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Chapter 432, I’m relieved if you accept the gift


"Hurry up and chase!"

"Hurry up and chase!"

Yoshiko Kawashima was hysterical.

After taking a breather, she also joined the pursuit.


I'm so embarrassed. I'm ashamed of myself.

He was actually attacked. All the gifts he had just received were forced to be discarded.

Fortunately I ran fast, otherwise my life would have been in danger.

How can you endure such shame and humiliation?

After discovering that the Japanese military police were catching up, Yoshiko Kawashima immediately acted like a madman.

I can't wait to catch those attackers and skin them to their bones.


At this moment, I suddenly felt something sound.

Then I felt something sticky and hot splashing on my face. It also smelled of blood.



what happened?

Turn around and look around...

She found that the Japanese military police major standing next to her was falling backward...

It's like my head was blown...


what happened?

For a moment, she didn't react.

After three full seconds, she realized one thing - the Japanese major was dead. His head had been shot.


She was so shocked that she wanted to explode on the spot.

very scary!

Got shot in the head!

The Japanese major who led the team was killed!

She was standing next to the Japanese major! If the warhead was slightly tilted, she would be the one who died!


Scalp numbness.

However, she soon regained her composure.

There was no way, she had to find her place.

The loss is so great!

All the gifts I received were snatched away!

That’s a very large sum of money!

Commander Shun Tada is also included! There are also other senior Japanese officials, large and small!

If she doesn't take it back, how will she explain it?



Zhang Yong saw Yoshiko Kawashima through the telescope.

At this moment, he no longer wants to kill her. Why kill her? Leave her to make money and then harvest the wool.

Yoshiko Asakawashima raised her middle finger.

Catch up...

Oh, I can't chase you.

There is a mine ahead. Don't blow her up yet.


"It's him!"

"Zhang Yong!"


"It's actually him!"


Suddenly, Yoshiko Kawashima also saw Zhang Yong.

In an instant, her mind was not clear. Countless thoughts rushed through her head, almost exploding.

She couldn't help but cursed a series of curse words.

Suddenly, the Japanese officers next to them were shocked. When did Miss Yoshiko become so vulgar?

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

Yoshiko Kawashima yelled through gritted teeth.

Zhang Yong!

This bastard!

It turned out to be him!

No wonder!

Enemies meet on a narrow road! We meet this bastard again!

She suffers every time!

Last time, I was hit by a brick for no apparent reason. I needed more than ten stitches on my head.

I haven't recovered yet. I followed Heidao to Tianjin Wei. I wanted to make contributions and show my loyalty. But I didn't expect that the fun had just begun and I met Zhang Yong again!

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

It feels like anger is coming out of Tianling Gai.

A Japanese captain still didn't understand what was going on. He asked doubtfully: "Miss Yoshiko, who is he?"

"Zhang Yong!" Yoshiko Kawashima was so angry that she almost broke her teeth, "It's the one from Shanghai Bund! He came to Tianjin Wei from Shanghai Bund!"

"Nani?" The Japanese captain was surprised and hurriedly sent someone to report to his superiors.

At the same time, the troops were ordered to pursue them.

The Japanese military police rushed to chase him. The shining bayonets were shocking.

Zhang Yong turned around and ran away.

How miserable. Being chased by the enemy again.

I was chased like this last time, and then I got leg cramps.

I really envy Yan Shuangying's ability. One can fight a hundred.

It's a pity that there is no...

"Choo Choo Choo……"

"Choo Choo Choo……"

Bullets passed overhead.

He bowed his head quickly.

He scolded his mother secretly.

Why haven't the landmines exploded yet?

The system is not giving out fake goods, is it? It is giving out supplies in a mess...

Why don't you just give me an RPG, or a 107 large Sky Monkey. If that doesn't work, just give me an AK...

Although I am not good at marksmanship, I can still kill many enemies with an AK, right?

As a result, I was given a bottle of tetracycline and a mine.

Well, it is still the most common anti-infantry mine. It seems to be the German type?

I don't know if it's useful...


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from behind.

I turned around quickly and saw a large cloud of black smoke rising. In the black smoke, there was a flash of fire.

Ha. It exploded.

The mines really exploded. It seemed that the Japanese invaders had suffered a lot.

A pure German mine...

enjoy it.

Lower your head.

Keep running.


A Japanese captain's face was ashen.

Last time, they were ambushed by the enemy. As a result, they didn't even know who the enemy was.

I didn't expect to be ambushed this time.

The military police major who led the team was instantly shot to death.

Then I stepped on a landmine...


What kind of monster is this Zhang Yong?

