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Chapter 376: Catching Japanese spies? Dragon boat racing?

On the river, there were crowds of people.

More and more people join the hunt.

If you have a fishing boat, drive it out of the river.

If you don’t have a fishing boat, you can find a sampan to get out.

What to do if nothing happens? Just jump in.

Who makes a living by the river without any diving skills?

It is now the end of August in the lunar calendar, and the Yangtze River has almost begun to enter the dry season. The river surface is actually quite gentle.

Anyone who is familiar with the water properties of the Yangtze River will not be afraid.

Of course, except for those who are unfamiliar with it.

Many kids who didn't know the details jumped into the water one after another.



Various waves splash.

They are all children of twelve or thirteen years old.

They grew up by the river, or at least lived by the river for a year or two. Why are they afraid of the Yangtze River?

Some children in their early teens can cross the Yangtze River alone.

As for those teenage children, they have long been treated as adults. For them, crossing the Yangtze River is completely trivial.


"I caught 300,000 yuan!"

"How many?"

"Three hundred thousand!"

"Ah ah ah, I want to go too!"

"I am coming too!"

Originally the reward was 10,000 yuan. But...

Passed on, it became an ocean of 300,000 people.

Zhang Yong:……

Awesome. Three hundred thousand oceans.

Even if I sell it, I won't be willing to give out 300,000 yuan. I only have 10,000 yuan.

However, he did not explain.

Because, he felt that his work might be in vain this time.

There is absolutely no trace of Miyamoto’s Tekuma.

He held up his binoculars and observed carefully, but there was nothing unusual on the river surface.

There was no movement among the fishermen who participated in the roundup. No one disappeared mysteriously. There were no rolling waves.

The river is surging and the river flows eastward. It is too easy to hide a person.

As more and more people jump into the river, the huge Yangtze River seems to have become a huge bathtub.

At the same time, more and more people are gathering on the riverside. They are all attracted by people's rumors. Three hundred thousand yuan. Who is not tempted? If you are bored, you might as well try your luck.

"Tell me, how deep is the river?"


"Let me tell you how deep the river ahead may be."

"More than ten feet."

"So deep?"

"There must be ten feet. I heard from the old boatman that the deepest place may be thirty feet."


Zhang Yong was disappointed.

Ten feet, that's more than thirty meters. It's too deep.

Thirty feet, that's one hundred meters. Most people can't dive to such a depth.

It seems that the 10,000-ton ships of this period can be traced back to Hankou. In other words, from Jinling to Hankou, the average water depth of the waterway is more than 20 meters.

With such a wide river surface and such deep water, it is too difficult to catch someone...



Suddenly, water splashed on the river.

It seemed like someone was fighting fiercely.

Zhang Yong hurriedly raised his telescope and saw two blurry figures, but he couldn't identify who they were.

Water splashing seriously affects the vision.

I guess it could be Wei Wei and Miyamoto Texiong?

Not sure.

Even so, it ignited a glimmer of hope.

If "Little Fish" is really that powerful and can take down Miyamoto's hand bear, that would be great.

I really rewarded him with 10,000 yuan.

Capture Miyamoto's bear in exchange for a ransom of at least five hundred thousand oceans.

Don't be afraid that the Japanese won't agree.

Now I have caught a Miyamoto seven liters, which is probably worth a lot.

Otherwise, Virgo would not ban him from entering the torture room. He would just be worried that he would mess around and kill people. That would be a huge loss.

Members of the Miyamoto family, even if they are from a collateral line, can be exchanged for several people.

There were people in Peiping, Tianjin, and Fuxingshe who were captured alive by the Japanese invaders. There were also people in the three northeastern provinces. Of course Virgo must exchange them for their lives.

Even if you may not be able to continue to take on important tasks after you come back, you still have to change them.

This is an important part of organizational cohesion.

If you are caught by the enemy, no one will care about you. Who will continue to do it? You will turn around and surrender to the enemy.


"Surround us!"


Zhang Yong shouted from the riverside.

It's a pity that it's useless. People on the river can't hear it.

The river is very wide. You can't even see everyone with the naked eye. You have to use a telescope.

"Stop shouting." Li Jingqian advised him.

"You know..." Zhang Yong almost blurted out, about to scold her.

Fortunately, I endured it in the end.

Otherwise, she would probably throw her hands away immediately.


Just go! It doesn’t matter.

There was nothing she could do to help.

If it were on land, maybe you could give her a gun and let her help. But in the water, she has a purpose.

He casually took out a handful of banknotes and stuffed them into her hand.

Li Jingqian:???

What's the meaning?

Why are you giving me banknotes? Such a thick stack?

Just as he was about to speak, he heard Zhang Yong say with a serious face: "I know you have some special abilities. No matter what method you use, help me hire some masters. They must be real masters. They must be able to deal with the most powerful Japanese."

I don’t want those who are spies or who pretend to be fake!”

Li Jingqian:???

He wanted to speak but stopped.

Seeing his anxious look, I couldn't bear to refuse.

It seems that he really needs a few such masters. Otherwise, he will not be able to catch Japanese spies.

"that's all!"

Zhang Yong ignored her and ran to the river.

I don't care about the dirty water on the shore. I have to stay close to the front and command. It would be good to have a clearer view.

Li Jingqian:……

Quickly count the banknotes.

The result was a surprise.

Surprisingly, all of them are in denominations of 1,000 silver dollars. There are seventeen in total.

In other words, the guy gave her seventeen thousand oceans in one breath. She was stunned on the spot. She could hardly believe her eyes.

Seventeen thousand oceans!

She had never seen so much money!

Didn't even think about it!

How can ordinary people have so much money?


What does he do?

How could he carry so many banknotes with him? Did he print them himself?


I couldn't believe it for a long time.



Gunshots were heard from behind.

