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Chapter 595, Little White Rabbit: The fish is hooked

Jianqiao Airport has a short history.

It was only put into use in the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931).

Before, it was a training camp for the Qing Dynasty infantry. The area was not large. Later it was expanded into an airport and the area was larger.

Because of its short history, all equipment and facilities are imperfect.

If Chennault hadn't come here, I guess it wouldn't have been taken seriously.

"Captain Gao..."

"you say."

"Why did the mountain eagle choose this place?"

"Because there are Soviets over there at the university campus."


Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

In the history of the Anti-Japanese War, our textbooks seem to rarely mention Soviet assistance.

In fact, before the outbreak of the all-out Anti-Japanese War and after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the Soviets still provided a lot of assistance to China. From aircraft to guns, everything.

There are also a large number of advisory groups.

Rokossovsky, who later became famous, and Chuikov and others all stayed in China for at least three months.

After the supply of German-style equipment was cut off, many of the main forces of the national army were replaced by Soviet weapons. Among them, the famous 74th Army was included.

However, international public opinion at the time was not very friendly to the Soviet Union.

An American like Chennault would definitely not want to work with the Soviets on a university campus.

The national government fully considered this problem and arranged for Jianqiao Airport to be opened.

It will be fine if the two groups of people separate.



There was a constant sound of trumpets.

There were a large number of civilian workers doing the work of consolidating the runway.

There were a lot of people. It was a bit chaotic. It was obviously a rush hour. Chinese characteristics.

I didn't expect Chennault to arrive so quickly, so the progress of the project was slow. As a result, someone made a sneak attack.

We have no choice but to work day and night, recruit a large number of civilians, and work hard.

It turns out that Jianqiao Airport only has an aviation school, which is used for training. There are only some very old airplanes that Zhang Yong cannot name.

Now Chennault is coming, so Gao Yuanhang brought some Hawker 2s here.

As the number of aircraft increases, various equipment and facilities must also be updated.

Although the performance of the Hawker Type 2 is outdated, some key maintenance has to be done by Americans themselves. Therefore, some American technicians are stationed.

As the number of aircraft increases, ground handling, security, logistics support, etc. will naturally also have to increase.

Originally, the aviation school had only one guard company that was not fully staffed. Now it has been increased to a fully staffed guard battalion. The number of people has increased sharply, and the barracks are not enough. They have to build their own barracks.

Therefore, the entire Jianqiao Airport is in chaos.

Zhang Yong raised his telescope and looked around, and saw a row of airplanes in the distance.

At that time, the government's aircraft did not have hangars or hangars, so they were placed in the open air. They were exposed to wind, rain, sun and rain.

There are about twenty aircraft. Among them, there may be ten Hawker 2s.

The others are old airplanes used by aviation schools. Being able to fly into the sky is already very satisfying.

"When will the new plane arrive?"

"I have no idea."


Zhang Yong asked no more questions.

He believed that Gao Yuanhang really didn't know.

The new aircraft may not have been selected yet. I am still not satisfied with the Hawker 3. Its performance is too poor.

However, apart from the Hawker 3, looking at the international aviation market at that time, there seemed to be no more outstanding aircraft. Unless it was the BF109 that the Germans had just tested...

However, the Germans themselves have not yet installed the bf109, so it is indeed difficult to export it.

All I can say is that it’s up to people to plan things and leave the rest to God.

"Sorry, the accommodation arranged for you may be a bit crude..."

"Don't bother. We live in the city."

"I am sorry……"

"Our main responsibility is to eliminate spies in the entire Hangzhou city. Living at the airport is not convenient."

"That's good. That's good. The expenses will be reimbursed by the free fund department."

Gao Yuanhang breathed a sigh of relief.

Chennault arrived too quickly and was caught off guard in every aspect.

"Espionage reimbursement."


"I said, we will pay for the expenses of our trip ourselves. You don't have to bear it."


"Spies are rich. If you catch a few spies, you will be rich."


Gao Yuanhang was not polite either.

Because of Chennault's raid, they were really short of funds for a while.

There are too many things to do.

There are too many funds to spend.

Fortunately, Zhang Yong had seized so many assets in Tianjin Wei before. Otherwise, my wife might have to reach out to the committee.

It's actually okay now. The empty financing department can solve it by itself.

The goods that Chen Shanben continuously transported back from Peking Nanyuan Airport are worth at least more than 10 million silver dollars, which can temporarily support him for a period of time.

"Go find a hotel!" Zhang Yong turned to tell Yang Lichu.

My own woman cannot be wronged anymore.

Living in a simple airport without even a separate toilet is definitely not possible.

Although she is not pampered, she really can't endure hardship. Every time she goes on a business trip, she is so haggard that she has to stay in a hotel to make up for it.

