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Chapter 509, Children are innocent

 "What is going on?"

"Please go to Kailuan Coal Mine immediately."

"do what?"

"Something big happened over there. It's very urgent."

"What's the big deal?"

"Five Englishmen were killed. The murderer is unknown."

"Is it serious?"

"Isn't this serious?"

"It doesn't seem as serious as the train robbery."

"The train robbery can't be solved in half a month. Why are you so anxious?"

"Half a month..."

"What's happening now is all tentative in nature. There won't be any substantial progress. It's just a waste of time for you to stay here."


Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

Mei Lu hit the nail on the head and got to the key point. The train robbery will definitely not be solved so quickly.

It requires coordination from all parties.

Need to bargain.

Asking for prices all over the place and paying back when you get there is time consuming.

How long did the previous Lincheng train robbery take? It seemed like it took more than a month.

This train robbery has Japanese involvement behind the scenes, making the situation more complicated. It could last for two or three months. There is really no need for him to appear so early.

Only when you appear last can the final word be finalized.

Good wildness sinks to the bottom.

Okay, let’s go to Kailuan Coal Mine first. But...

Mei Lu seemed to know what he was thinking, and whispered: "It will be beneficial for you to go to Kailuan Coal Mine now."

"Oh? What's the benefit?" Zhang Yong immediately cheered up.

Secretly despise myself.

My eyes light up when I hear the benefits. I really have no ideological consciousness at all.

However, benefits do bring motivation.

A common man like him is probably hopeless.

"A batch of gold was lost in the mine. It may have weighed hundreds of kilograms." Mei Lu said in a low voice.

"Really?" Zhang Yong was dubious.

"It was because so much gold was lost that the British suspected that Japanese spies were responsible."

"I see."

Zhang Yong thought carefully.

More than a hundred kilograms of gold is indeed exciting.


This is a British thing. It is not easy to engulf.

With the British people's urination, after arriving at the Kailuan Coal Mine, there will definitely be a lot of people watching.

It is very difficult for him to embezzle these golds.

In other words, this gold has nothing to do with him. At most, it is just an eyesore.

"I heard that there are many bandits around the Kailuan Coal Mine?"

"Not many..."

"There is, right?"

"Indeed there is."

Mei Lu nodded and answered affirmatively.

There are indeed a lot of bandits around the Kailuan Coal Mine. They are robbing homes and killing people and stealing goods.

Due to historical reasons, there are many armed groups of various kinds in the eastern Hebei area. There are regular soldiers who have turned into bandits. There are also local militia groups running rampant in the countryside. There are also local bandits.

This is a three-nothing zone. It cannot be controlled by Hebei Province, it cannot be controlled by Jehol, and it cannot be controlled by the Puppet Manchukuo State.

Many people who escaped from the puppet Manchukuo preferred to stay in Jidong. Therefore, Jidong was simply a natural bandit den.

There are also many groups of bandits active around the Kailuan Coal Mine. They are parasites attached to the coal mine. The coal mine cannot be shaken off no matter how hard it is.

"Why are you asking this?"

"Nothing? Life is precious, safety first."

"When are you leaving?"

"We have to wait until daybreak."


"I need to call Li Boqi to report."


Mei Lu had no choice but to agree.

Zhang Yong's request is not too much.

No matter how anxious the British were, Zhang Yong could not act on his own initiative.

After all, the Fuxing Society has discipline.


Suddenly he was hugged by Zhang Yong...

She bit her lip lightly, not resisting very much...

A night of fun.

When he woke up in the morning, Zhang Yong called Li Boqi to explain the matter.

"The situation here is very complicated. It's okay if you leave for a while. However, the situation in Zhuyuan must be resolved." Li Boqi said, "You must be there in person."

"I understand." Zhang Yong hung up the phone and spread his hands to Mei Lu, "You heard it all..."

"Then let's deal with Zhuyuan first!" Mei Lu bit her lip.

What could she say?

All I can say is that this guy is too popular.

If you don't catch it in time, it will be snatched away by others immediately.

Therefore, even she has to think of a way to keep him. Otherwise, it will be difficult to find him to work with in the future.


Zhang Yong set off in a hurry.

Came to the vicinity of Bamboo Garden.

This side is still surrounded by water.

It is impossible for people in the Bamboo Garden to come out. If they come out, they will die.

Call and look for Cheporov. The map shows that Cheporov is still alive.

It is estimated that the last internal strife made him and the Japanese invaders realize that if they continued to fight, they would only die together. By then, Zhang Yong would have been advantaged in vain, so they stopped.

"I'm Zhang Yong! Ask Cheporov to answer the phone..."


The phone was hung up.

Zhang Yong:……

Okay. Then there is nothing we can do.

It seems that I won't be able to receive the money today. I have no choice but to take action.

