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Chapter 524, the smell of conspiracy

 "Be obedient..."

"Otherwise, we will kill you and fly away."

"It doesn't matter to us. If you die, you are dead."

Zhang Yong's words are serious and thoughtful.

Tao Wenrui was completely hit.

Yes, these people in front of you are rogues! They run around and commit crimes.

The next moment I didn't know where I was running.

If you don't cooperate and the other party kills you with a knife, so what if he is Japanese? Where can you chase a few bandits?

No matter how strong the Imperial Japanese Army is, they can't do anything against a few unknown robbers.

If someone else runs away, you can't catch them.

However, when he dies, he really dies. There is nothing left.

"You only need one hundred thousand..."

"No. First issue."


Tao Wenrui was choked again.

The first installment costs 100,000? How many installments do you want?

Are you going to create a bottomless pit?

"Don't worry. I won't let you become a pauper." Zhang Yong persuaded, "What I want is what I deserve."

"Why..." Tao Wenrui was unconvinced.

"Because I am Chinese." Zhang Yong replied, "You are Japanese. You came to our Chinese land to plunder wealth. Isn't it right that I take it back?"

"I..." Tao Wenrui looked at the heavy hammer and shut up angrily.

alright, you win.

I obediently called again and asked someone to send money.

This time, I no longer dare to play any tricks. I don't dare to be too showy. I only look for my confidants.

Soon, a cloth bag was delivered.

The cloth bag was loose and not heavy. It seemed to contain clothes.

After opening it, there were all banknotes inside. Some were in bundles, and some were scattered. He wanted it too urgently, and his confidants didn't have time to handle it well.

Zhang Yong opened the cloth bag and frowned. He was unhappy. It was another bank note from Baoshang Bank.

Depressed. Nothing else?

“No dollars or pounds?”



"These things are not allowed to circulate in North China."

"Where are the checks from other banks?"

"Except for Zhengjin Bank and Taisho Bank, no other bank will work."

“Aren’t Americans and British protesting?”

"It's useless for them to protest. Whoever accepts their banknotes in the market will be attacked, isolated and eventually eliminated by us."

"I see."

Zhang Yong understood. This was a secret war on the economic front.

The Japanese invaders wanted to monopolize North China's economic system and monopolize the market, and of course they wanted to squeeze out Britain and the United States.

The ambition of the Japanese invaders was unprecedented.

Not only does it want to annex Chinese land, it also wants to encroach on the British and American markets.

Crazy indeed.

The consequences of the Pacific War were actually laid long ago.

"How many workers do you have in your flour mill?"

"More than five hundred."

"so much?"

"We can produce dozens of tons of flour every month. We supply less than half of the flour on the market in Peiping."

"Where's the other half?"

"They are Nansheng and Beisheng. Their scale is larger than mine. Their monthly output exceeds one hundred tons."

"Nan Sheng, Beisheng, are they also Japanese?"

"Yes. All."

"In other words, you have a monopoly on flour production in Beiping?"

"That's right."

“What if someone else wants to start a flour mill?”

"It will be blocked. People will be beaten. Equipment will be damaged. We will send people to beat him half to death and then throw him out."

"Even Dongjiaominxiang is no exception?"

"Absolutely. Even if they are foreigners, they are still being beaten. They don't know it was us."


Zhang Yong couldn't help scolding his mother.

The Japanese invaders played this game very smoothly! The Chinese people were all blamed.

They are all fake Chinese. However, foreigners don’t know about this! They can’t tell who is Japanese and who is Chinese. They can only blame the Chinese.

Reminds me of the recent train robbery. The robbers also included Japanese.

The benefits are all gained by the Japanese. It is the Chinese who have to bear the consequences and pay the price. It is also the Chinese who are scolded.

Made. Irritated.



Take out the special insole and slap the opponent's face hard.

What makes you so cunning!

Let you pretend to be Chinese!



He fired his bow from left to right and beat the opponent's cheek until it was bloody and bloody.

Nothing. Just venting my anger.

"you can go now."

Zhang Yong waved his hands impatiently.

You can't kill the opponent for the time being. If you kill him, you won't be able to wipe out all his assets.

This is the wealth that the Japanese aggressors plundered from us Chinese people, and we must get it all back. Not a penny less. Facts have proved that this is also a good way to deal with Japanese spies.

No matter what espionage activities are, funds are needed. Without funds, nothing can be done.

First, cut off the source of funding for the spies. Even if the remaining spies are not caught, they are still powerless.


Tao Wenrui couldn't believe it.

He was completely blindsided.

The other party just let me go like this?

Did you deliberately beat yourself up before leaving?

"I will come to you again if necessary." Zhang Yong added bitterly.

Tao Wenrui suddenly lost his composure.

Is this the end of the world?

Beat me, steal my money, and still haunt me?

"If you don't want me to come to you, that's fine. You can recommend a few other people." Zhang Yong said again.

"You..." Tao Wenrui hesitated.

He originally refused. How could he harm others?

However, if you don't introduce other people, the other person will try hard to get rid of you.

