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Chapter 347: Don’t shed tears until you see the coffin

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Found the murderer? Who is the murderer? Where is he?


Gu Bafeng started to speak but stopped.

Suddenly I realized that I didn't have any information.

I did see the murderer. However, there is no relevant information about the murderer at all.

It is completely unclear who the murderer is.

Fortunately, Zhang Yong answered, "I suspect that the murderer is Japanese."

"What? Japanese?" Gu Zhenglun, Li Shizhen and others all looked at each other, feeling incredible.

"You're talking nonsense." Xu Enzeng interjected coldly.

Zhang Yong then shut up.

Anyway, I said it. Believe it or not, it’s up to you.

He was 100% sure that the murderer was definitely Japanese.

The system is infallible.

"Shaolong, this is a big deal." Gu Zhenglun said slowly.

"I particularly emphasize that the two military policemen who were injured just now are definitely Japanese." Zhang Yong replied solemnly, "However, I cannot judge whether he is the murderer who attacked the Japanese consulate."

Gu Zhenglun frowned.

He believed that Zhang Yong's judgment was not wrong.

This guy is really good at catching Japanese spies.

If he said he is Japanese, then he must be Japanese. The problem is that the evidence cannot be linked.

There is no way to prove that it was this person who attacked the Japanese consulate just now.

However, with this clue, we can make a deal. After a busy night, we finally found the clue. All that is left is to continue searching.

While they were talking, the warhead had already been taken out. After everyone saw it, no one spoke.

It's an Arisaka rifle cartridge.

Ammunition for the Japanese invaders' Type 38 rifle.

Everyone present is a big boss. Naturally, they won’t talk nonsense.

No one would say that the murderer might have deliberately used a Type 38 rifle.

In the rifle world, there are some rules that everyone knows.

Well, I can’t say it’s a rule. It’s just a fact.

Except for the Japanese or organized troops, others rarely use Type 38 rifles.

Chinese people sometimes believe in some weird rules.

For example, the caliber of a gun.

Basically bigger is better.

Mauser's 7.92mm is the most ideal. Then there's Mosinnagan's 7.62mm.

The Japanese 6.5mm always feels too small and lacks power. If you can choose at will, most people will choose Mauser or Mosinagan.

Unless this person's previous training was on the Type 38 rifle, it has been drilled into his bones.

Therefore, it seems normal to conclude that the murderer is Japanese.

Ordinary Chinese rarely use the Type 38 rifle so well. This is already the pinnacle of marksmanship.

Shoot five Japanese soldiers!

It can be said that he is a master among masters.

Basically, all sharpshooters have their own favorite weapons.

If you are used to using Mosinna, switching to Mauser will often be very dangerous in high-end rounds. If you don't do it well, you will lose your life.

Similarly, if you are used to using Mauser and switch to Mosinagan, you will not be able to fight high-end games. You may lose your life in minutes.

Therefore, no one would take such a risk.

"Strange, why did the Japanese attack their own consulate?"

"Are you causing trouble on purpose?"

"Are they planning some conspiracy? Trying to frame us?"

"The Japanese are shouting "Catch the thief?"

No one spoke. Everyone's brains were running at high speed.

Various questions have no answers for the time being. But it is obvious that this is no longer a simple attack.

If the murderer is really Japanese, the involvement behind it would be too weird.

"Zhang Yong!" Gu Zhenglun shouted in a deep voice.

"Here!" Zhang Yong stood at attention.

"You and Gu Bafeng will continue to search for the whereabouts of the murderer."


"No matter where he goes, we have to find him."

"Commander Gu, I need permission."

"What permissions?"

"Permission to kill the murderer."


"The murderer is too dangerous. I think there is no way to capture him alive. Otherwise, you can ask Director Gu if he is sure of capturing him alive..."

"I don't."

Gu Bafeng shook his head hurriedly.

Are you kidding? Captured alive? Don’t want to die?

Just now, it was just a flash of lightning, just a little bit short...

I narrowly escaped having my head shaved!

If they react a little slower, they will have become dead souls under the gun.


Gu Zhenglun replied.

Zhang Yong was relieved. Then he was killed directly.

He didn't want to be captured alive.

No one's life is as valuable as your own.

"Commander Gu, please select thirty sharpshooters to follow us."


Gu Zhenglun made arrangements immediately.

There are six military police regiments, nearly ten thousand people, and of course there are some very outstanding soldiers.

There are many people who are good at using rifles.

"In addition, I also need three Czech light machine guns and two 60mm mortars."

"What do you want these for?"

"If you find the murderer, just use artillery fire."


