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Chapter 355, Tracking

Zhang Yong took Yang Lichu to the Koryo Guild Hall.

She also wanted to come and see how Zhang Yong squeezed people's money.

Now the Third Intelligence Bureau really doesn't have a penny.

Gradually approaching the Korean Hall.

Red dots kept appearing.

Sure enough, this Koryo Guild Hall has become a Japanese nest.

Holding up the telescope, you can see many Japanese people coming and going. Some of them are actually dressed as Koreans.

Haha. It’s all a leftover trick from others! He’s actually pretending to be a Korean.

Maybe Yoon Tae-seok is also in disguise?

very possible.

Since Japanese spies can disguise themselves as Chinese, it is not surprising that they can disguise themselves as Koreans.

Otherwise, if Yoon Tae-seok is really Korean, how can the Japanese feel relieved?

People who are not my race must have different minds. The Japanese also have a very deep understanding of this sentence. They have ruled the Korean Peninsula for decades and there is absolutely no way they would allow accidents to happen.

"Let's go in and take a look."

"is it safe?"

"Go and come back quickly."


Zhang Yong changed into casual clothes and took Yang Lichu into the Korean Guild Hall.

The decoration inside is very luxurious.

The area is also very large. It is seven stories high. There is also an elevator inside.

Seeing the splendid decoration and jewels in the lobby, it is almost comparable to the Six Nations Hotel. The crystal chandelier on the dome is breathtaking.

I can't help but think of the Yin Mansion. It was quite luxurious!

Mad, these idiots are really rich. Wait until I plunder all their wealth bit by bit.

Of course, most of the people who come to and from the Korean Guild Hall are Koreans.

It is certain that the Koreans who can appear here are all lackeys of the Japanese.

Otherwise, the Japanese had ruled Korea for decades and had long been entrenched. How could the rebellious Koreans escape?

However, this is not the point.

The point is, Zhang Yong saw several Koreans walking past him, and the map showed them all as red dots.

It seems that there are many spies disguised as Koreans. These spies have controlled all aspects of the Korean Peninsula. Any resistance actions will be known to the spies in advance.

Outsiders have no idea they are spies!

If these fake Koreans deliberately go fishing, maybe some anti-Japanese elements will actually be fooled.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, Yang Lichu screamed in dissatisfaction.

It turned out that a Korean bumped into her shoulder.

Zhang Yong looked sideways.

Keep calm.

As soon as the Korean man walked out of the club, he was immediately held down, quickly pushed into the car, and then left.

"You lost something."


Yang Lichu hurriedly checked herself.

Indeed, the pocket of her windbreaker was scratched. But there was nothing in the pocket.


"The usual routine."


Yang Lichu couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

She followed Zhang Yong out to watch the excitement. She didn't bring anything with her.

However, this windbreaker was very valuable. She only had one. Now it was cut and she didn't know how to repair it. She suddenly felt bad.

"I'll compensate you."

"No need. It's not your responsibility."

"Then we have to use the funds from the Third Intelligence Division to compensate."


"You are considered to be on a mission. If you suffer any losses while on a mission, of course the public will compensate you."

"All right!"

Yang Lichu did not refuse this time.

Zhang Yong gave it to her personally, but she didn't accept it. But she could afford it.

She is indeed on a mission...

After walking around the Koryo Guild Hall, the two of them came out.

The visit is completed.

Get ready for business.

What? Consumption? Impossible.

It's absolutely impossible to spend your own money. Wait until Yin Taixi is caught and tortured to get the funds.

The current Intelligence Bureau III does not have a dime of funding.

"When will he come out?"


Zhang Yong is very patient.

It's just enough money, but I can't be impatient.

In fact, if Yoon Tae-seok doesn't come out tonight, the plan may come to nothing.

Therefore, fighting sap really depends on luck.

Look at the thief who was caught. In fact, he was not Korean. He was Chinese. He also stole Korean clothes.

"What is your name?"

"Small nail."

"What are you capable of?"

"I know how to pick locks."

"What kind of lock can you open?"

"Know a little bit of everything."

"Reach out."


Little Nail had a sad face and was unwilling to reach out.

He knew very well the punishment for those who fell into the hands of the enemy if they were in their profession. Cutting off their fingers was a must.

However, it was useless for him to resist. Naturally, someone grabbed his hands by force.

Zhang Yong took out a dagger and prepared to cut his finger.

He has seen this kind of habitual thief many times in Shanghai. He has also been robbed. Therefore, he has no sympathy.

"Spare my life..."

"Spare my life..."

"I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore, I will do things for you, I will do things for you..."

