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Chapter 427, new ideas

 The red dot is actually inside a factory.

The sign hanging outside shows that the factory is called Junsheng Coal Trading Company.

Coal trade?

This is quite rare. It doesn’t exist in the south.

The coal used in Jinling, Songhu and other places is transported from the north.

It seems that part of it comes from Tianjin Wei?

Yes. That's right.

At this time, QHD did not have a port and its coal throughput was not large.

Most of the coal shipped by sea was shipped from Tianjin Wei. After the Japanese invaders occupied Jin Province and controlled a large number of coal mines, they also needed to be shipped from Tianjin Wei.

Coal, cotton, iron ore, grain, etc. were all resources that the Japanese invaders desperately plundered.

Tianjin Wei has therefore become an important node.

Simply from the perspective of war resource transfer, Tianjin Wei is more important than Shanghai.


Because if Tianjin Guards were paralyzed, the Japanese invaders in North China would be in trouble.

It is difficult to obtain sufficient supplies of weapons and ammunition from the country. At the same time, various resources plundered from North China cannot be effectively transported back to the country.

Unfortunately, the Fuxing Society's strength in Tianjin Wei was very weak and had almost no impact on the battle situation.

Don't know what you can do?

If conditions permit, we should do some preliminary work. Wait until the full-scale resistance war and the Eighth Route Army enter North China, and then cooperate with the underground party?

"Who are you looking for?"

The entrance to the coal trading company is guarded.

However, seeing Zhang Yong and others arriving in such a fierce manner, with everyone carrying guns on their backs, I couldn't help but feel my heart beating.

Have you encountered bandits? Bandits have entered the city in large numbers?

So ostentatious?

"Where's your boss?" Zhang Yong looked pleasant and gentle.

I am a scholar by nature.

It's not pretending.

As long as you are gentle people and don't take action, I will be easy to talk to.

"In, inside..."

"Open the door."


The guards obediently opened the door.

Instinct tells them that if they refuse, they will definitely be beaten.

There were dozens of people on the other side. Rounding up, it was more than a hundred. There were only a few of them, how could they hold it? After opening the door, they hid aside and shivered.

Zhong Yang and Ouyang Sheng were leading the way.

Soon, the boss of the trading company realized something was wrong. So many people...

I was about to yell and scold, then I realized something was wrong.

damn it!

Why are there guns?

Many people still wear Chinese tunic suits?


Identity exposed?

The other party is here to arrest someone?

Without thinking, the boss turned around and ran away.

Realizing the danger, he reacted quickly and immediately ran to the coal pile behind.

Behind the trading company, there is a large amount of open space. There is a large amount of coal piled on the open space. These are for retail. The wholesale ones are not here and cannot be loaded.


Zhang Yong waved his hand.

It’s fun when there are many people.

With just a gesture or a look, someone would rush upward desperately.

Especially those veterans who have just had enough to eat and drink. It is their first time to participate in the arrest. It feels very fresh. At the same time, they also want to express themselves to the best of their ability.

They all rushed forward like cheetahs.

Zhang Yong unexpectedly discovered that Pound was extremely fast and had strong climbing ability. He actually climbed directly onto the pile of coal and then climbed over.

Oh, this guy's body is very light. His feet didn't sink into the coal pile.

Others are also rushing to be the first.

"Nangong, come back!" Zhang Yong suddenly shouted.

Don't run away all of them.

I also need to keep a few people around me.

Otherwise, if someone attacks me soon, wouldn’t I be miserable?

Although I can monitor all the Japanese invaders within a radius of 350 meters, I can't prevent some traitors from launching an attack!

Safety first.

The Japanese invaders want to catch him.

He can't die either.

Otherwise, it will affect the overall situation...


Nangong Hanqing hurriedly withdrew.

Zhang Yong stood behind the coal pile and could not see the arrests inside.

But don't worry either.

With so many people, how can it be impossible to catch a spy?


If the spy escapes, he will eat the pile of coal.

The map shows that the red dot is running in front, and a bunch of white dots are chasing behind. The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

Eventually, the white dots completely submerged the red dots.

Take a look.

Just say you can't run away.

How many spies can escape from him?

Those guys from the Miyamoto family were too powerful and I had no experience, so I let the old beggar from the Miyamoto family run away several times.

Later, there were no more. Even members of the Miyamoto family had to stay.


Look around comfortably.

Suddenly I felt like this place was pretty good.

Spacious enough.

Open enough.

There is still so much coal. No, it is a mountain of coal. It will probably take a lifetime to burn it all.

The winter in the north is still very cold. If there is not enough coal for heating, it is almost difficult to survive the winter. These days, electricity, gas, etc. are all luxuries.

Only coal is the most affordable. Every household will prepare some before winter.

Generally speaking, an average family may need to prepare about two thousand kilograms of food in one winter.

How many pounds are there?

It is estimated to be more than 20 million kilograms...

Maybe, a mountain of coal contains tens of thousands of tons...

