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Chapter 578: A worthy death

Just as I walked out of the cafe door, another red dot cut into the map.

This red dot was moving very fast. It came along the street. Judging from the speed, it was probably driving. Moreover, the speed of the car was also extremely fast.

There was only one Japanese invader and no one else accompanied him.

Who could it be?

Zhang Yong quietly slowed down his pace.

Behind him was a wall. It was stuck between him and the Japanese killer, blocking the Japanese killer's sight.

He was very cautious at all times, for fear of being exposed.

What if the Japanese killer was a pervert and could hit him even if he exposed half of his head, then he would be in tragedy.

How many people fell before victory.

What's more, we haven't won yet.

Soon, a red dot appeared at the door of the cafe. It turned out to be a car.

The black car rushed over crazily, as if it was going to smash the cafe. But suddenly, it stopped again.

When parking, the car visibly paused. I don't know whether it was due to improper operation or because I was in a hurry.

Immediately afterwards, the car door opened...

It was very rough. It seemed like someone had kicked him away from the inside.

No movement.

I didn't see anyone getting out of the car.

Zhang Yong:???

what happened?

Everyone else raised their guns and stood ready.

As a result, after a while, a man staggered out of the car.

His whole body was covered in blood. His clothes were stained red with blood.

There was also a lot of blood on his face. It was almost impossible to see his original appearance.

"Wang Zhulin!"

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Zhang Yong's mind.

Then I remembered. The bloody man in front of me was actually Wang Zhulin.


What happened to him?

Are you being hunted? By the Fuxing Society?

There seemed to be no pursuers behind him. No one was chasing him on the street. There was no other movement around.

However, Zhang Yong did not walk over immediately.

He discovered that the place where Wang Zhulin got off the bus was also an ideal sniping spot.

From the hiding place of the Japanese killer to the parking position, there is no obstruction in between. Although the distance is 300 meters, it can be killed with one shot.

Mudd. Another trap.

This damn Wang Zhulin will have to support himself even if he dies.

Wang Yuanyuan set up a trap and waited for her to fall into the trap, but it failed. Now Wang Zhulin comes again, pretending to be a bloody man.

Haha. I thought I was really a rookie!

I have to be careful in everything. If you want to kill me, how can it be so easy?

Wave to someone not far away.

Wu Liuqi came over quickly.

Zhang Yong pursed his lips towards him and then gestured.

Soon, four veterans went up and arrested Wang Zhulin. They took him to a wall.

The wall just blocked the sight of the Japanese killer. Zhang Yong was relieved.

At the same time, other agents were quietly vigilant around them. The furthest one was 100 meters away to prevent any surprise attack.


There was no movement.

It was still quiet all around.

Except for Wang Zhulin who suddenly appeared, there were no other abnormalities.

Only then did Zhang Yong come over.


"No. It's true. There were three gunshot wounds and three stab wounds, all fatal. He won't survive."


Zhang Yong's expression changed.

This Wang Zhulin has so many crimes that it’s hard to write about them.

Zhang Yong doesn't care at all if he dies. Even if he doesn't die, he will kill him.

Just like killing Wang Manyuan. No amount of money can buy her life back.

However, it is indeed strange, who attacked Wang Zhulin? Was there a stab wound? Could it be Chen Gongshu?

In other words, except for Chen Gongshu who may have the opportunity to get close to Wang Zhulin, no one else should have such ability. He can be killed with a gun, but not with a knife.

Wang Zhulin, a big traitor, is still very wary and doesn't trust anyone.

Except for the Japanese...



A strange thought passed through Zhang Yong's mind.

Came to Wang Zhulin.

At this moment, Wang Zhulin's mind was already a little unclear.

However, when he saw Zhang Yong, he recognized him immediately. He immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed it with difficulty in the air. In the end, he caught nothing.

Zhang Yong showed no mercy.

This guy deserves to die. He has killed so many compatriots.

Even if the other party offers all his wealth, he will not forgive him because his conscience will be uneasy. He does not want such money.


Wang Zhulin shouted with difficulty.

Zhang Yong looked unmoved.

Just look at each other silently.

Watch the other person die.


Wang Zhulin continued to call.

His voice was weak and breathless, but he was unwilling to do so.

His hands were desperately grabbing and grabbing, like a drowning man trying to grab the straw to save his life.

Unfortunately, I couldn't catch him. Zhang Yong didn't move.

The people around him also stayed far away from Wang Zhulin, saying that they didn't see anything.

A big traitor deserves to die.

It would be a pity to die ten thousand times if you betray your motherland.



Suddenly, Wang Zhulin began to cough, and his cheeks turned red. He also became energetic.

Looking back?

Zhang Yong thought of this word. Maybe.

They all came back to their senses, indicating that they died soon.