"I swear……"

Little Nail cried desperately.

Zhang Yong's heart was as hard as iron. He didn't hesitate. He knew that the other party was just pretending.

This kind of habitual thief has two major abilities. One is his eyesight, and the other is to act pitiful. When caught, he acts pitiful and cries for mercy.

If you believe it and soften your heart, he will immediately go back to his old business.

Now that I've been caught, then...

"Forget it. Let him go." As a result, Yang Lichu relented.

She is a woman after all. She couldn't see Zhang Yong cutting off someone's fingers on the spot.

That bloody scene...

"Oh, this kind of person is not worthy of pity."

"Sister, help me, sister, help me..."


Suddenly, Little Nail screamed.

But Zhang Yong cut off half of his ear with a wave of his hand. He would not be soft-hearted.

You can keep your fingers. Then cut off your ears.

I also want you to know that I, Zhang Yong, will not be deceived by you.

If you know I am a ruthless person, avoid me from now on!

Yang Lichu quickly turned around.

Others quickly dragged away the small nails and picked up the bloody ears.

Yang Lichu:......

I couldn't help but bite my lip quietly.

This Zhang Yong is really ruthless. He will do whatever he says.

Are all the spies of the Fuxing Society so cruel and ruthless? Fortunately, they are dealing with the Japanese...

Zhang Yong didn't speak either.

This is the situation. This is the kind of person I am.

If you can accept it, accept it.

If you can't accept it, throw it down.

With a soft heart, he no longer has to hang out in the Fuxing Club.

Keep waiting...

Wait and wait...

Yang Lichu started to yawn.

Looking at the time, it's already past ten o'clock in the evening.

Normally at this time, she would have gone to bed. She felt so sleepy.

"Still waiting?"


Zhang Yong nodded.

For the money in other people's pockets, you are the only one who has to suffer.

Who calls himself a little person...

Suddenly my mind moved. Several red dots moved outward.

Spy? What do you want to do?

The red dot gradually approached the door. Zhang Yong raised his telescope.

As a result, my heart was shocked.

Really. Very surprised.

It turned out that he actually saw the old beggar in the telescope.

He was the spy who was very good at fighting before.

He was later injured by the explosion.

After meeting each other several times, Zhang Yong firmly remembered the other person.

That person last time seemed to have told the old beggar his name. What was Miyamoto Tikuma?

Yes, it is Miyamoto Takuma. He comes from the Miyamoto family. He is very capable of fighting. He is a super desperado.

I didn't expect to meet you here.

Mudd, the Japanese spies are really arrogant and there is a steady stream of them.

I have been caught so many times, and there are still so many more. If I am not careful, I will relapse again.

The old beggar in the telescope has already put on a suit. He looks a bit sinister. The strange thing is that he is actually wearing a red suit.

Next to him, there was a wealthy middle-aged man wearing Korean clothing.

Weird. The map also shows red dots.

Could it be that this guy is also a fake Korean? Who is he?

"Captain, that is Yin Taixi."

"you sure?"

"Confirm. He is Yin Taixi."


Zhang Yong narrowed his eyes.

Sure enough, Yoon Tae-seok is Japanese!

The Japanese pretended to be Koreans and harvested the heads of other Koreans.

If an anti-Japanese element secretly contacted Yin Taixi, he would have sold it to him.

Or, Yin Taixi secretly fished, secretly "funded" some anti-Japanese elements, and then sent them all into a pit of fire.

I have to say that this move is indeed insidious.

Even the most resourceful anti-Japanese elements would have a hard time imagining that Yin Taixi was actually Japanese...

Suddenly his thoughts wandered.

Are there such people in the three northeastern provinces?

Then he shook his head.

Still need to think?

They are available in Songhu and Jinling, so how could they not be found in the three northeastern provinces?

There are definitely many in North China as well.

They are all acting as spies, and their tentacles go deep into the local people. They are the most harmful.


It seems that I have time to go out for a walk.

Go to other places to catch a few such spies. Won’t the funds be enough? The private pockets will also increase...

However, Yin Taixi put it down for the time being.

What Zhang Yong is most concerned about now is not Yin Taixi. It is the Miyamoto bear.

This guy is so powerful, almost invincible, and he actually appears accompanied by Yin Taixi. This shows that Yin Taixi is under very tight protection. It might be a bit difficult to take action tonight.


You've come, you can't come back empty-handed.

"Wei Yong!"


"Watch the man in the red suit."


"Once you make a move, kill him immediately!"


"Be careful, this guy is very difficult to deal with. Don't take it lightly."


Wei Yong cautiously agreed.

