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Chapter 647, deposit car

Japanese invaders?

Impersonating a police officer?

What are they going to do?

Zhang Yong thought of many bad things.

His brows were furrowed.

The Japanese spies have been so arrogant recently! They even dare to come out in groups.

Do you really think you don’t exist?

How many days have I left Shanghai?


But my mood soon improved again.

The more spies there are, the more advantageous one is. The stronger the spies are, the more powerful one can prove.

If there are only three melons and two dates, there will be no place for heroes.

What's the point of going out to kill a few soldiers with a level 999 player?

Enemies must at least come in groups to have a sense of accomplishment...


There are nine spies in total posing as police officers in front of us. They are all armed. They are all rifles. It is not clear whether they have bullets or not.

Because he has a telescope, Zhang Yong can find some details even in the dark.

The rifles used by these Japanese invaders were all Ma Sihuan.

From the outside, it seems to be of high quality.

Obviously, this is a small mistake. Or a loophole.

If a careful person passes by, he may become suspicious.

Does the police station system have such good guns?

The Japanese invaders probably noticed it themselves. But they didn't have worse guns.

The rifles seized from the Northeastern Army, which were of poor quality and dilapidated, must have been given to the puppet troops. The Japanese invaders themselves did not want them.

As a result, they needed some dilapidated rifles temporarily, but they couldn't find them. So they came out carrying these high-quality Ma Sihuan.


Sooner or later these guns will all belong to me, Zhang Yong.

However, judging from the postures and movements of those pretending to be police officers, they seem to be very good at playing with guns. They may all be masters.

There are nine policemen, nine rifles, and there are only a dozen people on Zhang Yong's side. It can't be done.

In a face-to-face confrontation, there is definitely no chance of winning. There will be heavy casualties.

However, the most terrible place is not here.

The most important thing is who will protect them?

Nine spies pretending to be police officers came out to block the road, and they must have a major goal.

They must ensure that when they are "performing their duties", they will not be disturbed. They will not be questioned by real police.

So, here comes the question. How to do it?

There must be someone in the police station system who knows about this and has made arrangements to ensure that these nine Japanese invaders will not show their signs and that no accident will occur.

In other words, there were people in the Shanghai Police Department who took refuge with the Japanese invaders and acted as accomplices to the Japanese invaders.

This person's level cannot be too low. At least he is a middle-level person. Otherwise, he has no power to cover up this matter.

Wave your hands.

Have the team stop.

Zhao Hai asked doubtfully: "Team leader..."

"There is something wrong with the police in front." Zhang Yong whispered, "They are fake Japanese invaders."

"What?" Zhao Hai was seriously surprised.

Japanese invaders? Fake police officers?

Is this okay?

"Which one?"



Zhao Hai was surprised again.

All nine policemen were faked by the Japanese invaders?


Are the Japanese invaders planning to overturn the world?

How dare they do such a thing? It's simply lawless.

"I'm going to catch..."


Zhang Yong shook his head.

He asked Zhao Hai to wait and observe first.

The nine Japanese aggressors pretending to be policemen to interrogate and intercept must have an ulterior motive.

Zhang Yong really wanted to see with his own eyes what they were going to do.

Catch the thief and wait for the Japanese invaders to take action.

He gave some instructions secretly, ate nearby, and then closely observed the movements of the Japanese invaders from a distance.

Zhang Yong believed that the Japanese invaders should take action soon.

For them, the shorter the time, the better.

The longer the time, the more chances of accidents. The greater the possibility of exposure.

Quick victory.

Long nights and many dreams.

Such words are equally suitable for the Japanese invaders.

Zhang Yong looked at his watch silently.

It gets dark very early in winter. In fact, it’s only around six o’clock now.

Where there is no light, it is pitch black. You can't see your fingers.

The flow of people after get off work slowly dispersed along the streets and alleys.

Zhang Yong saw in the telescope that the Japanese spies were conducting a thorough interrogation, and no one was suspicious.

During this period, military vehicles passed by, but no suspicion arose. From this, it can be inferred that their plan was careful.

But, what on earth do these spies want to do?



Zhang Yong couldn't think of it.


A deposit car appears.

Of course it is not the kind of mortgage car of later generations.

It's a self-modified minivan. It's nondescript. It has the name of a bank on the outside.

It seems to be Bank of Communications?

From the Kong family?

Yes. The Kong family’s Bank of Communications.

The Kong family has a nickname, called Pervasive. All major banks have been infiltrated by the Kong family.

The map showed that there were only two people in the escort vehicle. They had no weapons and no defense at all.

"Sun Hai!"


"What day of the week is it?"


"Notify everyone to prepare."


Sun Hai hurriedly informed.

Soon, everyone was fully armed and ready to go.

Zhang Yong did not mention the deposit car, but he knew very well that the purpose of the Japanese invaders was probably to rob the deposit vehicle.

Today is Friday. Banks will be closed for the next two days.

