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Chapter 592, Plan 226

Same as shown on the map.

There was a Browning M1935 pistol in the suitcase. It was brand new. It had two magazines.

There are also five gold bars, small ones, some silver notes, and some US dollars and pounds.




Zhang Yong's fingers suddenly trembled.

I finally remembered. I am back in Shanghai! Back in Shanghai...

I really want to shout loudly, Shanghai Beach Shiliyangchang, I love you!

If you catch any spy, you will have pounds and dollars! How beautiful!

look up……

Looking at the feasting and feasting in front...

Suddenly, I feel like my situation is a bit small. I just passively wait for others to send money to my door.


You should take the initiative to create opportunities.

How to create?

Of course, he uses his own hands to stir up the storm.

He is a time traveler.

He has a system.

The buffs are simply stacked.

How can we be satisfied with catching one or two spies?

Someone said, if you have the chance, you should do it, if you don’t have the chance, you should do it. How much money does the spy have?

Among the world's great powers, the Japanese invaders are undoubtedly the poorest. Their wealth ranking is definitely not as good as that of the United States, the Soviet Union, Germany, Britain, France, etc. At most, it is the same as Spain, Italy and other countries. It is only through desperate militarization that they develop terrible

's army.

The layout needs to be big.

Keep your horizons high.

We should look at the whole world. Look at other great powers.

To suck blood from their bodies...

Can it be done?

Of course. He has such conditions.

He has the advantage of foresight and can proactively create information.

The thunderstorm plan was made by him casually. As a result, it unexpectedly stirred up the situation in the Far East. It is obvious that more and more people are involved in it.

Some technical data are like the evil-proof sword manual. You don’t have to practice it, but you can’t live without it.

Otherwise, others may use this to hit you.

It's a pity that at that time, only one major thunderstorm plan was created, and the commotion it created was not big enough...


What are the recent world events?

Spanish Civil War?

226 Mutiny?

The former is relatively far away and it is a bit difficult to create information. But the latter seems to be able to be used.

Create a so-called "226 Plan" yourself and then throw it out?

No details. Let others guess.

The key isn't the details. It's the authenticity of the plan.

It is already January, and there is still more than a month before the February 26th Mutiny. Once the mutiny occurs, Plan 226 will be proven to be true.

At that time, if Zhang Yong releases any information, others will seriously consider it.

He can then use the information for profit.

Making profits is only one aspect. It can even achieve the purpose of strategic deception.

Before the Normandy landings, the Allied Forces' Operation Overlord successfully deceived the German intelligence agencies, causing the Germans to heavily deploy Calais.


Take a deep breath quietly.

A little excited.

Can you try to use some information to deceive the enemy?

For example, last time I made a nonsense claim that Han Fuju was going to send an army north to guard Tianjin, but the Japanese spy actually believed it and went to Jinan to verify it.

Unfortunately, I didn't think of follow-up at all at that time. As a result, this lie was ineffective.

If you sort it out a little bit and support the upstream and downstream...

Suddenly I felt a headache.

But I’m thinking too much and the CPU can’t keep up.

Strategic deception is not something that can be accomplished overnight, nor can it be accomplished by one person.

After the information is released, other people's cooperation will be needed.

For example, if Han Fuju was in Jinan and really pretended to send troops north, how would the Japanese invaders react?


The idea is a good idea, but it seems difficult to actually implement it.

The target of strategic deception is not only the Japanese side, but also other powers. He wants to take money from the pockets of other powers.

Can you do it yourself?

Zhang Yong doesn’t know either.

However, this idea was like a wild thorn, taking root and sprouting in his mind. It was just waiting for the right opportunity to break out.

"Here you go!"

Zhang Yong casually threw the suitcase to Gu Bafeng.

At this time, you need to rely on the power of the military police. This is especially true when you arrive in Hangzhou.

After having the crazy idea, he no longer took the small role of a spy in his eyes. The most it cost was a thousand or a few hundred dollars, which was a bit less.


Gu Bafeng did not hesitate.

