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Chapter 657, Boss Du


Zhang Yong immediately squatted down gracefully.


This is a life-saving move.

I originally wanted to lie down. But, it doesn’t seem necessary?

After all, there were many people around him. As soon as the gun was fired, the people around him surrounded him.

Good. This action is good and worthy of encouragement.

A high salary of one ocean per person per day. This is not a waste of money.

If you want others to work hard, you must first solve their financial problems.

Layers upon layers.

Densely packed.

Even the Thompson submachine gun cannot penetrate it. It is absolutely safe.


Who shot? Who was hit?

No other gunshots were heard, indicating that the fire was unilateral. Maybe there was no enemy at all. Maybe it was a misfire?



No further gunshots were heard.

Map monitoring also found no special characters. There were no suspicious weapon signs.

"Lu Hai."


“Go check it out!”


Lu Hai immediately took someone over to inquire about the situation.

The report came back soon, saying that the guard shot into the air. It was purely a warning. No one was hit.

What happened at that time was that someone was trying to break through the security company's defense line.

As soon as the gun was fired, the people who tried to rush up immediately dispersed and fled without a trace. The Shanghai Police Department has sent people to investigate.


No one minds.

Zhang Yong slowly stood up.

Soon, the convoy left and the dock gradually returned to calm.

Okay, it's really okay this time.

When Chennault goes to Jinling, there will naturally be other people responsible for security. It has nothing to do with Zhang Yong.

He is the one responsible for the peripheral area and has completed his mission.

Look at the time. It's dinner time.

There was dinner ready at Jianhu Xiaozhu, but Zhang Yong was too lazy to go back.

That joint investigation team is just a waste of time. I don’t know how to start. If I have time, I might as well catch a few more spies.

You have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars every day, it’s very stressful, okay...

Go and find a place to eat.

Suddenly, a marked white point entered the map.

Zhang Yong frowned slightly.

Li Yuanqing.

He actually showed up?

This guy. He defected to the Japanese and is still so active?

OK, go kill him.

Stun him and hit him with one more knife.

Binding stones and throwing them into the sea.

Or take it back to the auto repair shop and dig a deep pit and bury it. Make sure no one knows.

He immediately waved his hand and led people to approach quietly.

Not long after, I saw Li Yuanqing as expected. He was disguised in disguise. His appearance was almost invisible.


What disguise does he need?

He has taken refuge with the Japanese, so he doesn't seem to need to put on makeup.


Zhang Yong spotted a familiar figure.

I don’t know his name, but I’ve seen him before. He’s from the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

After thinking about it carefully, I actually remembered that they were Jin Lin's men. Yes, they were Jin Lin's people. I had seen Zhang Yong messing up Jin Lin's good deeds before.

His memory is like Duan Yu's Six Meridians Divine Sword. It works occasionally. Sometimes he forgets very important things. But sometimes a very slight person remembers it. Since Jin Lin's subordinates are here, then

Jin Lin is probably nearby too.

Raise the telescope and observe silently.

Sure enough, behind the tracking agent, several weapons signs appeared.

One of the marked white dots is Jin Lin. Zhang Yong had marked him last time we met. You can find it as soon as Jin Lin appears.

A few minutes later, Zhang Yong discovered something strange.

Jin Lin's agents are following Li Yuanqing. It seems that they are following Li Yuanqing, but they have been discovered by Li Yuanqing.

Jin Lin's men hadn't noticed yet and thought they had successfully tracked him.

As everyone knows, Li Yuanqing is a patrol officer himself. According to Zhu Yuan, Li Yuanqing's business ability is very strong. How could he be easily followed?

The problem is, Zhang Yong doesn't understand.

Why would Jin Lin’s men follow Li Yuanqing? It doesn’t make sense!

Is Jin Lin also hunting for Japanese spies?

Crossed the line!

Spies are not something you can catch if you want.

Catching Japanese spies is the responsibility of our Fuxing Society Secret Service. You should still hunt for red party members...


Zhang Yong suddenly came up with a ridiculous idea.

The Party Affairs Investigation Division arrests all red party members. All those it pursues are suspected red party members. Based on this, we can infer...

Oops, is Li Yuanqing a member of the Red Party?

How can it be?

how come……

For a moment, Zhang Yong's brain shut down.

I originally thought that Li Yuanqing was a traitor and had defected to the Japanese invaders. Unexpectedly, he might actually be a Red Party member.


Which one do you believe in?

Should you trust your own judgment or the Party Affairs Investigation Office?

In the end, Zhang Yong decided to believe the latter.

His own talents are limited, his judgment is poor, and he often makes mistakes.

