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Chapter 519, There is a traitor

 Zhang Yong arrived at the train station and wanted to talk to Yan Guangkun.

As far as he knew, Yan Guangkun was active near the train station. His main task was to keep an eye on the train station.

However, Zhang Yong saw no one here.

Yan Guangkun was not seen. Nor was Yan Guangkun's men seen.

Not a single one of them was seen.


Where have they all gone?

Yan Guangkun is the team leader! He has more than fifty people under him.

It's impossible for all three teams to be invisible. I don't know why. It feels like something is wrong.

Decided to call Li Boqi.

"Guang Kun isn't here?" On the other end of the phone, Li Boqi also noticed something was wrong.

"Everyone is gone," Zhang Yong replied, "I didn't see any of my people. Did they go on other missions?"

"Something happened... Just wait. Don't leave yet. I have a phone call."


Zhang Yong waited patiently.

As a result, Li Boqi responded quickly.

"Something happened to Guangkun."


"They fell into a trap. Guangkun disappeared. After looking for it for a long time, he couldn't find it. He probably fell into the hands of the Japanese invaders."


Zhang Yong was stunned.

The worst-case scenario has indeed occurred.

After all, the Japanese invaders were not vegetarians. They couldn't do anything to themselves, so they attacked others.

Last time, Chen Gongshu was almost killed. Now it's Yan Guangkun's turn.

There is no doubt that Japanese spies are also very powerful. They also have a way of conducting assassinations and arrests.

He was lucky enough to avoid several assassinations. Yan Guangkun may have also avoided several assassinations. However, this time, he did not escape. He fell into the hands of the Japanese invaders. Trouble was coming.

"When did this happen?"

"They couldn't confirm it themselves. It could have been more than an hour."


Zhang Yong was about to speak but stopped.

There is nothing we can do. There is no point in chasing him immediately.

More than an hour was enough for the Japanese invaders to move Yan Guangkun to the garrison headquarters and keep him under strict supervision.

Unless the army is dispatched to attack by force, it will be useless.

In fact, even if the army was deployed, there was no way to defeat the more than 7,000 Japanese regular troops.

In the Battle of Songhu, the Nationalist Army dispatched almost 100,000 people and took the lead in launching an attack, hoping to defeat the Japanese invaders' Hongkou Marine Corps Headquarters. The result was in vain.

The Japanese Marine Corps only has about 7,000 men. One hundred thousand people can't even attack them. How much less the elite army?


There is big trouble.

Must think of other ways.

"Go to Tianxiang Tower. That's where Guang Kun disappeared." Li Boqi said calmly, "Pay attention to safety. If there are any hidden Japanese invaders, try to capture them alive and interrogate them for information."

"Okay! I'll go now!" Zhang Yong nodded and hung up the phone.

Tianxiang Tower? Trap?

It seems that the Japanese invaders' counterattack was very covert!

Tianxiang Tower is not a brothel, but a theater. It is also a very famous theater.

Logically speaking, there should be people coming and going here. Yan Guangkun could not be easily fooled. However, he was actually captured by Japanese spies. He was captured alive rather than beaten to death. This shows that the Japanese invaders are very cunning.

No ordinary opponent.

Who is so powerful?

"Old Cao!"

Zhang Yong waved to Cao Mengqi.

Cao Mengqi ran over immediately.

Zhang Yong told the other party in a low voice the news that Yan Guangkun had been captured.

This matter can only be told to Cao Mengqi first. After all, he is an "old man" with three years of work experience and relatively strong mental endurance.

Yang Zhi and Wu Liuqi are both novices.

Zhong Yang is now mainly responsible for managing the coal mining company and is rarely around Zhang Yong.

"Any clues?" Cao Mengqi was indeed relatively calm.

In fact, those in their line of work know very well that such a result can happen at any time.

Everyone is walking in the dark. You plot against me, and I plot against you.

No matter who it is, as long as they make a little mistake, they may be killed.

Even if you die, you may not even know where the bullet came from.

Even the person who shoots you may be someone you would never expect.

Secret war is so cruel.

"They must be Japanese invaders. But we can't tell who did it."

"Shall we go to the scene first?"

"Yes! The team leader asked me to go to Tianxiang Tower first."


Cao Mengqi immediately sent an order.

Yang Zhi and Wu Liuqi didn't know the truth yet, but they also understood that something had happened and had been prepared for it.

Everyone acted quickly and gathered towards Tianxiang Tower.

On the way, Zhang Yong monitored the map very carefully for fear of missing something.

Fortunately, no obvious doubts were found.

We are getting closer and closer to Tianxiang Tower. No red dot appears.


Have all the Japanese invaders withdrawn?

Not normal!

Do you really leave no trace behind for inspection?

There is not a single Japanese invader in the huge Tianxiang Tower? Could it be that the ones who took action were not Japanese invaders?

