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Chapter 441, Sniper? Doesn’t exist

 Wachi Takaji heard the explosion outside.

An enemy attacked. The attack was fierce. However, he did not move at all. He did not even stand up.

It has nothing to do with him.

Tonight's banquet was initiated by Ryujo Kuroshima. The theme is of course Sino-Japanese friendship.

Attending the meeting were Yuan Wenhui, Zhang Benzheng, Wang Zhulin and others.

It can be said that several of the highest-level traitors have gathered together. The security measures are naturally very strict.

All persons entering Baohua Building must be strictly inspected.

There was a full squadron of Japanese military police outside to guard the area.

The explosion came from far away, indicating that the enemy had not penetrated nearby.

That's okay.

If something happens, it's Shikawa Hide's business.

Maochuanxiu is in charge of security tonight. Who calls him a landlord?

In Tianjin Wei, Maochuan Mansion is a local snake. He and Chitakaji are outsiders. Kishida Takeo and others are also outsiders.

After the explosion, silence returned.

Wachi Takaji saw that Yoshiko Kawashima became active again.

This woman was stimulated.

Because of the incident with Xiangmanlou, I was severely scolded.

The Gendarmerie Headquarters required her to find the lost "gift". Otherwise, she would be severely punished.

Therefore, she was eager for Zhang Yong to appear.

Tonight's banquet can actually be said to be a trap. Just waiting for Zhang Yong to appear.

But, will Zhang Yong show up?

According to judgment, it should be yes, because Zhang Yong is not that smart.

Even if it is a trap, he may not be able to see it. Then he will immerse himself in it and get caught by the Japanese army.

If it were Chen Gongshu, he would definitely not be fooled.

However, He Zhiying and Er vaguely felt that even if Zhang Yong was fooled, it might not be easy for them to catch each other.

The Miyamoto family are so powerful that even the assassination failed. Let alone them...


There was another dull explosion outside.

The sound seemed very far away. Maybe three or four hundred meters away.

"Is Zhang Yong here?"

Suddenly, someone said something.

Everyone immediately fell silent.

Then they all turned their heads and looked at the night sky outside.

Zhang Yong?

Is it him? Is he coming?


Judging from the sound, it should be a wooden handle grenade. This type of attack is probably only possible by Zhang Yong.

Frankly speaking, Zhang Yong's action plan is not high-level at all. It would not be called reckless. But it is obviously nothing outstanding.

He doesn’t seem to understand the Thirty-Six Strategies, Sun Tzu’s Art of War, etc.?

Do you think that throwing a few grenades will cause the Japanese to become confused? Then there will be an opportunity to take advantage of it? It is really too simple to think.

No matter who comes tonight, they cannot pose a threat.

Not even Zhang Yong can do it.

At the same time, they also arranged additional programs to welcome the attackers.

If the attacker is Zhang Yong, maybe there will be a good show tonight.

In fact...

Kawashima Yoshiko soon disappeared.

She went to arrange for gunmen to deal with Zhang Yong.


She must make Zhang Yong pay the price.

Zhang Yong soon discovered the second red dot.

Also acting alone.

The course of action was also similar to his judgment.

It can be concluded that this Japanese killer should be the same batch as the previous ones.

They are all trained in the same model. Their behaviors and habits are similar.



Zhang Yong chose three key points this time.

He couldn't tell from which key point the Japanese invaders would appear. Therefore, he could only wait patiently.

The shooter is still Yu Lexing.

The action instructor's marksmanship is trustworthy. He is very calm.

If Lao Cao is full of energy and jumps off at a young age, there may be a 0.0001% chance of missing the target. Yu Lexing definitely does not.

Within a range of about 100 meters, Yu Lexing's kills were infinitely close to 100%...

Bringing Yu Lexing to Tianjin Wei was definitely one of the most correct decisions Zhang Yong made.

He is very skilled and can lead troops. It is simply perfect.

"Under the eaves..."

Zhang Yong silently reminded.

Yu Lexing then stared closely at the eaves of a dilapidated house.

The map shows that the red dot is moving slowly.

Finally, someone popped their head in.


One shot passed.

The Japanese killer immediately collapsed and disappeared behind the ruins.

After a while, the red dot on the map disappeared.


Someone immediately rushed up to check the situation.

They found that the Japanese invaders had been beaten to death, so they dragged the bodies to a dark place and then collected the weapons.

Another Type 44 rifle. The standard issue for Japanese killers.

There is probably more than one such killer.

Sure enough, the third one appeared...

The fourth appears...

At the same time, several scattered white spots appeared.

is the enemy.

Zhang Yong treats everyone equally.

The movement rules of those white dots are similar to those of killers.

It is certain that they should be masters selected from the traitors. The target is of course Zhang Yong.

It seems that the Japanese invaders are playing a big game tonight.

Attract him to come.

Then try to attack from behind.