"Okay!" Yang Lichu did not refuse and went with a few people.

"Work!" Zhang Yong cheered up.

They are all men.

Men are here to work, not to enjoy themselves.

The mission is to catch Japanese spies.

Inside and outside the airport, there are so many civilians, so many personnel, and I don’t know how many spies there are...



No way……

Zhang Yong was a little unbelievable.

The map shows that there are indeed no red dots within the airport.

In other words, there are no Japanese invaders hiding there.

As for whether any of them were bribed by the Japanese invaders, I don't know. The map won't identify this.

Okay. First of all, you can rest assured.

There are currently no spies in the airport.

Outside the airport...


There is a red dot near the entrance of the airport.

Zhang Yong raised his telescope and found that it was a grocery store. The red dot was the owner. He seemed to be a little old.

"That grocery store..."

"Wait a minute. I'll find someone familiar with the situation to talk to you."


Zhang Yong nodded.

Gao Yuanhang also just arrived here and doesn't know much about this place.

He said that the person familiar with the situation is Lao Pan, who works at the airport all year round. He is also the vice principal of the aviation school. When the airport was converted to military use, Lao Pan was there.

"Grocery store? Lao Chen? He has been there since the beginning."

"At the beginning?"

"When the airport was first built, he was there."


Zhang Yong nodded.

That's awesome! Japanese spies have great vision.

The construction of the airport has just begun here, and it has begun to lurk over there.

Regarding the cognitive value of the airport, the Japanese invaders must be superior to the Chinese.

Many people may not believe it. The world's first truly pure aircraft carrier was built by the Japanese.

It can be said that the Japanese went very early on the road to developing aircraft carriers.

But then I don't know why. I took a wrong turn and got into the horns of the big cannon ship again.

Forget it, don't disturb him for now.

As a spy with this status, Zhang Yong probably doesn't have much luck.

You still have to go to the city to find big fish.

Suddenly, another red dot cut into the edge of the map.

I silently raised the binoculars and discovered that it was a tricycle. The rider was a rough man.

He is also a spy.

The tricycle seems to be loaded with vegetables? And meat? It should be supplied to the airport.

Nodding thoughtfully.

It seems that the Japanese spies have been prepared and made arrangements for a long time.

They had already carried out infiltration measures against the airport a long time ago. They were well disguised.

The grocery store at the door...

Small vendors delivering goods...

There may be others.

Zhang Yong did not alert them and led the team to the city.

Now, Zhang Yong is accompanied by hundreds of people. Obviously, it is impossible for so many people to stay in a luxury hotel.

The main reason is that it is inconvenient to get in and out, and it is also inconvenient to do things.

Originally, it would have been best for them to live in the military camp. Unfortunately, there was no cooperation from Xuan Tiewu.

The final decision was made in two parts.

Gu Bafeng took his gendarmerie troops to the gendarmerie headquarters camp in Hangzhou.

Zhang Yong took the 50 people from the empty raising department to find another place to stay.

Suddenly I remembered Cao Mengqi's home.

That's right. This guy is from Hangzhou.

In fact, many of his police academy students are from Hangzhou.

Qin Lishan also had several police academy students, so he found them and asked them about the local situation.

Soon, Zhang Yong knew Hangzhou well.

Immediately, Zhang Yong took his team and checked into the unfinished Huaqiao Hotel.

The hotel was basically ready, but it was not open to the public yet. So Zhang Yong booked it. It was just right.

"Captain Zhang."

"Boss Jiang, excuse me."

"I don't dare. I don't dare. Captain Zhang is here to make the Huaqiao Hotel shine!"



Zhang Yong talks to Jiang Guohu, the owner of Huaqiao Hotel.

He motioned Jiang Guohu to step aside, saying that he wanted to talk to him about something privately.

"Captain Zhang, tell me."

"Boss Jiang, can you lend me tens of thousands of dollars?"

"Oh? I wonder what Captain Zhang is planning to do?"

"It's just daily expenses. I'm new here and I don't have a penny. Please ask Boss Jiang for help."

"It's easy to talk. Captain Zhang has come all the way. If you have any difficulties, I, Jiang, will do my best to help."

"Then it's settled. Fifty thousand oceans."

"Captain Zhang, although Mr. Jiang has very few assets, it is a bit difficult to give him 50,000 yuan at a time. So, I will offer you 5,000 yuan now. For the rest, I will continue to think of ways. What do you think?"

"Excellent. Boss Jiang is indeed warm-hearted. I will remember your kindness and righteousness."

"I am over-flattered."

"Actually, I am borrowing 50,000 yuan from you to do a secret thing. After the thing is completed, there will be a heavy reward. I promise to pay you back in three months. And I will pay you 10% of the interest. That is to say, I will pay you back.