Gu Zhenglun was speechless.

Do you want to be so exaggerated? Use bombardment?

"Your Fuxing Society Secret Service is too cowardly." Xu Enzeng finally couldn't help it.

"Then please ask your Party Affairs Investigation Department to send thirty people to follow us. You are responsible for taking the lead." Zhang Yong would not coddle the other party, "Director Xu, do you dare?"

"What's there to be afraid of?" Xu Enzeng really didn't believe in this evil.

It's not because of Zhang Yong's aggressive tactics. It's because he feels that the Japanese are really not that scary.

With just one Japanese and one rifle, you can't handle dozens of people?

Do you need to carry a light machine gun? Do you need to carry a mortar?

Are we going to arrest people? Or are we going to fight?

"I will lead the team myself!" Xu Enzeng blocked the words directly.

"Okay." Zhang Yong said nothing more.

Xu Enzeng was so scheming that it was certainly impossible to be provoked by him.

The other party really has never seen how powerful the Japanese are. He thought they were all weaklings.

The Party Affairs Investigation Office usually arrests red parties. In terms of combat effectiveness, the underground party is indeed very weak. They have no weapons.

However, what they want to arrest now is the Japanese!

The Japanese still have guns in their hands! That’s a shame.

I won’t shed tears until I see the coffin.

That's fine, teach them a bloody lesson.

Soon, staffing was completed.

The sharpshooters transferred from the Military Police Headquarters were of course commanded by Guigu Bafeng.

Xu Enzeng still brought his subordinates, an action group, about thirty people. They did not have as many people as the Fuxing Society.

Set off.

Chase in the direction where the murderer may have escaped.

Because all nearby streets have been blocked by military police. Therefore, the murderer cannot run too far.

The problem is, it's night now.

To be precise, it was just after early morning. A new day began.

How is it so easy to find the traces of the murderer in the dark? It would be terrible if he was ambushed.

Xu Enzeng dared to say that he personally led the team and took the lead, but he also felt that he could not catch anyone in the dark.

Zhang Yong is not a god, nor does he have fairy eyes.

Sure enough, after searching for more than half an hour, I found nothing.

Xu Enzeng was very calm and did not speak. He just waited for Zhang Yong to say no.

One hour……

Two hours...

Zhang Yong frowned secretly.

Where is this damn killer hiding?

Didn't you find it?

Will he be able to escape?


Gu Bafeng also felt a little confused.

Zhang Yong seems to be going in circles! Going around and around.

Can the murderer be discovered this way?

Zhang Yong said nothing.

He is not in a hurry.

To be precise, it doesn't matter.

Finding the murderer has the advantage of finding the murderer.

If the murderer is not found, there is an advantage.


A red dot cuts into the map.


Zhang Yong silently recognized the map.

Damn map, very detailed. But no place names!

"Where are we now?"

“Frost Street.”

"The third street to the north is..."

"Jingtai Street."

"Let's go to Jingtai Street and have a look."

Zhang Yong said casually.

The map shows that the situation there is very complicated.

How should I put it? There are many abandoned buildings of various kinds. They may have been caused by previous demolitions.

At that time, after Jinling was established as the capital, Jinling also carried out major demolition and renovation. But then something happened again. The houses were demolished but not rebuilt. It was a mess.

Jingtai Street was originally a very famous street, but it turned out to be a mess.

Over time, this place has also become a gathering place for people from all walks of life. It can be said that there are people of all kinds. Among them, it is not uncommon to hide criminal thieves.

Soon, we arrived near Jingtai Street.

There are only faint lights here. It feels like a will-o'-the-wisp.

The buildings are all messy. They look like shantytowns, but even messier than shantytowns.

The walls and ruins left behind after demolition and renovation have become a good cover. In a word, this kind of place is very suitable for training street fighting.

Even the most skilled expert may be plotted and die unexpectedly after breaking in.

If you are a novice, you may be killed in a second.

In the dark, there is only very weak light. In the darkness, it seems like there is a devil hiding.

Zhang Yong immediately shrank behind the crowd.

No matter what others say, your life is important.

"Director Xu, please open the way ahead. As agreed just now."


Xu Enzeng immediately gave the order.

He didn't believe in evil. He felt that Zhang Yong was really timid.

How can a Japanese man fly into the sky?

Immediately ordered a dozen agents to carry pistols and walk in front.

These spies didn't know whether they were alive or dead, and they left without any cover.

They didn't take it seriously. They felt that with so many people coming, the enemy had already escaped, so why did they need to take action?

That's what it's like to catch red gangsters. There's basically no chance of shooting.

