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Chapter 576, The oriole is behind

After the battle, Wanshengwei was in chaos.

There are traces of shell explosions everywhere. The ground is full of craters.

Judging from the clothing of the enemies who were killed, they should be the iron and stone troops of the Puppet Manchukuo State. That is, those hard-core traitors and the confidants of Yoshiko Kawashima.

If they are in the puppet army, the combat effectiveness of these iron and stone troops is still good.

However, when they encountered the agents of the Fuxing Society who were well prepared, they were immediately beaten into a trap.

Not on the same level at all.

In small-scale battles, the puppet army is definitely no match for the Fuxing Society.

The most terrible thing was that these puppet Manchukuo troops did not have machine guns or mortars. The Japanese only gave them rifles.



There were also sporadic gunshots.

It was on the periphery that we encountered a patrol of the Yin Rugeng puppet army.

A firefight broke out between the two sides.

The puppet patrol retreated in a hurry.

Can't catch up.

The remaining puppet troops ran too fast.

This means that the news of Wanshengwei being attacked will soon spread.


Yu Lexing was a little worried. What if a large army of puppet troops arrived...

The Fuxing Society is only good at small-scale battles. One or two hundred people is the limit. If the number of enemies exceeds five hundred, there is no chance of victory.

Yin Rugeng's puppet troops are equipped with machine guns and mortars. They will definitely not be able to defeat them.


Zhang Yong waved his hand.

What was the purpose of attacking Wanshengwei?

Just to find Yoshiko Kawashima’s belongings...


Search quickly!

Once the property is found, take it away immediately.



"A batch of munitions was found!"


"A batch of munitions was found!"


All found were weapons and ammunition.

No gold, silver or jewelry.

Almost all weapons have the logo of the Northeastern Army.

Obviously, the Japanese invaders transferred most of the captured equipment to the puppet Manchukuo troops. They gave it to Yoshiko Kawashima and others.

Kawashima Yoshiko took out another part, transported it to the tube, and gave it to Yin Rugeng.

Rough statistics. The number is very considerable.

There are more than 1,300 79 rifles. Among them, there are more than 800 Ma Sihuan.

There are also more than fifty Czech-style light machine guns. They are all packaged and have not been unpacked. Otherwise, the surprise battle just now may not be so easy.

The number of 7.92mm bullets is also very large. According to rough statistics, there are more than 300,000 rounds.

But there were no mortars and no heavy machine guns.

It was impossible for the Japanese invaders to equip the puppet Manchukuo with these powerful weapons.

In fact, the machine guns and mortars of Yin Rugeng's troops were also obtained from other sources. The Japanese controlled light machine guns, heavy machine guns and mortars very well. There was no need to think about barrel artillery and the like.


"Another ammunition depot was discovered..."

Good news keeps coming.

More than 3,000 wooden handle grenades and thousands of kilograms of explosives were found.

Fortunately, these things are hidden in the cellar, otherwise, if they explode, it will be terrible. Half of Wanshengwei will be razed.


"A batch of medicines were found."


"Discovering three radio stations."


There is good news one after another.

In every corner of Wanshengwei, there are some messy supplies that are needed.

The three radios are also brand new. They are all common types of 5W. There are also some spare batteries.

Overall, the harvest is still very rich.


Zhang Yong's focus is not on these weapons and ammunition.

What he needs is money! Money! Money!

I have been trapped for more than half a month, with almost no decent income, and I feel like I have missed out on 100 million.

If he doesn't make up for it as soon as possible, he will feel very depressed.

The problem is that Wan Shengwei has no money.

After digging three feet into the ground, we could only find some scattered pieces of ocean.

All added up, it was only one or two thousand. They were completely disdainful and were divided directly among the troops participating in the war. Not a single one was left.



Where are all the belongings of Yoshiko Kawashima hidden?

The British intelligence seems to be inaccurate! Do they think that more than a thousand rifles and hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition are already a lot?

Well, if it were before, this number would indeed be quite a lot.

However, Zhang Yong's vision is now too high. Such a small amount of weapons and ammunition can no longer satisfy his desires.

Send someone to notify the 34th Division and ask them to send someone to receive weapons and ammunition.


"A body was found, it seems to be Tang Boming..."


Zhang Yong was stunned.

Tang Boming? That spy?

He is actually here? And he was killed by a bomb? What kind of story is this?

Cao Jianzhang was very surprised when he came to Wanshengwei. Unexpectedly, Tang Boming was also there. Then he was killed by a bomb.

Something feels wrong...

I hurried over to check it out.

Yes, it is indeed Tang Boming. The body is basically intact and can be clearly identified.

Thinking back, one of the four Japanese invaders discovered before was him.

Frowning. What is he doing here?

Is Xiong Ba okay now? Is he being plotted by Tang Boming?

Groping Tang Boming's body.