In fact, this guy is cheaper.

He actually died like this.

Originally, Zhang Yong planned to prepare the top ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty as a luxurious meal for the other party, but it is probably not used now.

"Zhang Yong!"

Wang Zhulin finally called out.

Zhang Yong rolled his eyes.

What is it called?

Do I know you well?


Oh, the other party can't get out.

The opponent is about to die. Even one more move will be difficult.

"Zhang Yong..."

Wang Zhulin continued to shout.

Then, tremblingly, he took out a piece of paper from his arms and tried to hand it to Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong did not move.

No matter what Wang Zhulin gave him, he didn't want it.

That's how decisive it is.

"Zhang Yong..."

Wang Zhulin continued to shout.

At this time, his eyes began to wander.

Zhang Yong:???

Isn't it a flashback?

Just a few seconds? Less than a minute?

"Don't give it to Chiang Kai-shek!"

"Don't give it to the Japanese!"

"I'd rather give it to you!"

Wang Zhulin said word for word.

Zhang Yong:???

What's going on? What's the relationship with Chiang Kai-shek?

By the way, you, a great traitor, are going to die, so who do you want to slander? Others, Lao Jiang, were the worst and did not surrender.

Finally, he reached out and took the white paper.

I found several addresses written on it. They were all very inconspicuous places. I didn’t know what they were for.

"Who attacked you?" Zhang Yong finally asked.

"The Japanese are killing donkeys." Wang Zhulin said angrily, "The people who did it were people from the Huoyao Society."

"What is the Huoyao Society?"

"The core of the Black Dragon Society are all major Japanese families."


Zhang Yong looked indifferent.

I wanted to say that you deserved it, but finally I didn’t.

Because Wang Zhulin is dead.


Fell to the ground.

There was no more sound.


Zhang Yong sighed slightly.

I am still a kind and kind person! I didn’t even spit on him.

This big traitor deserves to die.

He took refuge in the Japanese invaders, betrayed his compatriots, and killed so many innocent people. In the end, he died at the hands of the Japanese invaders, which was considered a worthy death.

I really think the Japanese treat you as human beings!

When you are needed, you are just a dog. When not needed, you are worse than a dog!

The gunshot wounds and knife wounds on his body can also be explained.

It must have been the Japanese invaders who were ambushing him. But there was no fatal blow. This shows that this Wang Zhulin is also very cunning.

This guy may not fully trust the Japanese. Otherwise, there is no way to escape.

"Deserve it!"

Finally he cursed out loud.

Wang Zhulin definitely deserves these two words.

Looking at the white paper in my hand, I don't know what it means.

There are so many addresses, seventeen in total.

Could it be his lover?

Want to receive it all yourself?


Put the note away.

He waved his hand and asked people to bury Wang Zhulin and Wang Manyuan together.

This is a true good deed. At least these two people were not left dead in the wilderness. If it were someone else, it would be hard to say.

I sent someone to drive the car away. The car was in good condition. That's fine. But it was disrespectful.

Wang Zhulin is dead. The property he left behind has become ownerless. The virtuous will live in it. He, Zhang Yong, is naturally qualified.

Continue to monitor the Japanese killer. There is still no movement from the other party.

Obviously, it is very patient.

Zhang Yong could only take the initiative.

He had wasted more than ten days before and could no longer waste even an hour.

Set off.

Wearing Zhou Cang, he quietly took a detour.

Leave Dian Wei behind to ambush him. If the Japanese killer makes any move, kill him immediately.

Going in circles.

Keep a distance of 300 meters.

Move quietly.

Half an hour later, Zhang Yong finally approached the Japanese invaders.

At this time, his position was almost at right angles to Zhou Cang's side. After widening the angle, he finally saw the Japanese invaders.

Through the telescope, you can see that half of the Japanese invader's face is exposed. It's really only half of the face. Shooting can only shoot half of it.

Turning his head to look at Zhou Cang, Zhou Cang nodded, indicating that he had also seen it.

"Are you sure?"

"let me try!"


Zhang Yong nodded.

It's okay. Do it.

Even if the first shot misses, it can still alert the Japanese invaders. As long as the Japanese invaders are frightened and make evasive movements, Dian Wei over there will have a chance.

This is cross-fire. It does not allow the Japanese aggressors to have a chance to escape.

Zhou Cang decisively pulled the trigger.


Gunshots were fired.

Zhang Yong lowered his head.

Worried about Japanese counterattack.

After a while, the red dot on the map disappeared.



Zhang Yong breathed a sigh of relief.

Successfully killed the opponent.

It seems that this Japanese killer is not very good. He was shot from an angle and was done.

stand up.

This time, he needed to check it out in person.

Send a safety signal and then duck over. Not worried that the target is still alive.

