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Chapter 424, map

 Night falls.

There was dead silence.

There seemed to be no sound at all around the battlefield.

No insects chirping.

There are no birds chirping.

It's actually an illusion. It's caused by being too nervous.

When all your attention is focused on the enemy, you will naturally ignore everything else.

At this moment, there was less than a hundred meters between Zhang Yong and the Japanese invaders.

That's right, less than a hundred meters.

Very close.

However, he still didn't see the Japanese invaders.

Yu Le woke up behind Zhang Yong and did not see the Japanese invaders. The Japanese invaders were really superb at hiding themselves.

The darkness also seriously affected the vision of both parties.


Another red dot cuts into the edge of the map.

Zhang Yong's mind moved. Another one?

Are the Japanese invaders trying to outflank us?

Attack from both sides?

But it doesn't look like it.

The red dot that comes later is almost in a straight line.

In other words, he almost always walks on the road. He never leaves the road. Obviously, he is a novice.

Only novices will follow the road when approaching the enemy.

If he were on a fierce battlefield, if he walked like this, he would simply die. Either he would be killed by a landmine, or he would be killed by a sniper who had already ambushed him.

No one will take the road.

All roads are traps. They lead only to death.

Strange, here comes a veteran, and here comes a rookie?

How did the Japanese invaders arrange it?

The rookie moved forward to about 200 meters and stood still.

Several minutes passed and he didn't move. Maybe he found a good hiding place and didn't want to move.



There was a very slight grinding sound in the darkness.

Someone is crawling slowly.

At the same time, the map shows that the red dot is approaching.

The opportunity has come.

Zhang Yong quietly took out an American-made MK2 grenade, quietly pulled out the latch, and then held the handle tightly.

This grenade has a special feature. It will not explode if you hold the handle tightly. But it will explode as soon as you let go. The interval between releasing the handle and exploding is about five seconds.

He wanted to plot against the Japanese invader.

He is waiting for the opponent to actively enter the throwing range.

80 meters…

50 meters……

The Japanese invaders gradually came over.

Very light. Very light. Almost no sound.

If it weren't for the map, I would probably think there were snakes or rats crawling around.

Will there be snakes in this weather now? Not necessarily.

Zhang Yong began to slow down his breathing.

Don't dare to move.

Not moving at all.

Afraid of making any noise.

Even if you are breathing, you must be careful. Otherwise, you will be heard.

40 meters…

30 meters…

Finally, the red dot got closer.

Zhang Yong quietly let go and waited.

One good thing about this grenade is that it makes no sound when you let go.

Unlike wooden handle grenades, which emit flames and white smoke, the enemy will notice it immediately.

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

Zhang Yong decisively threw the grenade.

At this time, the Japanese invaders were about 25 meters away. It was a bit far and it might not be possible to throw it.

If it is a wooden-handled grenade, it is very easy to throw it thirty meters. However, grenades cannot be thrown. Especially when throwing grenades from a prone position, it is usually more than ten meters.


Grenades rolled in the air.

The Japanese invaders immediately realized the danger and ran back quickly.

Zhang Yong then knew that the other party was wrong.

wrong selection.

The opponent shouldn't run away.


If you run away, you will be exposed.

Then, the shrapnel from the grenade explosion may stab him.

The most important thing is that the fire of the grenade explosion will expose the opponent. And there are a lot of Ying Qiqi around.

As long as someone hits...


Sure enough, the grenade exploded.

Fire breaks out.

In the firelight, Zhang Yong indeed saw the enemy.

Yes, they are indeed Japanese invaders.

He was exposed.

The firelight revealed his figure.

He's finished...



Sure enough, Ying Qiqi opened fire.

The gunmen lurking around are waiting for this golden opportunity.

The target is illuminated by firelight.

This is absolute death.

Zhang Yong saw the target quickly falling down in the firelight.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

A bullet has accurately hit him. There are vague traces of the bullet hitting him.

What a low-level mistake...

Are they really from the Miyamoto family?

After a while, the red dot disappeared.


The second red dot seemed to be frightened. He quickly fled towards the road he came from. He ran away from where he came from. In the darkness, others could not see him.

Soon, this newly arrived red dot disappeared from the edge of the map.

"Stop shooting!"

"Stop shooting!"

Zhang Yong shouted with relief.

The gunfire stopped immediately. Yu Lexing rushed out and tried to capture the Japanese invaders alive.

He didn't know yet that the Japanese invaders were dead.

If you can capture him alive, you might be able to get some useful information.

Unfortunately, when he came to the side of the Japanese invader with a rifle, he found that the Japanese invader had already died. There was no way he could be saved.

A cursory inspection. He'd been shot at least five times.

