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Chapter 611, Xu Enzeng came out in full force

Lao Bai left in a hurry.

At this moment, the situation is very dangerous. There can be no delay.

At that time, the underground party organization in Hangzhou had not yet adopted a single line of contact for later generations. There were several people on the Gu Yanzhong line.

If Gu Yanzhong is caught, rebels, and confesses, more people will be dragged out.

One by one, one by one. In the end, everyone will suffer. The consequences will be disastrous.

"Set off!"

Zhang Yong also led the team to set off.

He can't do anything to directly help the organization, but he can ruin things.

Incompetent bungler.

What failed was the matter of the Party Affairs Investigation Office. It was deliberately mixed up.

Search for spies by yourself in the city. Once you meet someone from the Party Affairs Investigation Department, immediately go up and pester them, wasting their time.

It takes time for Lao Bai to deliver the message. Zhang Yong wants to help Lao Bai buy time.

Suddenly, a mark appeared.

This is Li Jingqian.

She's nearby. She seems to be wandering?

There are weapons marks on her body. Obviously, she may be on an assassination mission again.

Could it be said that Gu Yanzhong has rebelled? She wants to assassinate Gu Yanzhong?

I couldn't help but feel a little worried. Her injury hadn't healed yet.

It had only been two or three days, and her wounds might not have healed yet. She actually went out on a mission again?

It can be inferred from this that how serious the danger faced by the underground party is.

Xu Enzeng is Xu Enzeng after all.

The situation Zhang Yong has discovered so far is very unfavorable to the underground party.

There might be more serious situations where he couldn't see. Xu Enzeng might have gone to meet the traitor.

Yes, maybe secretly going to the suburbs to meet the traitors.

The traitor may have provided the list.

This is very troublesome.

It means that Xu Enzeng has many targets in his hands that can be captured at any time.

With so many leaks appearing all at once, even if the underground party tries its best, it will not be able to make up for them all at the moment. It is inevitable to suffer a blow.

In spy dramas, the enemies are always stupid and the revolutionaries are always smart. But in the cruel reality, the underground party is always at a disadvantage.

Every moment, a large number of revolutionaries pay a heavy price. Even their precious lives.

Xu Enzeng came here in person, and the danger of the underground party was unprecedented.

Monitor silently.

Stay still.

I looked up at the sky. It was gloomy. It might be snowing.

The gloomy weather made Zhang Yong's mood even worse. He had to admit that his psychological quality was still far from that of a real agent.

At least, he still can't remain calm even if Mount Tai collapses in front of him.

He will be worried.

He will be anxious.

He will be frightened.

But now, he has to work hard to adapt.

Even if Li Jingqian was suddenly shot and died in front of him, he would have to pretend not to know her.

Then he silently looks for opportunities to avenge her.

His eyes suddenly became sharp.

The map showed that there were several weapons signs quietly approaching Li Jingqian.

Their actions were very secretive. The routes they walked were all in Li Jingqian's blind spot. Zhang Yong immediately realized that Li Jingqian was in danger.

She was indeed exposed.

The Party Affairs Investigation Office has determined that she is a member of the Red Party.

Moreover, the secret agents had captured her exact location, laid a trap, and then began to counter-encircle her.

Yes, this is a trap.

Li Jingqian received the wrong message. She was asked to come here to perform the task.

The information may tell her that she needs to assassinate a certain traitor.

But in fact, this goal does not exist. When she appears here, she falls into a trap.


The traitor's status may be relatively high...

At least, he is qualified to issue orders to Li Jingqian or influence others to issue orders.

Who is this guy? How scary!

Maybe Lao Bai will be trapped by him.

What a hassle...

Working underground is really dangerous.

I'm really not suitable.

It's still suitable for the rough style of military commanders. You don't need to think about it. Just pick up the gun and do it.

Take a deep breath.

Get ready to work.

My intelligence is not good, but I am good at killing people.

Well, to be precise, it means directing others to kill. Since there are five agents, kill them all.

Start giving orders.

Prepare weapons.

"Don't live alive."

"Just kill it."

Zhang Yong's order is very simple.

When a person dies, no matter how the Party Affairs Investigation Department complains about it, it has nothing to do with him.

If you ask again, he is a spy.


Take people to take action yourself.

He needs to identify the target and then the people below will execute it.

Discover the first target.

This guy was standing behind the corner, pretending to read a newspaper.

In such horrible weather, are you still in the mood to stand on the street and read the newspaper? Do you really think that the underground party can't see through you?

"it's him."

