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Chapter 549, Tamarind

Hold a gun and squat.

All the Japanese invaders outside have been wiped out.

The map showed that there were no red dots nearby, but Zhang Yong was still very careful.

There is no way, this line of work is really too dangerous.

What I fear the most is getting carried away after a victory.

You could die at any time because you were too happy for a moment. That would be the end of it.


It seemed like there were no more screams.

After the battle, the scene became very strange and dead.

No one was heard screaming.

Is there not a single wounded person? All of them were killed?


It was also quiet and eerie behind the scenes.

I looked back and found nothing unusual. The person closest to me was also fifty meters away.

a long time……

"Wang moves!"

"Wang moves!"

Suddenly, someone shouted outside.

It was Zhao Guanglin's voice. He was fine. It sounded fine.

"I'm in it."

"You guys come in one by one!"

Zhang Yong replied.

Even though you are one of your own, you still have to be vigilant.

What if there is a traitor?

As soon as I showed up at the nightclub, the Japanese invaders caught up with me.

What a coincidence.

I didn't think there was any problem just now. Now that I think about it, someone must have informed me. Otherwise, the Japanese invaders would not be so well-informed.

Who could be the traitor?

"I'm coming in. Don't shoot," Zhao Guanglin said.

"Come in!" Zhang Yong replied.

After a while, Zhao Guanglin spread his hands and walked in slowly from the outside.

He knew that Zhang Yong was a bit nervous. This guy was more afraid of death. If the situation was not right, he might directly fire at him.

No, it's not possible. It will definitely happen.

As I walked in slowly, I saw the corpses of Japanese invaders lying on the ground.

Almost all the Japanese invaders were beaten with bullet holes all over their bodies. They knew exactly what was going on.

This Zhang Yong really shot with all his might!

Maybe one magazine has been used up. Maybe a second magazine has been used.

Those Japanese invaders were also miserable. They encountered a weirdo like Zhang Yong.

Came to Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong was relieved now.

He walked out from behind the pillar and came to the side of the female Japanese invader who was beaten to death.

Look carefully and confirm that it is a woman.

Curious and unexpected. There is actually a female Japanese killer?

Could it be the legendary female ninja?

Or is she a member of the Special High School? A part-time killer?

"Old Zhao, help me take a look."


"See if she is a woman."

"It's a woman!"

"You read that right? She's a woman, right?"

"It's a woman."

Zhao Guanglin answered affirmatively.

I don’t understand why Zhang Yong emphasized this matter.

Female Japanese invaders, isn’t that surprising?

The Japanese invaders also had women. It seems a bit strange for women to be killers.

Zhang Yong began to search the body of the female Japanese invader, hoping to find some valuable information. Zhao Guanglin hurriedly turned away. Men and women were not close to each other. He did not dare to look more.

"Seal the territory!"

"Old antique!"

Zhang Yong labeled Zhao Guanglin.

He touched the corpses without distinguishing between men and women.

However, not much was found on the female Japanese invaders.

There is only one Browning M1935 pistol. It's new, but nothing special. The number of new guns like this is slowly increasing.

There is also a photo. It shows a cute little girl with a round face.

Alas, this Japanese invader violated a taboo.

How can you go to the battlefield with your photos! That’s a surefire way to die!

Keep touching...

I touched a booklet. I took it out and found that it seemed to be a code book?

But if you look closely, they don't look very similar. Although there are numerical codes and Japanese characters on them, there are not many of them.

The booklet only has eight pages, and each page has about thirty codes. There are more than two hundred codes in total.

A normal password should not have so few.

There are two more keys.

They are all very old. They are round and have many gaps on them. At first glance, they are not ordinary locks.

There is also a cross notch on one of them. After thinking about it for a while, I have no clue at all.

give up.

Keep it.

Stand up. Turn her over. Face to the ground.

I feel uncomfortable looking at her face. She is not beautiful. She deserves to die. He has always chosen people based on their looks...

"Who is she?" Zhao Guanglin asked curiously.

"I don't know." Zhang Yong shook his head.

"The Japanese invaders outside are all men. She is the only one who is a woman."

"Were all the Japanese invaders killed?"

"Beat to death."

"That's good."

Zhang Yong nodded silently.

Suddenly, the map prompted that a large number of people with weapons were approaching.

There were a lot of people. There were nearly a hundred people.

Good guy, who is this? Is this a team of traitors?

Be vigilant.

Suddenly, a mark appeared on the edge of the map. Oh, it was Chen Gongpeng.

It turned out that Chen Gongpeng brought people here.

Breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are there many casualties outside?" Zhang Yong suddenly remembered.

The Japanese invaders seemed very cruel just now!

It is estimated that there will be many casualties.


Zhao Guanglin sighed and looked gloomy.

Zhang Yong knew that the situation was serious. It was estimated that there were many casualties.

After all, those selected by Pang Yu are all rookies. If they really fight, they will almost only be bullied.

If there weren't so many people, the whole army would probably be annihilated.


did not expect……

Soon after, Chen Gongpeng hurried over.

Beside him were indeed the masters of the Wuyuan Pistol Regiment.

After they arrived, they immediately took control of the area around the nightclub and put the entire scene on alert.

Chen Gongpeng rushed in excitedly, "Zhang Yong! Zhang Yong!"

Zhang Yong stood up silently.

Chen Gongpeng looked him up and down, "Are you okay? Okay, okay, okay!"

He seemed to be breathing a huge sigh of relief.

After receiving the order, he immediately set off as quickly as possible, but luckily he arrived in time.

Zhang Yong is fine.

That's good.

Otherwise, the next thing will be troublesome.

By the way, this Zhang Yong is really in demand. But he is also very hot. I want to take advantage of his ability, but I am worried that he will mess around.