At least three shots hit the vital point. Even Daluo Jinxian couldn't save him.


No one was caught alive.

"Probably not from the Miyamoto family." Zhang Yong shook his head.

"Yes! A very low-level mistake!" Yu Lexing gradually came to his senses. This Japanese invader seemed to have insufficient combat experience.

His skills are absolutely perfect.

The stealth skill is very good. The crawling skill is also very good.

I guess his marksmanship is also very good.

However, when he was attacked, he was not calm enough. He did not make the most rational and reasonable response.

He should lie down dead.

Even if he is shocked by a grenade, he still has to lie down.

If you lie down, you will be less likely to be hit by shrapnel. At the same time, you won't be so completely exposed.

However, he chose the instinctive reaction of human beings, which was to run.

On the battlefield, of course this is fine.

With so many people on the battlefield, the enemy may not notice you.

However, here, there are at least ten guns staring at you. Do you run? Do you stand up?

Isn’t that asking for death?

Therefore, Zhang Yong seriously doubted that the other party was not from the Miyamoto family.

"Type 44 rifle."

"No muskets."

Yu Lexing picked up the weapons of the Japanese invaders.

It is basically certain that he is not from the Miyamoto family. He should be another master.

Chen Gongshu was shot by a short gun. This means that the murderer was carrying a short gun. However, the Japanese invader in front of him did not have a short gun. He only had a rifle.

There weren't many bullets. There were only ten rounds. Five in the chamber and five on the body.

Carrying too little? Of course not.

It just shows that this guy is a master. He doesn't use too many bullets.

For him, killing ten targets is enough. After ten rounds of bullets are fired, he will retreat quickly and will never stay.

This is also a kind of forced restraint. Without bullets, you can't retreat even if you want to.

No bullets. No choice.

"Take it away!"

Zhang Yong waved his hand.

I am still very unhappy that no one from the Miyamoto family has been caught.


Suddenly I found that the portable space is very strange.

More than a hundred rounds of British 77 bullets have been sent out before. But now it seems that there are more.

I don’t think it’s strange either. The system can do whatever it wants.

A rough count showed it was more than a hundred rounds.

Not of much use.

Forget it. Let's leave it alone for now. It's just a temporary emergency.

More than a hundred bullets, in the hands of a powerful person, can kill and wound dozens of enemies.

It's better than turning those Ying Qiqi into real fire sticks.

Close the team.

Prepare to return to No. 49 Shihu Street.

Take away the weapons and corpses of the Japanese killers. Go back and study them slowly.

Maybe we can also knock the Japanese invaders a little and collect the corpse fee...

Go to the street corner and get in the car.

The convoy drove southwest in the dark.

At this moment, it was already late at night. There were no street lights. Only car lights.

Suddenly, another red dot quickly entered the edge of the map from the side street, from the north to the south. The speed was very fast, as if it was driving.


Japanese invaders? Flying in the middle of the night?

Zhang Yong was in a restless mood, so he happened to catch a Japanese invader to relieve his boredom.



"Stop at the intersection ahead!"


The driver stepped on the accelerator.

Soon, the car stopped at the intersection and swayed sideways.

Zhang Yong got out of the car and took out his gun.

The map shows that only one red dot is moving. No one else.

In the middle of the night, a Japanese ran away in such a hurry. Could it be that he had something important to do? Haha. If we let him go, we might lose a lot of money!

"team leader……"

"Everything is ready!"


The crowd quietly ambush all around.

The red dot quickly approached the intersection. I saw the sideways car and had to stop.

He didn't dare to hit it. Otherwise, the car would be destroyed and people would be killed.

More importantly, he had something very important in his car. It would be very troublesome if it was damaged.

As a result, as soon as the car stopped, Zhong Yang and others swarmed up and caught the other person.

The Japanese invader tried to stay healthy, but was knocked unconscious with a punch.

Zhang Yong ignored the Japanese invaders and came to search the car, hoping to find some comfort.

What is a placebo?

It's just banknotes, gold bars, oceans, etc...

The result was no.

The car was empty, there was nothing.

Finally, I found a map from the pocket of the Japanese invader's clothes. It was very thick and very large.

Zhang Yong opened the map in confusion and found that there was no specific map name marked on it. But looking at the marks on the map, they seemed to be related to army deployment and fortifications?


Could this be Tianjin Guard’s defense deployment map?

Was it stolen by the Japanese invaders?

Did the Japanese invaders run so fast because they wanted to send the map back to the Japanese Concession?


The Japanese invaders will soon be awakened.

After the Japanese invaders woke up, they looked at Zhang Yong and others with horrified expressions.

He didn't know who the other party was.

The specific identity cannot be determined.