Fifty-five thousand oceans.”

"Don't dare. Don't dare."


Zhang Yong was all smiles.

This Jiang Guohu is a Japanese spy. Of course he likes it.

He didn't bother to deal with those useless Japanese spies. But someone like Jiang Guohu had a bright future!

Very surprised.

Jiang Guohu is actually a Japanese spy.

This guy is said to be a native of Hangzhou.

It is said that he has never left Hangzhou. But the map shows that he is Japanese.


The original Jiang Guohu may be dead?

Mostly this is the routine.

Soon, Jiang Guohu arranged for someone to send five thousand yuan.

They were all found in the ocean. They were packed in five boxes. Although each box only had one thousand, they were still heavy.

"Captain Zhang, look..."

"Boss Jiang, you are so polite. Hey, I don't even know how to thank you..."

"Captain Zhang is serious, he is serious..."


Zhang Yong waved his hand and blocked everyone away.

He looked around mysteriously and then waved to Jiang Guohu to come over.

"Captain Zhang..."

"Boss Jiang, I will only tell you one person. I am chasing a 226 plan. It is a very important spy. It is about the Japanese. As long as I get this spy, I will get a generous reward. The Americans have already offered

A price tag of 1 million US dollars has been paid to buy this spy."

"A million dollars?"

"Yes. You think it's exaggerated, right? I think so too. But you also know that Americans are not short of money. If this intelligence is really that valuable, when I get this million dollars, I will


"Captain Zhang, you are an expert, you can definitely do it."

"to your regards."

Zhang Yong smiled broadly.

Like a harmless little white rabbit.

Jiang Guohu also smiled politely with him. Nothing unusual could be seen.

"Old fox."

Zhang Yong secretly admired the other party's acting skills.

This guy has been in Hangzhou for so many years, and no one has found out that he is a spy. It is really amazing.

Maybe there are still Japanese spies like Jiang Guohu?

Thinking of volcanoes...

It's the spy Huo Jia Tengying said he wanted to capture.

Is Jiang Guohu a volcano?

Probably not.

If Jiang Guohu was a volcano, Jia Tengying wouldn't say he couldn't find it.

Jiang Guohu himself is a very obvious target. Where can he hide? Therefore, his suspicion can be ruled out for the time being.

The volcano should not be famous. It is very low-key and well hidden.

"Boss Jiang..."

"Captain Zhang, tell me."

"Don't worry. I will definitely make a profit from this information."

"That's of course. Who doesn't know Captain Zhang's reputation? Captain Zhang takes action and succeeds immediately..."

"Do you know MI7?"

"have no idea."

"They are also interested in Project 226. But the bid is stingy and they are only willing to give 50,000 pounds. Oh, 50,000 pounds, who are you looking down on? I don't even care for such important information, even 500,000 pounds. Let alone 50,000 pounds.

?The British are just petty!”

"That's what Captain Zhang said."

Jiang Guohu agreed with a smile on his face, but he was muttering secretly in his heart.

What is the 226 plan? Is it worth spending so much money from Britain and the United States to buy it? One million US dollars? Impossible. It is definitely Zhang Yong adding fuel to the fire and talking nonsense.

This guy probably has no idea how much $1 million is.

One U.S. dollar can be exchanged for at least five oceans. One million U.S. dollars is equivalent to 5 million silver dollars. What kind of information is so valuable? Bullshit!

The British are still smart. They are only willing to offer 50,000 pounds. This is a reasonable price.

This Zhang Yong only has money in front of him and is short-sighted...

"There is also Red Soviet Russia..."


Jiang Guohu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

This was an uncontrollable action. Fortunately, Zhang Yong didn't seem to notice.

Jiang Guohu is a Japanese spy. He is very sensitive to the intelligence of Red Soviet Russia. Because the Kwantung Army is currently guarding against Red Soviet Russia.

In other words, the Kwantung Army's next target is Red Soviet Russia.

Therefore, the Japanese military intelligence department gave priority to information related to Red Soviet Russia.

Intelligence related to Red Soviet Russia will obviously be taken seriously.

"Someone from them should be involved in the fight, but I don't know who it is. I'm not familiar with them."


Jiang Guohu did not answer the call. Instead, he served tea to Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong took the tea, took two sips and said thank you.

Then shut up.

He has revealed enough information. If he goes on to say more, he will arouse suspicion.

Now, it depends on what Jiang Guohu thinks and does.

"Captain Zhang, I will prepare the 50,000 yuan you need by tomorrow night at the latest."


Zhang Yong nodded with satisfaction.

The fish took the bait.

[To be continued]

Let’s stick to the normal three updates. I’m not used to changing to two updates.

This chapter has been completed!
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