Is tens of thousands tons a lot?

not much.

In future generations, in 2022, my country's coal output will reach 4.5 billion tons in one year. Think about the concept...

"Captain, I got it!"


Zhang Yong nodded.

This spy doesn’t seem to be a big fish!

So restless.

Run away when you see me coming. Isn’t this intentional exposure?

Soon, the boss was escorted up. He was covered in injuries.

Haha. These rough guys.

If you catch someone, beat them up. It's not civilized.

Fortunately, he was beaten with fists, so he couldn't die, and he didn't have to pay for medical expenses.

"What do you call the boss?" Zhang Yong smiled.

"You, you, you..." The boss was shocked. He was frustrated and desperate. At the same time, he had illusions.

Perhaps, the other party is simply seeking revenge or kidnapping.

As long as you don't know that you are a hidden Japanese, there will be no problem. Money is all external things...

"My name is Chen Hu." Zhang Yong started talking nonsense again.

The name Liu Heizi can no longer be used. Everyone in the Japanese secret service knows about it.

Then change your name. Anyway, don’t say you are Zhang Yong.

Not to mention that he is from the Fuxing Society.

"You, you, what are you going to do?"


"I, I, I..."

"Let's go in and talk."

"you you……"

The spy's heart was in a state of turmoil.

It turned out that the other party really didn't know that he was Japanese, and they didn't come specifically to arrest him.

The other party came to beg for help and asked for money.

But, isn’t your approach a bit too big? Do you need to bring so many people and so many guns when you come to beg for alms?

I think Yuan Wen is not as exaggerated as you when he goes out?

He is the biggest boss in Tianjin!

You carry a company of troops with you!

It's not that scary. I almost lost my soul...

Enter the office.

Press the boss on the stool and sit obediently.

Zhang Yong sat down.

"Your surname is yours, boss."

"I, my name is Geng Mingjun."

"It turns out it was Boss Geng who was offended."


Geng Mingjun hesitated.

He realized that he might have been happy too early.

The look in the other person's eyes seemed to tell him clearly that others already knew his secret.


"Boss Geng, tell me what you have to say."

"There are thousands of oceans in my safe, please accept it, Mr. Chen."

"Really? Thank you very much."

"I'll go get it right away."


Zhang Yong smiled and waved.

Geng Mingjun stood up softly and went to open the safe.

After dawdling for a while, I took out a stack of banknotes from the inside. They were all from Guoshang Bank. The face value was 100 silver dollars. There were thirty-four of them.

He wanted to close the safe, but Zhang Yong reached out to stop him. "No need to worry."

"Then, there is no more money..."

"There are other things! I saw them all!"


"come over!"

Zhang Yong suppressed his smile.

Only then did Geng Mingjun realize that he had made a stupid mistake.

Others may not come here for the banknotes. Others may find that there are more important things in the safe.

For example, some bills.

Some documents for dealing with Japan, passes, etc.

Some charter documents are very important.

Without these special documents, transport ships cannot go to sea.

If you go out to sea, you will be sunk by Japanese warships or captured.

The Bohai Bay outside is controlled by the Japanese.

Japanese battleships are cruising.

At the port of Lushun at the exit of the Bohai Bay, the Japanese invaders stationed a naval fleet.

The Japanese invaders also sent warships near Dagukou Pier in Tianjin Wei.

Subconsciously, he turned around and tried to close the safe again. But he froze again.

But the sound of the bolt being pulled was heard. It was a Browning pistol being loaded.

Pistols like the Browning are called pistols because they are loaded by pulling the holster.

The heart is as gray as death.

Turn back.

Sit back obediently.


Zhang Yong walked over and took a look.

Haha. There is a gold bar. Without thinking, I immediately swallowed it up quietly.

Apart from gold bars, there seemed to be nothing else of value. So I came back.

Zhong Yang took people over, took out all the contents of the safe, and placed them on the marble coffee table.

The marble coffee table is large enough to hold everything.

Some documents, including passes and the like, were also left on the coffee table. They were very conspicuous.

Many documents have Japanese stamps on them.

Japanese military police headquarters...

Japanese Invaders Maritime Coordinating Office...

Japanese invaders Ministry of Health and Welfare...

There is a dazzling array of information. Just the related information alone is a fist-thick pile.

Geng Mingjun was extremely nervous.

If the other party asks what these documents are, he has no way of explaining them.

Ordinary people will never be able to obtain these documents.

Only Japanese people who pretend to be Chinese can. This is also an important guarantee for them to make huge profits.

Fortunately, Zhang Yong doesn't seem too smart.

Zhang Yong glanced at him and said, "Are you still capable of doing business with the Japanese?"

"I, yes, yes..."

"Then I'll also invest in individual stocks."


"I'm ready to be your boss."


"I like this place. I commandeered this place."


Geng Mingjun was dumbfounded.

I thought the other party was not very smart. Unexpectedly...

The other party was going to swallow him directly!

Zhang Yong is serious. He plans to settle those veterans here.

