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Chapter 555, Baga! You traitor!

The answer from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau finally came.

By this time, it was already evening. Night had fallen and the lights were starting to turn on.

The Germans successfully exerted pressure and allowed Zhang Yong and others to search the concession.

All areas within Dongjiaomin Lane can be searched.

The premise is that there must be patrols from the concession present.

The concession patrol captain happened to be Zhu Yuan.

If there is a special reason why a search is not allowed in a certain place, then let the Germans do it themselves.


"Fire Captain."


Zhang Yong smiled and nodded.

He had long sensed that there was some energy behind Zhu Yuan.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for this guy to be easily transferred from Shanghai Beach to Tianjin Guard, and then transferred from Tianjin Guard to Peiping.

If Zhu Yuan hadn't bravely saved his life, with Zhang Yong's suspicious character, he would have suspected that this guy was following him secretly. Wherever he appeared, Zhu Yuan also appeared. It would be a coincidence to say it was a coincidence.

There are too many coincidences.

With Zhu Yuan's cooperation, everything went smoothly.

However, you are not allowed to drive into the concession. Everyone must walk and cannot leave the sight of the patrol.

In other words, the investigation team cannot act alone.


Although I feel deeply humiliated.

This is our Chinese land. As a result, the Chinese people are subject to heavy restrictions when moving on their own land.

But there was no way. That was the situation at the time.

This situation would not be resolved until 1950.

Even on October 1, 1949, Dongjiaominxiang was still not confiscated.



The group of people entered the depths of the concession.

I saw a group of people singing and dancing, intoxicated and dreamy, completely different from the outside.

There are many nightclubs and dance halls. Everywhere is full of warblers and swallows, cooing softly. Dancers in gorgeous costumes are making secret glances at them.


Zhang Yong smiled and waved to them.

It's a pity that no one pays attention to him. It seems that he is not here for consumption. Who wants to pay attention to him.

"Twenty oceans a night."

"so cheap?"

"You said it's cheap?"

"It's only twenty oceans a night, so of course it's cheap!"


Zhu Yuan didn't want to talk to Zhang Yong.

This weirdo really takes the ocean as money. No wonder, it came too easily.

Zhang Yong caught too many spies. If he just robbed a few, he would have a lot of money. It was faster than robbing a bank. How could he cherish them?

To blame, I can only blame the Japanese spy for plundering so much money and then giving it all to Zhang Yong.

When others engage in espionage, the core is intelligence. When Zhang Yong conducts espionage, the core is money. It is always money!

"Captain Zhang is indeed very wealthy!"

"I am over-flattered."

Zhang Yong responded with a smile.

The person who spoke to me was Akagi Gaochun. He actually showed up again.

If his face wasn't all blue and red, no one else would have thought that this Japanese was slapped hard by a German just today.

The Germans slapped us so hard that the earth shook and the earth collapsed.

I thought this guy would hide and recuperate. After all, it was a very embarrassing thing. Who knew, he actually showed up again, acting like nothing was wrong.

Zhang Yong had to admire how thick-skinned this guy was. He was almost half as good as himself.

Mudd, these shameless bitches are all tough opponents.

Without morals, anything is possible.

What is this guy going to do when he suddenly appears?

Are you monitoring your every move?

OK, come on!

"Why don't we show Captain Zhang's arrogance?"

"This doesn't seem good, does it?"

"What's wrong? Please, Captain Zhang! Just let us open our eyes!"

"I'm so sorry..."


"Okay. Then it's better to be respectful than obey."



Zhang Yong took out a handful of oceans and threw them over the heads of the dancing girls.

Come on, I’m giving you a reward!

Quick eyes and quick hands!

If you have a quick hand, you will have it; if you have a slow hand, you will not have it.

Chen Gongpeng was about to speak but stopped.

This Zhang Yong is really a child at heart, taking foreign money as money!

You don't go in to spend money, but you spread the word at the door. How stupid you must be. The Japanese are deliberately irritating you. Don't be fooled!

This Akagi Gaochun is just a mad dog. What do you care about him?

However, Zhang Yong has already left the ocean.

At the beginning, the dancers didn't pay attention. It wasn't until the ocean landed that they realized something was wrong.



What is it? The sound of landing is so crisp?

Then they discovered that there were huge oceans one after another. They immediately became uneasy and hurriedly ran over to pick them up.

It’s all a vast ocean of white flowers! Everyone is jumping on the ground.

In this situation, who can still sit still?


Zhang Yong took out another handful of ocean and threw it out.