Smile brightly.


Sure enough, when Zhang Yong came back, he immediately made a fortune.

Gu Bafeng doesn't have to think about anything or do anything in his life. He can just follow Zhang Yong without any brains.


Zhang Yong was not polite either.

Fifty-five. It's the best. I'm not that bad.

His eyes fell on the captured spy. Suddenly a bold idea came to his mind.

Maybe, we can start with him?

He waved his hand and motioned to take the spy aside. There was no one else here.

Without tearing off the rag from the spy's mouth, Zhang Yong said directly: "How much do you know about Project 226? Tell me everything and I will spare your life. I, Zhang Yong, keep my word."

The Japanese spy looked up at Zhang Yong in surprise. Obviously, he had never heard of Project 226 at all.

However, the Japanese spy also knew that Zhang Yong would not target without aim.

When the other party caught him, he came up and questioned Plan 226, indicating that this plan was very important.

So, what exactly is this plan?

Suddenly, I felt my mouth loosen up. However, the rag in my mouth was torn off by Zhang Yong.

With the hook of Project 226, Zhang Yong believed that this spy would definitely not commit suicide easily, nor would he bite his tongue.


Zhang Yong slapped the spy.

Hurry up and cooperate with the acting. Otherwise, I'll beat you until you can't take care of yourself.

"I have no idea……"

"you do not know?"


The spy received another slap.

People around are curious. You look at me, I look at you.

Project 226? What?

Why did a 226 plan suddenly appear? Where did Zhang Yong hear about it?



Zhang Yong slapped the spy again.

Very good. Of course you don’t know. For now, no one knows except me, Zhang Yong.

Then stuff the rag back into the spy's mouth.


"It seems that he really doesn't know." Zhang Yong frowned.

"What is the 226 plan?" Yang Lichu asked.

"I only recently learned from a very special channel that someone within the Japanese invaders created a 226 plan. The specific content is unknown. But the other party swore that once this plan is implemented, it will have extremely terrible consequences for the Japanese invaders.


"What is the code number 226?"

"Not sure."

Zhang Yong shook his head and said that he was also confused.

But what he just said has successfully aroused everyone's curiosity.

Including the captured Japanese spy. He also firmly remembered this incident and the plan code name. At the same time, his mind was making rapid guesses.

"Not many people know about this plan."

"Maybe it was secretly formulated by a very high-level spy."

"It could have extremely dire consequences."

Zhang Yong continued to add a mysterious color to this 226 plan to attract more people to join the game.

The people around him are certainly not his target. He hopes to attract a few British and American intelligence agents to come in. They have abundant funds in their hands.

At the same time, it is also to increase the credibility of this plan and prove that my intelligence channels are very powerful.

In fact, these three sentences of his are very weighty.

When you dig it out later, you can gild Zhang Yong and add a gold-lettered signboard.

In the past, Zhang Yong was only good at catching Japanese spies. But now, he is also very good at collecting intelligence. He can get such secret information.

By then, he will become the core focus of the secret intelligence community, and many big fish will naturally take the bait.

MI7 has quietly taken the bait before.

"Then I'll take it back for interrogation. I'll smash its bones and pry open its mouth." Gu Bafeng expressed determination.

Zhang Yong shook his head, "Forget it. He shouldn't have the right to know."


Are you despising me? Say I am not qualified...

But, he really doesn’t know!

What is the 226 plan?

So it's a secret? Or is it formulated by the very top? Which level does the top management go to? Military headquarters? Headquarters?


"Keep catching! Let's see if there are any big fish we know of."


Gu Bafeng's mouth was crooked in smile.

In fact, he is not that concerned about Project 226. He is not an intelligence officer.

However, he likes big fish.

Big fish means rich money!

In the months before Zhang Yong left, he didn't open at all!

Not a single spy was caught, let alone gold bars, dollars and pounds.

Now that Zhang Yong came, he immediately made a lot of money.

Zhang Yong looked around silently.

Occasionally, there are red dots flashing intermittently. They may be spies.