Then he can't stand it! Of course he will have to bear the same burden.

"The boss of Yingfeng Food Factory..."

"anything else?"

"The owner of Suncheon Pawn Shop."

"I already know this. You don't need to introduce me."


"I've been eyeing Shuntian Pawnshop for a long time."


Tao Wenrui secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

I feel so unlucky. Why didn't you take action against Sunchon Pawnshop in advance? Why did you come to arrest me?

"Do you know the owner of Sunchon Pawn Shop?"

"do not know."

"He is also Japanese. Don't you recognize him?"

"I, we..."

"Where are you from? Sapporo? Shizuoka? Hiroshima? Nagasaki?"


"Oh, are you from Osaka?"


Tao Wenrui felt so strange.

I'm from Osaka, what's weird? What's your expression?

I'm from Osaka, what's so special about me?

"I heard that you Osaka people dare to do any business?"


"I heard that you even dare to sell your own cannon?"

"Who said that?"

"Haha. Just kidding. You can go now."


Tao Wenrui felt that the other party was strange.

Since the other party let him go, he didn't dare to be careless and retreated cautiously.

Zhang Yong waved his hand. You can walk by yourself, but you cannot drive. I have requisitioned this car. From now on, it will be my "Qiu Tianlai" car.

"By the way, come back!" Zhang Yong suddenly remembered something again.

Tao Wenrui suddenly turned pale.

Thinking that the other party is deliberately playing a cat and mouse game.

Purify yourself deliberately.

I had no choice but to come back cautiously. My heart was in my throat. I was afraid that I would be killed in the next moment.

These guys are very cruel. They even dare to kill people from Matsui Mansion. Is there anything else they dare not do?

"Don't be nervous, let me ask you something."

"you say……"

"Among you people, who drives the best car?"


"For people like you, do any of you drive Cadillacs, Stypunkts, or other cars?"


"Oh, who is it?"

"SF Pawn Shop has a Cadillac..."

"I already know this. What else is there?"

"Also, what I know is that Wang Kemin has three Cadillacs there, and Luo Xingwang has two Cadillacs..."

"No Stepunk?"

"What grams?"

Tao Wenrui said he didn't remember the name.

Zhang Yong:……

Forget it. This guy may really not know.

This Stypunk was not very famous for the time being. He had only seen a few of them in the south. They were relatively rare.

It was only after Chennault arrived to form an aviation volunteer team that his car was Stypunk, and he often drove to various public places, that this brand would gradually be recognized by people.

Later, many high-level celebrities and rich people, in order to please the Americans, purchased Stypunk cars in large quantities, but the total number of retained cars was not large. There was no way, its price was too high.

Why is the station manager so happy? He just knows that this car is valuable.

A full two hundred thousand dollars!

Even in 1948 or so, this was a huge amount of money.

"Let's go!"

Zhang Yong waved his hand and let Tao Wenrui go.

Then deal with the last captured spy and prepare to travel lightly.

Now I have money and two cars. But it’s not enough. I still have to keep working hard.

Rest for all.

Except for those on duty, everyone else slept for eight hours.

It was already the afternoon of the next day when we took action again.

Take to the streets.

Go to Suncheon Pawn Shop.

Ma Yu should leave and start taking action.

Suddenly slowed down.

I saw many students coming and going.

The number of police officers on the streets seems to have increased.

The rain is coming!

What day is it today? It's the seventh.

There are still two days left before the famous December 9th Movement.


Will it really break out someday?

I should not affect the development of any historical trajectory.

Come to Suncheon Pawnshop.

Unexpectedly, I found that the door here was closed.

However, the system map shows that there are clearly people inside.

There's more than one.

There are three small red dots and five small white dots inside.

They don't have weapons signs. But somewhere inside the pawn shop, there are weapons.

Think silently.

A little bit of a change.

When I arrived before, there were no weapons in this pawn shop.

Zhang Yong is sure that if there were weapons at that time, the map would definitely remind you. Since there are changes before and after, it means that the weapons were added in these two days.

So, what were the Japanese aggressors trying to do by hiding weapons in the pawn shop?

Press your hands to indicate silence.

Let’s observe it first and then talk about it.

Soon after, a small white dot moved.

He walked to where the weapons were hidden and then moved away. The map showed that he was armed.

It seemed that this guy had a gun. After a while, he quietly came out from the back door of the pawn shop.

Zhang Yong immediately led people to surround him. He found a man who looked like a student. He had his head lowered and was wearing a peaked cap. But he had weapons marks on his body.


With a gun?

What is this going to do?

Zhang Yong tasted some unusual flavors.

This smells of conspiracy...

The December 9 Movement organized by the Red Party was non-violent and did not use guns.

This is a peaceful demonstration, not a violent conflict.

Once the nature changes, it will evolve into a very terrible bloody conflict.


Zhang Yong gave the order decisively.

Cao Mengqi immediately took action and outflanked them from both sides.

That little guy is obviously not a spy. Who he is will have to wait until he is captured.



A scuffle.

A shell gun fell out of the target's arms.

This chapter has been completed!
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