But those guys in the Party Affairs Investigation Department will definitely not make a mistake in catching red party members. This is their special skill.

In other words, it is almost certain that Li Yuanqing is a Red Party member.

So, here comes the question...

How could Li Yuanqing be a member of the Red Party? He is clearly a traitor.

If Zhu Yuan is said to be a traitor, Zhang Yong might still believe it. After all, Zhu Yuan is a very cunning guy.

Every time he is able to appear by his side at the right time, it would be impossible without help behind him.

Whose help is so strong?

Is it the Red Party? Definitely not. The Red Party does not have that much energy.

Unless you are Japanese...


The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became.

I feel like my judgment is really bad. I can't see the true nature of others at all.

Who are the Red Party members? Who are the traitors?

Or are they all red party members? Or are they all traitors?

I don’t know how those revolutionary predecessors distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. If it were me, I would probably be blinded...

Staring at Jin Lin silently.

Jin Lin was obviously more cautious and did not dare to follow too closely.

It seemed that he knew what Li Yuanqing was capable of. He only sent one of his subordinates to stay close to him. The others stayed behind.

I thought this would be foolproof. But I was discovered by Li Yuanqing.


Li Yuanqing was found to be close to the white spot.

He actually quietly walked around to the spy who was following him.

So clever...

But what is he going to do?


Zhang Yong was shocked to find that the white dot representing the tracking agent disappeared.

Disappeared? What happened? There is only one possibility, that is, he died. He was killed. In other words, Li Yuanqing killed the spy who was following him.

This guy……

He actually started killing someone. The person he killed was the spy who was following him.

I didn't expect that...

There was a time difference.

Jin Lin who was behind was already killed before he could catch up.

It's really neat and tidy.

When Jin Lin caught up, all he saw were corpses.

However, by doing this, Li Yuanqing exposed his identity. Someone was killed, how could Jin Lin let it go?


Li Yuanqing was seen walking away quickly and entering a building.

Because there were no markings on the map, Zhang Yong didn't know exactly where Li Yuanqing went in. But he didn't move inside.

There was no one else in the building. Only Li Yuanqing was alone.

Zhang Yong pondered it silently.

Want to take a look?

Do you want to explore Li Yuanqing's background?

Catch this guy and figure out which side he is from.

After some thought, Zhang Yong gave up again.

It's not that he can't catch anyone. It's that he can't tell the difference. He is no match for Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing may be a traitor. He may be a member of the Red Party. Neither of these are indicated on the map. Therefore, both are possible.

Zhang Yong himself didn't have enough evidence to make a distinction, so he had to stop alerting others for the time being.

The map showed that Jin Lin quickly arrived at the place where his agent was killed, and then stayed there. Apparently he was studying where Li Yuanqing had gone.

A few minutes later, Jin Lin and others continued to follow. However, no trace of Li Yuanqing was found.

Soon after, Jin Lin led people away from the map.

Only Li Yuanqing was still hiding alone in that building. There was almost no movement.

Very clever.

He was actually able to avoid Jin Lin's tracking.

The problem is, if he does this, he will be stared at by Jin Lin. It will be difficult for him to come out and move around in the future.

Unless he goes back to the concession, he may be arrested by the spies once he comes out.

Just take care of yourself...

"Lu Hai."


"Let's find a place to eat!"


Lu Hai agreed.

There's something special about these bald men.

I always adhere to fasting. I don’t even eat eggs. As a result, I eat a lot of food.

An average rice bowl starts with at least three bowls. Some even have five or six bowls. Therefore, ordinary restaurants cannot afford to serve them.

There isn't that much food.

However, they also have advantages. They can eat vegetarian food themselves, but they do not prevent others from eating meat.

It seems that Zhang Yong wants to eat meat. They don't object.

There is one table for meat and vegetables, and another for vegetarians. Everyone is in peace and cooperates happily.

I found a restaurant nearby, and when I entered, I asked the boss to cook more rice immediately. There were thirty people there, and most of them were full of ricers.

Li Yuanqing left the map monitoring range. Zhang Yong stopped paying attention.

After a lot of struggling, I finally had enough.

Looking at the time, it's already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Head back home.

Prepare to go back to Jianhu Xiaozhu.


Li Yuanqing appeared again.

This time, he moved extremely fast. It felt like he was riding a bicycle.


Is this guy being hunted?

Then I found several white dots with weapon symbols appearing on the edge of the map.

They moved towards Li Yuanqing from the northwest.

It was indeed a pursuit.

Zhang Yong originally stood up, but then sat back down.

"Team leader..."

"If there is a situation, copy the guy."


Lu Hai and others immediately drew their guns.

