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Chapter 557, Medicines

"none of your business?"

"you you you……"

Akagi Gaochun's cheeks suddenly became the color of pig's liver again.

Zhang Yong slapped him in the face nakedly!

However, he did not dare to say it clearly.

"come here."


"come here."

Zhang Yong waved to Chimu Gaochun.

Chimu Gaochun gritted his teeth and finally came over reluctantly.

"Five hundred oceans."


"Give me five hundred oceans, and I will leave the body to you."

"Zhang Yong, you are worse than a beast."

"do you want?"


Akagi Gaochun replied bitterly.

The person who was beaten to death was a member of the Miyamoto family. He must take the body back.

The Japanese army is definitely not done with Zhang Yong on this matter.

The Miyamoto family originally hated Zhang Yong with a passion, but now their hatred has probably doubled.

"Give me money."

Zhang Yong stretched out his hand.

Akagi Gaochun angrily took out a banknote.

But he is reluctant to give it.

I feel that my dignity has been seriously challenged.


"Why are you pretending! If you don't want me, I'll feed you to the wolves!"

Zhang Yong sneered.

He pulled out the banknotes.

Five hundred face value. Citibank. Looks pretty good.

He waved his hand towards Chen Gongpeng, put the body of the deceased down again, left it where it was, and then left with the team in a swaggering manner.

Behind the scenes, Akagi Gaochun hurriedly arranged for someone to collect the body and take it away.

"Where is the main culprit?"

"Should be nearby."

Zhang Yong did not elaborate and handed the 500 silver note to Chen Gongpeng.

This is what he should give. This is what the Wuyuan Pistol Regiment should take. This was snatched from the hands of the Japanese invaders. It is a veritable act of snatching food from the tiger's mouth.

Unfortunately, no weapons were found on the spy's body. They were probably transferred.

Keep looking for other spies.

Soon, Zhang Yong discovered another lone spy, also inside a French building.

Zhang Yong had no clue who this spy was. But based on the strategy of striking a blow whenever possible, he decided to take action against this spy. What if there was an unexpected gain?


Edman negotiated with the French again. The scene was heated.

However, this time, the French did not give in. Their attitude was very resolute. If they did not allow inspection, they would not allow inspection. They also sent soldiers to garrison.

what to do?

Cold salad. Can only be skipped.

Edman has no choice. He hates the French, but there is nothing he can do.

The German military strength in the Far East is definitely not as good as the French. The French have troops stationed in the Shanghai Public Concession and in French Indochina (Vietnam). If a conflict breaks out between the two sides, Germany, which has a small number of people, will definitely suffer.

Left angrily.

Zhang Yong took the opportunity to come to Edman's side.

This is the best time to apply eye drops.

"Mr. Edman..."

"Don't worry about the French for now. What we want to arrest are the Japanese."

"Mr. Edman, I want to say that my initial intelligence information was actually purchased from the French..."


Edman's expression suddenly changed dramatically.

If it is said that the Japanese stole technical information, Germany would be very angry.

Well, with the intervention of the French, the Germans were not just angry. They were also very worried. Very anxious.

As we all know, on the European continent, Germany and France have always been mortal enemies.

If the Germans want to rise, their first powerful opponent is France. France must be defeated in order to dominate the European continent.

The French military is also very powerful. They also have fighter jets.

If the technical data of bf109 is known to the French, the situation will be very serious. It may be targeted by the French.

And the Japanese and French joining forces will make the Germans even more uneasy.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I also took money from the French..."


Edman was very annoyed, but convinced.

He believed that what Zhang Yong said was true. This guy must have received money from the French and deliberately concealed it.

Now the French made Zhang Yong unhappy, so Zhang Yong spoke out.

Sure enough, this Zhang Yong only values ​​money.

The nickname of "Desperate for Money" is really not for nothing.

At the same time, rest assured.

A person who only cares about money is easy to deal with.

People with weaknesses are better at controlling them.

"Who stole the technical data? Was it the Japanese or the French?"

"Is it possible that the two of them joined forces?"

"These bastards..."

Edman cursed bitterly.

This is what he is most worried about. He is most afraid of leaking the secret to France.