It’s okay. There are plenty of oceans. It’s okay to drop hundreds of them at any time. Pomeranians just smile!


But, he likes it.

There is a word "Yong" in his name, which means "vulgar".



Noisy and jumbled bullets, big and small beads falling onto the jade plate.

Zhang Yong threw out several handfuls of oceans in a row. There were more than a dozen in each handful, and more than a hundred oceans landed on the ground.

The sound has never been sweeter.

The atmosphere was unprecedentedly warm.

Some pedestrians passing by noticed that there was an ocean rolling on the ground, so they also joined in the snatching process.

The ninth one...

The tenth hand...

Finally, Zhang Yong stopped.

It's almost done, all the scattered things on my body are gone.

But it doesn’t matter, you can still make more money.

Just capture a spy and make up for it.

At this moment...

He, Zhang Yong...

He is the most handsome boy in the whole Dongjiaomin Lane!

Ha ha!

"Captain Zhang is indeed a rich man, I admire him!"

"Actually, it's nothing. I just caught a spy and earned a few hundred dollars."


Akagi Gaochun's face suddenly turned pale.

This guy caught another spy? Who was caught? Who was exposed again?


Fake. Absolutely fake.

He was clearly in the concession just now, where could he go to catch Japanese spies?



Chinese people are the most cunning. Zhang Yong is the best among them.

"Do not believe?"

"Appreciate further details."

"Oh, he refused to admit that he was a spy. But after I beat him up, he admitted it."

"You are subduing yourself."

"If he is not a spy, then I am attacking one of my own. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?"


Akagi Gaochun held it in angrily.

It is judged that Zhang Yong is definitely lying. He did not catch any Japanese spies at all.

This bastard wants to deceive himself.

"It turns out that all the Japanese spies caught by Captain Zhang were beaten like this. It's amazing."

"Do you want to learn?"

"No need. I won't do such a despicable thing."

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Yong looked up to the sky and laughed.

Damn you, you are a Japanese invader and you actually call me despicable?

All the despicable things we have done in China for five thousand years, put together, are more than what you do in one year? You Japanese devils are the most despicable, okay...

"why are you laughing?"

"Sorry, I couldn't help it."

"why are you laughing?"

"Actually, we agents of the Fuxing Society have all received strict training. No matter how funny things are, we will not laugh unless we can't help it."

"why are you laughing?"

"I just lied to that spy and told him that my name is Sakuragi Hanamichi, haha..."

"Who is Sakuragi Hanamichi?"

"Don't worry about these details. The key is that I also named him Sakata Nobutetsu."

"Who is Nobutsu Sakata?"

"have no idea."


Akagi Gaochun felt that Zhang Yong must be sick.

This guy's thinking is very disordered. He is asking questions and answering questions. His words are inconsistent with what he says. He is insane.

I thought what kind of master the other party was, but I didn’t expect that he turned out to be a psychopath. Those colleagues in the past didn’t know what was going on, how could they be caught? They were all excellent imperial agents, but they were actually caught by a psychopath.

The Chinese were defeated?

It is tolerable, but what is intolerable!

He, Akagi Gaochun, wants revenge! He wants to wash away the shame of the imperial agents!


Zhang Yong suddenly shouted.

Chen Gongpeng immediately slowed down and looked around cautiously.

Zhu Yuan waved his hand, and police officers were on alert around him.

Akagi Gaochun also looked around curiously. He didn't find anything abnormal! What is this lunatic going to do?

"Is this Wilson Street?"


"No. 52 is at..."



Zhang Yong walked forward silently.

He remembered the address written on the note by the spy before.

It's 52 Wilson Street.

This address is said to be a supply point for Japanese spies. I wonder what is in it?

When I let the spy go just now, he probably wouldn't have had time to take away the contents of the supply point. Since he happened to be passing by, he would be the first to get there.

Even a bullet is a good thing.

Didn't we just spread out more than a hundred oceans? Now it's time to replenish it.

Ha ha.

Supplement as the flowers bloom. Continuous supply.

When we arrived at our destination, we found that it was a pawn shop. It was quite large.

The name is also very special. It's called New York Pawn.


Is there actually a pawn shop in the concession?

Who would pawn something here? Foreigners don’t seem that poor...

"It's driven by Americans."


"The business is huge."


"I once earned tens of thousands of silver dollars a month."

"so smart?"

"Lots of loot."


Zhang Yong understood.

Zhu Yuan's last sentence is the key point.