"My name is Chen Hu." Zhang Yong said cheerfully, "I'm sorry. Brother, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"I'm going home. Someone in my family is sick." The Japanese invader quickly calmed down.

"Oh, someone's sick? Who's sick?"

"My mother. My mother is sick..."

"What's your mother's name? How old is she?"

"My mother's name is Yu Xiulian. She is sixty-three years old today. She is frail and sick..."

"Oh. Then why don't you bring any money with you?"

"I, I, it's too late. I'll go back and get it. I'll get it when I go back."

"Oh, what's going on with this map?"

"Oh, I drew it myself for fun. It's of no use. Just give it back to me."

"This seems to be Tianjin Guard's city defense deployment plan! You think it's useless? Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Think about it carefully. Think carefully before answering."

"Who are you?"

The Japanese invader's face immediately darkened. He was actually not very scared.

He was really not afraid. There were so many Japanese troops in Tianjin Guards. As long as they were Chinese, they would not dare not give them face.

"I told you. My name is Chen Hu. I just came from the Northeast."

"what you up to?"

"Brother, I came to this treasure land for the first time. I was short of money and wanted to find someone to beg for help. But you didn't have a dime with you. There was only such a map. It really put me in a difficult position."

"Let me go. I'll give you money."

"You bring me the money. I'll let you go."

"How do I get the money now? Of course I will get the money when I go back."

"You first ask someone to send money..."


The Japanese invaders cursed loudly.

Zhang Yong waved his hand. Qin Haitao and others came up.

Without saying anything, he used a hammer to knock out all the teeth in the Japanese invaders' mouths. Not a single one was left.

I told you to speak nicely, but you are still so cruel.

I'm in a bad mood. If I don't want to torture you to death, I'll pull out your teeth first!



The Japanese invaders struggled desperately and tried to shout, but it was useless.

He was pressed so hard that he used a hammer to smash all the teeth in his mouth. He didn't pull them out. They just smashed them in his mouth.

"Have you thought about it? Speak carefully!"



The Japanese invaders made unclear sounds.

The mouth was blocked with a rag. The rag was quickly filled with blood and then seeped out.

Several people pressed the Japanese invaders' fingers and raised their hammers...

Zhang Yong waved his hand to show that he should be civilized and let him speak first.

Pull the towel off...

"Have you thought about it?"


The Japanese invaders screamed in pain.

Zhang Yong picked up the hammer and hit it with his eyes closed.

It seems like it was hit?

It seems like there isn’t?


The spy gave a short scream and then fainted.

Zhang Yong lowered his head and looked. Oh, it was hit. All five fingers were smashed.

Oh, so cruel...

Let’s use someone else next time!

He waved his hand and ordered the person to be taken away. They were all fainted anyway.

Moreover, continuing to torture here would disturb the neighbors. Let’s go back to No. 49 Shihu Street!

Inside that high wall, no one knew about the Japanese invaders Ling Chi.

Take the person away. Take the car away too.

Returned to No. 49 Shihu Street smoothly.

Cao Mengqi, who was in charge of staying behind, immediately came up to report that there had been a call just now.

The other party didn't say who he was. Cao Mengqi didn't say who he was either. The two parties were at odds with each other on the phone. Finally, the other party left a phone number for them to think about before calling back.


"That's what the other party said."

"give it to me!"

Zhang Yong brought over the phone number.

I thought about it before calling back. I don’t know who the monster is.

Whoever knows the phone number of No. 49, Shihu Street, is definitely not an ordinary person. Maybe he is another big traitor.

So I called back on the phone.



The busy tone lasted for a long time before the other party answered the call.

It's a stranger. I can't tell how old he is. Naturally, I can't tell his identity.


"Did you call just now?"

"where are you?"

"No. 49 Shihu Street?"

"I asked which city!"


"Oh, you are Zhang Benzheng's warehouse, right? Yes, it was me who made the call."

"What's up?"

"Where is your goods? When will they be sent out?"

"What kind of goods?"

"White sugar. Four hundred tons. Don't you know anything? How do you do things? Do you want to default on your debt?"

"Did you give me money?"

"When we receive the goods, we will naturally pay you."

"You give me the money first!"

"Asshole! Did Zhang Benzheng ask you to say that? Let him listen to the phone!"

"It's not convenient for our boss right now. If you have anything to do, just tell me. Our boss just set the rule that we will deliver the goods when the money is available. You pay first. When I receive the money, I will deliver the goods naturally!"

"Boy, do you think I am a three-year-old child? How can we believe you?"

"Then how can I trust you?"

Zhang Yong responded unceremoniously.

I'm in a bad mood. It doesn't matter who you are.

If you want goods, pay first!

No money, no delivery!

Even if you give money, it may not be shipped!

This chapter has been completed!
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