Those who use rifles immediately occupy the commanding heights and stare down at the surroundings.

There were more than thirty people, and everyone had a pistol or a rifle. But there were only four rifles. They were all with four rings and no scopes.

what a pity……

What kind of handcuffs are given by the system...

What I want is a scope...


My mind moved.

I found that I had an extra scope in my pocket.


Take it out quickly.

I found that it was used by Ma Sihuan.

Oops, I was overjoyed immediately.

This system is awesome!

"White Wolf!"

Zhang Yong called down a sharpshooter.

This white wolf is not a bald man. He is a veteran of the 19th Route Army. His marksmanship is very good.

He only has a code name, which is White Wolf. He has no name.

"Here you go."

Zhang Yong handed the scope to Bai Lang.

Bai Lang was very surprised. After thanking him, he immediately went up with the scope.

He will use this thing. He has seen it before.

With the help of a scope, he is even more powerful. He can see distant targets more clearly.

At this time, Li Yuanqing was getting closer and closer to the restaurant.

I don't know whether it was intentional or not. Li Yuanqing seemed to know that Zhang Yong was here and kept running towards him.

At the same time, behind Li Yuanqing, more and more gunmen were chasing him.

At the beginning, there were seven people. Now it has become fifteen.

Everyone has a gun.

But Li Yuanqing didn't.

There was no Jin Lin in the crowd either. It was strange that he was not Jin Lin's person.

Could it be said that it has nothing to do with the Party Affairs Investigation Office?

Zhang Yong made a judgment, walked to the second floor window, and raised his telescope.

Finally I saw Li Yuanqing and found that he was not riding a bicycle. He was walking, running, and staggering.



There were no gunshots just now!

In other words, Li Yuanqing was probably not injured by a gunshot.

what is that?

Being plotted with a dagger?

A bit ridiculous.

With Li Yuanqing's caution, he wouldn't be plotted so easily.

But it's hard to tell. There are underground struggles, turmoil, and undercurrents. Everyone wears a mask. Betrayal is common.

In spy dramas, couples may betray each other, let alone accomplices?

Determine Li Yuanqing's direction of progress.

Quietly hiding in the corner.

Li Yuanqing appeared.

He walked in a hurry and didn't notice the ambush.



Zhang Yong took action decisively.

A stick fell.

Li Yuanqing felt his eyes go dark and the world was spinning.


She fainted and passed out gorgeously.

Zhang Yong waved his hand. Someone immediately came up, helped Li Yuanqing up, and took him to the restaurant.


Zhang Yong also returned to the restaurant and waited silently for the people behind him to come up to him.

There were fifteen guys with guns, but Jin Lin was not among them. He didn't know where they came from. Of course he wanted to hide behind the crowd.

Soon after, a large group of men in black rushed up menacingly.

They all carried shell guns in their hands.

Their clothes are all messy. They don't look like they belong somewhere.

I guess they must be the subordinates of a certain gang leader. Half of the people were irritated and their eyes were wild.

Zhang Yong was very familiar with this look, which he got after smoking cigarettes.


Lu Hai shouted loudly.

Everyone around them raised their weapons in unison.

The men in black were immediately stunned.

His expression suddenly changed drastically.

what's the situation?



Sure enough, there were black muzzles all around.

"Put the gun down!"

"Put the gun down!"

Lu Hai followed and shouted.

The men in black looked at each other.

However, he did not lay down his weapons.

"I'll count to three and put down my weapon immediately!"

"We are from the Fuxing Society Secret Service! Order you to put down your weapons immediately!"

"Otherwise, there will be consequences at your own risk!"

Lu Hai continued to shout.

No one moved.

No one laid down their weapons.

Someone else tried to raise a shell gun.

Good guy!

So strong!

How dare you try to resist.

The result is……



Thomson began to howl, bringing cordial greetings.

Unidentified. He is armed. He tells you to put down your weapon and if you don't, you will die.

What did Yan Shuangying say? How can a person like you change? There is no way to change. So, the only option is death.

"Puff puff……"

"Puff puff……"

A violent rain of bullets poured down.

The men in black who were surrounded suddenly fell down one after another.

The firepower of the Thomson submachine gun is no joke. There is also the shooting of the flower machine. It does not give the man in black a chance to resist.

The white spots disappear…

The white spots disappear…

All white spots disappear...

In the end, all the men in black died.

Their bodies were all twisted on the ground. Each of them had more than a dozen bullet holes in their bodies.

The shell guns were scattered all over the floor.

a lot of.

Some men in black were carrying two handfuls.

"Does anyone know them?" Zhang Yong asked casually.

As a result, no one answered.

Okay. No one knows.