However, judging from their hidden identities, they all seem to be very low-level characters. Obviously, they have nothing to do with the "226 Project".

You must find a spy with a relatively high status. At least one who is a major or above?

Waiting silently...

Wait patiently...

Finally, a target that seemed more suitable appeared.


Zhang Yong pointed to the exit of the station.

The spy he targeted was a middle-aged man wearing a coat.

Vaguely, Zhang Yong felt that this middle-aged man looked familiar. He seemed to have seen him somewhere. However, when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't remember it.

Oh, this damn memory...

The coat worn by the middle-aged spy must be very expensive. It looks like fur? The whole body is well-dressed and worth a lot of money.

He was also carrying a suitcase.

When leaving the station, the middle-aged man looked around and then continued to move forward.

Next to him, within a few dozen meters, there were five Japanese spies covering him.

It's a bit troublesome! These spies all have guns on them.

Being able to bring weapons onto the train, and five of them appearing at the same time, shows that this middle-aged man must be a very important backbone.

Just catch it.

A spy at this level may "know Plan 226"...

Arrange actions.


"Yes. Note that although the target does not have a gun, the five people covering behind him all have guns."


Gu Bafeng gritted his teeth.

He's not afraid. Anyway, he has many military police with him.

However, if a melee breaks out, the situation will be difficult to control. If the train station turns into a battlefield, the impact will be bad.

In the end, we decided to separate the middle-aged man from the other five guards first.

Capture the middle-aged man alive and kill the other five guards.


Qin Lishan and his men got stuck in the middle.

The three men quickly rushed forward and pushed the middle-aged man to the ground from behind.


The five spies behind immediately realized something was wrong.

They drew their guns without thinking.



Shoot decisively.

A chaotic shootout.




The five spies were quickly killed.

Now that their identities have been revealed, of course they cannot escape.

The middle-aged man was also tied up.

His suitcase was quickly searched. No weapons were found, and no money was found. It was just an ordinary suitcase. It contained some daily necessities and clothes. The only special thing was that a card was found in the middle of the clothes.

There are parts of the telegraph code on it. There seems to be some strange connection with those found before.

Zhang Yong looked at the middle-aged man and said, "You should recognize me."

"I don't know him." The middle-aged man denied.

"I am Zhang Yong."


The middle-aged spy remained silent.

He really didn't know Zhang Yong, but he knew the name.

All Japanese spies with some status already know this name. If there are some who don't know, it can only be said that they are too low-level.

Too hasty.

Zhang Yong is actually in Shanghai?

Isn't he in North China? When did he come back?


She actually bumped into his arms.

Ahhhh, so unlucky...

"I don't know who you are, and I don't want to know. But if you are willing to reveal the contents of Project 226, I can let you go immediately."


The middle-aged spy is confused.

He heard very clearly. Plan 226?


"Don't tell me you don't know." Zhang Yong said coldly, "Would you like to try the 108 delicious dishes of our Fuxing Club?"

"I..." The middle-aged spy didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either.

His mind is running at high speed.

Project 226. The Chinese are looking for Project 226.

Obviously, this plan is what the Chinese are eager to know. Therefore, it is very valuable.

Because it was Zhang Yong who was dispatched by the other party. It was Zhang Yong who was looking for it personally. Anything involving Zhang Yong's personal involvement would definitely not be that simple.

In other words, this 226 plan is very important. At the same time, it can also save his life.

As long as he pretends to know the plan but would rather die than tell it, he still has a chance to survive.


"I won't tell you anything." The middle-aged spy said harshly.

"You can tell." Zhang Yong responded coldly.

The middle-aged spy remained silent.

The other party did not take action. He did not immediately torture him to extract a confession.

It became more and more clear that this matter was very serious. This 226 plan was very important. Therefore, the other party did not take action.

The other party is worried that if they attack now, they will beat him to death or force him to bite his tongue and commit suicide. Therefore, he is pretending to be kind.


Here comes the problem...

What the hell is this 226 plan?

