all day today, so he knew he was making a lot of money outside.

This guy, as long as he can make money, he can sleep for 72 hours straight. It would be unlucky for the Japanese invaders to encounter him. Others only want their lives. He wants both their lives and their money.

"Team leader, should we set up a special finance team?"


"Then we will have a small treasury."

"You are overthinking. The Shanghai station will be established next month. Everything depends on the station manager."

"Oh? Webmaster? Who will be the webmaster?"

"Not sure."

"Then let's fight for it?"

"Don't bother with that. Big bosses from all sides are watching now."


Zhang Yong replied sadly.

Are many people watching? Li Boqi has no chance?

Damn, I’m not too happy about it!

When the Shanghai Station was established, Li Boqi was not involved?

At least be a deputy webmaster!

Otherwise, he will definitely not accept it.

I want to see who will be the webmaster of this Shanghai station.

If you feel unhappy, just lie down.

See how Shanghai Station works.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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