Pawn shops outside don't dare to collect dirty money easily. It can easily cause trouble.

Even the Shunfeng Pawn Shop run by a Japanese spy still needs to weigh and weigh large stolen goods. After all, he is pretending to be Chinese.

However, this New York pawn is not afraid of anything.

The word New York clearly indicates that its background is very tough.

As long as you dare to bring something, he will dare to accept it. No matter where it comes from, even Sun Wukong's golden cudgel will be accepted.

Of course, items with unknown origins will definitely be greatly discounted.

Many cultural relics lost overseas in later generations actually got out through this way.

Zhang Yong thought of getting a four-digit number. Maybe it has something to do with the pawnshop?

Decided to go in and give it a try. Maybe it would work?

Enter the pawn shop.

Come to the front of the counter.

There are no high-ceiling counters here.

The counter is flat.

There is no old shopkeeper wearing reading glasses.

There was only one American woman sitting there, with a straight face and a serious smile.

Zhang Yong didn't say anything and handed the note over.

The woman picked up the note, looked at the numbers on it, then picked up a bundle from her feet and handed it to him.

He closed his hand, waved his hand, and looked disgusted.

Zhang Yong:???

what's the situation?

No password required? No credentials required?

Is it too insecure to pick up just four numbers?

Also, you old woman, what do you look like?

Who do you despise?

I'll just assume that the one you despise is Akagi Gaochun. I'll let you go this time and I'll argue with you next time...

He took the baggage over angrily.

Go to the corner aside. Place it on a table and open it.

Oh, there's nothing in it. It's just some banknotes. The face value is 200 silver dollars. There are fifteen in total. The total is 3,000 silver dollars.

This is not the point.

What Zhang Yong needs now is not silver coins.

I found another pamphlet. It also only had eight pages. It seemed to be a telecommunications password.


It's exactly the same as the one I found last time.

Keep it.

I saw a ferry ticket. It was for the day after tomorrow.

Did that spy run so fast? He will set off the day after tomorrow? Then my plan...

Get out of the pawn shop.

Neither Zhu Yuan nor Chen Gongpeng asked.

Since Zhang Yong didn't tell some things, they didn't want to know either.

Only Akagi Gaochun spoke coldly.

"No money?"


"Did you pawn something?"


"Admit it! There's nothing to be ashamed of."

"It's really not. It was something left by a Japanese spy. He probably quit and came to take it. So I took it."

"You're lying!"


Zhang Yong deliberately took out the banknotes.

Akagi Gaochun's face suddenly became unnatural. So many banknotes? Damn it! Is what Zhang Yong said true?

Did this damn bastard really capture another spy just now?

Damn. Who was exposed again?

Exposed, exposed. How come you still have so much money?

A full three thousand silver dollars! It all fell into Zhang Yong's hands. This guy just threw away more than one hundred silver dollars, and now he has earned more than three thousand...

Cry to death!

As expected, all he spent was the spy’s money!


Akagi Gaochun felt so uncomfortable.

Another three thousand silver dollars were lost. If this continues, who knows how much more will be lost?



He was crazily instilling it in his heart.

All this is fake. Absolutely fake. It’s all Zhang Yong acting.

Yes, Zhang Yong is acting...

It was all his little tricks. No spy was caught at all. There was no loss of 3,000 silver dollars...

"Let's go!"

Zhang Yong waved his hand.

The group of people continued walking forward.

Chimu Gaochun gritted his teeth and continued to follow.


feel oppressed.

However, he can't leave.

He must follow Zhang Yong and react at any time.

The Miyamoto family members were indeed injured and needed to be treated as soon as possible. He absolutely could not let Zhang Yong find a place for healing.

"Uncle, let's play..."

"Uncle, let's play..."

I also saw many dancing girls with colorful flowers and various styles.

Unfortunately, at this moment, Chimu Gaochun no longer had the intention to stimulate Zhang Yong. He felt vaguely that something was not good.

His emotions told him that everything Zhang Yong said was false. It was all false...

However, his reason told him that what Zhang Yong said was true. Zhang Yong had indeed caught a Japanese spy...



"Mr. Akagi!"


Akagi Gaochun responded reflexively, subconsciously covering his waist.

Then he found that he was being pointed at by numerous black holes.

It turned out that his subconscious action caused other strong reactions, which almost beat him into a hornet's nest.



Akagi Gaochun hurriedly raised his hands.

Then he realized that this action was wrong. Why did he raise his hands? He didn't want to surrender! He put his hands down angrily. His face was very ugly.