"Pah hook!"

At this moment, a sharp gunshot was heard.

Zhang Yong immediately squatted down.

The action is called a quick move.

Gu Bafeng also squatted reflexively and then lay down.

He took one more step than Zhang Yong and fell down directly.

Zhang Yong:……

Too hasty.

This guy is tougher than me!

Then lie down.

These two guys who are afraid of death will probably be laughed to death.

Sure enough, Xu Enzeng sneered...

"Pah hook!"

There was another gunshot.

Xu Enzeng didn't care at all.

Shooting randomly in the dark will only expose yourself.


This murderer's intelligence is impressive.



Xu Enzeng shouted.

He asked his men to go up and arrest people.

In the darkness, the firelight of the shooting can be vaguely seen. The position can be locked.

Now that we know the enemy's location, of course we should go up and catch him!

The agents rushed forward immediately.

Zhang Yong:……

Complete the ball.

These guys are looking for death.

You didn't hide just now, you were already waiting to be slaughtered. Now you're actively giving away people's heads?

"Pah hook!"

"Pah hook!"

"Pah hook!"

Three more gunshots were fired in succession.

You can clearly see that a spy jumped down.

You don't need to look to know it's a dead ball.

Only then did Xu Enzeng realize that something was wrong. Damn it, one of his men had been shot.

The opponent's marksmanship is very fierce.

All are shot one at a time.

"Pah hook!"

"Pah hook!"

There were also gunshots.

Another agent was knocked down.

The spies walking in front suddenly became much sparse.

The remaining agents realized something was wrong and hurriedly found a place to hide. As a result, in just a moment, another person was knocked down.


There's no after that.

The red dot disappeared quickly and fled to the east.

Zhang Yong:……

Damn it. He ran pretty fast.

However, he did not stand up immediately for fear of a counterattack from the enemy.

What if a bullet comes...

It was not until five minutes later, when he was sure that the murderer would not come back, that he stood up carefully.

When Gu Bafeng looked at him, he became cautious.

"Where are the enemies?"

"Maybe he's gone."


"should be."

Zhang Yong was deliberately vague.

In the dark, he can't be 100% sure, right?

That's awesome.

He is not clairvoyant.


Over there, Xu Enzeng was shocked and angry, and hurriedly counted the casualties.

The final result drove him crazy.

It was so miserable. Eight people died.

All were fatal with one shot. None of them missed.

Such a fierce shooting technique is simply too terrifying.

He finally understood why Zhang Yong was so timid and afraid of death. Those who were not afraid of death were probably all dead.

Others were secretly ashamed.

Many people subconsciously hide in the dark, not wanting to let torches illuminate themselves.

Too dangerous.

The enemy is in the dark. They are in the open, just waiting to die.

You can't even see the enemy in the light. However, the enemy hiding in the dark can see clearly. As long as you pull the trigger, you will be killed immediately.

"Director Xu!" Zhang Yong said expressionlessly, "You guys should go back and rest first!"

"I know." Xu Enzeng was not angry at all.

Zhang Yong did not ridicule him.

It just makes him realize the cruelty of reality.

The Japanese are so cruel.

The result of contempt is death.

A little negligence would cost eight people a heavy price.

This is just a Japanese invader!

If there were more...

Xu Enzeng didn't dare to continue thinking about it.



Just then, someone opened fire.

They seem to be the military police under Gu Bafeng?




Fortunately, the killer didn't fight back.

The killer keeps moving.

He wants to escape.

He moves very quickly in the dark.

Zhang Yong couldn't help but speculate that the other party should be very familiar with this area. He might have visited the area in advance, or he might have hidden here before.

Jinling is actually quite big, especially in the suburbs.

This place is close to the suburbs. Jump out of a street and you will find the countryside outside.

However, the nearby streets have been blocked and surrounded by heavily armed military police. It should not be that easy to break through.

The map shows that the red dot gradually approaches the street.

There are more than a dozen small white dots on the street. It is speculated that they may be military police. They are about one squad.

Can they stop the murderer from escaping? Zhang Yong has little confidence.

He doesn't understand the military police's combat effectiveness. Doesn't it feel very strong?

"Pah hook!"

"Pah hook!"

Sure enough, gunshots were heard.

It was the Japanese killers who were shooting. Maybe they were trying to force a breakthrough.

Zhang Yong was at a loss.

What exactly does this Japanese killer want to do?

What is his purpose?

Why fight with our own people and then fight with the Chinese?

Is he crazy?

Just then, a shocking scene appeared.

The red dot actually penetrated the encirclement of the military police.