As a result, as soon as I took action, I touched a thick stack of banknotes.

With Zhang Yong's touch, he concluded almost instantly that these were Baoshang Bank's banknotes. Moreover, the number was very large. In such a thick stack, there must be at least hundreds of them.

He quickly took out the banknotes. Sure enough, they were all from Baoshang Bank. The face value was 200 silver dollars. After a rough count, there were exactly about a hundred. In other words, it was 20,000 yuan.

The depressed mood suddenly turned into a little excitement.

Although 20,000 yuan is not much, it is better than nothing. Otherwise, for him personally, this trip will really be in vain.

Keep exploring.

Unfortunately, there are no more valuable items.

There are no private messages or anything like that.

It is impossible to verify whether the 20,000 yuan in silver notes was brought by Tang Boming or given to Tang Boming by others.

Perhaps Tang Boming had some ulterior motive for coming here. But there was no way to investigate.

When a person dies, it's over.

Suddenly, I feel like I have another scope in my pocket.

Hey, this is a good harvest.

What he needs most now is a scope.

After returning to Tianjin Guard, I had plenty of Springfield M1903 rifles. What was missing was the scope.

There are many sharpshooters among the veterans of the 29th Army and the Northeastern Army. They have rich shooting experience, but they are not high-tech.

Are sights considered high-tech?

For the great powers, of course it does not count. At best, it is considered an industrial product.

However, for China, the sight is definitely high-tech. There is no way for it to imitate it.


Suddenly, Yang Zhi hurried over.

He handed Zhang Yong a small, broken notebook with some vague handwriting on it.

Zhang Yong carefully identified it and vaguely discovered that it seemed to be some symbols and codes. He had an impression of these symbols and codes. He had seized them several times before.

Let's call it a code book. It's not perfect. It has only eight pages and two to three hundred Chinese characters.

Zhang Yong's preliminary judgment is that it may be a variant of a certain codebook. It is derived from the basic code. However, it is not known how to operate it.


I found that I have another scope in my pocket.


Is there such a good thing?

It seems that I didn’t do anything, so I gave two scopes in a row?


Could it be that he is in danger?

So, the system gives away equipment in advance to remind yourself that the scope may come in handy?

Suddenly I didn't dare to be happy anymore. I looked around carefully.

Fortunately, it was quiet all around and there were no snipers for the time being.

Look at the time.

about there.


Return to Tianjin Wei.

Zhang Yong did not report the incident to Li Boqi immediately.

Wait first.

Not in a hurry.

Both Virgo and Li Boqi gave him permission to move freely.

In other words, there is no need to ask for instructions and report everything.

Frankly speaking, this authority is very high.

So, don’t worry about Virgo not trusting you.

We followed Ouyang Sheng, Wu Liuqi, Qin Haitao and others to the Xia Chongyu Bing Cafe.

There is another woman here who needs to be taken care of.

Since we didn't find any decent Kawashima Yoshiko belongings in Wanshengwei, let's start from the beginning.

A massive search was carried out in Tianjin Wei, and spies were arrested everywhere.

Let’s start with Wang Yuanyuan first.

I quietly approached my destination and found two red dots there.

Japanese invaders?


Came at just the right time.

I hope Wang Yuanyuan is inside. It's best if she comes back.

I tried to catch this woman last time, but failed. I asked her to run into the Japanese Concession. This time, let's see if she has the ability to run again.



"Block the road leading to the Japanese Concession."


Ouyang Sheng took people there.

Zhang Yong waved his hand and led the others gradually approaching.

Soon after, he saw what was going on in the coffee shop through the telescope. Sure enough, he saw Wang Manyuan.

At the same time, I also saw the two spies. They were both wearing suits and looked like human beings. They were feasting.

These two spies were living a pretty comfortable life!

In Tianjin Wei, how dare they go out for a stroll so unscrupulously?

Also, Wang Yuanyuan still dares to continue operating?

Do you think I, Zhang Yong, am transparent?


Teach them a lesson.

Seeing that they were almost surrounded, Zhang Yong waved his hand and prepared to take action.

At this moment, a small red dot suddenly appeared in the northwest direction. It quickly approached and soon entered a range of 350 meters.

The master is here!

Zhang Yong's first reaction was that this Japanese killer was not simple.

Definitely not an ordinary veteran.


The visitor may be a member of the Miyamoto family.

Previously, when protecting Elizabeth Hospital, Zhang Yong had been waiting for the Miyamoto family to arrive.

Unfortunately, no.

While he was waiting, no one from the Miyamoto family showed up.

No one from the other Hojo or the Nine-Tails family showed up.

did not expect……

It actually appeared at this time.

Perhaps, the other person is not targeting Virgo, but himself?

When Wang Yuanyuan came back to Xia Chong Yu Bing Cafe, it was actually to attract her to come. And then the mantis stalked the cicada and the oriole followed?