Since the system determines that the target is dead, a tragedy like Zuo Lan's will definitely not happen. If it does, he will accept his fate. If the system wants him to die, what can he do?

Sure enough, everything was fine.

Come to the target.

It was found that the target had been shot in the head. He was too dead to die.

The bullet fired by Zhou Cang passed through the cheek and penetrated the head.

The 7.62*63 mm bullet used in the American Springfield M1903 rifle is very powerful. It directly punched a big hole in the head. It was very scary.

But after being headshot, there is also a problem, that is, it is impossible to accurately determine who the other party is.

Even members of the Miyamoto family can't recognize him.

Frowning, I had to give up.


Nothing was found.

There was only a Type 44 rifle with twenty rounds of ammunition. Five rounds were in the chamber. There were also three magazines.

Nothing more. Nothing identifying.

"Captain, who is this guy?"

"It may be someone from the Miyamoto family. But I can't tell accurately."

Zhang Yong could only answer vaguely.

This is the side effect of the sight. It kills people directly without knowing who the other person is.

Fortunately, it doesn't matter who it is.

Anyone who dares to come will be destroyed on the spot.

Since people have been killed, retreat decisively.

Look at the sky, it's not too late. If you still have time, go to the address given by Wang Zhulin.

I took out a piece of paper and thought about it carefully. I looked for the address closest to me. It was at No. 17 Taihe Street. I rushed over with my team immediately.

Half an hour later, we arrived at our destination and found an abandoned house.

The exterior is very shabby. No one lives there. There seems to be no one around. It's a mess.

There are no doors or windows, and everything inside has been emptied. It has probably been visited countless times by thieves and vagrants. What could be possible in a place like this?

Gold and silver treasures?


Definitely not the latter. The latter will be displayed by the system.

Wang Zhulin always carried a blank piece of paper with him before he died. Before he died, he gave it to himself. He also specifically ordered not to give it to Chiang Kai-shek or the Japanese. It should be a very important thing. In this case, work hard to dig out it.

have a look.

"Do it!"

He immediately ordered the ground to be dug three feet.

It is impossible for a thief to dig out the soil. Therefore, the property must be underground.

Get a hoe and a shovel and start working together.

Dig and dig...

Dig and dig...

I have been digging to a depth of two to three meters, but still haven't found anything.

It's strange, isn't it?

Keep digging!

Zhang Yong didn't believe it.

If there is nothing, I will give Wang Zhulin away when I go back...


Suddenly, a dull sound came from deep underground.

It was the hoe that hit the stone slab.

Zhang Yong breathed a sigh of relief. Since there is a stone slab, it means there must be something underground.


"Someone is coming!"

Pry open the stone slab.

Oh, there's a cellar down there.

Inside the cellar, there are eight wooden boxes. They are sealed very firmly.

Let's work together to move the wooden box out.

Pry open.

Sure enough, there were oceans of letters inside. They were packaged very neatly.

Zhang Yong picked up the ocean and opened it. Yes, there were white flowers inside. It looked very new and the edges were very neat.

I randomly opened a few more envelopes and found that they were all Yingyang of excellent quality. They were not Yuan Datou.

Rough statistics: There are one hundred envelopes in one box.

With 50 US seals, one box is 5,000 pieces. Eight boxes is 40,000 pieces.


This trip was not in vain.

There is no need to dig out Wang Zhulin and raise it.

Let him die peacefully and peacefully.

Forty thousand oceans...

Not a lot...

It is estimated that these belongings are all Wang Zhulin's private possession.

This guy was also cunning and cunning, and he also did not fully tell the Japanese about the wealth he had.

However, he also could not trust Chiang Kai-shek.


This is a bit troublesome.

The Japanese definitely can't give it. Neither can Chiang Kai-shek. Then...

Zhang Yong could only laugh at it.

Not what he wanted.

It's about respecting the wishes of the deceased, right?

However, now that this address has been exposed, it is obviously impossible to swallow it all up.

What's more, since all of them are now in the ocean, it's impossible for him to store them in his pocket space. It takes up too much space. The pocket space is very precious.

Suddenly I remembered something.

I don’t seem to have any personal power!

There are no informants either.

When he was in Shanghai, Li Boqi often reminded himself to develop informants and be cunning.

Now, he finally understood. Li Boqi was really sincere.

Maybe my own son didn’t teach me so carefully.

Without a little bit of personal power, it would be inconvenient to do something shameful.

For example, how can we embezzle these 40,000 yuan now?

If it is exposed, it can only be turned over.

In the end, it fell into the pocket of the Fuxing Society. From a general perspective, it was also given to Chiang Kai-shek.


Still need to develop some private power.

When necessary, the money can be hidden.


Where to start?

[To be continued]

In the last three hours of October, please vote for me! Haha!

This chapter has been completed!
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