Rushed out...


For a moment, Zhang Yong felt heavy.

The combat effectiveness of the military police is really worrying. They can't even stop a Japanese.

I couldn't sit still anymore. I had to catch up and take a look.


He waved hastily.

Gu Bafeng and Gu Bafeng hurried to the intersection.

There is already chaos here.

The corpses of several military policemen were lying scattered on the ground.

All fatal with one shot.

The remaining military policemen also had pale faces and looked like zombies. They were obviously frightened.

Gu Bafeng was anxious and angry, and cursed on the spot, "Are you all eating shit? There are more than a dozen of you, but you can't even stop a killer! You, you..."

The more he scolded, the angrier he became.

Not long after, Gu Zhenglun also arrived.

Without saying a word, he directly ordered all the remaining military police to be arrested and locked up in a small dark room.

It's so embarrassing.

A squad of military police couldn't stop a killer from attacking.

Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

The combat effectiveness of the military police is indeed a bit poor.

In fact, the military police look majestic, but have very little actual combat experience. They even have no actual combat experience.

It doesn't matter now. At most a few people died.

By the end of next year, when Zhang Xiaoliu took action, not even a single regiment of gendarmerie could stop the incident. The regiment leader was killed on the spot. A large number of the gendarmerie responsible for guarding were also killed.

Who is the murderer?

How could it be so perverted?

I feel completely unafraid of death!

Strange, why do I always feel as if I have seen the other person somewhere...



Zhang Yong's conditioned reflex of standing at attention.

It's Gu Zhenglun.

"Please lead someone to continue chasing!"

"Commander Gu, unfortunately, I can't catch you."


"If my estimate is correct, this direction to the southwest should be undefended and there is no blockade. He will definitely snatch the transportation and then disappear into the wilderness."

Zhang Yong told the truth.

Coming out of Jingtai Street, the most troublesome place is here.

To the southwest is the suburbs.

The other party has obviously surveyed the terrain a long time ago and knows where to run so that he can escape.

Now, the killer has crossed the last blockade. He can then escape by grabbing a car.

The people behind you will definitely not be able to catch up.

The southwest is so big and there are so many forked roads. Do you know which one the killer took?

Suddenly, Zhang Yong woke up.

He is Wu Yuanfu!

Yes! That’s him!

Wu Yuanfu! Kazuo Sakata! Thieves can fight!

Previously, Kazuo Sakata had a conflict with his own people in the coffin shop, and he also ran towards the southwest.

In other words, this guy is very familiar with the southwest.

In fact, southwest of Jinling, and continuing past, is Anhui Province. After crossing the border, it is another world.

Once you enter Wan Province, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly.

It turned out to be him!

No wonder they attacked the Japanese consulate.

Damn it, he has fallen into some kind of hysterical state.

He doesn't recognize his relatives.

Meet God and kill God.

No matter who comes close, they will die.


Why haven't you killed someone before?

Did Wu Yuanfu recognize him? So, in the blink of an eye, he let himself go?


He shouldn't be so generous.

No matter what, this Wu Yuanfu is a time bomb with a huge headache.

Because you don't know who he will attack next.

He is a well-trained spy. He was once a prominent figure and must have known many people.

He may even have secretly stockpiled enough supplies.

Maybe prepare yourself weapons and enough money.

Therefore, neither the Fuxing Society nor the Japanese could dig him out.

On the contrary, he can take action against his own people.

Maybe he was stimulated by something, so he directly attacked the Japanese consulate.

Maybe a warning to someone?

"Shaolong, are you sure he is Japanese?"

"One hundred percent sure."

Zhang Yong answered affirmatively.

He knew that Gu Zhenglun wanted to report to the superior.

If it is confirmed that he is Japanese, the pressure will be reduced a lot.


Gu Zhenglun breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Zhang Yong can vouch for it, his report makes sense.

This is internal strife among the Japanese. It has nothing to do with us.

If the Japanese ask, just say that the Japanese did it themselves. They killed themselves...

Yang Zhi came in a hurry.

"Captain, Virgo asked you to answer the phone!"


Zhang Yong hurriedly came to answer the phone.

I had to walk quite a distance to get a phone.

I don’t know how Virgo made the call here. It’s amazing.

Pick up the phone.


"Shaolong, how is the situation over there?"

"Virgo, this is Wu Yuanfu. That's Kazuo Sakata. The one who lives in the Little White House."

"It's him?"

"Yes. He was the one who attacked the Japanese consulate."

"I understand. I will handle this matter. Come to Changgang Road. We need you here."


Next update, tomorrow morning

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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