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Chapter 342, Xu Enzeng is ambushing


"A bunch of trash!"

"big eater!"


Isotani Rensuke was very upset.

He, a veteran spy and a China hand, has been criticized.

It was Doihara who criticized him!

Baga! Very angry!

Who does Doihara have to criticize him!

When I was in mainland China, Doihara's grades were the worst.

Sakagaki Seishiro's results are the best. Then he is Isoya Rensuke. The best is Doihara, a second-rate guy!

In the selection of backup candidates for the division commander at the base camp, Doihara was also ranked at the bottom.

What's this idiot doing in Shanghai when he's not staying in Fengtian? And he's still dictating to him, Rensuke Isotani!


I really wanted to fall out on the spot, but in the end I held back.

Isotani Rensuke felt that he was a personable person after all. He was not as vulgar and rude as Doihara.

What does the fragmentation of the Kiri Agency have to do with Isotani Rensuke's?

He never interfered with Tongguan from beginning to end.

The Tan Agency suffered heavy losses, and it was not his fault, Isotani Rensuke. He, Isotani Rensuke, did nothing!

It was that stupid ass-like Nan Agency who caused such a big disturbance.

Actually hijacked a British merchant ship!

Foreigners who hijacked a ship. There were also Germans and Italians.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs made several phone calls a day, repeatedly reminding them not to cause an international tragedy. Otherwise, they would be severely punished.

Where was his soil at that time?


Now that the limelight has passed, he has emerged.


I only know how to camp!

Isotani Rensuke labels Doihara.

What are your abilities?

Sitting in Shanghai personally is not a piece of cake?

Moriguchi Muta is dead.

Killed by the Fuxing Society.

Kishida Takeo also almost died.

This is all your fault!

The enemy is right under your nose and can easily take down your subordinates. You have no ability to resist at all.

Do you still want to talk to me?

I don’t know how much I weighed after being licked by that bitch Kawashima Yoshiko!

Isotani Rensuke was also full of complaints about the criticism from the base camp.

Gen Sugiyama, Juichi Terauchi, and Hisao Nishio, these idiots, don't know the situation here at all. They give random instructions. Please, can you take care of some big things?

Just three acres of land in Jiangnan, does it need the attention of big guys like you?

A dog takes a mouse and meddles in its own business...

"Someone is coming!"

"Your Mightiness!"

A young staff officer walked in quickly.

Bend down and wait for instructions.

"Have you finished cleaning up Colonel Iwasaku's belongings?"

"Reporting to your Excellency, the cleanup has been completed."

"Move immediately. Don't stay in the consulate. Bad luck."


The staff officer turned around and left.

Soon after, a senior officer wearing glasses appeared.

When Isotani Rensuke saw him, his expression softened a little.


Isotani Rensuke greeted the other party very politely.

The other party is Ishihara Wanji.

The hero who captured Kanto Continent.

Ishihara Wanji came to Jinling secretly yesterday, and the two had a pleasant chat yesterday. Unexpectedly, they are here again now.

"Isoya-kun, I'm sorry to bother you because I'm here to visit you."

"Ishihara-kun, please sit down!"

The two of them were polite, and Ishihara Wanji started to talk, "Isotani-kun, have you heard the news that something big may happen in the country in February next year?"

"February next year?" Isotani Rensuke thought about it carefully, then shook his head, "No."

"I just heard about it too."

"Why is there such news? What is the purpose?"

"I can't tell whether it's true or not. I just came to discuss it with Mr. Isoya."


Isotani Rensuke was silent.

What can happen in the country? There are no signs!

The current situation in Japan can be said to be very good. It is not generally good. It is very, very good.

Captured Kanto Continent and obtained a large amount of resources.

They also stationed garrison troops in North China, preparing to encroach on North China.

In Shanghai, there are also Marine Corps troops stationed...

What can happen in the country?

"Where did the news come from?"

"I don't know. But if it comes out of nowhere, it may not be without reason."

"Ishihara-kun, maybe you are worrying too much."

"I hope so."

Ishihara Wanji actually thought about it carefully.

There are really no signs of anything major happening in the country right now.

So, how did the news spread?

Did someone do it on purpose?

"Ishihara-kun, why don't you agree with the plan to send troops to North China on a large scale?"

"I already said it yesterday. We need to figure it out slowly."

"But many people disagree."

“Haste makes waste.”

"You didn't think so during September 18th."

"Then was then. This is now."

"Ishihara-kun, are you worried that someone's achievements will surpass yours?"

"Isoya-kun, you are speaking harshly."