"Go for it!"

Zhang Yong finished identifying the target.

The two agents pretended to be fine and passed by.

Sudden attack.

One holds the target while the other stabs the dagger directly into the heart.


The target groaned and twisted his body reflexively, but was held tightly by the person behind him, and finally fell silently.

After the target expired, the two agents immediately lifted the target up and dragged him into the alley next to him. They placed him on the ground.

In such weather, the body would not be exposed within two or three days.

Zhang Yong silently monitored the map.

Okay. Kill one.

There is still a chance to kill the target regardless of whether you are calculating mentally or not.

Go on to the second agent.

Do it the same way.

The second agent was quickly killed.

However, the remaining three agents are more troublesome. Their positions are difficult to get close to.

They are all professionals. The location chosen by these three agents is relatively safe. It is not easy for outsiders to get close to them. Once they get close, they will be discovered immediately.


While thinking about the method, four weapon symbols cut in from the edge of the map.

It was judged that it was a car. There were four people on it, all with weapons. The car was traveling in a straight line. If it had not turned, it would have passed right in front of Li Jingqian.

My heart tightened.

The killer is coming.

This is a killing move specifically targeted at Li Jingqian.

It is almost certain that the information Li Jingqian received was to assassinate the traitor in this car.

Therefore, when the car comes to Li Jingqian, she will shoot decisively.

Then, she will find that while she is moving, the people inside are also moving. Maybe even faster than her.

In the end, she will be easily beaten to death and left lying on the street.

what to do?

I have no choice but to do it hard.

One car and four people can do it. Kill them all and then frame them as Japanese spies.



"The Japanese spy is here. He has a car. Prepare to intercept!"


"Kill everyone in the car."


Qin Lishan went to make arrangements immediately.

Zhang Yong quietly changed his position and happened to block the car in front.

Soon, the car came into shooting range.

"Da da da……"

"Da da da……"

Thomson began to fire. The hail of bullets covered everything.

The car suddenly lost control and crashed into the roadside wall.



Rifle shooting.

Zhang Yong was worried that Thomson wouldn't be able to penetrate the car, so he arranged for someone to mount the rifle directly.

Soon, the gunfire stopped.

Two agents went up to search with guns drawn and opened the car door.

The four agents inside were all dead. The car was also seriously damaged and could not be repaired.

Zhang Yong waved his hand and left.

As soon as the gun fires, Li Jingqian will realize something is wrong and retreat immediately.

Sure enough, after the gunshot, Li Jingzhi moved quickly. The route was exactly in the direction where Zhang Yong killed the spy. Therefore, there was no accident on the way.

never mind.

Zhang Yong breathed a sigh of relief.

Help Li Jingqian avoid disaster for the time being.


Went to dig for treasure.

When I arrived at the address where Jiang Guohu confessed, I found that there was a gold mark here.


This means there is gold!

Ah, this damn Jiang Guohu is finally willing to reveal where the gold bars are buried.

Take action.


Sure enough, there are gold bars!

Although there are not many. There are only five. They are all small. But they are indeed gold bars!

There are also five sacks in Dayang.

This Jiang Guohu seems to like sacks very much?

Each sack contained about 2,000 silver dollars. Five sacks contained about 10,000 silver dollars.

Re-seal the sack and load it into the car, ready to take it back.

Suddenly, someone hurried over. It was a military police officer. He was panting.

In such a cold weather, I actually had sweat on my forehead while running.

"Captain Zhang, our captain sent me to tell you that all the people from the secret service headquarters have been dispatched. I don't know what happened."


"Need not."

Zhang Yong handed the other party a big ocean.

The other party ran in such a hurry, obviously using all his strength.

Sure enough, the power of Dayang is infinite. These military police are now very happy to do things for themselves. The same is true for Gu Bafeng.

He asked casually: "How did you know we were here?"

"Our captain sent a dozen people to look for you everywhere. This time I found them first."


Zhang Yong handed the other party another big ocean.

It should.

In the future, the military police will be more active. This way, I will be safer in Hangzhou.



The military police officer said goodbye happily and left.

Zhang Yong was thoughtful.

The secret service headquarters is the Party Affairs Investigation Department, as it has always been commonly known. Are these guys coming out to cause trouble for themselves?

Could it be that Xu Enzeng knew about the destruction of their car so quickly?

Then, they want revenge?

Huh. Revenge is revenge, there is nothing to be afraid of.

When it came to a real fight, he wasn't timid at all.

Then it felt wrong.

Things may not be that simple.