She turned around quickly and saw that it was Zhang Yong who had fired.

This guy is messing around again!

What's the use of shooting from the shore! You can't even see the target!

I'm really worried about his IQ.

Indeed, Zhang Yong was impatient.

Seeing that Miyamoto's bear was about to run away, he couldn't bear to do it without taking two shots.

Even if he didn't know where Miyamoto's bear was, he still had to shoot several times at the river.

Damn it!

I let him run away again. I’m not willing to give in, I’m not willing to give in...



Suddenly, water splashed downstream.

Zhang Yong put away his gun and raised his telescope. This time he saw it clearly. It was Xiao Yuer.

That's right. This guy seems to have caught Miyamoto Tikuma's tail. Although he couldn't catch Miyamoto Tikuma, he exposed Miyamoto Tikuma's position.

Okay, just know the location.

As long as you know the location of Miyamoto's bear, you still have a chance to capture the opponent.

"Is there a ship?" Zhang Yong turned to ask Gu Bafeng.

"Coordinating." Gu Bafeng replied.

"Is there a ferry at the pier? Requisition it immediately. Bring troops up there."


Gu Bafeng hurriedly made arrangements.

Liu Daowu also led his team to find the mechanical ship, leaving Dai Yice to follow Zhang Yong.

As long as the mechanical ship is found, it is still possible to kill Miyamoto Tekuma.

Don't even think about capturing him alive. Zhang Yong didn't want to keep him alive in the first place. It would be best to kill him. Just to silence him.



On the river, water continued to splash.

From the telescope, it can be seen that the little fish seems to be waving to other people, obviously asking them to come over and help.

He is no match for Miyamoto Tekuma. He cannot catch Miyamoto Tekuma alone.

However, it doesn't seem that easy for Miyamoto Tekuma to get rid of him.

Well, this is the only hope.

"There is a trestle below." Li Jingqian suddenly said.

"Go quickly!" Zhang Yong said, "Remember what I said. Help me find someone. As soon as possible!"

"I..." Li Jingqian hesitated before speaking.

I thought, I didn’t promise you. But thinking of the seventeen thousand oceans...

Forget it. He is short-tongued and soft-handed. Since he is in need, she will help. It just so happens that there is a group of Red Army soldiers who broke out from Huaiyu Mountain...

Zhang Yong and Dai Yice hurriedly walked downstream. Sure enough, they saw a trestle.

It just so happened that there was a wooden merchant ship next to the pier. It was semi-mechanically powered. It had an engine and a propeller. But it required manual operation.

This kind of merchant ships are all renovated by private workshops. It seems that no one cares about them.

"Who is the boatman?" Zhang Yong shouted loudly.

No one answered.

Zhang Yong took out a gun in one hand and a banknote in the other.

"Borrow it. One hundred oceans. All losses will be compensated!" Zhang Yong continued to shout, "Isn't there a boatman? Then I will sail away directly!"

"I, I, I am, I am..." Finally, the boatman appeared.

"Take us out!" Zhang Yong thrust a banknote worth 100 silver dollars into the other party's hand.

"Where are you going?" the boatman asked.

"Not going anywhere. Just nearby. Let's arrest someone."


The boatman hurriedly called the sailors to board the boat.

Then I started the machine. The roaring sound suddenly filled my ears. It was very noisy.

However, at this moment, Zhang Yong was certainly not at ease.

It would be more serious to take us out.



Everyone hurriedly boarded the boat.

Then Zhang Yong discovered that Dai Yice's action team did not carry rifles.

Wow. No rifle!

Then let’s tie it up!

Submachine guns, pistols, etc. are almost useless against targets in the water. Rifles may have some use.

Of course, grenades and hand grenades are the most useful.

As soon as you get close to the target, let the little fish retreat immediately. Then use grenades and hand grenades to serve.

Just like a destroyer hunting a submarine.

It doesn't matter how many depth charges are used. As long as one explodes, it will be considered a success.

Even if it means damaging the submarine.

Miyamoto Tekuma had been bombed once before, so he was probably injured.

If he is injured a second time, this guy's combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly reduced. There is no one in this world who cannot be killed.

Before he traveled through time, he happened to watch "Greyhound"...



Dai Yice boarded the boat panting.

Fortunately, there were military policemen in the distance. He went to borrow three rifles and fifteen wooden handle grenades.

Look at you. The wooden boat just started to sail out of the river.



Over there, Xiao Yuer and Miyamoto Takuma continued to be entangled.

Xiao Yu'er also learned well. He knew that he was no match for the enemy. Therefore, he always followed the opponent and was responsible for marking the position.

Other people on the river saw it and came over one after another.

The sailors and swimmers all fought bravely to take the lead.

For a moment, a very spectacular scene formed on the river. The enemy was running in front, and a large group of people were chasing behind.

Then, more and more people watched the excitement on the riverside.

At the same time, all kinds of rumors began to fly randomly.

"What? Dragon boat racing?"

"Isn't the Dragon Boat Festival over? Are there still dragon boat races?"

"Replace it!"

The more the news spreads, the more outrageous it becomes.

Finally, someone actually said that this was a night dragon boat race.

Li Jingqian originally wanted to leave, but overheard and couldn't help but go back.

Dragon Boat Race?

Who said that?

What on earth are they spreading?

Others were catching spies! They were also racing dragon boats. However, when she returned to the riverside...

She was shocked again.

The riverside is already densely packed with people.

She could almost only see the head of the person behind her, and could barely see the river surface.

For a moment, she also doubted herself.

No way?

Is it really a dragon boat race?

It wasn't easy to get crowded and I went to the front and looked at the boiling river. I was stunned.

So many ships!

So many people!

Everyone was rushing downstream like crazy.


It’s really a night dragon boat race!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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