"Ishihara-kun, we are friends. That's why I say it so bluntly. After you return to China, you must not object to sending troops to North China. Otherwise..."

"Can you still assassinate me?"

"Ishihara-kun, be careful!"

Isotani Rensuke is very serious.


It's not impossible...

"Isoya-kun, I heard that you have suffered some setbacks recently?"

"Yes. Lost some men."

Isotani Rensuke did not elaborate.

Ishihara Wanji is not familiar with the secret service. It is useless to say more.

"he came."

"Who's coming?"

"Zhang Yong. He came to Jinling again. I saw him."


"Did he see you?"


"Xiao Zhuo, please find a way to contact him. Just tell him that we have something to ask him."


"Yunyan, please be careful not to appear in front of other people."


Zhang Yong personally went to the Commercial Bank to withdraw money.

He never does this kind of thing to others.

If someone else also staged an empty-box scheme, it would be over. All the money would be wasted.

Silently looking out the car window.

There are no red dots on the map.

Drive to Jixiang Road...

There is an intersection ahead. The car gradually slows down.

Zhang Yong glanced outside casually, and suddenly his eyes flashed. He saw several colleagues.

What colleagues? Of course they are secret agents.

It's not from the Fuxing Society. It's from the Party Affairs Investigation Department. They seem to be conducting surveillance.

After joining the Fuxing Society for a few months and performing so many tasks, Zhang Yong's eyesight also improved a lot. He could see the problem at a glance.

What is the Party Affairs Investigation Office doing? Of course it is catching red parties.

Their target is always the Red Party. Even after the outbreak of the all-out war of resistance, they still did not change.

Is it Dingmo Village?

Probably not. He has already gone back to Shanghai.

His eyes suddenly flashed.

With a startled glance, I saw a familiar face.


Xu Enzeng!

Director of the Party Affairs Investigation Division.

A boss who is on equal footing with Boss Dai. He is in charge of the entire Party Affairs Investigation Department.

Why do you recognize him?

Because the Fuxing Society has a photo of him. His mortal enemy. How could he not have a photo?

Just like the Party Affairs Investigation Department, there must be enough photos of Boss Dai. Remember the other party to avoid conflicts. At the same time, when there is an opportunity, do not hesitate to kill him.

It’s amazing, Xu Enzeng personally took action.

It seems that the person they want to arrest should be of a very high level or very important.

Could it be Gu Mozhai?

Probably not. Gu Mozhai is not here.

Shi Bingdao?

Probably not. Shi Bingdao is in Shanghai.

Preliminary judgment suggests that there should be a very important figure from the Red Party nearby.

Subconsciously I wanted to stop the car and stir things up.

Thinking about it later, I still didn’t dare. Xu Enzeng came in person. It showed that the situation was very serious.

If something unexpected happens, the lawsuit may go to Chiang Kai-shek. Chiang Kai-shek's hatred for the Red Party may be more important than catching Japanese spies. In the end, he will definitely be the one to suffer.



Suddenly, there was a sudden brake.

Zhang Yong reacted very quickly. He immediately drew his gun. He thought he was being attacked.

Others also reacted very quickly.

Yang Zhi even poked out the muzzle of Thomson's gun directly from the car window.

Others are also facing a formidable enemy.

In the end, it turned out that we were not in danger. Instead, we were almost hit by a rickshaw.

This rickshaw seemed to be in a hurry. It plunged into the traffic flow and crossed the front of the car. It was almost knocked away. Fortunately, it braked quickly. Otherwise, both the person and the car would have been hit.

"You are looking for death!"

The driver opened the door, got out of the car, and cursed.

The agents of the Fuxing Society were indeed rude. It would have been better if they had not arrested and beaten them.

Zhang Yong glanced sideways and moved away. After a moment, he turned back.

But he saw the man on the rickshaw.

He had never seen this person before, but he felt that he was kind-hearted. He seemed to have seen him somewhere in later generations.

Involuntarily, my whole body became nervous.

The other party turned out to be a big shot in the Red Party. He had seen his photo in later generations.

Compared with the super bosses in those portraits, he is certainly not on the same level. However, in the eyes of ordinary people, the other party is definitely considered a big shot.

What level?

It's probably at the level of 301. Maybe a little higher.

It is almost certain that Xu Enzeng came here for him.

Xu Enzeng was lying in wait.

Waiting for this big shot of the Red Party to fall into the trap. But judging from the look of this big shot, he obviously didn't notice it.

He was still in a hurry.

I was in a hurry and wanted to jump into Xu Enzeng's trap.