Take out the grenade immediately.

Set up.



The grenade fell in the bamboo garden.

I saw the flames of the explosion from a distance, but I couldn't determine the exact location.

It seems that no one was hit. What a pity.

He could barely move his right hand, but he still couldn't move it freely. The grenade's aim was seriously off.

Alas, I'm so slightly injured that I can't get out of the line of fire. When will Virgo see this and give me another reward?


Another grenade was launched.

No matter where the landing point is, just keep firing.

He didn't believe it. He didn't hit any enemies. His luck shouldn't be that bad...



Several grenades exploded in succession.

The people inside finally couldn't bear it anymore and some tried to rush out.



He was immediately shot with a rifle and killed on the spot.

If I say I won't let you out, I won't let you out. No matter who you are, if you come out, you will die.

This is Zhang Yong's order. Just implement it strictly.

No matter who you kill, it is not your responsibility.



Intermittent gunfire.

Several more targets were killed. They were all trying to rush out.

They seemed to be members of the Qinglong Society, but they were not Japanese invaders. They were probably hard-core traitors. The Japanese invaders themselves were afraid of death, so they sent traitors out to test the situation.

It turns out there are no exceptions.

No matter who dares to come out, they will be beaten to death.


It was quiet. No one dared to try it again.

The scattered corpses lying on the ground told them that if they wanted to come out, they could only agree to Zhang Yong's conditions.

What conditions?

Give me money!

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

Finally, the phone rang.

Zhang Yong casually picked up the microphone and said nothing.

"I give……"

Cheporov's weak voice came.

I don’t know if he was hit by a bomb or if he was injured due to internal strife.

"One hundred thousand dollars."

Zhang Yong repeated the emphasis.

If you had told me earlier, we would have been happy if you had given us the money earlier.

I'm very busy. Things must be settled today. If you don't agree, you will be covered by artillery fire.

"I'll go to Citibank with you..."


Zhang Yong smiled broadly.

You see, they just have to explode. Big firecrackers are useful.

No matter how powerful you are, Cheporov, can you be more powerful than a cannonball?

However, the remaining Japanese invaders seemed to be quite hard-boned. There was no movement at all.

But it doesn't matter. He is setting fires everywhere now. The Japanese invaders must have too much to take care of themselves.

He is good at catching spies. He is good at causing sabotage. He is also good at killing people and setting fires. He is definitely not successful enough but more than capable of ruining things. Haha.

Waiting for Cheporov to come out.

"The sky in the liberated area is sunny..."

"That sunny day in Jiujiu..."

I was in a super happy mood and hummed a tune involuntarily.

The people next to me heard it and were confused. They couldn’t understand it at all. They didn’t feel like they were meeting the occasion?

After waiting for a long time, Cheporov finally came out.

His condition was a bit miserable. He was actually wearing a bandage. He was obviously injured. There was blood oozing from the wound.

Sure enough, he was hit by a grenade. He needs to go to the hospital. Otherwise, the wound will become infected and he will die.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Yong looked at the other party with a deliberate smile.

"Not bad." Cheporov laughed dryly.

Laughing is uglier than crying.

Only God knows what he is thinking in his heart.

However, in front of Zhang Yong, he really did not dare to have any other thoughts. Otherwise, he would really die.

Fake death has a purpose. If it turns into real death, it will be over.



The two came to Citibank.

Withdrawing cash is impossible. There is not that much cash.

So, Zhang Yong opened an account, and Cheporov transferred $100,000 to Zhang Yong's account.


This account is used worldwide.

Even in the United States, you can withdraw U.S. dollars. However, you need to make an appointment because verification is required there.

How to verify?

Of course it was via transoceanic long-distance telegraph.

Therefore, withdrawals from other places also require a handling fee. This handling fee is the cost of the telegram.

About $100.

"Let's go!"

"You first."

Cheporov was very nervous. He was afraid that Zhang Yong would kill him.

He did not dare to walk in front of Zhang Yong. Instead, he wanted Zhang Yong to go first.

Zhang Yong then left quickly.

Too lazy to pay attention to Cheporov.

Since the money has been collected, he must be released. Zhang Yong’s credibility is definitely there.

Children and elders are not deceived.

It’s just money that’s worth it! It’s not life that’s worth it.

Put Cheporov back and jump around for a while, and then catch him again. That's a new story...

Return to the Zhuyuan area.

So miserable. So busy. There are still a group of Japanese invaders to deal with.

Forget it, Comrade Zhang Yunqing prepares mortars. Use mortars to kill all the Japanese invaders inside...

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

Suddenly the phone rang.

I casually picked up the phone. It was Maokawa Xiu.

Zhang Yong deliberately ignored the other party and said nothing. He just waited for the other party to show his final trump card. Otherwise, he would just open fire.