"Mr. Akagi!"

"What's up?"

"What are you doing in Peiping?"

"none of your business?"

"I'm asking you seriously. You should answer formally."


"Because when you meet me, your life will be very difficult."


"you do not believe?"


Chimu Gaochun answered proudly.

Zhang Yong then nodded and turned around to wave to Chen Gongpeng.

Chen Gongpeng came closer.

"What's up?"

"Catch the guy selling fried chestnuts with sugar."

"The one in front?"



Chen Gongpeng immediately took action.

Don't ask why at all. Because there is no need to ask. If you ask, you will be a spy. Those who will catch you will be a spy.

"Don't move!"

"Don't move!"

Several people swarmed up and captured the target.

Chimu Gaochun looked at all this with confusion. Then he looked at Zhang Yong and frowned. He didn't understand what was going on.

Soon, the target was escorted back. He was an old man. He was still in his twilight years, and he was quite old.

"what you do?"

"I'm sorry. I caught another spy."

"What? Haha!"

Akagi Gaochun suddenly burst out laughing. He felt it was very funny.

Japanese spy? This old man frying chestnuts is actually a Japanese spy? It’s ridiculous. Is he the spy you think you are, Zhang Yong?

Catch a random Chinese and pretend to be a spy? Sure enough, the record is brilliant!

It is said that when you Chinese go to war, you like to kill good people and take credit. This is still the case now.

Is this old guy a spy?

Ha ha!

If he is a spy, I will eat the chestnuts fried on the stove.



Zhang Yong went up and slapped him twice.

The old man struggled hard, but in vain. His hands and feet were tied.

Two solid slaps, all on the face.


Zhang Yong took his hand back. It hurt.

Gasped. Grinning. Damn. So sloppy.

Akagi Gaochun suddenly wanted to laugh again. He couldn't help it, it was so funny. This Zhang Yong is definitely a profound psychopath.

Then I saw Zhang Yong taking out a dagger.

"Captain Zhang, are you going to kill a good person and take credit?" Akagi Gaochun sneered unabashedly.

"I'll do a trick for you." Zhang Yong didn't look back. He raised the dagger and inserted it into the old man's cheek. Then he dug and pried hard, as if peeling off the bark of a tree.

Akagi Gaochun:???

what's the situation?

What kind of punishment is this? Is it directly killing someone?

Who can bear it when a sharp dagger is stabbed and cut in the face? The whole face will be cut off, right?

However, he soon discovered that something was wrong. No blood flowed out, and his face was not cut open. On the contrary, the sharp dagger seemed to encounter obstacles, and there was almost no way to open the face. In the end, Zhang Yong became ruthless and struck hard.

He slapped the handle of the knife and opened his face.

To be precise, it's not the face. It's the skin.

It is a thick layer of skin used by Yi Rong. It is khaki in color and is almost the same color as human skin.


Akagi Gaochun suddenly felt deep in his heart.


The target is actually disguised.

That would be troublesome.

How can normal people be disguised?

Only special industries require disguise. It’s terrible.

Could it be that Zhang Yong really caught a Japanese spy?


Who is this?

What are you doing here? So poor that you sell fried chestnuts?

"Spread it!"

Zhang Yong returned angrily.

He was tired. That layer of skin was very difficult to remove. It was similar to the plastics of later generations.

The reason why he doesn't like disguise is that some of the materials needed for disguise are very poisonous. Some of them are very painful. He can't bear it.

I would rather be exposed than disguise myself.

Light makeup and a sticky beard are okay.

For example, this thick skin. I don’t know what material it is made of. It is very hard. After it is formed, it is almost unchangeable. The head is stuffed inside, and it needs to be firmly attached to the scalp. As you can imagine, it will

How uncomfortable it is.



Several people came up and violently dismantled it.

After a while, all the disguises were finally removed.

During the process, the spy screamed desperately in pain. As a result, his mouth was blocked by a rag and he couldn't scream. In the end, his face was covered with blood and flesh.

Pull the rag apart.



The spy coughed desperately.

The violent dismantling just now almost killed him.

He still couldn't figure out why he was caught. Who betrayed him?

Could it be...

Suddenly, he stared at Akagi Gaochun with ferocious eyes.

It's him!

It's him!

It's definitely him!

It's definitely him!

He is so close to the Chinese!

He watched helplessly as he was being caught, indifferent, and even gloated about his misfortune!


"You traitor!"

"The Japanese Empire will never let you go!"