Because of the New Life Movement, all major banks have implemented a five-day working system. It seems like this. Money must be returned to the head office on Friday.

This deposit car is responsible for going to various branches, collecting all the money, and then sending it back to the head office.

If it were in the past, almost no one would pay attention to the deposit car because banknotes were worthless.

In the past, there were almost no cases of people snatching deposited cars.

Because the banknotes on the deposit car are not very popular.

I would rather grab silver dollars than banknotes.

But things are different now. Zhang Yong suspected that the deposit car contained the latest legal currency.

Since November last year, fiat currencies have begun to be implemented in large quantities. Shanghai Beach should have almost started. There should be a considerable number of fiat currencies implemented.

At the same time, private silver coins began to be collected and private use of silver coins began to be banned.

The bank is forced to exchange silver dollars for legal tender. Silver dollars can only go in but not out. All recovered silver dollars are sent back to the head office.


There may be legal tender or silver dollars on the deposit car.

But there is definitely no gold, because the map doesn't show it.

The Japanese invaders were probably short of money and wanted to be a big hit, so they took such a risky action.

However, if it were legal currency, such a full cart would probably cost hundreds of thousands. Including silver dollars, it might be worth hundreds of thousands. No wonder the Japanese invaders were crazy. Maybe the Japanese invaders were also seriously short of money and risked their lives.

After the fall of Shanghai, if the Japanese invaders dared to transport currency like this, Zhang Yong would also dare to steal it!

People die for money and birds die for food. Hundreds of thousands are worth it.

Sure enough, the deposit car stopped.

The two Japanese invaders signaled for inspection and then pointed their guns at the people inside.

Then, the two Japanese invaders got into the car and crowded together with the people inside.

There were only two people in the deposit car.

Just two!

Where are the opponents of the Japanese invaders?

I probably never expected that someone would be so bold as to steal a car that was deposited.

Obviously, the Japanese invaders had figured out this loophole thoroughly.

The connection from front to back is very smooth.

A minute later, the deposit car began to drive towards the nearby street.


Zhang Yong frowned.

Why didn't the Japanese invaders just drive back to Hongkou?

Oh, no. There are security teams checking over there. They are called security teams, but in fact they are regular troops of the national army.

It is impossible to drive a deposit car into the Hongkou Japanese War Zone.

The target of the deposit car is too big and eye-catching. It will definitely be intercepted. And then the secret will definitely be revealed.

How could a bank's deposit car enter the Japanese war zone?

Therefore, the Japanese invaders need to change hands. They need to transfer all the money to other vehicles.

Or, it could be a temporary transfer to a safe house...

Yes, safe house.

"Zhou Hai!"


"Shoot twice near the deposit car."


Zhou Hai was stunned.



However, he only has a shell gun!

He is now more than 200 meters away from the escort vehicle. Did he shoot at the escort vehicle with a shell gun?

is that useful?

"Shoot twice near the deposit car."


Zhou Hai understood.

He immediately raised his shell gun and fired at the escort vehicle.



Gunshots were fired.

Bullets flew towards the deposit car.

In the dark, it was unclear whether it hit the target or not. The warhead should have been able to fly two hundred meters, but it might have landed midway.

As soon as the gun went off, everyone else was confused.

Shooting from such a long distance has no effect except disturbing the target.

In fact, Zhang Yong's purpose was to disturb the target.

He wants to make these spies disguised as police officers feel that they have been exposed. They need to take measures quickly.

It is impossible to go back to Hongkou.

Shots were fired. There must have been many interceptions on the road. It was impossible for the deposit car to go back to Hongkou.

We can only temporarily find a place to unload the goods and then hide them.

They need to hide all the rifles on their bodies, then take off their police uniforms, and then put on makeup to look like ordinary Chinese.

There is no doubt that they will all have suitable identity disguises to avoid inspection and then hide themselves. They will definitely not go back to Hongkou in the short term to avoid being interrogated and easily exposed.

This is what Zhang Yong wants.

As long as the spy leaves the money and weapons, that's fine.

Calmly throw out a few tags to mark all the spies. Then monitor them silently.

Look at the time...

One minute……

All fake police officers dispersed and evacuated.

They gradually separated from the weapon mark. Apparently the rifle in their hands had been hidden nearby.

Two minutes...

No real police patrols have arrived yet.

Apparently, the police chief in charge of this area had received orders from the Japanese spy to delay the incident.


Just take advantage of this loophole.


Zhang Yong gave the order to set off.


Follow the deposit car.

But he didn't follow too closely. Instead, he kept a distance of two to three hundred meters.

The map showed that the deposit vehicle suddenly stopped and two white dots left the deposit vehicle.


Is this the Japanese spy who put down the people in the escort vehicle?

keep going.

Sure enough, I saw two escorts standing on the roadside in fear.

They were not killed by the spies. It was judged that the spies were using them to mislead the investigation and buy more time for themselves to hide.

Zhang Yong pretended not to see these two people and continued to follow behind.