Thinking of those Koreans and the traitors of the Puppet Manchukuo State. They are very good at disguise. Maybe they confused Yan Guangkun, so that Yan Guangkun had no time to defend himself. Then he was tricked.

"Captain Zhang!"

"Captain Zhang!"

Several acquaintances came up to greet Zhang Yong.

They are all Yan Guangkun's subordinates. They are very anxious. It's winter and they are sweating all over.

Yan Guangkun's mysterious disappearance is definitely a big deal.

If it were in ancient times, all subordinates would be implicated. They would definitely be severely punished.

Something happened to your boss, and you still don’t know!

There are similar rules in the Fuxing Society. If something happens to the boss, the subordinates cannot escape the blame.

Regardless of whether you are directly responsible or not, you will definitely take the blame.

In fact, all armies implement such strict punishments. Otherwise, how can the strict order of the army be maintained?

However, precisely because of this, when they discovered that Yan Guangkun was missing, they did not dare to report it immediately. Instead, they immediately summoned everyone and searched everywhere, hoping to find him back.

It wasn't until they realized there was little hope that they called to report Li Boqi. That's when they made the call.

More than an hour has passed since the incident occurred.

The day lilies are cold.

"Don't be nervous. I'll protect you." Zhang Yong tried his best to reassure them, "Is Team Leader Yan alone?"

"Yes. We came to Tianxiang Tower and met the top star of Tianxiang Tower, the girl named Diewu. She didn't know what she said to the team leader. Then the team leader told us that he wanted to talk to Diewu girl alone.

Stay a while. Let’s wait outside.”

"Be alone for a while?"

"That's what I said."


Zhang Yong was about to speak but stopped.

If it were Zhang Yong, others would definitely think wrong.

Staying with a leading actor in the theater, even an idiot would know what Zhang Yong is up to. But, that's Yan Guangkun!

Yan Guangkun is not Brother Chu. It is daytime again. There are still men following him. No matter how impatient he is, it is impossible to do this.

Therefore, this butterfly dancing girl must have used other baits to coax him into the game.

The problem is, Yan Guangkun is also an old man, how could he easily fall into the trap?

"Where's Wudie?"


"Is there a secret passage in the room?"

"Not found."

"I gonna go see."

Zhang Yong entered Girl Diewu's room.

The room is large and very gorgeous. The windows are bright and clean. The room is almost spotless.

I looked around and around. I didn't find anything unusual.

After checking the system map, I found no secret passages or anything like that. There was no basement either.

If someone is hiding in the basement, the map will definitely show it. So, no problem.

So, where did Yan Guangkun go?

How did the enemy take him away? Die Wu also did the same.

Why did these two living people suddenly disappear?

It certainly can't fly. It can't possibly tunnel.

So, I must go out.

Zhang Yong was very curious. With a learning attitude, he was ready to conduct in-depth research.

Perhaps, this is the skill that the protagonist of a spy drama should have. He can magically take two living people out without anyone noticing.

"Captain, the team leader is here."


Zhang Yong came to see Li Boqi.

Li Boqi also came in a hurry. His face was ugly.


Yan Guangkun was captured by the Japanese invaders. This was a big deal.

There are only a few team leaders in the Fuxing Society, and Yan Guangkun is one of them. He is older than Li Boqi.

Even if Virgo knew it, he would still frown.

"Keep it secret." This was the first thing Li Boqi said when he saw Zhang Yong.

"Understood." Zhang Yong stood at attention.

Of course he understood. This kind of thing should never be spoken out.

How should I put it? The Japanese can know. The higher-ups within the Fuxing Society can know. But they must not let the Central Unification (Party Affairs Investigation Department) know.

No one over there can smell the slightest bit of wind.

Otherwise, the people in the Party Affairs Investigation Department will definitely take pleasure in the misfortune, deliberately add fuel to the fire, and then bring the matter to Chiang Kai-shek. Then they will embarrass Boss Dai.

The Japanese are the enemy, and the Chinese Communist Party is the sworn enemy.

It is estimated that Virgo has a stronger taboo against the Central Government than against the Japanese.

No matter how powerful the Japanese are, they can't stab them in the back. But Xu Enzeng knows how!

"There is a traitor." Li Boqi said again.

Zhang Yong opened his mouth.

I wanted to say something, but in the end I didn't say it.

The mouth is very bitter.

The situation he least wanted to see happened.

Within the Fuxing Society, traitors appeared.

Strictly speaking, there were traitors among Yan Guangkun's men, or even among his confidants.

Someone tipped off the Japanese invaders. Therefore, the Japanese invaders could kill him with one blow.

If there is no comprehensive plan in advance and a sudden encounter occurs, a gunfight will definitely break out. With Yan Guangkun's skills and reactions, the most he can do is die in battle. It is absolutely impossible to be captured.