Who knows...

Zhang Yong picked up the card and considered it carefully.

The middle-aged spy's heart immediately lifted. He had a very ominous premonition. If Zhang Yong knew the secret above...

The consequences would be disastrous.

This is the latest communication password change method used by Japanese spies.

The Japanese spies suspected that so many people had been arrested recently because the contents of the telegrams were leaked. So they began to update the code book. It was upgraded based on the original one.


"Is this part of the 226 plan?" Zhang Yong asked, holding the card.

"No." The middle-aged spy breathed a sigh of relief.

He admitted it honestly.

Indeed not.

It has nothing to do with Project 226 at all.

But he believed that Zhang Yong would not believe his words.

Sure enough, Zhang Yong held the card and looked at him coldly, as if to say, do you think I am an idiot?

This card must be related to Project 226!

"Adjutant Liang."

Zhang Yong turned to look at Liang Wenxiu.

At this moment, Liang Wenxiu's face was expressionless.

He didn't know what to say.

This Zhang Yong caught so many spies at the train station?

It seems that a big shot was captured alive?

It seems that there is also a very important 226 plan involved?

Zhang Yong personally came to pursue this plan, which shows that it is no small matter.

Frankly speaking, Zhang Yong is really amazing. His ability to catch Japanese spies is truly unparalleled. The rest of the Fuxing Society combined are not as good as him.

Not only that, this guy's ability to conduct intelligence is also improving rapidly.

He had never heard of Project 226, but Zhang Yong was already investigating it.

It's a pity that this guy is only willing to follow Dai and is unwilling to change his family. Otherwise, the commander will never treat him badly.

"What's up?"

"Let's go and eat?"


A strange expression appeared on Liang Wenxiu's face.

Have a meal?


Didn't you catch a big shot of a Japanese spy and don't need an immediate surprise interrogation?

Is it to be handed over to others for interrogation? Do you not care so much?

That 226 plan, you just ignore it?

"What? The dinner is cancelled?"


"Then let's go! Wuxiangju. That's right."

"That's right..."

Liang Wenxiu looked strange.

This guy is really perverted! He seems to be impatient.

But it doesn’t matter anymore. Just eat, just eat.

"Bring him with you."

I heard Zhang Yong waving his hand and pointing at the middle-aged spy.

Liang Wenxiu:???

What's going on? Are you going to take a spy to Wuxiangju?

Are you preparing to be interrogated in Wuxiangju?

"We eat while he watches."

Zhang Yong said with a smile.

This look made the middle-aged spy look more and more confused.

Is Zhang Yong preparing to tempt himself? Tempt himself to reveal the contents of Project 226? Humph. This is impossible. He will never tell it.

Even if he doesn't know anything, he will never show it.

Liang Wenxiu:……

He hesitated to speak. In the end, he said nothing.

He remembered his mission. It was to delay Zhang Yong. What did he care about?

No matter how active this guy is in Shanghai, after going to Hangzhou, he doesn't have many days. It's not that easy to complete the task.


Zhang Yong waved his hand.

Escort the middle-aged spy to Wuxiangju.

Asked for a private room.

Zhang Yong, Liang Wenxiu, and Gu Bafeng sat down.

There was a spy present, and Gu Bafeng also came to join in the fun. The spy was escorted and stood aside.

"Let him sit down."

"Yes. Let him sit down. Tie him up together with the chair."

Zhang Yong continued to give instructions.

Everyone tied up the spy and waited outside the door.

Liang Wenxiu ordered.

Soon, the food and wine came out in a smooth flow.

Of course, Commander Xuan was not short of money when he dominated the country. He also couldn't lose his identity in front of Zhang Yong.

Although the various delicacies are not very expensive, they are also famous for their high-end atmosphere.



Zhang Yong worked hard.

If someone treats someone, of course he won't be polite.

There is no point in being polite. Others say that Xuan Tiewu is going to target him now.

The Japanese spy was quiet and silent.

However, he knew that his identity would definitely be peeled off layer by layer.