Let's all go back to No. 49 Shihu Street. It's not impossible. However, it's best not to put all the eggs in the same basket. We can't let the enemy see the whole picture at a glance.

There must be some hidden strength. Even if it cannot be completely hidden, it is better than being completely exposed.

"No..." Geng Mingjun weakly refused.

Zhang Yong waved his hand.

Everyone else retreated outside the office.

Geng Mingjun subconsciously felt something was wrong, but he didn't dare to move. He had to sit obediently.

"You are japanese……"

"I'm not……"

"Is your boss Wachi Takaji, Shigekawa Hide? Or someone else?"


Geng Mingjun was silent.

Zhang Yong looked at each other silently.

Suddenly, I heard Geng Mingjun muttering to himself: "Matsujing..."

Zhang Yong's eyes suddenly lit up.

Matsui Mansion?

That is Yoshio Matsui.

He actually belongs to the Matsui Mansion in Beiping?

Good guy.

It’s actually a cross-regional operation!


He leaned close to the other person's ear and said slowly: "Or, is it Yoshio Matsui?"

"No. No..." Geng Mingjun shouted conditionedly. Then he realized that he had been exposed. His reaction was obviously that of a cat whose tail was stepped on!


It turns out that the other party already knew his true identity.

The other party actually said Yoshio Matsui's name. It was meaningless for him to continue to resist.

Unless you want to get beaten.

Then he was killed and buried directly in the coal pile. Even the gods didn't know.

Not to mention, this spy really guessed it right.

Zhang Yong just saw so many piles of coal, which looked like hills. The first thing that came to his mind was to bury people.

Kill the Japanese spies and bury a few inside without even digging holes.

Is this a coal pile?

This is Coal Mountain!

The height is more than fifty meters, which is equivalent to the height of more than ten stories. The bottom is irregular. It can basically be regarded as a circle. The radius is more than a hundred meters. What is this if it is not a mountain?

How many people are buried inside, who can find them?

How about burying the guy in front of me first and then changing the boss?

Eyes dropped...

"Don't, don't, I said, I said." The spy suddenly collapsed.

He felt murderous intent from Zhang Yong's eyes.

His strong desire to survive allowed him to make a wise choice.

Zhang Yong's murderous intention gradually subsided.

Okay. Cooperate.

Since others are willing to cooperate, then you should spare their lives.

After all, I am a kind person...

"I'm waiting for you to ask a few questions. Answer them honestly. Don't lie. Don't add jealousy."


"How many years have you been lurking?"

"Seven years."

"Always affiliated with the Matsui Mansion?"

"No. There was no Matsui Mansion before. There was Masao Ito before that."

"Do you have any contact with the Military Police Headquarters here?"


"What about the Hetan mechanism, the Lan mechanism, the Bamboo mechanism, etc.?"


"What agency is it connected to?"

"Moon mechanism."

"Hmm? The moon of the moon?"


"Ah, the moon mechanism..."

Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully. There is another new term!

Moon mechanism...

It doesn’t seem to be plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum? Or tung, nan, sandalwood, locust tree, etc.?

"Who is the director?"

"That's His Excellency Yoshio Matsui..."

"Oh, Matsui Mansion, Moon Agency..."

Zhang Yong breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be a team of people and two sets of brands.

Let’s just say why another month-long organization appeared.

It seems that there are a lot of spies under the jurisdiction of the Matsui Mansion, and they can reach out to the Tianjin Guard.

Suddenly I thought of another thing.

"What kind of organization is Maochuan Mansion?"


"Isn't Tianjin Wei's Maochuan Mansion called an institution?"

"I have no idea."

"Oh. Okay then. What are your job responsibilities?"

"make money."

"Just making money?"

"Yes. Provide funds for the Matsui Mansion."


Zhang Yong was secretly ashamed.

I seem to have forgotten my old profession.

Isn't this practice very common in Shanghai and Jinling?

The Japanese military headquarters did not allocate any funds to various secret service agencies. They had to find ways to raise funds themselves.

If you have money, do it.

If you don’t have money, don’t do it.

Therefore, the first principle of each secret service agency is to make money.

What can you do if you have no money?

Using spies to pretend to be Chinese and then making profits while infiltrating into Chinese business circles is their tried and tested method.

Since this method was popular in the south, it was naturally copied in the north.

It's a pity that after arriving in Tianjin Wei, I haven't followed this rule yet.

I really lost my job.

In Peiping and Tianjin Wei, there must be many spies like Geng Mingjun.

Many business groups or chambers of commerce should have a large number of spies pretending to be Chinese businesses. While making profits, they also monitor all economic secrets.

Like Geng Mingjun, he has been in the coal trading industry for seven years. What secrets can he keep from him?

Maybe, he is just a little boss himself, with many younger brothers.

With the support of the Japanese invaders, he will definitely climb up the ladder step by step. He may eventually control a considerable part of the coal trade.


There are new ideas.

This chapter has been completed!
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