In other words, if there is no system map reminder, it is indeed very dangerous.

His attention was on Wang Yuanyuan, and he might have ignored the danger from behind. Then he was fatally shot.

As long as the Japanese killers enter the 300-meter range, they may open fire.



"Call Zhou Cang and Dian Wei to come!"


Qin Haitao went to deliver the order.

Soon, Zhou Cang and Dian Wei arrived.

Both of them were veterans of the 29th Army. They were expelled from the army because they fought against the Japanese invaders. Then they came to work under Zhang Yong.

These two names are, of course, new identities. Their previous identities have been forgotten.

Both of them are sharpshooters. Their marksmanship is very good.

The two newly acquired scopes are just ready for use. Two more snipers.

Strictly speaking, without the help of the scope, the two veterans really couldn't defeat those perverted Japanese killers. They might be killed as soon as they appeared.

But with the help of the scope, the balance of victory began to tilt towards Zhang Yong.

"Do you see the target?"


Zhou Cang replied.

He found nothing in the scope.

"I didn't see it either."

Similarly, Dian Wei did not find the target.

The Japanese killer hid very well and moved very slowly.

In the end, the guy stopped moving at all.

Huh? Not moving?

Zhang Yong frowned.

Could it be that the other party discovered something?

Could it be that the other party's nose was so sharp that he could smell danger?


Just a little bit.

As long as the opponent is slightly exposed, it is possible to kill the opponent.

However, it's just a little bit different.

There is no chance yet.

Forget it, since there is no chance outside, just go in and find Wang Manyuan!

It is estimated that she is now a dead soldier. Her purpose is to lure herself to the bait. Then, in order to hold herself back, she will do her best.

Perhaps, on this special occasion, she will reveal some information?





Wu Liuqi immediately led people to rush in.

The two Japanese invaders inside immediately realized something was wrong and subconsciously drew their guns.

However, it's too late.



Gunshots were fired. The two Japanese invaders fell in a pool of blood.

Wu Liuqi and others fired continuously, turning the two spies into a hornet's nest. They were so dead that they couldn't die anymore.

Wang Manyuan was also surrounded.

However, this woman was obviously very calm. In other words, she had expected it. Therefore, she did not move.

In fact, she was waiting.

Waiting for Zhang Yong to take the bait.

Her mission is to attract Zhang Yong and then exchange her life for Zhang Yong's.


Zhang Yong sneered slightly at the corner of his mouth.

With the sound of gunshots, the hidden Japanese killer moved.

He began to crawl forward quietly.

The direction he was in allowed him to observe the cafe from a maximum distance.

If Zhang Yong had not discovered this and rashly entered the coffee shop, sat down, and talked to Wang Manyuan, then what was waiting for him was probably a bullet flying from 200 meters away. This Japanese killer should have covered the distance

shortened to about 200 meters.

Unless he also has a scope.

But judging from his movement trajectory, there shouldn't be.

Otherwise, at a distance of 300 meters, using a scope will give you a very high degree of confidence.

No matter what kind of rifle it is, as long as it is not an imitation, the stability of the bullet is very high within a distance of 400 meters. There is no possibility of fatal deviation.

Zhang Yong even speculated that Wang Manyuan might induce him to sit in a certain position.

And this position is the most suitable for being sniped.

When Zhang Yong thought he had defeated Wang Manyuan, little did he know that he would also fall into hell.

Very insidious.

very effective.

Fortunately, he had discovered it in advance.


Zhang Yong slowly walked in from the door.

The Japanese killer was still 300 meters away, so he wasn't worried for the time being.

As long as you avoid some particularly open terrain, there is no danger for the time being.

"Boss Wang!"

"It's you?"

Wang Manyuan showed appropriate "surprise".

At the same time, she subconsciously raised her hand to smooth her hair. Obviously, this was a secret signal. She might be knowing someone.

Are there any Japanese aggressors ambushing nearby? None found yet. They might be her men.

Sure enough, two white dots quietly left nearby.

Zhang Yong did not respond.

His main focus now is "Being Deceived."

He wanted Wang Yuanyuan to believe that he, Zhang Yong, was defenseless. He could be killed by a sniper at any time.

Seeing that Zhang Yong is about to die, she may reveal some secrets.

"Boss Wang, we meet again."

"You want to kill me?"

Wang Manyuan bit her lip, pretending to be nervous.

Zhang Yong smiled slightly and acquiesced. At the same time, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, showing a trace of pride.

This is clearly telling the other party, yes, I am back again. This time, I caught you. Let me see where else you can run. I am the one who has the last laugh.

Wang Manyuan was relieved.

This Zhang Yong finally has such a day.

He was so proud.

He is too arrogant.

He will be finished soon!

He is about to be fatally shot!

[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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