"I know you stay at the Peace Hotel."

"That's right."

"Come to room 628."


Zhang Yong didn't ask why.

At this point, if Mokawa Hide continues to engage in tricks, he is seeking death.

Arrive at Peace Hotel.

I found that Mokawa Hide was not there. There was no one in room 628.

No surprise. Open the door.

There is a suitcase inside.

Well, the Japanese finally gave in. They finally paid.

However, this matter cannot be made public. The Japanese invaders do not want outsiders to know about it. After all, paying a ransom is very embarrassing.

Open it, it's full of banknotes. It's a box full.

Fully half a million.

Unfortunately, they are all from Baoshang Bank. They can only be used in North China.

The tie still has the imprint of the Puppet Manchukuo on it. It has not been removed yet.

It is probably contributed by Yoshiko Kawashima.

Mad, this woman is so rich!

Where on earth did she get so many banknotes? I'm so envious.

Unfortunately, I tried to catch this woman several times, but failed. Now, this woman has completely disappeared and seems to have disappeared.

It is said to be in Peking. But I don't know where it is in Peking.

Maybe she is hiding or performing some secret mission. It is speculated that she has a big plan.


Forget it, it's better than nothing.

The purpose of the first step has been achieved. There is no need to worry about the follow-up.

The suitcases and other items were moved back to Li Boqi. All the banknotes were handed over. The US$100,000 was also explained.

Leave everything to Li Boqi to handle everything. He is an expert.

Zhang Yong is going to Kailuan Coal Mine now.


Li Boqi returned the $100,000 account to him.

Zhang Yong:???

Huh? Give me this hundred thousand dollars?

Not so generous, right? This is one hundred thousand dollars! It’s not a small amount.

"This is for the Air Raid Department."


Zhang Yong understood.

The so-called empty fund department is actually that lady.

Turning it over to the short-term financing department is actually turning it over to the lady. Because the lady is better at using US dollars.

Frankly speaking, the U.S. dollar cannot play a big role in the hands of Fuxing Society, because Fuxing Society cannot directly purchase external goods. Even if it has U.S. dollars, it has no way to spend them.

Only the short-term financing department can do this.

The short-term financing department can directly use US dollars to trade with foreigners, especially with Americans.

One hundred thousand dollars can buy almost ten airplanes.

If it is a Hawker 3, without other equipment, the price of each aircraft will not exceed US$10,000.

If you have the opportunity to buy a German bf109, the unit price is only around US$15,000 at most. If you include various supporting equipment, the price is US$20,000 at most.

But the P-38 Lightning fighter, the Twin Devil, is super expensive. One costs $90,000.

There is no way, Lockheed's products are in one word: expensive. There is no most expensive, only more expensive.

Okay, hold it for now. Then hand it over to the short-raising department.

Buying back ten aircraft as soon as possible can also be considered as preparation for future resistance against Japan.

Say goodbye and come out.

"Captain, Jin Xiuzhu wants to see you."


Zhang Yong immediately agreed.

By the way, this Korean girl is not bad looking.

Purely natural. There are no plastic surgery techniques of later generations. Although it is an enemy, it is also quite eye-catching.

The point is, he always feels that this woman has a secret.

Maybe she knew some information, but she was reluctant to tell it, so she squeezed out the toothpaste bit by bit.

They are all very smart women.

Under normal circumstances, he would be played to death.


There is a system!

Soon, Jin Xiuzhu arrived.

She looked a little tired. She was probably thinking too much.

"Ms. Jin, do you have any information?"

"I remembered something."

"Say it!"

"Park Changyong and the others are planning a train robbery..."

"time and location."

"I don't know. I just know there is such a plan."

"Is it related to the Cao Gang?"

"Eh? You know everything?"

"No. I don't know. A Japanese female spy told me."


"She is my woman now. She cares about me, so she told me in advance. I happened to be on the train at the time, so I got off early."


Jin Xiuzhu was confused.

Get off the bus early? Why?

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't the robbers be eliminated directly?

Why did you sneak away quietly?

"What other information do you have?"


"If it's okay, just go back!"

"I said, I said, I also know that there are several groups of Black Dragons lurking in Beiping..."

"What are they going to do?"

"Keep an eye on your national treasure."

"What national treasure?"

"Inside the Forbidden City."


Zhang Yong nodded silently.

The national treasure in the Forbidden City? That’s a waste.

With the ability of the Japanese invaders, if they wanted to steal it, it would be almost effortless.

The commander-in-chief’s mansion dared to rob openly. How much less the Forbidden City?

Decided to take Jin Xiuzhu on the road.

Keep squeezing toothpaste along the way. There may be some unexpected gains.

This chapter has been completed!
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