Why are there still landmines?

Is it still that powerful?

With a bang, at least four Japanese soldiers were blown away. They died on the spot. Several Japanese soldiers nearby were injured.

This explosion frightened the Japanese military police behind them so much that they did not dare to pursue them easily.

Who knows if there are any landmines ahead?

Who would pay attention to the ground while running at high speed? Maybe, another wave of people will be killed.

We had no choice but to slow down and move forward cautiously while searching the ground. We were afraid that another landmine would pop up somewhere and that would be the end of it.


Kawashima Yoshiko in the back was also stunned.

Then he broke into a cold sweat.

The anger that was about to break through the Tianling Cap suddenly dissipated.


There are actually landmines?

Zhang Yong, that bastard! He actually planted landmines on the road?

Fortunately, she didn't go ahead.


She didn't dare to think about it.

Looking ahead, I saw the ground was in a mess.

The broken corpses of Japanese military policemen were everywhere. The wounded Japanese military policemen were still crying in pain.


This is a serious military landmine!

A landmine blasted a large crater more than one meter deep and four meters wide in the ground. Almost no one around was spared.

Cold sweat broke out from behind.

What a terrible opponent.

This damn Zhang Yong is really the nemesis of the Japanese.

In Shanghai, the Japanese suffered a lot. Unexpectedly, after Zhang Yong came to Tianjin Wei, the Japanese continued to be defeated.


But he didn't dare to say anything.

Because the faces of the Japanese officers around him were ashen.

They were very angry.

The very angry result is...




Extremely fanatical, they ordered the soldiers to continue charging upward.

Anyway, the people who rush to the front are not officers, but cannon fodder soldiers. Even if there are landmines, the ones who are killed are the top soldiers. The officers will not be killed.

Some cannon fodder soldiers are also extremely fanatical and have no fear of death. They rush upward with their eyes closed.

As a result, it turned out to be okay. They rushed up with a roar.

Zhang Yong gritted his teeth angrily.

There are no more mines. Just one. The system is like laying a golden egg. It takes a lot of effort to squeeze out one. After using it, it will be gone.

what to do?


Suddenly, there was a dull gunshot.

Immediately, a Japanese military policeman fell down. Apparently he was hit.

This is Cao Mengqi shooting from a long distance.

The distance exceeds 150 meters, which is almost the limit of accurate shooting with the naked eye. Any further away and you have to try your luck.


The other Japanese military policemen hurriedly got down. No one dared to raise their head easily.

At the same time, some soldiers fired back.


Zhang Yong and Cao Mengqi turned around and ran away.

Gradually, I became more proficient in hitting and running, shooting and changing places.



The Japanese officer roared angrily.

Some Japanese soldiers chased me crazily.


Then he was shot dead.

Immediately, Yu Le reminded the gun to move quickly.

After the fight, run away.

Absolutely no second shot.

Alternate cover.

Shooting in turn.



Intermittent gunfire.

The Japanese invaders fell one after another. In the end, the attack had to be temporarily slowed down.

I can't figure out how many enemies there are.

I can't figure out where the enemy is.

No matter how hard I attack, I can't seem to catch the enemy.

The enemy is always aloof from them.

If the Japanese military police pursue you quickly, they will be shot dead. If they pursue you slowly, the enemy will always be hanging.

All of this was of course arranged by Zhang Yong.

With the help of the map, he can effectively monitor the enemy and keep a certain distance.

It's always about 150-200 meters. Not too close, not too far.

The Japanese military police wanted to give up. They were unwilling to do so, and Yoshiko Kawashima would not allow it.

At this moment, Yoshiko Kawashima was holding a pistol and following the Japanese military police. She was still dreaming about getting her property back.

However, what she didn't know was that Zhang Yong was tired of running and just looked at the spoils.

There are so many silver notes gathered together, estimated to be two to three hundred thousand silver dollars. There are also hundreds of gold bars of various sizes. There are also a large number of other precious jewelry.

It's a huge amount of money.

Tired? Tired.

Bitter? Bitter!

But after a few glances, my energy and energy immediately recovered.

I can completely understand Kawashima Yoshiko's hysterical pursuit. If it were him, he would have to risk his life to get it back.

It's okay to rob my people, but it's absolutely not okay to rob my money.

Suddenly, he saw Kawashima Yoshiko behind the Japanese military police, holding a telescope to spy on him. So he stood up and raised his hand to signal her.

Thank you for the gift I received. It is very valuable. I like it very much.

Continue next time. You accept the gift. I am relieved.


Yoshiko Kawashima suddenly vomited blood.

His vision went dark, his body swayed, and he almost lost his balance.