The tactics are simple. But very effective. The effect is very good.

If there were no map prompts, Zhang Yong would never have been able to detect so many enemies coming from around him.

The enemy may lurk within 200 meters...

You may encounter an enemy plot during the transfer process...

The results are the same.

That means being shot first by the enemy and killed with one shot.

Fortunately, there is a map reminder.

Command and Conquer is truly a battle system. In terms of auxiliary combat, it is simply perfect.


Gather all the people together. Hedgehogs group together. Narrow down the target.

In fact, there were not many people around him. There were only two teams, more than thirty of them. Among them, there were five rifles and the others were pistols.

The captured Type 44 rifle was actually a good gun, so I took it with me.

Study the map and move quietly.

The target this time is a small white dot.

They are not Japanese invaders. They are traitors.

"Broken Wall Gap."

Zhang Yong carefully selected the killing point.

The traitor gunman is moving towards the broken wall. He should be able to climb over the wall.

If you don't aim in advance, the traitor killer is extremely fast and may let go of the wall in a second.

Can't catch it.

However, if you aim to break the wall in advance, that's another matter.

This time, it was Cao Mengqi who was responsible for the shooting.

He stole it.

Yu Lexing took the initiative to step aside.


Zhang Yong reminded in a low voice.

Cao Mengqi stared at the broken wall without blinking.

Sure enough, following Zhang Yong's reminder, a black figure quickly climbed over the broken wall.

Speedy and fast. Actions are very standard.

According to convention, even if the enemy discovers it, the enemy will not have time to move the muzzle.

Behind the broken wall, there is a depression. It is just hidden.

However, he didn't expect...


The sound of gunfire was crisp.

Clean and tidy.

The black shadow immediately slid down the broken wall.

Well, actually, he also completed the action of climbing over the wall. But after climbing over, there was no sound anymore.

After a while, the small white dot representing the traitor killer disappeared.


The two agents quickly stepped forward and dragged the traitor's body back, along with his weapons.

After Zhang Yong's inspection, he discovered that the traitor killer used a brand-new Ma Sihuan rifle. It also carried a lot of bullets. There were thirty rounds and six magazines.

Including the five rounds of bullets in the barrel, that's thirty-five rounds. It seems that he wants to round them all!

If one bullet destroyed an enemy, Zhang Yong and the people around him would be killed.

Unfortunately, he himself was beaten to death first.

"He is from the Iron and Stone Forces of the Puppetry of Manchukuo." Yu Lexing said suddenly.

"Oh?" Zhang Yong's expression changed.

I didn’t ask Yu Lexing what the reason was. I just wanted to know the result.

The iron and stone troops of the Puppet Manchukuo State were hardcore traitors. They were very loyal to the Japanese and deserved to die.

The iron and stone troops at that time were not large in number, only about 2,000 people. They could be said to be the elite among the elite.

You can tell just by looking at the gun.

Best quality horse four ring rifle.

Among all the Mauser rifle series, it ranks among the best.

how to say?

Even the Japanese navy's Red Deer ordered 40,000 to equip their marines.

Therefore, the Japanese marines stationed in Shanghai Hongkou and Dagukou were not equipped with Type 38 rifles.

The Type 38 rifle was the equipment of the Japanese Army Red Deer. How could it be possible for the Navy Red Deer to adopt it?

What's more, with the arrogance of the Navy Red Deer, even if the Army Red Deer were given away for free, the Navy Red Deer would not be able to accept it. The Navy Red Deer has its own rifles.

The Type 44 rifle is also the equipment of the Army Red Deer. The Navy Red Deer is impossible to touch.

"Why are there people from the Iron Stone Force?"

"Kawashima Yoshiko."

"I see."

Yu Lexing suddenly realized. Then he fell silent.

I understand very well that Yoshiko Kawashima hates Zhang Yong deeply and never forgets him.

In fact, Zhang Yong fucked her so hard before that he almost killed her. He even took away all the gifts.

Those are all gifts that the Japanese want to receive!

Yoshiko Kawashima stepped in to collect the money instead.

Now that all the gifts have been taken away, how can Yoshiko Kawashima do anything? It would be strange if the Japanese don't kill her.

Therefore, if hatred has a numerical value, Kawashima Yoshiko's hatred for Zhang Yong is at least 999999. She may even be willing to trade half her life for Zhang Yong's.

In fact it is so.

Yoshiko Kawashima dispatched more than twenty gunmen at one go.

She believes that casting a wide net will always yield results. As long as one of them can kill Zhang Yong, her wish will come true.

These more than twenty gunmen were all specially selected by her from the Iron and Stone Army. They came to Tianjin Wei by train from Xinjing (Changchun) overnight. When they first arrived, they immediately went into battle.

"Instructor Yu, change your gun."

"What gun should I change?"

"Horse four rings."


Yu Lexing immediately equipped Ma Sihuan.