The spy roared angrily.

At the beginning, it was still in Chinese, and later it was all in Japanese. Out of anger. Jiliguala.

The last mouthful of thick phlegm fell heavily on Akagi Gaochun.

Akagi Gaochun:???

what's the situation?

What are you scolding me for? Baga! You...

Then he realized. Damn it. The other party is really a spy! The other party is really an agent of the Empire of Japan!

This is fatal!

Zhang Yong actually caught another Japanese spy!


Why do you say it again?

Could it be that he already believed that Zhang Yong had arrested one before?


Why is this happening?

Why is it that suddenly a spy is caught while he is walking normally?

"take away!"

Zhang Yong waved his hand, very disappointed.

This Japanese spy really has no money. Not even an ocean.

His current disguise is that of an old man selling fried chestnuts. How could he have a lot of money on his body? There are only some very fragmentary banknotes. They are completely worthless.


Caught in vain.

If you take them back, you still have to take care of the food...

Making ends meet…

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly saw a figure passing by in a hurry.

Almost without thinking, he immediately marked her on the map. Then he stared at her movements.

Strange, why does she appear here?

It turned out that what she saw was actually Xia Lan, the female doctor who had been harmed by him.

The last time I met Xia Lan was on the train. She was wearing makeup at the time. Zhang Yong didn't know where she went after that. He put her back. Unexpectedly, he would meet her here.

Doubtful. What is she doing here?

She is a doctor by profession. Does she have any patients to deal with?

Without thinking, Zhang Yong thought of the Japanese invader who was injured. It might be the Miyamoto family member.

If there was no accident, it would be impossible for the Japanese invader to be sent to the hospital. That would leak the news.

It's impossible for the Japanese to ask outsiders to treat them. I can't believe it.

Fortunately, Xia Lan is here.

Xia Lan used to be a surgeon at Jinling Army General Hospital...

Forget it, these days, the subjects are not so clearly divided. Veterinarians dare to operate on the wounded.

With Xia Lan's ability, as long as she has surgical instruments and medicines, she is fully capable of removing the bullets from the wounded and cleaning the wounds. The rest is a matter of medicines. The Japanese are definitely not short of medicines. Or rather

, the Miyamoto family will definitely get the best medicine.

Then there is no need to search.

As long as you keep an eye on Xia Lan's movements, you can find the wounded.

Of course, you need to cover it up. Otherwise, you will look too magical, not good, and too irritating to Akagi Gaochun.

You see, we just caught a spy in front of Akagi Gaochun, and he seemed like he couldn't stand it anymore. He actually shut up.

"Mr. Akagi..."

"Mr. Akagi..."

"Are you okay? Do you want me to catch a few more spies so you can get used to it?"

Zhang Yong said with great concern.

As a result, Akagi Gaochun said nothing, turned around and left angrily.

He can't stand it.


He was spat on by one of his own.

He came to his senses. The captured spy thought he was a traitor and that he was the informer.



He needs time to be quiet...


Zhang Yong doesn't care about Chimu Gaochun.

Tsk, I thought he was a master, but he was defeated in one round. There was no challenge at all.

Or maybe it would be more exciting to catch people from the Miyamoto family?

Silently followed Xia Lan's movement.

Always keep a straight line distance of two to three hundred meters from Xia Lan.

From such a long distance, it was impossible for Xia Lan to notice that someone was following her. Other Japanese people should not be able to notice either.

Finally, after Xia Lan entered a small foreign-style building with a dome, she never moved again.

Is the injured Miyamoto here?

Stay calm and continue to observe silently.

About ten minutes later, Xia Lan started to move again, walking towards the northwest.



Zhang Yong took the map and compared it with the northwest direction.

The system map has no name label, which is always a troublesome thing. You have to compare it with a real map to know where it is.

After a while, Zhang Yong was sure that Xia Lan was heading towards the French Concession.

In Dongjiaominxiang, there are also divisions of spheres of influence. The United Kingdom and France have their own basic bases. Other countries are not so obvious.

Is Miyamoto hiding in the French Concession?


The French have a bad relationship with the Germans. They may try to thwart the German search.

The Japanese used the French to come forward, which was quite clever.

At this moment, France is still the most powerful country in continental Europe. It is also the most powerful army in the world.

If Zhang Yong told others now that Germany invaded France, the French surrendered after only resisting for less than two months. I'm afraid everyone would think he was crazy. How could such a ridiculous thing happen?


"The Japanese invader who was injured by us is here."

[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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