Even if the Japanese get technical data, it is of little use. France and Japan are half a world apart, so there is no chance of them meeting each other.

But France is different.

Anything that happens in France will affect the nerves of the Germans.

After all, Alsace and Lorraine still belong to France. But the Germans want to take them back.

The Germans were not convinced by the defeat in the last war. The cession of Alsace and Lorraine also became a scar in German history. All Germans considered it a great shame and humiliation. The suffering they suffered after the war made the national mood of Germany soar.

Many people openly clamored that revenge must be taken, shame must be avenged, and France must be defeated.

Where did the Maginot Line come from?

In fact, the French also realized that the Germans were very serious about revenge and that war might break out at any time.

Otherwise, huge sums of money would not have been spent building the Maginot Line.

"Mr. Edman, maybe you should visit the British Minister..."


"The British are very unhappy to see the rise of the Japanese in the Far East..."

"I see."

Edelman reacted immediately.

The German minister has returned to China to report on his duties and is currently not in the Far East.

Edelman is in charge of all German affairs. Frankly speaking, he doesn't have much experience yet.

After being reminded by Zhang Yong, Edman immediately reacted.

Since the French and Japanese can form an alliance, then I can also temporarily form an alliance with the British!

The British are not willing to see the rise of the Japanese in the Far East, and they are also unwilling to see France becoming a dominant force. If there is an opportunity to create obstacles for the French, the British will definitely be happy. In the Far East, the British are also very happy to create some obstacles for the French.


"You wait here!"


Zhang Yong nodded.

Edman hurried over to discuss with the British.

Chen Gongpeng:???

Are we being left alone again?

Damn it. What kind of case is this? You just drank the northwest wind.

It is now the end of December in the Gregorian calendar, and the New Year is coming soon. Do you know how cold the nights in Peking are?

"Let's go, let's find a place to rest."

"Where to go?"

"Come with me!"


Chen Gongpeng hurriedly followed.

Soon, Zhang Yong led everyone to the dome building.

It is indeed a church. The exterior is beautifully decorated and very brand new. There are bright lights inside. It looks particularly warm on this cold night.

Zhang Yong rushed in immediately.

The map showed that there was no one inside. It was empty.

Since there is no one around, of course he won't be polite. It's good to spend the night here. You can get whoring for free.

It's a pity that Xia Lan has left quietly. But it's not far away. It's just three streets away. She has been staying alone in a house. It is probably her temporary residence. Maybe there will be medical equipment around her.

, or medicines.

After telling Chen Gongpeng, Zhang Yong came to find Xia Lan alone.

He is not afraid of others plotting against him.

He has now learned to bypass other people and can pass without anyone noticing.

When I came to Xia Lan's house, I found that it was a two-story small Western-style building. It was white and had a very delicate appearance. Judging from the style of the windows, it was a typical French building. This woman knew how to choose a place to live so comfortably.

Come to the door.

Knock on the door.



After a while, Xia Lan opened the door.

When he saw it was Zhang Yong, his expression suddenly changed. He wanted to close the door, but it was too late.

"Aren't you a professional agent?"


"You actually opened the door without looking outside."

"It sounds like you, Zhang Yong, are very professional."

"Haha, in that case, why don't we two amateur rookies have a good chat?"

"That's ridiculous. Are you here to chat?"

"What do you think?"


Xia Lan knew that he had bad intentions.

However, she didn't have the ability to resist, nor did she want to resist.

Now that things have come to this, what's the use of resisting?

one hour later……

"We can have a nice chat now."

"Why don't you just shoot me to death? Why bother tossing me over and over like this? Does it look like you are very capable?"

"You can also tell your superiors that you have been exposed and that you are sorry for the empire. Then commit seppuku."

"You are such a devil!"

"Really? I don't think you have the courage to commit suicide!"


Xia Lan was choked.

Indeed, she did not have the courage to commit suicide.

If she had the courage to commit suicide, she would have killed Zhang Yong long ago and died together.

Unfortunately, she can't do it.

This isn't her war. Really. She's just the victim.

She originally just wanted to be a doctor quietly. Unfortunately, it backfired and she was forcibly pulled into the spy team.

Originally, her mission was to use her beauty to seduce senior Chinese officials.