Look at Chen Gongshu.

Also, people are definitely taken from the ground.

Someone must have cooperated and then deliberately concealed it. That's why it seemed so weird.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is worthless.

Only with the help of traitors could Yan Guangkun be captured and removed.

This is a very painful reality. The traitors are all around them.

However, who is the traitor?

Zhang Yong doesn't know. I guess Li Boqi doesn't know either.

This is the most painful.

It's so uncomfortable to know that there is a traitor hidden in your team, but not to know who it is.

This was the first time Zhang Yong encountered such a situation.

"Old Li!"


"Instructor Yu."

While they were talking, Yu Lexing came quietly.

Li Boqi nodded but said nothing. He motioned to Zhang Yong to briefly introduce the situation.

This matter also needs to be reported to Yu Lexing. Everyone must be more vigilant. Since the Japanese invaders dare to attack Yan Guangkun, they may also be targeting Yu Lexing.

"There is a traitor." After hearing this, Yu Lexing made the same judgment.

Li Boqi nodded.

To be able to take people away silently, there must be someone cooperating.

There may be more than one traitor.

Zhang Yong:……

They are all big guys! You will know something is wrong as soon as you hear it.

I didn't react just now. It shows that my espionage experience is still very lacking.

"Shaolong, you are responsible for the investigation!" Yu Lexing said.

"Why me?" Zhang Yong was confused.

"Because you are the least suspicious."

"Could it be that you and the team leader are suspicious?"



Zhang Yong was speechless.

Are you and Li Boqi also suspected?

Are you overthinking it?

However, when he thought about it from another angle, he suddenly understood.

If we look at the problem from the perspective of Virgo, Li Boqi and Yu Lexing are certainly suspects. Even if there are not many suspects, they are still suspects.

Is there any conflict between Li Boqi and Yan Guangkun? It is impossible to say that there is no conflict at all.

There are definitely differences of opinion on work.

Yu Lexing and Yan Guangkun also had conflicts over some small things.

Normally no one cares. But once it is shown, it is evidence.

It may be a small thing that leads to betrayal.

There are so many people in the Fuxing Society Secret Service in Tianjin, and the only one who is not suspected is Zhang Yong.

Why? Because there was no need for him to seek refuge with the Japanese invaders.

Even if he wants to join the Japanese invaders, there is no need to betray Yan Guangkun.

"Old Li!"


While they were talking, Yang Shanfu also came.

After listening to Zhang Yong's brief introduction, Yang Shanfu pondered for a moment and then raised two fingers.

"There are traitors. At least two."

Zhang Yong:……

Yes, they are all old foxes.

As soon as my mind turned around, I immediately realized the problem.

Not only did they point out that there were traitors, they also pointed out at least two.

It's terrible...

There are actually two traitors!


At least two.

In other words, there may be three or four...

This is truly a scandal.

If Virgo knew this, his cheeks would probably be as black as the bottom of a pot.

At the same time, Zhang Yong was secretly relaxed.

Because it's hard to track down one traitor, but it's easy to track down two.

The more traitors there are, the easier it is to track them down.

Common sense, the level of confidentiality is inversely proportional to the number of insiders.

The people who can best keep secrets are the dead.

Then there is a living person. As long as he does not speak, it is difficult for outsiders to know.

If two living people know, then there is basically no confidentiality at all. If there are three insiders, it is basically equivalent to a big loudspeaker broadcast.

Therefore, tracking down the traitors is not that difficult.

I wonder if those traitors who betrayed Yan Guangkun have ever considered that by doing so, they are actually seeking their own death?

Did he really think that everything he had done could be hidden from so many old foxes?

Li Boqi, Yu Lexing, and Yang Shanfu, which one is not an old fox?

Among the people below, who has played with them?

"You should be responsible for the investigation! I'm going to catch a few important spies now." Zhang Yong said quickly, "Get ready to replace them."

"That's fine." Li Boqi nodded, "Traitors are not difficult to catch! You go ahead! Pay attention to safety!"

"Catch a few more for backup," Yang Shanfu said.

Zhang Yong made an OK gesture.

no problem.

It depends on which Japanese invader is unlucky and falls into his hands.

This time we won’t be arresting traitors. We will be focusing on arresting Japanese spies. We will raid and arrest all the way to see how many important ones we can catch.

The heavy sunflowers in Akiyama cannot be moved.

Black Island Ryuuzhang cannot move.

These two guys will be hidden dangers in the future. They will have a big effect.


I feel like someone is peeping from a distance.

Turn back instantly.

Looking into the distance.

But nothing was found.

I raised my telescope and searched the distance carefully. I found nothing unusual.


Is it my own illusion?

No. Definitely not. This is the second time.

Last time we were in Kailuan Coal Mine.