This Zhang Yong...

I'm going to kill him...

I must kill him...

"Miss Yoshiko!"

"Miss Yoshiko!"

Suddenly someone shouted. The voice was very cold.

Yoshiko Kawashima hurriedly cheered up.

It’s Mokawa Hide!

It’s Maochuan Xiu from Maochuan Mansion!

He actually came.

"His Excellency Colonel!" He greeted me hurriedly.

"You said that the one we are chasing is Zhang Yong?" Maochuanxiu's face was so gloomy that he wanted to cry out.

"Yes. It's him! I saw it with my own eyes!"


A ferocious smile appeared on Maochuanxiu's lips.

Sure enough, it was Zhang Yong who came and was caught by them.

Okay! Okay! Okay! This is a very good result! Just catch Zhang Yong! Just catch...

He will definitely make Zhang Yong regret coming into this world.



Shigekawa Hide solemnly ordered.

He also brought a large number of agents, more than thirty people in total.

They are all the backbone of Maochuan Mansion. They are all Japanese. There are no Chinese. At this moment, he does not trust Chinese traitors.

In fact, in his heart he despised those traitors very much.

If a person can betray his own country, can he still be considered a human being?

How can such a person be worthy of trust?

They are papyrus.

When the Japanese need it, they use them to wipe their butts. After wiping them, they throw them away. They also dislike them very much.


Zhang Yong also noticed it.

There are Japanese agents in plainclothes. Who is here?

Takeo Kishida?

I raised the telescope and observed from a distance. I didn't find anything.

So he shook his head and quietly started to circle around with his team. He was going to go back to Junsheng Coal Trading Company.

There are our own fresh troops there. Haha. Give the enemy a surprise.

I took out a big yellow croaker and took a bite. It was so sweet. I felt energetic immediately.

Take a deep breath.

Take the team and move quickly.

Behind, the Japanese military police were in hot pursuit. Gradually, they realized something was wrong.


Where are the enemies?

Where did it go?

Why is it missing?



Maochuanxiu was smart and realized something was wrong. He immediately ordered the troops to stay on guard.

He suspected that he might have been deceived.

However, upon closer inspection, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong.



Before I knew it, half an hour passed.

A large number of elite soldiers were sent to search. After confirming that there was no trap, Shigekawa Hide ordered to continue moving forward.

I saw Junsheng Coal Trading Company in front of me.

I saw mountains of coal piles inside.

Didn't care either.

Order the troops to rush in.

He didn't believe it. With so many people, he would not be able to catch Zhang Yong.

"Your Excellency Colonel..."

"Your Excellency Colonel..."

Yoshiko Kawashima feels bad. The terrain here is unfavorable!

Such a high and large pile of coal seriously hindered the Japanese army's sight. They could not see the surrounding situation.

Just in case Zhang Yong sets an ambush inside...

It would be fine if it was someone else. But Zhang Yong...

To be fair, Yoshiko Kawashima also has some abilities. Otherwise, how could she survive today?

She judged that Zhang Yong would not run away.

The reason for the rapid retreat was to lure the enemy deeper.

"What's up?"

"Your Majesty Colonel, the terrain here is unfavorable..."

"Sou Ga..."

Maokawaxiu looked around.

There seems to be something wrong. The field of vision is severely obstructed.

Easily ambushed...



Immediately ordered the troops to suspend the pursuit and search the surrounding area carefully.

Zhang Yong, who was monitoring the map behind the coal pile, cursed secretly.

These damn Japanese invaders.

Why did it stop?

Come on up!

I'm waiting for you! All bullets are loaded!

The veterans have already laid an ambush.

As long as you go around the back of the coal pile, you will be greeted by bullets.

All Ying Qiqi are ready to fight.


At this critical moment, the Japanese invaders actually stopped pursuing them?


The cunning Japanese invaders are completely different from those in spy war dramas.

The Japanese invaders in spy dramas are all brainless. The protagonist can wipe them out with just a few tricks.

That's easy.

So chic.

How come when we got to our place, the ambush was all arranged, but the Japanese invaders didn't fall for it?

Not only were they not fooled, the Japanese invaders also retreated?


The map shows that the Japanese invaders are indeed retreating.

Indeed, this was Shikawa Hide's order. When he came to his senses, he discovered many strange things.

Zhang Yong should not have retreated so quickly.

There is a conspiracy.

Maokawa Hide decisively ordered the withdrawal. At the same time, he sent people to outflank the enemy from both sides.

He wants to surround those coal piles.

Then mobilize more troops to destroy them.

This chapter has been completed!
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