Decisively push the door open and get out of the car.

He took out his shell gun, went up and captured the big shot in the car.

The main thing is to be fierce and not give the opponent a chance to resist.

Until he caught the other party in front of his car.

"Boss, boss..."

"You almost crashed my car. Come with me and pay for it."


"Follow me 1"

Zhang Yong pushed him into the car without saying a word.

It was too late to explain. It would be terrible if Xu Enzeng reacted.


"What are you! Come with me! This matter is not over yet!"


The middle-aged man was speechless and a little nervous.

He is indeed an important figure in the Red Party. His pseudonym is Lu Wenhan and his code name is Qiu Kui. He has just come from other places.

I never expected that I would encounter such a change just after entering Shanghai.

I was riding in the car fine, but I was arrested.

The car wasn't hit at all, right?

What's more, even if we hit him, it's still the driver's responsibility. If you don't catch the driver, you'll catch me riding in the car?

It feels so weird.

It's not like the other party is coming for you.

After he was pushed into the car, he was not handcuffed or tied up. He just closed the car door.

"Sit down!"

"Don't move!"

"Or I'll shoot you to death!"

Zhang Yong cursed fiercely and asked the driver to drive.

I feel nervous and excited inside.

My God, this is clearly bullying future big shots! I wonder how it will end in the future?

But there is no other way to make a stopgap measure.

He must be taken away immediately.

"I just met Xu Enzeng sneaking around, and now I meet you again. What a bad luck!"

Lu Wenhan's expression suddenly changed slightly.

Is Xu Enzeng nearby?


Someone leaked the secret.

The joint location is exposed.

Fortunately, the guy in front of me caught him by mistake, otherwise...

I'm afraid I have become a prisoner.

"May I have your name?"

"I, Lu Wenhan."

"what for?"

"Hanwen Press."

"Are you also from a press? Last time Ding Mo Village destroyed a Huaizhou bookstore on Sima Road in Shanghai. Now opening a bookstore is a high-risk industry."

"My lord, my lord..."

"I don't think the Red Party members can stay active for a few days. I saw them rounding up a group of Red Party members in Dingmo Village before. One woman knew how to shoot. There was also a man who was almost beaten to death."

"That has nothing to do with me. I just go about my business peacefully..."

"I heard that there is another red party, codenamed Ivy, who is making a lot of noise. Boss Lu, be careful."

"I have nothing to do with the Red Party!"

"I didn't say you have anything to do with the Red Party. I'm reminding you not to be fooled by the Red Party. Xu Enzeng and Ding Mocun are not good friends. If you go in, even the King of Heaven will not even think of rescuing you."

"Save it, save it."

Lu Wenhan nodded hurriedly, muttering secretly in his heart.

I don’t understand what Zhang Yong means. Why are you telling him this?

Fortunately, Zhang Yong quickly shut up.

Click till then.

"Boss, look, how much compensation do I need to pay?"

"Two oceans!"

"Okay, okay, I'll compensate, I'll compensate,"

"I don't have time to talk to you now. I'm going to the Commercial Bank. I'll let you off the bus when I get there."

"What do you call the boss?"

"My name is Zhang Yong, squad leader of the Fuxing Society's Secret Service."

"It turns out to be Captain Zhang..."

Lu Wenhan was secretly surprised and felt unbelievable.

He was actually captured by people from the Fuxing Society and then avoided the trap of the Party Affairs Investigation Office.

Can't be described in words.

These two are both enemies of the Red Party.

He never thought that people from the Fuxing Society would help him escape from danger unintentionally.

This Zhang Yong...

It's really weird.

I want to say something but don't know where to start.

Zhang Yong didn't speak either.

Seeing that the road ahead was becoming crowded, he became aggressive again.

Let people clear the way in front, waving the muzzle of the gun.

"Step aside!"

"Step aside!"

It's really a ferocious spirit. It's full of evil.

Lu Wenhan had a very strange hallucination. He pinched his thigh several times. He was convinced that he was not hallucinating.

Drive to Commercial Bank.

Zhang Yong accepted the two oceans and kicked Lu Wenhan out of the car.

This place is already far away from Jixiang Road. Even if Xu Enzeng is extremely capable, he would not be able to find this way.

This red party has escaped a disaster.

I hope he survives the catastrophe and will have good fortune in the future. Otherwise, there is nothing he can do to help.

Lu Wenhan looked around and made sure there was no danger, then left in a hurry.

Zhang Yong also entered the Commercial Bank.

I saw Tian Qingyuan from afar.

Hey, what a coincidence.

He's actually here!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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