He understood what Zhang Yong meant. He wanted to use the Ma Sihuan rifle to confuse the enemy's judgment.

If you guessed it correctly, the other Iron Stone Army gunners also used Ma Sihuan rifles. They are all masters. You can tell the model of the gun by listening to the sound of the gunfire.

Even if it is a Ma Sihuan and a Mauser 98K, there are subtle differences in gunfire.

Wave your hand. Transfer.

Capture the next target. Get into ambush position.

The system map is almost like an early warning aircraft on the ground. All targets are displayed within a radius of 350 meters.

After research and judgment, look for the most favorable opportunity to ambush.

Just wait and see.

Waiting for work with ease.

Sure enough, a traitor gunman appeared quietly.


Gunshots were fired.

The traitor gunman's body froze, then twisted and fell down.

Horse Four Rings is Horse Four Rings. There is no doubt about its accuracy. No matter who is targeted by it, it will be a dead end.

Even Zhang Yong is like this.

Therefore, he would never dare to let enemy gunmen get within 200 meters.

Unless you want to ambush the opponent.

While ambushing a certain target, you also need to always pay attention to the movements of other targets to prevent the mantis from chasing the cicada and the oriole behind.

Snipers are actually very scary.

Even the most skilled snipers find it difficult to face two enemies at the same time.

Because you only have one chance to shoot.

You shoot and kill an enemy. At the same time, there is more than 80% chance of being killed by another enemy.

this is the truth.

It is almost impossible for one person to dominate the world.

Snipers also work as a team.

At least one observer is needed to provide information and monitor the surroundings.

Now, Zhang Yong plays the role of a super observer. He monitors all targets at the same time and selects the most dangerous ones and the easiest ones to kill.

Gunshots fired?

In the distance, Yoshiko Kawashima's expression changed.

Huh? It seems like the sound of gunfire from Ma Sihuan?

Did one of your own shoot?

Does that mean there are results?

The people she sent out were all experts. They would not shoot randomly.

Since a shot was fired, it means that a target must have been hit.

Could it be Zhang Yong?

Did Zhang Yong be killed with one shot?

look forward to……

So hopeful...

Soon, the weapons of the traitor killer were brought back. The body was discarded.

The weapon is also a brand new horse with four rings.

I carefully inspected the rifling and found it to be perfect. It was definitely a new gun.

It seems that this puppet Manchukuo still has something. The Japanese wanted it to act as a puppet, but they did not squeeze it too hard.

Of course, it is also possible that these Ma Sihuan belonged to the original Northeastern Army.

The previous Northeastern Army had a lot of money and purchased many weapons from foreign countries. Ma Sihuan was one of them.

After retreating without a fight, these horses with four rings fell into the hands of the Japanese invaders. Then the Japanese invaders gave them to the puppet Manchukuo.

Well, it should be almost like this process...

"Old Cao, change the gun."


Cao Mengqi also changed to horse four rings.

Now there are two horses with four rings.

Somehow, Zhang Yong actually enjoyed the process of accumulating weapons.

Save one piece at a time.

Kill an enemy and capture a weapon.

Knowing that the Ma Sihuan rifle can be purchased for only two hundred silver dollars, I am still very happy.

Full of motivation.

Be in high spirits.

Keep looking for opportunities.

Soon, the third traitor killer was selected by Zhang Yong.

No. It's with the fourth one.

These two traitor killers acted together, covering each other and advancing alternately.

The distance between the two is less than fifty meters.

Obviously, if one target is killed, the other target will definitely fight back immediately.

Even Yu Lexing may not be able to guarantee that he can escape quickly. To be safe, it is best to kill two people at the same time.

It just so happens that Yu Lexing and Cao Mengqi can cooperate. There is no problem with their marksmanship.

The premise is that Zhang Yong accurately indicates the target to them.

Study and judge silently.

The movement trajectories of both targets are very concealed.

Of course they would not have thought that their trajectory would have been discovered long ago. They would have been locked by the muzzle of the black hole.

Five seconds...

Ten seconds...

"Old Cao!"



Zhang Yong gave the order.

Cao Mengqi decisively pulled the trigger.

The position where the muzzle was locked was behind a patch of grass.

The enemy couldn't be seen, but the map could monitor it. Zhang Yong decided to take a risk and shoot outside the visual range.

Cao Mengqi hit the bush. The enemy is behind the bush.

Can it hit?


Zhang Yong is very confident.

Because the reference object for his instructions was a dogtail grass.

As long as Cao Mengqi shoots at the dog's tail grass, he can kill the target ten meters behind.

What if I miss?

Let’s do it next time. Anyway, there is no loss.

The Japanese invaders were hiding behind the bushes and could not see Cao Mengqi.


Cao Mengqi fired.


After the gunshot, the white spots disappeared.

Oh yeah!

Get rid of it!

This chapter has been completed!
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