No matter what, collect all the weapons first.

Although they are both shell guns, they are also weapons. They can arm more people and enhance their own strength.

Fifteen people, twenty rifles were confiscated.

If sold to the black market, a shell gun can be sold for eighty oceans. Now oceans are not banknotes. If they are banknotes, they are at least one hundred French currency.

Don't think that since so many shell guns have been seized from Japanese spies, the shell guns are no longer valuable.

No matter how many guns there are, it is not enough. We in China have a population of 40 million. If we are armed at 1%, there will be 4 million!

In fact, the military mobilization rate of all the major participating countries in World War II was above 5%. Some even exceeded 10%. Therefore, China has at least 20 million soldiers.

To have one gun in each hand, 20 million are needed. What a terrifying amount.

Of course there is no problem for those industrial countries. But for China, which cannot mass-produce weapons and ammunition, it is a huge problem.

Every gun is precious.

Every bullet is precious.

"Pan Hai, call the police station."


Actually, you don't need to make a phone call.

Gunshots were fired. In the distance, a patrolman looked over.

So he called over, identified himself, asked about the situation, and finally asked: "Do you know them?"

"Sir, it seems they are Boss Du's subordinates..."

"Which Boss Du?"

"That's the one……"

The patrolman had a grimace and didn't dare to say his name.

Zhang Yong also reacted. How many Boss Dus are there in Shanghai? Of course it’s that Boss Du.

No wonder the other party dared to resist stubbornly. Hearing the name of the Fuxing Society's Secret Service, he was not afraid. It turned out that Boss Du was behind it.

By the way, this Boss Du is also an evergreen tree. He has been dominant in Shanghai for 20 years by working steadily.

If the founding of New China had not wiped out these gang members, they would probably have continued to be arrogant.

A guy that even the eldest son can't deal with.

As a result, when the People's Liberation Army came, it was easily dealt with.

People nowadays are afraid of Boss Du. They are afraid of Boss Du's revenge. But Zhang Yong is not afraid.

No matter how powerful you are, can you be more powerful than the People's Liberation Army?

He waved his hand and asked the patrolman to leave. Tell him to report it. Just say that I, Zhang Yong, killed him.

what reason?

It means tracking down Japanese spies, resisting them at all costs, and killing them on the spot.

In fact, it doesn't matter how you report it. There is no right or wrong in this kind of thing. Du Yuesheng will definitely remember this grudge.

But Du Yuesheng is so cunning that he will definitely not come forward in person. He will only find other ways to cause trouble for himself.



I have one more enemy.

In other words, I don’t know any skills. But the skill of drawing hatred is definitely at full level.

People who want to kill Zhang Yong can probably line up from Shanghai to Jinling. Maybe more. Maybe they have to go up the river and line up to Wuhan!

Go back and see Li Yuanqing.

He found that Li Yuanqing was already awake. He was stroking the back of his head and staring at him fiercely.

This guy doesn't appreciate it.

Why didn't you strike harder just now?

Straight into a concussion...

"Captain Li." Zhang Yong greeted with a smile.

"Did you hit me?" Li Yuanqing said word by word.

"It's nothing." Zhang Yong shook his head decisively, "Why should I hit you?"

Before Li Yuanqing could answer, Zhang Yong said again, "I don't have the strength to catch a chicken. How could I hit you? Do you think so?"

Li Yuanqing:......

Seems to be.

Zhang Yong's individual combat effectiveness is indeed weak.

Any spy can easily handle it.

If he and Zhang Yong are fighting alone, he can press Zhang Yong to the ground and rub him again.


It always feels like something is wrong.

Zhang Yong looked as usual, as if he had never beaten Li Yuanqing.

"Boss Du's people assassinate you?"


"Then your injury..."

Zhang Yong looked at Li Yuanqing's waist. The wound was on his waist.

At first glance, it looked like it was caused by a dagger. He was stabbed by a dagger. Fortunately, the wound was not very deep, otherwise, his life would not have been saved.

"Seven of them beat me one. I killed three of them."

"Why are you fighting?"


"Did you steal Boss Du's woman?"

"Nonsense. I was hiding in Du's house for a while. I was met when I was leaving."

"I see……"

Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

Just ask Jin Lin and the others why they didn't go in to search.

It turned out that the building Li Yuanqing was hiding in belonged to Boss Du.

Jin Ling did not dare to disturb Boss Du's house. As a result, Li Yuanqing ran away.

Then, Li Yuanqing thought he had escaped. Who knows, when he came out, he happened to meet Boss Du's men, and then...


It's so lively this night.


Go to the topic.

"Captain Li, what are you doing here so mysteriously?"

[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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