Xu Enzeng is cunning and will not do such risky things easily.

Xu Enzeng did not dare to ignore Xuan Tiewu's warning. Hangzhou was Xuan Tiewu's territory. Xuan Tiewu had an army.

Neither the Party Affairs Investigation Department nor the Secret Service where Zhang Yong worked were able to confront the regular army.

In front of Xu Enzeng, the Thompson submachine gun owned by Zhang Yong was very powerful. It was so powerful that it was a deterrent.

However, the regular army has light and heavy machine guns, mortars, and artillery...

In front of heavy machine guns and mortars, light weapons are useless...

One infantry battalion can wipe them all out.


The most terrible consequences still appeared.

Xu Enzeng went out in full force to arrest the red party. And he was arresting multiple targets at the same time.

Look up at the sky.

The sky is getting gloomier and a blizzard seems to be coming.


What an eventful year!

However, he couldn't do more. He didn't even meet anyone from the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

If you want to cause trouble, there is no chance...

I had no choice but to lead the team back to Huaqiao Hotel.

Suddenly, a sign appeared, it was Li Jingqian. It happened to be near the route.

Li Jingqian was hiding in the corner.

Of course she saw Zhang Yong. She also knew that Zhang Yong saved her.

At this moment, she felt a little hesitant.

It never happened before. But it does now.

Just now, she had understood that she had been set up. There were traitors within the organization.

This is a very terrible thing.

She doesn't know who she should trust. She doesn't want to doubt other people.

However, the cruel reality told her that she could not go back. No place was safe. She might encounter spies at any time.

Even if it is the house arranged for her by Zhang Yong, she will not be able to go back for the time being.

She didn't know if it was safe there.

In other words, at this moment, she doesn't want to stay alone in a cold house. That way she will think about many things and then go crazy.

Now she is just a homeless child. Hesitant. Helpless. Desperate.


Zhang Yong deliberately shouted coldly.

Then he walked over, grabbed her, and pulled off her scarf.

"Who are you?"


"What are you doing sneaking around here?"


"Go back with me!"


"Are you injured? Tell me, who are you?"


Li Jingqian's face was full of horror.

Others around him thought Zhang Yong was going to do something bad, but then they realized something was wrong.

There are indeed injuries on this woman's body.

He immediately understood that Zhang Yong was definitely not innocent. He realized that something was wrong with this woman.

At this moment, having trauma on your body is a very sensitive thing.

Fortunately it wasn't a gunshot wound. Otherwise, he would have been taken away as a suspect. He might never have the chance to come back.

"take away!"

Zhang Yong waved his hand.

Agents came up immediately.

Li Jingqian shouted: "Don't touch me, I will leave!"

Zhang Yong pulled her over and held her down while actually talking to her in a low voice.

Of course Li Jingqian understood and pretended to cooperate.

"What's going on? How many of you does Xu Enzeng have under his control?"

"I have no idea."

"Don't you have an emergency plan?"

"I have no idea."

"Now what?"

"I have no idea."

"Why don't you know anything?"

"I really don't know."


Zhang Yong suddenly realized something was wrong.

Her voice seemed very weak and her body became softer and softer.


She was seriously injured. The wounds haven't healed yet.

what to do?

There is no need to consider this.

Take it back to Huaqiao Hotel immediately, take medicine, and ask a doctor to see a doctor!

He lifted her up and quickened his pace.

Take people back to the hotel.

Arrange the room immediately and let her lie down.

I immediately opened her clothes and found that the wound was open and bleeding.

Secretly ashamed.

It seemed like it was all his fault. His stitching skills were terrible.

If he were a well-trained surgeon, the sutured wound would definitely not open easily. The problem was, he was not.

He has not received professional training.

He relied on his own exploration to roughly suture the wound. At that time, he thought that as long as Li Jingqian did not go out for activities, it would be fine. As long as there was enough time, the wound would definitely heal. Unexpectedly, she encountered so many changes.


When she realized something was wrong, she must have walked very quickly when evacuating. It was inevitable that the wound would be torn.

In the current situation, there are two options.

Or, sew again.

Or, lie still and never move again.

Which one does she choose?

"I am sleepy……"

"Go to sleep……"

Zhang Yong said slowly and comfortingly.

She was indeed tired. She was tired, and her heart was tired. She could no longer hold on.

In this case, just sleep peacefully.

No matter how strong the wind and rain outside are, they cannot invade the inside of Huaqiao Hotel.

He can absolutely guarantee this.

[To be continued]

[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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