There cannot be two similar hallucinations. It is definitely not a coincidence.

You can be sure that you are being followed by someone. The other person should also be using a telescope to observe from a distance.

A very cunning opponent.

At the same time I was a little worried.

Worried that the enemy might have a sniper rifle in his hands.

At a distance of 400 meters, aiming with the naked eye is basically ineffective. However, if the opponent has a sight, it will be very troublesome.

Do the Japanese invaders have scopes? Yes.

The Japanese invaders were equipped with Type 97 sniper rifles. In fact, a scope was installed on the Type 38 rifle. It seemed to be 2.5 times larger. The shooting distance was increased to more than 600 meters.

In other words, a master can shoot the target within 600 meters. Therefore, he is still in danger.

This forced Zhang Yong to be careful to avoid being killed by a single shot.

Of course, you don’t have to go out through two doors or take a step forward. It is said to be 600 meters, but in fact, there are not many that can really hit it.

As long as he wasn't particularly unlucky, he probably wouldn't be fatally shot. He might just be injured.

"What's wrong?" Yang Shanfu realized something was wrong.

"Someone is spying on me from a distance." Zhang Yong said slowly, "It's far away, four hundred meters away."

"so far?"

"Maybe a telescope."

"Are you from the Miyamoto family?"

"Not sure."

"It's also possible that he belongs to the Fujiwara family."


Zhang Yong heard another new term.

Fujiwara family?

Is this family very powerful?

Is it more powerful than the Miyamoto family?

"Speaking of secret warfare masters, the Japanese invaders have three families. Miyamoto, Fujiwara, and Ashikaga. They are all masters. There are also Honganji Temple and Ryuzoji Temple."


"In the past, the people we met were all members of the Miyamoto family. Now maybe the Fujiwara and Ashikaga families have also sent people."

"Are they all powerful?"

"Skills have specializations. They are indeed unique in secret warfare."

"Thanks for reminding."

Zhang Yong increased his vigilance.

The Japanese invaders still had some resources. After all, they had a large population.

According to information released by later generations, there are almost hundreds of millions of Japanese invaders now. The number is indeed quite large.

Clean up your mood.

Prepare to raid Japanese spies and catch every one of them.


Lead the team and set off.

Suddenly I found that the mute had been following me.



"Lu Xiaobu!"

Zhang Yong waved to the mute.

The mute ran up immediately.

Maybe it's because he's eaten enough in the past few days, so his movements are still quite nimble.

Except for not being able to speak, everything else is normal.

"You don't have to follow us." Zhang Yong said, "It's very dangerous."

The mute began to sign. Repeatedly.

Zhang Yong looked at Jin Xiuzhu.

Jin Xiuzhu said: "He said he wanted to follow."

"Tell him it's dangerous."

"He said he would protect himself."

"How does he protect?"

"He said he knew martial arts."


Zhang Yong laughed dumbly.

A mute knows martial arts? Damn! How could he know martial arts?

Who taught him martial arts?

If he can do martial arts, I, Zhang Yong, can cultivate immortality!

Too lazy to pay attention to him!

Just follow it!

Found a red dot. Approached quickly.

In the afternoon, there were already many pedestrians on the street. There were also some refugees.

They all fled to Tianjin Wei from other places. They had no place to stay for the time being, so they settled in the streets and alleys, huddled in every corner.

Zhang Yong glanced at them and walked past them. His steps were hurried.

Catch people! Catch spies!

We must hurry up! Get a few important spies as soon as possible!

Suddenly, someone rushed out next to him.

Without warning, a dagger stabbed Zhang Yong in the side.

The opponent has no weapons.

The other party is not a Japanese invader.

Therefore, Zhang Yong didn't pay too much attention. He didn't expect to be attacked.

Moreover, the opponent's movements were very fast, and he barely had enough time to react. Even if he had a gun in his hand, he could not stop the opponent's dagger. Injuries were inevitable.


I scolded my mother secretly. She was about to get hurt again.

The gunshot wound on my shoulder hasn't healed yet. I'm about to get stabbed again. Damn it. Where is Yan Shuangying?

I want the ability of Yan Shuangying! I want to be like Yan Shuangying!

However, the system is unresponsive.

As if dead...

Zhang Yong was full of resentment and avoided the vital point as much as possible. At the same time, he pointed the gun at the assassin.

Come on! I'll take a stab! You'll take a shot!

If you lose your life in my hands, you won’t suffer any loss anyway!

Just then...

The mute suddenly kicked out, as fast as lightning.

It actually moved much faster than Zhang Yong's gun. It reached the opponent's crotch in an instant.

Zhang Yong saw in shock that the enemy seemed to be flying after being kicked. Vaguely, something seemed to explode...


Immediately, screams echoed through the sky.

This chapter has been completed!
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