"By the way. Have you seen a female Japanese?"

"Kill this one?"

"Beat to death?"

Chen Gongpeng hurriedly checked the underground.

The female Japanese invader had just been turned over and lying on her stomach, but he didn't see clearly.

Zhang Yong stretched out his foot and kicked it.

Chen Gongpeng hurriedly squatted down, turned the body over and looked carefully.

"is her!"

After a while, Chen Gongpeng said slowly.

Feeling relieved.

It’s a little unbelievable.

"Did you beat him to death?"


"How did you kill him?"

"He was shot to death randomly."

Zhang Yong answered honestly.

Chen Gongpeng was about to speak but stopped. His lips moved but he did not speak.

"who is she?"

Zhang Yong was curious.

It seems that this female Japanese invader is famous?

Otherwise, Chen Gongpeng would not have been able to question her as soon as he arrived. He was very surprised to find that she had been beaten to death.

"Her codename is Tamarind."


"Tamarind. A spice."

"what for?"

"The important backbone of the Japanese Black Dragon Society, the Pioneer Group, and the Huoyao Society. They have been active in the Jehol area before."

"Is it great?"


Chen Gongpeng was about to speak but stopped.

I want to say that this woman is quite powerful, but I shrink back when the words reach my lips.

If this female Japanese invader was too powerful and she was beaten to death by Zhang Yong, wouldn't it mean that Zhang Yong was very powerful? Oh, what level is this Zhang Yong, wouldn't he know?

He was not lying when he said he was shot to death randomly. Zhang Yong could only be shot randomly.

Otherwise, would you let him seriously try to shoot? He will probably die.

"Huoyao Society..."

Zhang Yong remembers this name.

Someone seemed to have mentioned it before. This is the second time it has appeared.

From Chen Gongpeng's tone, it seems that the Huoyao Society is related to the Black Dragon Society? It is also related to some pioneering group?

"What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you."

"What do you want from me?"

"Take over the Dongjiaominxiang assassination case and the train robbery case."


"Yes. Your boss Li Boqi is here. Our level must be higher, right? Pang Yu is from the police department, and the people there obviously can't do such dangerous things."

"My name is Wang Dong now."

"I don't care what you do. Anyway, come with me!"

"They don't care?"

"They are all frightened. It is impossible to carry out the mission in the short term. Let's go."

"All right……"

Zhang Yong replied dully.

Facts have proved that what he is going to do is really dangerous.

Pang Yu and the others are indeed inappropriate.

It may be okay to deal with ordinary Japanese spies. But it will be troublesome if you encounter the most vicious ones.

When I walked out of it, I saw the bodies of several people lying scattered outside. Among them were Huang Chu and Cen Zhaohai. Both of them were beaten to death by the Japanese invaders.

I saw Pang Yu sitting aside blankly. He didn't speak or shed any tears. He just sat there blankly.

He probably never thought that half of the team he organized would suddenly be wiped out by the enemy.

More than half!

"I took a look. Twenty-seven people died."


Zhang Yong sighed helplessly.

This is the price!

Fighting against the Japanese invaders will cost you blood at any time.

I hope they can get out of the shadows as soon as possible. After all, two years later, there will be greater tests waiting for them.

Now, it's just raiding.

Two years later, it will be an all-out attack.

There are many cars in Chen Gong Peng.

Not only are there cars, but there are also trucks.

There was also a light machine gun mounted on top of the truck.

It's professional after all.

After all, they are the elite of the 29th Army!

All members are elites selected from the army.

If they were attacked by Japanese invaders, they would definitely not have so many casualties. More than ten Japanese invaders would definitely be killed instantly if they were attacked by more than fifty people.


The co-pilot of a truck.

It's safe here.

If attacked, the car will definitely be the first to be shot.

Big trucks are easy to jump off.

"Where to go now?"

"Go to Dongjiaomin Lane."


Zhang Yong nodded.

Now that Chen Gongpeng has taken over, he can just follow the crowd.

Set off.

Arrive at the entrance of Dongjiaomin Lane.

At the door, Zhang Yong suddenly saw a familiar old friend.

"Hey, Zhu Yuan!"

He shouted with joy.

It turned out that he actually saw Zhu Yuan at the entrance.

At first glance, I thought I had seen it wrong. But I soon became convinced that I had definitely seen it right. It was really Zhu Yuan.

"Captain Zhang!"

Zhu Yuan also responded with a smile.

Obviously, he already knew that Zhang Yong was in Peiping, so he waited here on purpose.

"How did you come?"

"Being called in for support."


"Yes! We are short of manpower here, so I was transferred here with just one phone call."

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Zhang Yong said that he was very happy. Having acquaintances around made communication and work easier.

At the same time, you can also get more information.

He didn't know much about the shooting, but he felt it wasn't that simple.

Why attack the Germans?

What's the motive?

Everything has a motive. Especially such a big event.

After the murderer shot and killed the target, he quickly hid himself. This shows that he had concealed his identity and had a hiding plan in Dongjiaomin Lane.

"What information do you have now?"


"Talk about it."

"Really not. It was too chaotic at the time. The scene was also destroyed. No valid evidence could be found at all. They were all testimonies from witnesses. They were contradictory and inaccurate."

"Then there's no way to check."

Zhang Yong spread his hands.

He was not good at investigating crimes to begin with.

There is no such expertise.

But others thought he was very good at it. Every time there was a major case, they would come to him.

Alas, this is really...

I hope Chen Gongpeng can do his best. Otherwise, it will be in vain.

Suddenly I felt something.

Someone is approaching. There are weapons.

Turn around.

I saw a vaguely familiar face.

Suddenly an idea flashed in my mind, and I shouted:

"catch him!"

"catch him!"

This chapter has been completed!
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