Soon after, the escort vehicle stopped. The spy moved repeatedly. He was probably moving goods.

The weapons they carry are also stored here.


Remember the place.

Soon after, the deposit vehicle continued to move to other places.

Zhang Yong did not continue to pursue.

There's no need to chase it. It's worthless. There must be nothing in the car.

After transferring the property, the only thing left to do is to confuse the pursuers. Then find an opportunity to abandon the car and escape. Then hide.

Someone is probably going to be busy tonight.

The first is the Shanghai Police Station. Haha. Don’t expect anyone to sleep tonight.


None of this has anything to do with Zhang Yong.

Logically speaking, he was the last one to appear.

Let’s go back to the 026 Logistics Warehouse first and wait until we receive reports from others.

Back to.


Nothing happened all night.

Get up in the morning.

He Jiu, who was on duty, reported that he found someone waiting outside the door.

"Invite him in."


Soon, the visitor appeared in front of Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong found that the other party was vaguely familiar. It seemed like the person next to Kong Fansong?

Yes. That’s right. It’s Kong Fansong.


"Team Leader Zhang, our director asks you to give him a call."

"Oh well."

Zhang Yong nodded and took a piece of paper.

It’s Kong Fansong’s phone number. But there is no phone number in the 026 logistics warehouse.

I have to find a phone number.

Go out and find the phone in a coffee shop.

Call Kong Fansong.

"Hello, I am Zhang Yong..."

"Shaolong, I have something to trouble you with again."

"you say."

"Last night, a batch of our account books went missing."


"Yes. It's installed in the deposit car. It's very important."

"Is there any money in the deposit car?"


“Ledgers are more important than money?”


"Where did it disappear?"

"According to our investigation, it was at the intersection of Wuding Street and Baisheng Street. Many people witnessed it at that time, and it was a group of police officers who took away the escort vehicle."


"Fake. The police department said that no one was assigned to perform tasks near Wuding Street yesterday."

"Someone pretended to be a police officer? Then robbed the deposit vehicle?"

"Yes. It should be so."

"The account book..."

"I need to get the account book back immediately. The money in the car doesn't matter. I will give it to whoever can find it."


Zhang Yong did not immediately express his position.

It's not that I'm being reserved. I just feel like I shouldn't have reacted so quickly.

After all, I am not known for being "smart".

My personality is that I'm not very smart, but I'm lucky.


"Shaolong, if you have something to say, speak directly."

"Didn't someone from a gang do it?"

"No. I have already asked Du Yuesheng, Huang Huangrong, Zhang Xiaolin and others, and they have all investigated it. They said it has nothing to do with them."


Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

The reason why no one robbed the deposit cars in Shanghai in the past is also related to these gangs.

The boss of the Qinggang.

Other gangs are somewhat related to the Qinggang.

If the deposit car is robbed, the Kong family does not need to go to the robbers, but directly to Du Yuesheng, Huang Huangrong and others, who will go to the robbers.

If it was really someone from a gang who did it, they would definitely not be able to hide it from the big guys like the Qing Gang.

These Qinggang bosses would not allow their subordinates to seize the deposited cars, so as not to offend the Kong family and then offend Chiang Kai-shek.

Kong Fansong found Zhang Yong's head and explained that it had nothing to do with gangs. It showed that there was only one possibility for the person who did it, and that was a crazy Japanese.

"Do me a favor……"

"Then let me try!"


"Is there any gold in the car?"

"There is no gold. But there are still legal tenders and silver dollars. There are quite a lot of them."

"You don't want it anymore?"

"What I want is the ledger."


Zhang Yong readily agreed.

This is his character. He will act upon hearing the news...


It was triggered by hearing the word "wealth".

When I heard that there was money to be made, I immediately felt like I had a shot of chicken blood.

This weakness of mine was obviously "taken under control" by Kong Fansong. Therefore, Kong Fansong must be very proud of it.

You see, as soon as Zhang Yong said he didn't want any money in the car, he immediately became excited.

However, to the Kong family, the money in a mortgaged car is really nothing. The ledger inside is more troublesome.

Whose account book doesn’t have any secrets?

If it is obtained by an opponent and spread out, the damage caused will be more than dozens of deposited cars.

In fact, the so-called four major families also have some internal conflicts.

Although the eldest son and the council member of the Kong family are brothers-in-law, they also have differences on some issues.

As for the outsiders, it is clear that those headed by Dean Wang were quite dissatisfied with Chiang Kai-shek, his brother-in-law, and the three families of Chiang Kai-shek, Song Dynasty, and Kong.

If the Kong family's account books fall into the hands of Wang Jingwei, something might happen.

After all, Wang Jingwei is also the second-in-command of the Fruit Party. He has some tricks. Otherwise, the Japanese invaders would not have chosen him as the leader of the puppet government!

Do you really think that just anyone can win the crown?

All right.

Go make money...

No. I'm looking for the ledger.




[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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