Sure enough, the personnel responsible for the peripheral investigation were busy.

In just one meal, the relevant information was delivered to Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong looked at the information and then at the middle-aged spy.

"Noguchi Hirobumi?"


The middle-aged spy's face suddenly tightened.

Although he tried hard to hide it, it was useless. His eyes betrayed him.

Zhang Yong then determined that the other party was Noguchi Hirofumi, who was Noguchi Hirofumi's younger brother and the new head of the Sophora Agency's secret service.

In fact, Noguchi Hirobumi's name is not included in the intelligence materials sent below.

In such a short period of time, it is impossible for others to find out the true identity of the spy.

However, this is enough for Zhang Yong.

Just now, for just a moment, he remembered. This middle-aged spy was somewhat similar to Hiroyuki Noguchi.

Then I thought of a certain younger brother mentioned by Hiroyuki Noguchi...

it's fate!

I just came back and caught a big fish.

Well, he is considered a big fish. After all, he is the head of the Japanese secret service. He also has the rank of colonel.

very happy.

This identity is very good.

It just goes well with the 226 plan that I made up.

"Your brother is very good."

Zhang Yong said casually and then tore off the rag from the other person's mouth.

He believed that the other party would not commit suicide by biting his tongue.

This is too childish.

It's not necessary either.

Now that you have become a captain, you should think more comprehensively.

What's more, there is a 226 plan to hang the other party.

Sure enough, after tearing off the rag, Noguchi Hirobumi just spat out the dirty saliva in his mouth. He did not bite his tongue.

"Untie him!"

Zhang Yong waved his hand again.

Liang Wenxiu shouted subconsciously: "No..."

"Did I call you?" Zhang Yong turned to look at him, "Our secret service is doing things, and it's your turn to point fingers?"

"You..." Liang Wenxiu suddenly suppressed his emotions and his face turned red.

Anger rises.

Made, Zhang Yong, this bastard, slapped himself in the face in public, right?


Get up and leave immediately.

He couldn't stand Zhang Yong.

This guy is a villain!

Zhang Yong suddenly stood up, took out his gun and pointed it at his chest.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Guo Qiyun:???

Gu Bafeng:???

Qin Lishan:???

Everyone was stunned.

Everyone had a gun in their hand. They all touched the gun involuntarily.

"Don't get excited, everyone."

"There must be a misunderstanding!"

"There is a misunderstanding!"

"Everyone, put your hands down!"

Fortunately, Yang Lichu shouted with a clear voice at the critical moment.

Everyone who was nervous subconsciously let go of their hands. At the same time, cold sweat broke out from behind. If the gun was really used, the consequences would be disastrous.

There are military police at the scene, including those from the Kung Fu Headquarters, those from the Fuxing Society, and those from the Hangzhou Security Headquarters. They are all our own people. Can they still fight?

"Zhang Yong, what are you doing?" Yang Lichu's voice was clear and her words were clear.

"He can't leave." Zhang Yong simply loved Yang Lichu to death. Her appearance perfectly coordinated with his actions.


"He already knows about Plan 226. He must not leave alone."

"I see."

Yang Lichu nodded and waved to everyone.

The originally tense atmosphere immediately dissipated without a trace. Everyone's anxious hearts immediately relaxed.

Oh, it turns out it’s necessary for confidentiality!

I thought there was going to be a conflict on the spot!



Just keep it confidential.

Liang Wenxiu, who was held at gunpoint, was also relieved.

Just now, he was indeed sweating from behind and his mind went blank. He really thought Zhang Yong would kill him.

Who is the other party? It’s Zhang Yong!

Others may not dare to take action. But if Zhang Yong is a fool...

I felt relieved when I learned that confidentiality was required.

Noguchi Hirobumi:???

It seems that this 226 plan is very deadly.

Just now Zhang Yong completely lost his composure.

"I promise I won't tell anyone." Liang Wenxiu said slowly.

"From now on, you can't act alone." Zhang Yong didn't give the other party any face, "Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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