Zhang Yong regretted not bringing more sharpshooters.

A Wei Yong may not be a match for Miyamoto Tekuma. That guy is really good at fighting. He also seems to have a strong sense of danger.

In several fights, the opponent was able to escape unscathed.

Previously, in the pouring rain, he could not kill the opponent with a hand grenade. His calculations were so accurate, but the opponent escaped. This shows that the opponent's reaction is very fast.

If we estimate it by rank, it is almost at the level of Yan Shuangying.


A black stretched Cadillac drove over.

Park it.

The driver got out of the car and stood aside.

Yin Taixi got into the car and sat in the back seat, behind the driver.

Miyamoto Tekuma also got in the car. He actually sat in the driver's seat. I'm curious, is this guy going to be the driver?

Amazing, Miyamoto Tekuma actually wants to be a driver?

The trunk of the car was opened, and someone put a black handbag inside and then closed it.

Zhang Yong's desire was immediately drawn out.

What's in the handbag? Dollars? Pounds? Or banknotes?

Wow, I have to go all out tonight.

It doesn't matter whether the person is killed or not. But you must get the handbag. There is definitely good stuff in it.

Miyamoto Tekuma personally escorted the treasure, and the value of the baby is definitely not low.

Maybe scare the person away first and then take the bag away?

This vote tonight must be returned with a full load.

Continue to monitor.

I found that no one else got on the bus. Only Miyamoto Texiong and Yin Taixi.


What were they going to do when they went out late at night?

Wipe it, it’s not easy to do!

With Miyamoto Tikuma's reaction, the tracking will definitely be discovered.

In fact, it is very difficult to track in the dark because you need to turn on the lights. Once the lights are turned on, the car in front will react.

what to do?

Zhang Yong couldn't think of it for a while. Let's take it one step at a time.

Soon, Miyamoto Tekuma drove away from the Korean Hall and drove onto the road outside, driving slowly and leisurely.

Yang Zhi immediately started the vehicle and prepared to catch up.



Zhang Yong hurriedly stopped him.

You can't chase it now. You'll be discovered once you get close.

Not within a hundred meters. Not even more than a hundred meters away. Miyamoto Tekuma will definitely notice it.

It wasn't until the red dot was about 200 meters away that Zhang Yong gave the order to set off.

He did not follow Miyamoto Tekuma, but found another route.

At this time, the red dot representing Miyamoto's bear had already turned a few corners. But it was a deliberate circle. Then it returned to the main road.

Yes, this guy is very cunning. He deliberately circles around to see if he is being followed.

Fortunately, Zhang Yong and the others did not follow behind.

"I will drive!"


Zhang Yong drove the car himself and always maintained a relative distance from Miyamoto Tekuma.

As long as this guy is still within the map display range, there is no need to worry.

Gradually, Zhang Yong discovered that Miyamoto Tekuma was not driving a long way. Instead, he was constantly making turns within a certain range.

Obviously, this is a repeated confirmation to see if anyone is following.

In fact it is so.

Miyamoto Tekuma is indeed screening carefully.

Afraid of being followed.

Because they are going to meet someone tonight. In other words, they are going to bribe someone.

The other party was also very careful and designated a special location. And there could only be two people at most.

The handbag at the back is the funds used to bribe the target. The amount is still relatively large. Yin Taixi has to be careful. Miyamoto Tiexiong does not dare to be careless.

Fortunately, no one is following me.

Little did they know that two streets away, there were always people silently observing their movements.

Anyway, there is a map monitoring system to keep track of Miyamoto's movements at any time, so Zhang Yong is not in a hurry. The driving route is also circuitous. Anyway, he will not meet the red dot.

Yang Zhi and others were not surprised.

On the other hand, Yang Lichu felt amazing. She couldn't see the target at all. How could Zhang Yong pursue him? Where on earth was Yin Taixi now?

In fact, Zhang Yong didn't know where Yin Taixi and the others were going.

The red dots were circling around, seemingly with no clear destination.

Inner monitoring. It wasn’t until more than an hour later that the red dot stopped moving. It seemed that it had reached its destination?

Zhang Yong then quietly approached, parked the car on a street where the red dots could not be seen, turned off the car lights, then got out of the car, walked to the street corner, and raised his binoculars to observe in the darkness.

In the dim light, I found the Cadillac parked in a corner of a narrow alley.

Two red dots leave the car and move south.


What is this going to do?

They stopped driving? Did they walk instead? What about the things in the car?

I can't help but worry about gains and losses.

What about the handbag in the trunk of the car? Will it be taken away?

Mudd, don’t make this trip in vain!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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