All of this was destroyed by Zhang Yong.

She has almost become Zhang Yong's special favorite.



"I want all your medicines and medical equipment."

"I don't."

"Don't be angry. I'm serious."

"I said. I didn't. If you can find it, take it!"

"All right……"

Zhang Yong searched everywhere but couldn't find it.

It’s strange. When she goes to operate on the wounded, doesn’t she need tools? Doesn’t she need medicines?

Are all the tools and medicines in the church?

Forget it, come back to the church and look for him.

Sure enough, I quickly found a sealed hidden space.

I pried it open abruptly. As expected, there was a cave inside. There was actually a very spacious basement.

In the basement, various medical equipment and a large number of medicines are neatly stored. The quantities are very large and the varieties are very rich. It is simply an underground hospital. A conservative estimate is that it can operate on hundreds of wounded people without any problem.

"Is this reserved by the Japanese?"



Chen Gongpeng looked very shocked.

Originally, with his experience, he would not be easily surprised. He would definitely not be easily shocked.

However, at this moment, he was indeed very surprised. At the same time, he was very happy. He couldn't wait to tell others the good news, especially the senior officials of the 29th Army. So many medicines can save many people.

At this moment, the 29th Army is not only lacking in weapons and ammunition, but also lacking in medicine, especially Western medicine.

Weapons and ammunition can also be partially imitated or captured. However, there is no way to imitate Western medicine. It is also difficult to purchase it from the outside world. Even if it can be purchased, the quantity is very small and the price is extremely expensive. The 29th Army will definitely not be able to produce large quantities.


"Bring the truck over quickly and move it away."


Chen Gongpeng reacted.

So many drugs and medical equipment are hidden from view.

Otherwise, once others find out, they will definitely take action. This is Dongjiaomin Lane, and it is the territory of foreigners.



Chen Gongpeng kept urging.

Finally, everything was loaded into the car. It was so full that it filled two trucks.



Chen Gongpeng personally escorted the car away.

Zhang Yong felt relieved after watching the two trucks leave the concession.

Well, with these two trucks of medicine, the wounded from the 29th Army will be better treated.

sit down.

Close your eyes and rest your mind. Wait patiently.

I don’t know how long the negotiations between the Germans and the British will take.

The results may not come until dawn at the earliest. Before that, all they need to do is to try to get some time to rest.

Soon after, the sound of a car was heard outside. It was Chen Gongpeng who was back.

Sure enough, Chen Gongpeng came in excitedly.

Pulling up Zhang Yong who was still drowsy, he lowered his voice and said excitedly: "I saw the military commander. The military commander especially praised you."

"Which military seat is it?" Zhang Yong asked in a daze without opening his eyes.

"Of course it's Commander Song!"


Zhang Yong had no reaction.

Being praised by Song Zheyuan? Oh, not worth mentioning...

Even if it is praise from the committee, it is nothing more than that...

Now, he has long been immune to verbal praise. Who doesn't know how to make a bigger picture? Paying lip service but not delivering what he says is contemptible!

At any rate, let’s get some substantial rewards!

If you want to get promoted and make a fortune, you can choose as many as you like!

However, Chen Gongpeng didn't understand. He felt that verbal praise from the military commander was enough.

In fact, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to get praise from the military throne. Unless they have achieved major military exploits. For example, Chen Gongpeng killed seven Japanese invaders with his own hands. Only then did he receive verbal praise from the military throne...


Zhang Yong started to yawn.

My body was a little overtaxed just now. Now the sleepiness is starting to come over me.

have no choice.

Had to sleep.

I lay down directly on the sofa and fell asleep.



He seems to be asleep, but he seems not to be asleep...

When I woke up, I seemed to be awake, but also seemed not to be awake. It wasn't until I couldn't hold in my urine that I finally woke up.

Look at your watch. It's bright. It's already ten o'clock in the morning.

Going to the toilet feels comfortable.

When I came back, I found Chen Gongpeng walking around irritably.

"No reply yet?"


"Then let's not wait any longer. Let's do something else."

"What's up?"

"Catch Japanese spies."

"Where to catch it? Where is it?"

"Of course it's outside the concession."

[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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